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Posts posted by MShoap13

  1. Welcome to Engine limitations 101.

    No, you can't really make Skyrim run any better or use more RAM once it's eating that much. You may be able to reduce how much RAM you're using through cutting back on some things in the .ini (shadows, uGrids, etc.) or you could be experienceing issues due to bad tweaks in your .ini (these usually pertain to Papyrus).

    I don't really think it matters what you do with all of your settings though, the game just plain doesn't like too many actors being loaded at once. That's a big reason why the game is as sparsely populated as it is. That's also why a lot of mods don't play well with large load orders.

    VRAM issues almost always present with microstutter so, even though your VRAM bank is low for a modded Skyrim installation, I highly doubt that's the cause of your freezing.

  2. The opening cart ride all the way through the tutorial dungeon is very script heavy and does not like to work properly with a slew of mods. It's generally suggested to start a new character with no mods installed and play through this entire section of the game (until you get out into the wilds) and make a clean save there. If you need to change something about your character from that point (say you want to use a hair pack or whatever) use ShowRaceMenu Alternative to alter the character at this point in the game.

    To avoid issues with race-mixing, don't change the race of your character after Helgen.

    If you're playing a race from a mod (Lunari for example), you will need to run it and any of it's dependencies from the beginning (or at least a clean save after the cart ride but before you create your character).

  3. That's an issue built in to the game's lighting that becomes a lot more noticeable with body texture replacers.


    I'm sure there's plenty of ENB presets out there you can try that your system can run. SSAO and SSIL are the two big performance drains from ENB so look for a preset that doesn't use them (or tweak your own...).

  4. D3D9.dll is FXAA. (Unless you have an ENB proxy setup or something...)


    Usually crashes regarding these types of injectors come from having other video overlays running in the background (MSI AfterBurner, EVGA Precision, sometimes the Steam overlay, Process Monitors, etc.) or in rarer circumstances, using certain Graphics Card settings in conjunction with a D3D9.dll wrapper can cause the game to silently fail to launch.

  5. Ok, there's two parts of a bashed patch. The important part is Bash Tags. Any mod you have tagged, will have the appropriate records (pertaining to what tag you use) merged into the Bashed Patch. You don't have to chose to merge them or anything, just rebuilding your patch with the tags on incorporates them. Right now the only tags known to work properly are Delev and Relev and they both deal with levelled lists.


    The second part, is merging whole plugins into the Bashed Patch. You can only do this with plugins that have zero conflicts with other plugins in your load order. This feature is in place to help cut down on large load orders; however, it may not be working correctly with plugins that contain certain subrecord groups. The Tes5Dump/Edit team is still working on decoding some of the new subrecord groups and until they've got it all deciphered and changes have been made to Wrye Bash using this merging feature may cause issues with your saves, etc. To err on the side of caution, I'd recommend not using the whole plugin merge at all.


    Remember, every time you change your load order, you need to rebuild your Bashed Patch. Even if you didn't add or remove a mod with Delev/Relev tags.


    Is it possible to use Game Booster + Process Lasso together with SKSE (or SKSE loading from Mod Organizer)?

    You can add a link to SKSE in GameBooster to launch SKSE through it's interface.


    Alternatively, you can boost your desktop at anytime (ctrl+alt+b by default; ctrl+alt+r to return) so long as GameBooster (gbtray.exe) is running.


    Process Lasso runs in the Background, and is independent of SKSE/GameBooster/etc..

  6. I'm on a similar MoBo/CPU combo (980 BE on a 4GB DDR2 MoBo) and, while I didn't have any issues with Skyrim back on XP; with Win 7 I see a dramatic decrease in stutter from using GameBooster to shutdown background processes, and Process Lasso to set priorities and affinities. In Process Lasso, my defaults for tesv.exe are Above Normal priority, High IO priority, Cores 1,2,3 (to free up core 0 because it handles IO), and I've got it excluded from being throttled.


    Even though your load order isn't that large, it's still pretty aggressive with CH, FrostFall, ERSO, ASIS, and SkyRe. You can try adding the following lines under the [Papyrus] section of Skyrim.ini:

    iMinMemoryPageSize=256 '<-- Set this between 128 and 512'
    iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 '<-- only bump this up (to 1024) if your game runs best with the min setting on 512'

    These settings affect how the game handles scripts in memory.


    You have 3 different horse mods installed (and they may or may not be completely compatible, I'm not sure). If all else fails, I'd start trimming the fat. Drop to one horse mod, drop ERSO and see if that doesn't help with dragons, drop FrostFall and test around tents, etc. Basically, after each mod uninstall, go in-game and test to see that A) your save still works properly, and B) how dropping that mod affected your issue.

  7. Much quicker way to revert to a lower uGrids setting:


    Open the game and load your save.

    Alt+Tab out and open your config file, change uGrids, then save the config.

    Alt+Tab back into the game, open the console and type 'refini', then make a new save.

    Close everything then try reloading the new save to make sure everything went right.

  8. grids 9


    Your issues probably have more to do with this than your load order...


    5 (default) is decently stable. 7 might be stable on some rigs without too many demanding mods. 9 is pretty much asking for trouble on anything but a vanilla install on an amazing rig.


    /edit: Also, Moonpath is known to cause issues including CTDs all over Skyrim and it's typically recommended to only run it while you're playing it's quest line and then to disable it when you're done.

  9. Crashes at the menu are usually caused by a missing master file. Make sure you installed the shadowscales properly and check it's description to see if it requires another mod to be installed for it to work.
  10. Crashes at the menu are usually caused by a missing master. Grab Wrye Bash, it should tell you exactly which plugin(s) are missing their master.


    In the future, don't install multiple mods at once. Go one at a time and test your game after each mod added. Doing this will save you a lot of time (and headaches)...

  11. Some mods may require additional steps to uninstall (Get Snowy maybe) and without following the proper procedure, crashes upon loading a save dependent on them are likely. Check the documentation of your mods for uninstall instructions and use them to get to a vanilla state.
  12. If you start/load a character, the game will automatically make a Skyrim.ini and a SkyrimPrefs.ini at \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\. These will not be present until you have started a character if you';re on a fresh install. These are the only config files you should be editing.


    Skyrim_default, and low - very high.ini (located at the Skyrim installation directory) are used to create the aforementioned files and should never be altered.

  13. Are you still getting that script error pop up at the cabin?


    Try a new character now that SKSE is working.


    If the new character crashes, switch back to your old character, deactivate all plugins and try again. If it doesn't crash, you know for sure that it's an active mod causing the issue. From there start adding mods back in a few at a time until you can pinpoint which plugin is at fault.

  14. bDoDepthOfField=1

    This setting primarily affects the background when you pull up a menu. It may have some really minor effects while actually playing, but I'm pretty sure it's fine to keep it on with a DoF mod on.



    This effect is most noticeable either when you get knocked back by a hard hit, when your HP is really low (combined with a red vignette), when you're learning a Dragon Word/absorbing a Dragon Sould (combined with a strong eye adaptation).


    Neither of these setting should have anything to do with DoF from a mod; either ENB (which runs outside of Skyrim's normal Image Space post processing) or DynaVision (which utilizes Skyrim's Image Space post processing).


    Make sure you're installing and configuring the mod(s) properly. DoF is generally pretty subtle so you may have to bump it up a notch or two (Depending on the ENB preset, etc.).

  15. Hooray! Those errors mean SKSE isn't installed properly. Make sure the \Scripts\ folder from the SKSE download are ending up at \Skyrim\Data\Scripts\.


    I would've suggested this in my last post but those errors weren't present. Hopefully this gets your issue straightened out.

  16. Google the "COC" console command and the ID for a nearby location (that cabin in your screenshot for example). COC teleports you to wherever you tell it to.


    That Footprints error is indicating that somethings not right with it. The errors it throws pertaining to missing .esm's are usually harmless (yours isn't even getting that far), the line that states "Cannot open store for class "skse", missing file?" leads me to believe SKSE isn't installed properly (or at all) or you aren't running Skyrim through the SKSE_loader.exe.


    It's also possible that you've got an out-of-date game or mod. Make sure your game, SKSE, and Footprints are all up to date. As previously mentioned, make sure you're running the game from SKSE_loader.exe (or a launcher that detects and loads it like SBW).

  17. Did you uninstall Get Wet or Wet and Cold after making a save with it active? If so, the scripts from it may have been saved in a state that's at least the cause for that error message. That message may also be from Get Snowy, I'm not sure.


    Try uninstalling Crimson Tide and see if that helps with the CTD, it's known to cause issues, including CTDs, all over Skyrim.


    Try making a new character and see if it also crashes at the same location. If not it's most likely old Form IDs or Scripts, from uninstalled mods, stuck in your save causing the problem.


    A Papyrus log where you replicate the crash could also be revealing so feel free to post one in this thread (preferably under /spoiler and /code tags).

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