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Status Updates posted by GrueMaster

  1. just go back and delete 8 of them, man. Easy as pie :)
  2. Stupid art causing Cheesey to fail... :D
  3. Hey Cheesey! Watcha been up to lately?
  4. *Accepts peace treaty* Now, let's crush those internet forces! *pulls out Stenndar's Hammer and starts swinging*
  5. *breaks down and cries* NOOO!!!! COME BACK, MY PRECIOUS FORK! *becomes enraged and chases after Tokyo, brandishing a 6-foot two-edged sword* >:)~
  6. *blinks away tears and takes back fork* That's mine!
  7. *Screams in agony* Aiiiiii!!!! Habanero sauce! *staggers away from Tokyo*
  8. *screams as hot sauce burns eyes* Aiiiii!! Habanero Sauce!

    *staggers away trying to flee*

  9. Yes! THE FORK!! >:)~ *laughs maniacally, then dives after Tokyo*
  10. *laughs at daggers* I'm already insane! *stabs with fork of horripilation* :D
  11. *throws spear of degrading comments at Tokyo* :P
  12. *stands, already in full battle array* Wouldn't miss it for the world, darlin'. ;D
  13. YAY! *bearhugs Tokyo* We missed you! :D
  14. "Blue! Where are you?!" lol
  15. * Points and laughs at Tokyo as she's on the ground* Hah! You're on! *rushes to get his armor, but trips and falls down, too*
  16. Knights of "Ni," UNITE! NI!


  17. Hi, Blue! Spook anyone today?
  18. Just peeking by and saying "Happy Birthday!" Here's a plush Grue! :D
  19. Yeah! What Ithildin said! lol
  20. The Neverending Spam


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