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Posts posted by rockygohard18

  1. Yeah I hear what you saying but until its free to play Ill still pay for it,,its one of the FEW MMO I actually feel like I get my moneys worth,,I played WOW for a while,,man I sat down and thought about all the money I wasted on that game for BS.Plus I like Funcom as a company they made one of my favorite mmo(before this) Anarchy online,,,Put a lot of years in that game.Not sure how the subject switched from how cool TSW is into how F2P and P2P games operate lol
  2. I recently brought Fallout 3(played NV a lot wish requiam for a wasteland was still around) and I downloaded a few mods but the two that stand out are FOOK and FWE,,I only use FWE now sense its a new games.Is their a way to use both? probably not sense I haven't seen a patch,,,which do you recommend out the two?
  3. Yeah I only have a few mods like dragon tatical and FO3Wanders. I just uninstall the game and about to reinstall it now.I mean I did exactly what you said left the DLC and the fallout ESM still didn't work now when I re install it I'm not going to install any mods so soon and try to find the problem..BTW is requiam for a wasteland still on the nexus?
  4. Ok I got Fallout off of steam game of the year ed,,but For some reason upon start up the game crashes.With all the DLC it crashes,and when all DLCs are ticked in NMM it still crashes,,I only added about 3 mods,,,nothing major tho.I worked fine last night.I'm not sure if it FOSE or FAllout Fullscreen that is casing it.
  5. You don't know that fre to play is the future right, I am only going on principle, remember they are raking in the dough even though its free to play mmo. Its the whole concept seems flawed. I am not willing to buy into a flawed way of selling a game.


    See article below.




    And Hoofhearted yes that's what meant about it being all wrong. Kind of got it backwards.


    the 60$ price tag on top of the 15$ subscription fee is ridiculous. Wow is free to level 20, after that you have to subscribe into the mmorpg.


    even that is the thing of the past, when free to play is dong so well.

    I think it would be better if it went free to play sense most of if not everything is doing,,,I have the money to pay to play..but not everyone I think everyone deserves a chance to play it,,I give it a year,,,I think TOR is not to far from F2P
  6. It is at least better than TOR, it's either that or GW2.

    Wayyyyy better in the sense its not a copy of any mmo I've ever played.Its really hard to explain what its like,,personally(and a lot of people agree) that it opened a new MMO sub catagory,,I'm not trying to make the game look like OMG BEST EVER.But its Very different,,the story is very very detailed, to the point that it actually makes you question if it is real,,,and man some quest actually REQUIRE you to log off the game and do real life research on the subjects(the illuminate quest in kingsmouth for instance...its easy if you pay attention.

  7. Its not about if i have the money, its just morally wrong :mad: ..

    LOL you're joking right? if I PAY for something I(as in ME) enjoy how is it morally wrong? that statement carried no logic in it what so ever.I can do as I please with my paycheck.I understand if you don't want to pay for the game but you're basically stating that people have no morals who ever paid for the game.I Enjoy better then any mmo I've ever played ,,also I pay for Xbox live its the same thing in some retrospec.

  8. Nope i am not buying a game twice no matter how good it is, the pay to play idea is broken and fail writen all over it, just think what happened to Swkotor, its going to be free to play soon becuase its losing popularity. Its only a matter of time till it happens with this mmo. I am not willing to fork out 60$ and having to pay to use there servers, i already paid for it, you got my money.. All it is greed.


    Even wow is free to play at a certain point..

    Ehh your choice I have the money do what you feel.

  9. Sigh of relief, thank goodness for that, any idea if is subscription based or buy to play sort of thing. :confused: Hopefully buy to play, remember how swkotor turned out, empty..


    Yup Ebgames Tomorrow to pick it up, finally a decent mmo to play, after returning diablo 3 i just gave up almost on mmo's.. Well Torchlight 2 seems like a good buy when it comes out. Not often you get a mmo with such a unique story. :thumbsup:

    Yeah hope you enjoy it bud,,one thing tho,,,Its not exactly easy lol I mean once you play you will see,,its pretty darn hard.

  10. I'm intrigued by the concept of the story, is this going to out for steam or is it on Origin whitch no matter how good a game story is, i will not touch it.


    Hence its made by EA

    No orgins at all funcom stated that already. and I highly doubt steam..would be nice,,,but you can get it from their website(vie download) or just buy it from stores.


    BTW EA did NOT make the game at all,,they have NO part in the creation of anything remotely in the game..funcom made it(people who made the amazng anarchy online) EA were just the distributor(sense Funcom didn't have the marking tools and or people)

  11. I totally agree, gave it a little spin last night, was blown away on several grounds, firstly how totally unique it is, secondly, how good the story is, and thirdly, how brilliantly it runs. This is really going to be a game to watch, huge potential in this one.

    I think its about time a mature mmo came out,,I played a lot of mmo but I feel their isn't ANYTHING remotely close to it man.Good to know someone out their likes it besides me..the best aspect has to be the Story,,,compelling is a understatement.

  12. Has anyone been playing this in my opinion one of the most unique mmos I've ever played.Sense the release of Everquest have I not been drawn into a game..everything runs so smooth on day one.

    No bugs,no joining issuse.I would type more later..but Just look into the game..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yMIcKmsbzk&list=HL1341329803&feature=mh_lolz

  13. I was wondering is it possible for Server thunderstorm weather pattern we have sandstorms and rain in a few mods(Nskies and Project reality)..or possible tornado(especially for lonesome roadth).I'm from Miami FL so I've delt with a lot a bad weather(hurricane Andrew being the worst I've been in)I think it would add a lot of immersion to the world.Also it could add rain effects to your mask if you're using PN so like the Hard rain is beating against your mask or if your luck is bad enough and you're using wild wasteland you can get struck by lighting.Just an idea give me some insight people.
  14. The mod is a weapon mod that adds a shop in freeside to left of The Atomic wrangler and across from The Silver Rush. When you walk in you walk through a hallway with some weapons to your right and then you enter a medium sized room with two vendors. One vendor sells weapons the other sells mods. There is a sign above the door on the exterior that has a gun covering an old sign reading "liquor store".

    You're talking about Shrapnel weapon mod that is gone my friend.It was taken off of the nexus from what I heard.

  15. Yeah my budget is about 800.

    That's not so bad. You could make a full build for $400, so $800 is something you can work with well.


    For a while the best bang for the buck was Athlon II X4 651K. But you can't find them anymore.

    So a cheap overclocking option is Llano A6-3650: it's only $80 on newegg - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819106004

    It has to be overclocked and pushed hard, to 3.5 GHz and above, doesn't make any sense otherwise.

    But 651K is better if you can find it elsewhere, easier to overclock.


    That and a good $85 mobo - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130605

    and a nice $50 cooler - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835146012

    and $48 for RAM - 2x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147094

    and $80 for PSU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020

    and a $110 HDD - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152185


    ...And a $70 case, will total you $520, leaving $280 to pick a decent graphics board. That's a bit less than I hoped for, blame the Thailand floods for the HDD price hike, else you'd be getting that drive for $50.

    That said, $240 buys you one of many HD7850 boards. With the current prices, I'd say 7870 is kind of "WTF", the price is too close to that of the much better HD7950.


    After a 7850, you'll still have $40 to spare. That could be savings, or you could replace the CPU with Athlon 651K if you can find it, or Llano A6-3670K.

    Alternately, a better motherboard for $10 more - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157257


    If you are willing to spend more than $800, then HD7950 makes sense, but it would need more kick from the CPU, putting the total expense closer to $1,000 or over it. So sticking to 7850 and overclocking it is a more sensible option here.

    Also Fmod if all else fails I'm getting everything on your list awesome prices and their decent until i can upgrade.I have an All in one Pc(Peice of Crap)
  16. Yeah my budget is about 800.

    That's not so bad. You could make a full build for $400, so $800 is something you can work with well.


    For a while the best bang for the buck was Athlon II X4 651K. But you can't find them anymore.

    So a cheap overclocking option is Llano A6-3650: it's only $80 on newegg - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819106004

    It has to be overclocked and pushed hard, to 3.5 GHz and above, doesn't make any sense otherwise.

    But 651K is better if you can find it elsewhere, easier to overclock.


    That and a good $85 mobo - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130605

    and a nice $50 cooler - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835146012

    and $48 for RAM - 2x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147094

    and $80 for PSU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020

    and a $110 HDD - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152185


    ...And a $70 case, will total you $520, leaving $280 to pick a decent graphics board. That's a bit less than I hoped for, blame the Thailand floods for the HDD price hike, else you'd be getting that drive for $50.

    That said, $240 buys you one of many HD7850 boards. With the current prices, I'd say 7870 is kind of "WTF", the price is too close to that of the much better HD7950.


    After a 7850, you'll still have $40 to spare. That could be savings, or you could replace the CPU with Athlon 651K if you can find it, or Llano A6-3670K.

    Alternately, a better motherboard for $10 more - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157257


    If you are willing to spend more than $800, then HD7950 makes sense, but it would need more kick from the CPU, putting the total expense closer to $1,000 or over it. So sticking to 7850 and overclocking it is a more sensible option here.

    Man this thread has been dead for a while lol I've been working a lot and I moved in with a friend.But those are extremely good I'm trying to buy my motherboard and cpu now..I recently got a deal with my mananger(who would have know this 64 year old man was a hardcore gamer lol) but he is giving me a case,a PSU and a graphic card. I'm going to buy the ram,motherboard and Cpu myself,,,this is what I came up with so far,,I'm trying to hold at least 8 gigs of ram..get back at me guys when you can.



    http://www.amazon.com/Asus-Socket-CrossFireX-Motherboard-M5A97/dp/B0058G65UU/ref=lh_ni_t Motherboard


    CPU http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1239961&CatId=7341

  17. LOL Yeah I actually where suits,suspenders and etc in reality but in fallout nevia clothing mod is the only one I need,,its actually perfect,and sorta made for Roberts body(which a lot of mods don't make) wearing a suit is only good for hitting the strip,,but I just were a metal band tee then lol
  18. Name:Frank burney




    Combat Style:Depends on the situation was know to take on legion and NCR forces with nothing but a throwing knives and hand to hand.Extremely deadly in long rang weapons and guns.

    Specialties:Sabotage and knive weilding also was know the practice the art Hukuto shin ken

    Weaknesses:Women,friends,and cruelty

    Likes:Metal,Hanging out in free side with the kings,talking to boone about guns.talking to arcade about making new chems to help addicts,making cookies,cleaning knives,collecting rare armors.Loyalty honor,saving the waste,helping others and progression

    Dislikes:Disrespect,dishonor,deception,anyone not looking to forward to humanity,cruelty towards helpless people.

    Wants:a world were we can all work towards a brighter future were war and famine is not in your periphery

    Fears:failing,the lonesome road.

    Friendly Factions:none he walks the path alone,,he does however have connects with both legion and NCR.But mostly deals with the FotA

    Enemy Factions: Fiends

    Companions:boone (bestfriend) arcade(like an younger brother) LILY(grandmother type) cass( sister sorta deal going on) veronica( bestfriend and go to girl things tech related) rex(right hand)

    Love interest?:whores


    Early life:unknown

    Teen years:About the time he turned 15 he wandered into the boneyard,,their he lived out his life working for the followers Little is know after that.

    How did he/she become a courier?: Spent a lot of time in his late 20s doing odd jobs for the dock workers,,back breaking labor,He came across a young black man asking him did he want to earn cash a little faster.He joined the Courier association.Easy was the last thing this job was,mutants,raiders,aliens the whole lot,,,about 30 he was already a hardboild killer..by know he took a contract he would regret ...New Vegas they said,,,easy they said,,,

  19. Hello there,,Every time I start fallout it says not responding,,but I hear the music(even tho my pointer is circling) then it goes to the main menu and works fine,,but when I load my save it does the SAME thing,

    IT says not responding for about a few seconds then when I don't touch anything mouse or keybored now I'm in game..does it when ever I enter a new world space as well..etc etc.


    Does anyone know whats going on? is this a mod conflct? if so tell me so I can post my mod list.

    its just very strange I made a merged patch and stuff but same thing.

  20. Awesome thank you Nivea very helpful! I actually download your mod and loved it.It's EXACTLY what I was looking for thank you so much.a lot of mods focus on one sex(mostly women) I really appreciate it.
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