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Posts posted by rockygohard18

  1. This is my first time with the"check error function" could anyone tell me how to resolve the erros,,i have a ton on A world of pain could the Fallout interiros be conflicting with it? I'm using the compat patch.
  2. Hello my names rocky.been on here for a while,but i recently just got into the whole pc building thing I haven't brought any parts yet.I was wondering could anyone help me around the net with sites,parts and etc( I don't mean buying them I mean recommendations lol) Or give me the heads up on a build..I'm FAR from rich,,just looking for something afforable. the pc I have no is so old it has back up data of full house. ...well not that old...thanks tho.
  3. Battlefield is alright... I am named CrucialOutcast and am level 75, so therefore have played quite a bit...

    I would most likely prefer they didn't update, I therefore have not played over the last 3 weeks... The 2GB patch was completely f***ed up and therefore I do not appreciate their major changes...


    Server stability - MW3

    Graphics - BF3

    Game-play - BF3

    Maps - BF3

    Social Community - BF3

    Realism - BF3

    Campaign - BF3 / MW3 (I haven't played any campaign of either so feel free to determine which one is better)

    < 16yo - MW3

    Mature gamer's who don't f*** around - BF3

    Launching of the game - MW3


    MW2 > MW3

    1) the game-play is completely the same

    2) the graphics are completely the same

    * But seriously, MW3 is basically an expansion of MW2, with limited to no changes

    3) AND they still have the kids playing it

    * say they are s***, all hell breaks loose :P

    4) It still has good server stability as MW2 did


    BFBC2 > BF3

    1) game modes are still the same besides team death-match added, maps are incredibly larger and destruction among all, was majorly improved

    2) Updates are severely f***ing around with origin and PunkBuster on BF3, BFBC2 did not have such issues and if they did, rarely

    3) I dislike the web browser - server browser, and so do many others. They should have kept it alike BFBC2, when they launch the game first!

    4) Server stability from BFBC2 had very little problems, BF3 is receiving a lot complaints



    Well I agree with the update,,but BFBC2 was a complete disappointment to me being a battlefield fan.That was a game obviously trying to compete with COD(which it indeed win) In terms of being a good game,,but BFBC2 being better then BF3 I don't think so.I felt on BC you had VERY VERY little control over the battlefield,,most maps were straight lines.Also the fact taking away prone was very disappointing.It felt more like medal of honer type of play,,BF3 brings back what battlefield was ALL about..not sure if you played Bf2,2142, THE GOD 1942,,but BC was a spin off so I guess it did get a good shot in,,but Most of my ex clan memebers really hated the game(kinda odd they played the hell out of it haha) But i don't think it can touch BF3 I mean for better or worse.its battlefield.But its all opinions so hay.
  4. Playing all the Battlefield(and I mean ALL even the top rated mod,,project reality rocked haha) and All the CODs.I TOTALLY choose Battlefield,,I mean the game title is what it says,,BATTLEFILD.You and your team have completely control over the tide of war in the battlefield games,I mean the guns work great(some are OP after the patch but doesn't bother me) unlike COD when you get a certin gun,,you have no reason to progess or use other guns simply cause each COD game had AT LEAST one overpowered weapon.


    Also I think Call of duty is just plain boring right about now..i mean man I can only stand to play it for 5 mins while battlefield keeps me in the game.I feel if I leave I'm letting down my team.Plus the fact it can be broken down into squads(and if your playing a Clan game or a game with people willing to listen,,flawless,,,Delta team is moter team,,bravo is medic the team work is amazing),,I mean I GET SICK of hearing "You can't compare the top,,,that's just an excuse for not proving a valid argument.Most COD fans say that a lot,,COD 4 in my opinion was the last good one,,before a lot of crazy things were added(ac130 is pointless.I mean if you enjoy COD By all means play the hell out of it,,but in no way is it better then Battlefield.Plus black ops two is gonna be another cash cow,,it already broke records again,,I mean selling more doesn't make it a great game.I know people who brought it cause it was the"cool" thing to do...whatever it's all opinions at the end of the game.

  5. BTW you should add a zoo..for animals..mo mod friendly.Something like the underwater house does..Once you capture then you can do get a researcher team to study,,and a R&D team to make new weapons,,if it is gonna be a mobile base,,it need to be something unique ,,not just a house,,,a base of operations. Also a Heli pad for the Vertibird mod, I mean if your going big GO ALL OUT!
  6. BROTHER! this is AMAZING man this is what I call hard work,,you were detrimied..I remembered when I saw your post i was thinking this guy is crazy,,,but your a modder,,your bend reality.
  7. I was always wondering how cool would it be to have the ninja turtles as companions? I mean Humanoid turtles wielding ninja weapons would strike fear into any human in the waste.Each as their own perk.

    Leo(Leonardo): could raise your skill in hand to hand and also teach you new fighting moves(sense he is the most experienced of the turtles)


    Raphael(raph): could allow you to take more damage if he is apart of your party and also increase your attack speed(sense he is the most fierce and tougher fighter)


    Michelangelo(mikey):Could increase your speech and barter skill also he can craft pizza(the youngest of the brothers so I figured he is the most easy to talk to and out going plus he loves pizza more then the rest.


    Donatello(Donny): Vastly increse your Science and energy skills,,allows you to make new unique energy weapons also can make throwing stars.(My personal fav out the bunch he just uses Science,,a turtle humanoid that uses science,,contradicting I LOVE IT)

    Just a idea nothing in stone yet.

  8. Ok So I have Awop,,Amazing mod and all,,but for some reason every time I enter A certin world space(a new one added to the game by Awop) my game gets a CTD,,I mean Its the only world expanding mod I have and I don't have a lot of mod.Does anyone know what the deal is or have experienced it?
  9. I know where you can find it but I'm not telling anyone anything cause of the trobble I could get in.I'm not even gonna post the link..


    And yet you could have sent him the link via PM instead of posting here in the topic announcing you have the potential to cause trouble.

    Ehh stuff happens. I'll send it too him whenever he wants it.

  10. I was thinking is it possible for someone to make a pipboy that is a Iphone or a Droid.I mean it would be cool,you can add apps(that other modders make) like calling in reinforcements,ammo drops,companions( cause I hate walking to retrieve mines at times).I mean I think its Highly impossible but I was just wondering others insight on it.
  11. How many do you consider "so many" Beth games have always had CTDs. So, yes, it is an engine thing. And adding mods can increase the number and frequency. If you can play for two hours straight (or more) you are not having too many - and you probably needed a break anyway. :tongue: So save often, it's cheap sanity insurance.


    There are many causes of CTD, some from the vanilla game but most from mods.

    running out of RAM, background programs interfering, mod incompatibility, mod glitch and others. Many of our modders are not professional programmers and do make mistakes and the typical first mod is tested for about an hour before being uploaded. To me the amazing thing is how few problems they cause. :thumbsup:

    haha Yeah man I really did need to get out I recently picked up CASM man that mod is hands down my fav,,makes the most sense,,I think all PC games need it.I mean it's prolly my ram I'm currently in the process of Getting more,,but bills first games second.. the PC I have now only has 4gb of ram so that may be it..thank you!

  12. I didn't know what forum to put this under but Im sure this is it.I've always wondered why fallout Nv and 3 has so many CTDS? I mean I beat the game with out mods once and still had CTDs.I'm not computer wiz but I'm sure one of you helpful people can give insight?


    also not related:just not fallout I mean skyrim,oblivion,,the only one was morrowind that I didn't get any CTD.Is it a engine thing?

  13. Hay there people.I've been playing new vegas for a while and I have mods that work with each other.(beat it a few times) but this is one of the few problems I can't fix, I can load all my other saves but for some reason the save I want to load starts to load for a little bit and then it crashes..Cany one help or give me insight?
  14. Underwater hideout is a pretty awesome mod,,but I came across a problem,,The first time I teleported back to the hideout and tried to enter the armory,,I can go in,,but its like the environment from the outside is inside the armory,,rocks,walls,etc etc,,plus if you leave the area and look at it from the outside everything is blank???

    can someone shine some light or help me with this problem...thank you.

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