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Status Updates posted by GrueMaster

  1. OW! Why you little... *surgically removes Wyrd from leg, then throws him in a cage, then throws the cage into grue feeding-pits and laughs maniacally* >:D~
  2. There you go! Armor stats are now on my profile!

    *sniggers mischieviously*

  3. *declares state of celebration* YAY! WELCOME BACK, WYRD! XD
  4. Sure! Let me grab my gear! *dons Daedric Armor of the Grue Master (stats to be placed later in profile :D) and picks up Stenndar's Hammer* Okay, let's go! :D
  5. Oh, I'm so sorry! *HUGZ* Is that better now? Oh, hi by the way! XD
  6. Would it hurt to be a part of both worlds? lol
  7. As a matter of fact, I can! *snickers as he adds something to his profile* XD
  8. LOL! Sorry, couldn't resist. XD
  9. I know. I just prefer to stalk those who *heart* me. XD
  10. When I am able to use Steam on a basis better than how I currently can, I shall do exactly that. :)
  11. Reona and Kismet aren't there yet, so I think it's alright to post a few times.
  12. Jey, Cheesey! How ya doin'? Have any fresh haggis today? :)
  13. *goes into Ginger Rage as laxative goes into effect and realizes he's been duped*

    Effect: Ginger Rage

    **+300 Strength, Endurance, Speed, Agility**

    **-500 Personality**

    **+200 Attack**

    Effect: Laxative

    **+100 Incontinence for 3600 seconds**


  14. *gives tiny whack, sending Wyrd flying across the room, then takes cookie and eats it* Thank you. Now let that be a lesson to ya! LOL! XD
  15. Note: Stenndarr's Hammer weighs 1000 lbs. ...think about that as an angry ginger is actually swinging it at you... :P lol




  16. *throws claymore at Wyrd, then pulls out Stenndarr's Hammer* I...WANT...MY...COOKIE!
  17. *brandishes 6-foot claymore* GIVE BACK THAT COOKIE!! *chases after Wyrd* >:)~
  18. Yay! Cookie! *NOMZ NOMZ NOMZ* :D
  19. You don't have to do that, it's just a glitch that happens sometimes when a connection is lagging (you can simply go back and delete some of those repeats, they have a delete tab on them). Hope I helped out a little. :)
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