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Everything posted by d4em

  1. Are you using the HD texture pack DLC? Are you using any other texture mods that edit the NPC textures?
  2. 95% of gamers today is 14 - 18. Almost everyone in that age category has major brain damage from CoD and WoW. Therefore, if they see something like actual ingame depth the have the same allergic reaction that vampires have to sunlight. Now, bethesda doesn't actually care about gamers turning into piles of ashes, but if they all burn to ashes, noone will be left to spend money on DLCs that should've been included from the start. Also, more content > more effort > more paychecks to be signed > less money for beth. However, less content > less effort > less paychecks > everyone still spends 60E on the bloody game anyway.
  3. I dont really think it's possible to program skyrim. You'd have to hack the engine first, which i think is illegal. Also... you should take a look at the ck first, it's a powerfull tool.
  4. I've looked through just about every papyrus function filed in the ck wiki, and still haven't found any function for editing item stats. Skyrim has the enchanting script hard-coded, which is why you can't find it. I'm going to check some other parts of the wiki, see if it has any info on this.
  5. For one, your intro made me laugh, so thanks xD Also, to work around the weight clipping issue, you could make wigs instead. Clothing always responds to weight. And as for your "textures are more important than meshes" statement - agreed. Shame i'm not that good of a texturer >.>"
  6. Try activating (and installing) through wrye bash
  7. 4shared download link Here ya go. I placed the ring on the alchemy table in whiterun, it's called Ring of Alchemy Boost. Hope yah enjoy :)
  8. I delevoped the habit of deleting all folders realted to bethesda games when uninstalling, because the uninstaller only uninstalls vanilla files. Just delete steamapps\common\skyrim and user\documents\my games\skyrim If you want to keep your save files, copy the saves folder from my games\skyrim\saves, put it in a temporary location, and move it back when you reinstalled the game. Also, crashes may actually be caused by the game missing files from uninstalled mods - which data is kept in your save files - so your game might still be unstable after completely reinstalling. I heard there is a new patch coming up fixing this issue, so if this is your problem you'll just have to wait. Good luck ;]
  9. It is very easy to record scenes with recording software, using angles that only show parts of the battlefield. If you cutscene those videos, and place the player in a much smaller closed of part of the battlefield, with some sound effect from the bigger battlefield added in, you got a pretty good stimulation of a big battle going on. And, keep in mind that the player doesnt need to interact with everything for him to think it's actually there. For example, if there was a ledge that the player couldn't reach, but could see, you could just place animated statics [archers, ect] there, and depending on the view distance, massively reduce their polycount and detail as well. Ok, writing this made my modding sense tingle. I think i'm going to try and see how this works out ingame. If it works, i'll post the result here - might be usefull, no?
  10. I'm not really sure what you are trying to achieve, but all names are very easily changeable in the ck. Just load up skyrim >in the ck, under data files< , find the item you want by using the filter, and doubleclick. Then you will see 2 boxes in the upper left corner; one with the ID and one with the actual name. Just change the name, load your esp and... profit. If you only want to edit the name of one instance of the item, change it's ID as well. This will create a completely new item with all properties of the previous one, without changing the base object. Usually when you are making new objects, you will want to edit the idea. If you use this method, you will have to place your new item somewhere in the game world. Just pick a cell from the cell view for this, drag and drop your new item into the render window, place drag it around for placing. The f key will order the item to fall to the ground. I hope this helped; I am still not really sure what your request is, so if I jsut posted something you didn't need to know please clarify :)
  11. bethesda's tools are hardheaded - you need to actually browse to the model in your data folder. Simply extract the file from your bsa and put it at meshes\clutter\food\ in your data folder. Then, when you click edit, browse to that file and select it. After that you can just delete the file - the game will pull the nif from the meshes.bsa after that. Good luck!
  12. the full filepath is meshes\clutter\food\cheesewheel01a, but I dont see how you could possibly only need a filepath - anyway, i hope this is usefull to you
  13. You guys do not really sound like you have a lot of cs experience... Well, I can help - but only for a couple of weeks probably. I prefer msn communication, but other methods work for me as well, pm me about contact methods ;] I can do models, textures, everything in the cs [please don't make me do AI - it bugs me] and everything in between.
  14. file link: Fallout Stutter Remover Use the search box :thumbsup:
  15. If you are using a custom race, make sure you have either the custom race fix or the unofficial patch installed. If that doesn't work, run your load order through BOSS and then see if it works. If it doesn't, post your load order. Good luck ;]
  16. You HAVE to use wrye bash to use All Natural - but it's not that hard: 1 - Download and install wrye bash 2 - Run your load order through BOSS 3 - Launch wrye and turn lock times off 4 - Find the bashed patch in your list and rightclick > rebuild patch 5 - Select all import options and the options in them, execpt for import names which is optional 6 - All tweaks are optional, but worth a look 7 - Select build patch and wait for it to finish 8 - Make sure that bashed patch is last in your load order [it is by default] and activated 9 - Launch oblivion and see if the problem is still there
  17. FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp - You only need one of those FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp - Also, only use one
  18. You can try loading both mods up in fo3edit, then rightclicking on the branch of said interior and choosing "copy as new record into" Im not sure if that works tho, i've never tried it
  19. Just to clear this up, do you want the mod to add collectables, or add placing for other mod's collectables?
  20. Hi people :) A couple of days ago i first got this issue: whenever i try to download something through the london server, it gives me the 404 / page not found error. Since then I've been using the seattle server. The automatic server the site chooses when you're downloading under 2mb, still works. I scanned the forums for other threads on this, but didnt find any, so if someone else already reported this, im sorry. Cya ;]
  21. in the script result window, enter the following setstage NameOfQuest xx where xx is the number of the first stage
  22. well, it all depends on personal trade but check the Files of the month and the Top 100 and renember to read the readme or your game WILL spazz ;]
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