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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. Phew another hairstyle converted for all females..maybe you will like it. It's the last preview pic on the modpage :)

    but I can't still find good male hair :(

  2. oooooooooooh *sobs*
  3. I have your board too and tomorrow the world is mine mmmuuahahahah
  4. or instead of bye (Tschüss) Tschüsskovski.

    Silly wordplays...

  5. In Berlin a lot of people say instead of wunderbar... wunderbärchen... :DD
  6. Wow, ten boobs! The Down under production of bras has build for you a statue!
  7. You are right, wunderlich or verwunderlich: is like wonders.

    but in your case it sounds more like a name Mrs. Wunderlich

  8. Yep, to bad that your real name is Brunhilde ...hehehehehe
  9. Ooooh, yesterday IA has 11 votes!
  10. Yep, it's easier to click on the pics when I want to write on the boards. :DD
  11. wunderlich? What is wunderlich?
  12. Look IA is growing in votes hehehehe
  13. and who will save the realm? Retln? :DD
  14. Why didn't you use a online thesaurus?
  15. Maybe I will post in my hair conversion thread. So other have the the infos about uv- mapping too, or maybe some tips
  16. Uv-mapping ready. It's a lot of work. There is only one hairstyle for which I would do thatt and it has unfortunately a hairaccessoire too! :DD

    But I think it's again, try and error like so often when doing hair conversion.

    I will try some uv-mappings too and then I can help you maybe better but the main part has Boodrl described.

  17. Hm, I .. good question. If the texture image is to big the textures have sometime trouble "to find their faces" and it cost space and the file gets big..

    If you resize it down it could be that the parts are to near.

    Iw ould depend it on the hairstyle/ tex image. a simple one like my Rastastyle has a very small tex-image. It looks like it was reduced.

    I never get an uv- ma...

  18. Gine apples and I old socks and stinking eggs..
  19. Yep, if there is a bit trouble he always runs off to Sheppie and only because Gine and I have threw him some things at his head...
  20. Roxy is a baby . Roxy is a baby. Roxy is a baby....
  21. You are not interested in my modding stuff. You just asked to stop me from throwing things at your head! Look, it didn't worked

    * throws some fish*

  22. Hallo Leo, Argh. Ja, Erkältungen sind immer nervig! Ich hasse es besonders wenn man alles nur so, wie durch Watte hört. Gute Besserung! :D
  23. You should not always run to Sheppie if you have a little problem..tsk,tsk--be a man Roxy!! :DD
  24. Gääähnnn. Ich geh ins Bett. Schlaf gut Sheppie! :)
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