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Everything posted by Dudeman325

  1. Sorry that was an autocorrect failure on my tablet. Edited to Dwemer.
  2. I'd suggest reading the Lessons of Vivec if you want to delve further into this. I'll admit it's not something that I've paid much attention to, but it seems that Love is more of a "universal" concept than an individual one, and is tied to the idea of the Tower and understanding that reality is fake, but wanting it to continue existing anyway. The Dwemer certainly had mundane emotions like any other mortal. It's when you start looking at "divine emotions as concepts" that you see that they had a completely different way of looking at things than Men or other Mer.
  3. This is certainly open to interpretation and debate. The Numidium is definitely intelligent, and can converse with those who can survive the encounter as seen in c0da. The subject of "emotion" is a tricky one, but my understanding is that the Dwemer didn't understand the concept of Love (with a capital L, which is subtly different than love as we know it, and an important concept to understand when attempting to move above the Mundane) which brought them to their current state upon the activation of the Numidium. It's important to note that concepts are essentially on an equal footing with reality in TES, and helps put in perspective the idea that Numidium is both a physical being (the giant metal robot) and a conceptualization of uncreation. Edit: Check my Sig for another reference to Love, and how it relates to Royalty if you're interested in diving further into the rabbit hole of emotion in TES, although it is sort of off topic for this thread.
  4. Here's an interesting discussion on the nature of Numidium's "skin" (it isn't flesh). A number of MK works over at the Imperial Library as well as c0da contain some very important information about the nature of Numidium and its relation to the non-existance of the Dwemer.
  5. Dwemer are the skin of Numidium. They aren't trapped in soul gems in their automatons (which don't all carry soul gems, and are sometimes carrying unpowered soul gems, which shows that they aren't necessary for an automaton to function). The only way the Dwemer will come "back" is by being part of the Numidium when he goes somewhere or does something.
  6. I might suggest looking into Hunterborn, where you can craft arrows from firewood and bones you harvest from animals that get better as you improve at harvesting kills.
  7. Try this Critter script bugfix by steve40 (of SkyBirds fame). Worked for me when my butterfly / dragonfly spawners broke.
  8. ... from Valenwood. The Green Pact does not forbid them from using wood from trees from other places.
  9. Just wanted to toss in my two septims in case you were unaware Dual Wield Parrying lets you block while dual wielding. With that out of the way, an interesting suggestion. I could see some issues coming from the one-handed perks not applying while dual wielding, because afaik to the engine a one-hand weapon is always a one-hand weapon and will get the effects from perks that affect all one-handers regardless of what else is equipped, but it may be possible to get around it with some talented scripting. I'd give it a shot if I had the time or ability, but I don't so all I can offer is some positive energy. Good luck!
  10. Just wanted to add my two lore bits here. Although the Dwemer did build vast underground structures, there is no evidence to support that they lived entirely underground. The fact that almost every remaining Dwemer ruin has buildings on the surface, and the amount of contact they had with surface-dwelling peoples before their disappearance both show that they likely had just as much access to surface resources like trees. They likely just didn't use them much as their technology and intelligence gave them access to much more useful materials.
  11. The hardest part of getting this done would be corraling together all the voice actors, which is no small feat considering the scope of the request, not to mention that voice actors willing to volunteer for a large project like this are few and far between. There's a reason why many characters have the same voice actor, and it isn't because the developers were lazy... I'm sure they spent a large amount of money hiring as many voice actors as they did, adding a few dozen more would be no small change to the budget.
  12. I hate to break it to you, but this would be a lot work that I doubt many modders would be interested in. More than just a simple name-change, this would require extensive rewriting of a large portion of in-game text (such as books and written dialogue), as well as recording a large amount of dialogue audio, and even then it really wouldn't make much sense. Not to mention that many Christians would consider it to be blasphemous at best...
  13. Tundra Defense is probably the closest you will get. Fairly similar concept, build a village, populate it with peasants/guards to work farms and defend the settlement... I haven't used it, but it seems pretty popular so it at least isn't likely to have any major bugs or glitches. Hope that helps!
  14. No, it really wouldn't, because the Creation Kit does not have a "mirror animation" button. Its a whole lot of work for very little reward.
  15. That... usually means you are violating copyrights, which means the mod would likely get removed from the Nexus almost as soon as it was posted. All art has to be 100% original without express permission of the original creator.
  16. Honestly, I think the Gokstad is the closest you'll get.
  17. Hrm, if that's the case then there is another mod conflict somewhere, or a mod not installed correctly... The only way I know to find the culprit is to disable one mod at a time, then try to launch until you've found the one causing the crash.
  18. Its likely that one of your mods that is loading after (lower on the list than) Alternate Start is having a conflict. I've had the same problem before, always screws with my head before I remember to put Alternate Start at the VERY bottom of your load order to make sure its the last to load. Hope that does the trick!
  19. Just want to say, as far as arrows appearing in your inventory after getting shot, I'm pretty sure its related to the same mechanics that allow you to recover arrows from your kills, so disabling one will most likely disable the other. Not that I would know how to go about doing that anyway, sadly, as there doesn't seem to be anything in the CK I can find related to arrow recovery.
  20. I don't know the mod myself, but it sounds like there might be a script controlling that part of the function. Is there a script attached to the Combat Bite power? If so, that would be the next place I would go. Admittedly, I know almost nothing about scripting because I haven't bothered to learn, but there are plenty of resources out there that could help you along. Good luck!
  21. Uh... I'm pretty sure RND does add what the OP is asking 1. "Meat can be cooked on a stick over an open fire" See the Charred Meat recipe. Requires no other ingredient besides meat, though I suppose you do need a cooking pot (protip: Frostfall)... Hunterborn seems to have just released a beta version of a new update that (seems?) to add a "Primitive Cooking" power that allows you to cook over an open fire without a cookpot. Although I haven't tried that version yet, its also a great mod that adds to the "survivalist" experience. 2. "vegetables and herbs only require a container on a fire" Most edible veggies can be cooked in a cooking pot without any salt, although this doesn't improve how much they fill you up opposed to eating them raw. Adding them to soups and stews does result in a net gain for fullness. I admit it would be nice to have a "freeform" soup/stew system (like Project Zomboid) where you added ingredients on the fly, but Skyrim wouldn't really support this without at least a whole lot of time spent duplicating similar recipes until you made one that supported every possible ingredient combo... 3. "Salt is nice but not essential." See 1 and 2. 4. "One can keep going on fruit and even raw vegetables indefinitely." Done and done. Eating just raw fruits and veggies can more than sustain you, although, with the option toggled, they will eventually go stale like most other foods. 5. "Obviously one needs water." Check. 6. "A simple fatigue was factored in where you needed at least 6 hours a day, and believe it or not in mild weather one can sleep on the ground without a comfy fur-lined sleeping bag and tent." RND allows you to adjust the rates of hunger / thirst / tired to whatever you like. Granted, it doesn't allow you to just plop down on the ground and sleep, but does have a cheap bedroll you can craft that you can use anywhere. If that still isn't to your taste, Sleep AnyWhere gives you a lesser power that, well, lets you sleep anywhere. Hope this helps!
  22. Just want to throw out there that the Game of Thrones Armor Compilation has a really great looking Longclaw, the only real difference from this picture is that the handguard(?) is slightly curved. Hope that helps!
  23. Mods like Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases can also make a home have more value, when you actually need to stay warm, store your stash of food, and sleep in a clean / disease-free bed.
  24. I seriously hope you realize this is all a matter of opinion, but in the end, your character is the ugly one because of all that lens-flare HDR crap.
  25. See the thread NPC gathering loot for a larger discussion which would cover this.
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