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Status Updates posted by GrueMaster

  2. *peeks while stalking GodKingVivec*
  3. Dude! You're going to Buckeye Hills?! That sucks! :(
  4. *Disables grue before it can committ suicide*

    Hah! :)

  5. No Grue for you!!

    -Grue Nazi


  6. It took me months to raise those grues!

    *growls in frustration, then sobs in sorrow*


  7. OOWWWW!!

    *sics spectral Grues on BlueDanube*

    Nom his hoof!


  8. NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!


  9. You'll never stop me!!


  10. Shame that that the Sheep Wars died down


  11. Curses! How do you kill something that's already dead?

    I needz HELP!

    *sends out distress signal to the ASMF*

  12. Back, you wooly fiend!

    *throws a flask of ASMF Standard Holy Water at CheeseyBall*

  13. Eeeeek! Ghost Sheep!!!

    *screams again and throws standard ASMF cross* =)

  14. JARQ (Just A Random Question): Have you noticed that your ranking is "666"? Daemon Sheep!!!
  15. Look at that! You even have an ASMF friend now. :)

    (technically, I'm now a merc, but whatever) lol

  16. P.S.: Of course grues are awesome! lol
  17. O.O *secretly peeks on CheeseyBall in an attempt to induce paranoia* :)
  18. Not again!! The last time you killed me, I died!


  19. Awww...that's too bad...wait a minute...that's means that there's more money me! YAY!! XD
  20. Yay! Now I'm going to become a merc and lend out my pets (for a good price, of course). Wanna join me?
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