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Everything posted by GrueMaster

  1. "You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing. She smiled softly. 'Tis nothing, my friend. Do not worry yourself. Rhaine absently put a hand to her amulet, and it glowed in response, as usual. The answering warmth was like a gentle hand upon her shoulder, and she closed her eyes momentarily. The elan saw Rhaine touch her amulet and frowned for a second, knowing she did that when something was bothering her, but he didn't bring it up. Better to let it lie for now, he thought, and gave a lopsided grin and shrugged his shoulders. Then Kalin noticed that Ellundil wasn't there and the frown returned. "Where's Ellundil?" he asked, "I know he was impatient to leave, but he didn't go out on his own. did he?" The looks on his companions faces told all he needed to know. "That idiot! Well, come on! We can't just let him go alone!" With that, he rose from his chair and tried to march to the door, but he stumbled and barely caught himself on a chair. Wincing, he straightened back up and started to walk to the inn door, more slowly this time...
  2. "You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing.
  3. "Thanks. Don't worry about the armor. I can take care of that myself. Concerning my clothes, however, I would like some help that. I'm absolutely horrible with a needle." He gave a weak smile. "Can't be good at everything, you know?"
  4. Kalin cursed softly as the priestess helped him up. Rolling his eyes, he remarked sarcactically to Selene's query, "Absolutely wonderful, considering I just instantaneously grew a set of wings a moment ago." More politely, he added, "Thank you, Rhaine." Without thinking, he gave her a slight peck on the cheek, then walked over and collapsed into a nearby chair, too weak to stand for the moment. "Sheesh!" he exclamated, "I've heard about 'earning your wings,' but I didn't think people meant it literally!" He fell silent, mulling over Amaunator's words, disturbed slightly by his god's message. Guard your friends, my son, for they shall have dire need of you... Kalin thought over this for a moment, then filed the thoughts away for later. He didn't care at the moment; his wings were killing him. He glanced over at his armor and clothes, and gave an exasperated sigh as a bothersome realization arose. There were no holes for his wings! "Great," he muttered. He would have to fix that later. "I don't suppose anyone would mind getting me some wine? I'd appreciate it greatly."
  5. Consciousness crept back into Kalin, and with it, incredible pain. He let a long moan, then tried to push himself off the floor. Which was a big mistake. Moving his shoulder muscles like that caused burning daggers to shoot through his back. "Gods!" he cursed, and collapsed back down on the floor. He noticed a strange feeling come from his back, and was going to ask what was going on when he saw the wings, and realized: They're mine. Shaken, he tried to look at his friends, and noticed the faint grin on Rhaine's face. "Hi, Rhaine. Looks like you're not alone anymore," he chuckled weakly, then winced as the movement brought about more agony. He attempted to get up again, but he was too exhausted and in too much pain to do so. "Could someone help me up, please," he croaked, a helpless smile on his face...
  6. Kalin, still a little miffed, allowed the blades and flames to fade away. "One hell of a way to awaken one's potential," he muttered, and he knelt by Reona's form, concern for his friend plain on his face. He felt an odd yet familiar feeling emanating from her. It worried him. "I don't like this. Not one bit." He closed his eyes and chanted a prayer to the Sun Lord, hoping that his god will watch over her and grant her strength, and to lend him guidance in what he was going to do. The soulknife was about to link his mind with Reona's when a light but powerful entity entered his mind. Surprise froze him where he knelt, for Kalin knew this presence. Milord! he thought to Amaunator, joy and wonder filling his heart and mind. You seem...different... now. What happened? Other matters had risen that required my attention, the Sun God projected, and I have had to search for you. When the demongate collapsed, the magical energies somehow blinded my sight to you. Now it is no longer blocked and I have found you, and I wish to reward my champion, for you have done the world a great favor, and you have suffered so much... Kalin was about to respond when unbelievable pain seared through his back, as if a thousand spears were constantly stabbing into him. He screamed in agony, verbally and mentally causing everyone around him to clutch their heads in pain as the mental cry reached them. He felt his hands claw at his armor and shirt and pull them off. Then the pain intensified even more, and Kalin blacked out. As consciousness left him, the elan heard these last few words from Amaunator as the god left his mind: Guard your friends, my son, for they shall have dire need of you... As Kalin lay passed out, a set of feathered wings burst out from his back, the feathers tinted crimson-orange, as of the color of the rising sun...
  7. Yeah, I've caught up with the story, nice role-playing everyone! I'm thinking of having Kalin's god finally link back up with him and reward him (hint: Rhaine will know what a gift from a god feels like :wink: )
  8. WOW! I'm gone for about 5 hours and you all fill up near 5 pages! :woot: Nice work! :thumbsup: @iansaltman: Yeah, I think it would be a good idea. I think it will be interesting to see what will happen to Ellundil :thumbsup:
  9. Kalin groaned as he rose from the corner of the room, rubbing his head. It felt like it was on fire. Ha! How ironic! he mused as he walked towards the others. The elan was about to intervene the altercation between Selene and the ranger when Reona did...something... and then he remembered a flash of blue and being sent flying across the room into a support beam and blackness. Groggily, he spoke, "What happened? One moment you two were fighting, the next Reona..." He trailed off as he saw the prone form of the young elf. "Reona!" he shouted, and rushed over to her. She was barely alive. He looked up at the others, accusation burning in his stormy, violet eyes. He couldn't help it when his mindblades appeared and fire wreathed the violet blades; the soulknife was too angry to care. "Someone better explain why my friend is like this," he said, his furious expression causing everyone to back up involuntarily...
  10. "You'll end up with more scars than me!" Kalin laughed out loud. He was in good mood now, and felt quite jovial. He calmed himself for a moment and said to the young Bosmer: "Reona, so you don't become all scarred and ugly as Selene implies, I'm going to lend something of mine until I make your armor." With that, he muttered a few words power, and the mythral gauntlets he wore came into view. Grinning at everyone's surprise, he took them off and gave them to Reona. "These are very light and strong, and should help deflect swords and such, considering your combat style." The soulknife felt some anxiety leave the young elf's face and smiled again, glad to help reassure her. "Hope you'll like 'em.
  11. Kalin released the flames on his sickles and put them away. He was irritated a little, but he ignored his frustration. This is going to be a long quest, he thought, amused. He faced Rhaine and spoke. "Rhaine, I won't mind. I, too, lost loved ones because of a betrayer, and I would like to help Michael and Selene and see if we can stop Hollow-Fang. But," the soulknife looked at the vampiress, "Selene, please make the person you're going to kill is the correct person next time, alright? I'd hate to destroy another window like I just did. Besides that, I have the same feelings as Rhaine. No killing innocents." He picked up the discarded warfan and studied it. He hefted it a little, and smiled at how light yet deadly it was. Kalin handed it to Selene and said, "Beautifully made, I must admit. I'll forge a new one to replace the one I destroyed." Chuckling, he added, "You must admit, you weren't expecting the fire, were you?" The elan stepped back, pulled up a chair, and sighed as he sat down in it. "Now, what do the rest of you ladies and gents say?"
  12. The soulknife was angry now. Very angry. He grunted as the daywalker sliced at his back, dealing a shallow cut. He set his adamantine sickles aflame, ready to burn the vampire. Then he saw the barkeep turn into a werewolf as Selene tried to kill him. Hells! he cursed silently. That explains his reflexes a bit. Kalin flourished his weapons and was going to charge the vampiress when Rhaine burst through the inn doors on Thanatos, divine light wreathing her figure. Kalin heard the priestess warn Selene, and while the undead creature was distracted, Kalin gave a flick of his wrist and a concentrated bolt of fire shot from his hand and hit one of the warfans. It was obliterated instantly, reduced to slag and ashes in the blink of an eye. The daywalker yelped in surprise and turned to face Kalin. "Drop the other warfan," Kalin ordered in a dark voice, anger barely concealed, "or the next bolt will be through your skull. Wolf! Stand down!" he shouted at the barkeep, who was ready to jump Selene. "We'll handle this. Selene, drop the weapon now!"
  13. Kalin had been listening in on his companions' conversations. When he felt Selene's motives, a cold feeling settled in his spine. "BY THE GODS!" he shouted, rushing back to the inn, sending a warning to Rhaine, Reona, and Ellundil. The soulknife burst into the Chattering Scroll and saw the strange woman approaching the barkeep. Without another word, Kalin tackled Selene against the wall before she could attack the man. When she tried to lash out at him, Kalin dodged the blow, picked her up, and placed a solid knee to the vampire's mid-section. Before she could recover, the elan picked her up and threw her out a nearby window. There was a satisfying sound of glass shattering, and a hiss of pain. "Guard the bartender!" he commanded Reona and Ellundil, and then ran outside to comfront the vampire, sickles drawn. Rhaine, we have a situation here! he sent telepathically. He rounded the corner and saw Selene, anger burning in her eyes. "Killing others out of petty revenge isn't a good way of solving problems," he stated flatly, taking up a guarded stance, waiting for a reaction. "Don't make me settle this violently," the warrior warned venomously, watching the vampire...
  14. I slap brokenenergy's ponies with: A grue! :devil:
  15. Kalin stared dumb-founded after Ellundil and the strange woman. "Un-freaking-believable," he muttered, shaking his head. "Poor Ellundil. I can already tell he's bitten off more than he can chew with whoever that woman is." Kalin saw the red tint on Reona's cheeks as she watched the couple walk back into the inn. Oh dear, he thought, guessing what was on the elf-maiden's mind, no stranger to the sensations probably twisting there. "Reona," he said, "you can go back inside if you like. Rhaine and I can handle our other guest. Besides," the elan added with a chuckle, "Someone should watch over our poor friend, see if he's not over-powered by those "feminine charms" yet, if not already." He turned and faced Rhaine, giving an all-too-familiar sigh. "Things just keep getting more and more complicated, don't they? Well, enough wasting time. Let's say hello to our dark-skinned elf." And Kalin took a step forward in a peaceful fashion, looking at the Drow called Kismet, waiting for her or the priestess to speak first...
  16. Kalin narrowed his eyes at Ellundil. "Careful, elf, or I'll help Reona when she kicks your butt to the Nine Hells and back," he said, mock anger tinting his voice. Then he noticed Rhaine's unease and followed her gaze to the approaching Drow. The elan took on a more serious mood and stood by the priestess, speaking in Undercommon in a low voice. "Do you think she'll be friendly? If she's like most Drow from Menzobarranzan, you should probably speak to her. Males aren't looked upon highly there, from what I know." Kalin fell silent, staring at the dark, lithe figure approaching them, wondering how long the other members of the party would last if things should become hostile...
  17. Kalin had linked to Arva and heard Reona's threat as he watched Reona blush, trying not to laugh out loud. Hey, Arva! Does that count as feminine charms? If so, I bet it'll do the job! He stifled the laugh before it could escape, and he took on an innocent look, grinning slightly, as Reona turned and glared at him. Ellundil, I think we're both in trouble, he thought, trying not to laugh at Reona's expression. Kalin walked over to Reona and took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders, trying to help her cover up. "You certainly will know now, won't you, milady?" Laughing inside, he picked up her dress and handed it to her. "Here's the key to my room. You can go get dressed there." As she left, Kalin sat down at the bar. "Speaking of undead, I heard that there was a few rogue wizards practicing necromancy around here. Have you heard anything about that?" he asked the bartender after ordering a glass of wine. "Creepy stuff, that."
  18. *Accepts peace treaty* Now, let's crush those internet forces! *pulls out Stenndar's Hammer and starts swinging*
  19. "I wouldn't worry about armor too much," Kalin said, eyeing Reona up and down. "Though weapons are my area of expertise, I'm proficient in armor-crafting as well. As soon as I have the time and resources, I'll make a fine set for you, Reona, perhaps a fine mithral chainshirt if I have some of that left. Until then, unfortunately, you'll probably have to borrow a set from our gentlemen of fortune as Rhaine said. I'll adjust it to your size when we find a decent suit." Kalin gave a chuckle. "That, or you can use me as a meatshield, but I doubt I'll enjoy that." Turning to Rhaine, he continued. "I'm with Reona about the horses. I can move quickly, and as a former soldier I'm used to long marches." Finished, Kalin then called for four empty shot glasses and produced a flask with elven symbols on it. Pouring the flask's contents into the glasses, he explained what he was doing. "This is elven mead, and an old, rare vintage at that. You see, whenever I begin a new quest or job, I like to take a shot of this to commemorate the moment." He smiled and added, "And for good luck, too." After giving a glass to each companion, Kalin raised his in a toast. "Here's to a successful venture!"
  20. *breaks down and cries* NOOO!!!! COME BACK, MY PRECIOUS FORK! *becomes enraged and chases after Tokyo, brandishing a 6-foot two-edged sword* >:)~
  21. *blinks away tears and takes back fork* That's mine!
  22. *Screams in agony* Aiiiiii!!!! Habanero sauce! *staggers away from Tokyo*
  23. "Always blaming the man," Kalin muttered under his breathe, smirking. "Yeah, I guess you could say I started it." As Ellundil and Reona ate, he shared his morning events. "I was...restless earlier this morning, so I went out for a walk. After a few hours, I was returning to the inn and I heard voices, so I went to investigate. I came across a group of bandits, who happened to be discussing plans of our demise." Kalin chuckled darkly. "Needless to say, we had a disagreement of sorts." He explained what had happened, the fight, bringing home "Stumpy," and ticking off Rhaine. "Rhaine wasn't happy about the state I was in and how I left everything. If you had seen her, you'd think I ticked off a girlfriend or something," Kalin said, smirking then yelping as Rhaine elbowed him, sharply this time. Wincing, he continued. "So we went back, I buried the bodies and washed up afterwards, and then we returned and asked my friend Brax One-Hand some questions. He was very cooperative, wasn't he, Rhaine? Anyway, we know where the bandits came from, so we figured we'd go visiting them and ask for some more info on their contractors, who may be our portal jumpers." Kalin paused, and then added, excitement tinting his voice, "So, what do you say we go adventuring after you two are done?"
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