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Everything posted by GrueMaster

  1. Likes sunrises. And quoting people (like me!). :tongue:
  2. I gain control over the element of water and douse you in cold water, cooling your super-heated-lava-mutant-self into hardened rock. *puts solidified Delikatessen in garden* Just the decoration I was looking for! :biggrin:
  3. @Maharg: ALMOST LET ME OUT?! JUST ALMOST?! :( (lol; by the way, who said anything about being in a padded cell? :tongue: ) ^Loves the color pi-, eh, lightish-red :teehee:
  4. Is a vengeful Diclonii whom I don't want to kill me :ohmy: (Please don't torture me! :ohdear: )
  5. Kalin grumbled as Rhaine's horse came to a stop. " Thank the gods!" he exclamated as he tried to get off the equestrian demon, only to fail, and ended up face-first on the dirt. "Ooh, that hurt." The elan picked himself up and became angry as he saw what was left of what looked like a merchant caravan. "I swear, when I find that bandit, I'm gonna roast him alive!" Kalin was about to speak to Rhaine when he heard another horse approaching and saw the priestess suddenly reached for her sword. Ignoring the burning sensations in his back, he formed his mindblades and dropped into an aggressive stance, a dangerous fire sparking in his eyes, ready to avenge the souls lost here. Then his eyes widen in shock when he saw who the other rider was. "Ellundil?!" the soulknife called out, astounded at the appearance of the elf. "What happened to you?!"
  6. YAY! *shares with Naktis, Ragnarok the Giant Grue, and Voideater the Anklebiter, then starts eating cookies* :laugh:
  7. Eh, don't beat yourself up, Naktis. Everything's alright :thumbsup: :biggrin:
  8. I don't mind you all posting (really, I find it entertaining and fun :thumbsup: ). What bothers me is all the OOC comments popping up (as was said before, those, for the most part, can go here unless it's important). And, Brutii, the reason why I don't post often is that I wait for the others to respond first. Also, I (for I cannot speak for the others) can't post rapid-fire like some people (dial-up does that, after all), and concerning why others don't post often is because SKYRIM CAME OUT! A slow-down is expected in a thread when others things and/or events come up, so patience has to be practiced in a time like now. Sorry if I seem harsh :sweat: , but that's what I think and feel about it. P.S.: You can make another thread if you all want to, but I don't know if it's entirely necessary right now. We'll have to see what the others say first. -Grue
  9. Nope, I win. GET LOST, VICTORY IS MINE! >:(
  10. "Running does he- GOOD GODS!!!!" Kalin shouted as Thanatos reared up. He clutched Rhaine's waist tightly, holding on for dear life. "BLOODY...DAMN...HORSES!" He cursed between the horse's bounds. I swear, I hate horses! the poor elan yelled mentally. When will this end!? The soulknife began praying that they arrived at the cave soon. Before this bloody nightmare kills me! He kept silent after that, trying to stay on the horse and keep his heart from bursting. Bloody horses!...
  11. Very nice character, Naktis! :thumbsup: I'll bet Kalin will like her as well! :biggrin:
  12. Announcer: "Team Grue steals for the win!" :biggrin: *sounds of rending and tearing* Announcer: "Uh-oh! Now Team Grue is eating the win!" :ohmy: Now no one else can win (my grues ate it :( ). NO WIN FOR YOU! :devil:
  13. This is just an update on what happened last before the adventures of Selene and Aardorn (nice story, you two :thumbsup: ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Eh, no biggie, it happens (hard to slow down when you're having fun, right? :laugh: )
  15. No hard feelings at all, Mythic. :thumbsup: (In fact, I felt like a complete jerk for saying that :( ). A lot of things come up recently, what with Skyrim and Inheritance coming out, so some people won't post as often as usual, so a slow-down in the RP is expected (you don't have to worry about it halting; people post when they can :blush: ). Thanks for being considerate, Mythic, it means a lot :biggrin: (sorry if I hurt any feelings :sweat: ). P.S.: You two can still post if you like (you guys haven't ruined the RP at all, so don't worry about that), maybe just slow down a bit, okay? Friends? :biggrin:
  16. @Mythic and Brutii: Could you two please slow down and let the rest of us post first. I hate to be rude, but I can't keep track of what's going on with the other characters (my last post was on page 38), and I'm having a hard time with even finding the others' posts. So, again, could you two please wait a short while, I'd appreciate it (again, I apologize if I'm offending anyone) :sad:
  17. I'm with MikeRyan, nice pic, Mythic! ( wishes I had a picture of Kalin :tongue: )
  18. "You're alright, Rhaine," Kalin waved her apology away, "I've been in far more cramped conditions than this. One time, I was in a 4x4 prison cell for near twelve hours, waiting for the guards to change shifts." He laughed. "I thought I'd go mad. I'd been arrested for standing up to a corrupt guardsman who was bullying a poor innkeeper." He laughed again, remembering the occasion fondly. "I happened to escape while it was the man's shift as watch commander. You should've seen his face!" After chuckling for a bit longer, Kalin composed himself a bit and declared: "Well, we should probably be on our way. Can't let Ellundil hoard all the bandits to himself, now can we?"
  19. Quickly! Use the Holy Hand Grenade! XD
  20. Kalin took her hand and pulled himself up behind Rhaine, teeth clenched as his back screamed in protest. "Maybe I should have gotten a horse," he muttered, regretting his boastful decision now. Oh, well. Too late now. He flushed as one of his hands brushed against one of her wings. So soft... he thought, distacted. He felt awkward from being so close to Rhaine. His thoughts started to wander where they shouldn't, ones that would bother both of them if the priestess heard them. The soulknife quickly shoved the fantasies away. We definitely don't need that right now. He became puzzled suddenly. Something felt like it was missing. Then it struck him: The Drow! Out loud, Kalin asked: "Hey, what happened to Kismet?"
  21. "You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing. She smiled softly. 'Tis nothing, my friend. Do not worry yourself. Rhaine absently put a hand to her amulet, and it glowed in response, as usual. The answering warmth was like a gentle hand upon her shoulder, and she closed her eyes momentarily. The elan saw Rhaine touch her amulet and frowned for a second, knowing she did that when something was bothering her, but he didn't bring it up. Better to let it lie for now, he thought, and gave a lopsided grin and shrugged his shoulders. Then Kalin noticed that Ellundil wasn't there and the frown returned. "Where's Ellundil?" he asked, "I know he was impatient to leave, but he didn't go out on his own. did he?" The looks on his companions faces told all he needed to know. "That idiot! Well, come on! We can't just let him go alone!" With that, he rose from his chair and tried to march to the door, but he stumbled and barely caught himself on a chair. Wincing, he straightened back up and started to walk to the inn door, more slowly this time...
  22. "You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing.
  23. "Thanks. Don't worry about the armor. I can take care of that myself. Concerning my clothes, however, I would like some help that. I'm absolutely horrible with a needle." He gave a weak smile. "Can't be good at everything, you know?"
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