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Everything posted by d4em

  1. Try Apachii's Heroes Store Linky The beards are in a chest somewhere in the store
  2. @ Mark: you cant animate a rigged (attached to the body, all armor needs rigging) object. You could make an opened and closed variant, and include an option to switch between the 2, but not animate it.
  3. If you have any windows open execpt for render, object, and cell browser, close those, that should fix it :) Edit - the other windows can be hidden behind any of the above as well.
  4. First thing: - Do Not Rip. And if you do, don't upload here, it's illegal. Now, 1 - try opening the sword up in blender (search for it on nexus and follow installation instructions) 2 - Import a vanilla oblivion sword of about the same size 3 - Scale and rotate the new sword to match the oblivion sword 4 - Delete the physical oblivion sword - NOT the wireframe around it 5 - Delete everything from your new sword except for the mesh itself 6 - Export > nif > set settings to clutter (metal) for collision, and weapon (side/back) for location (it might be smart to google this bit) 7 - Convert your textures to dds and make sure they're square and the size is a ... thingy of 2 (forgot the english, sizes 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096) (Don't forget minimaps and normalmaps, google oblivion wiki and go to textures there if you don't know what they are) 8 - Apply textures & save in nifskope 9 - Make a new plugin, copy the weapon you used for scaling and change the nif path there 10 - Place the weapon ingame 11 - Be a very happy person If it still doesn't work, try google or the oblivion wiki with the textures / models section Third - Why do you put a ! behind every sentence? Too much caffeine?
  5. Go to the ownership tab in the window you get when you doubleclick on the object, then set it to player
  6. Awesome ;D Ill kudo all of you when i can ;) (im on my phone browsing forums... I feel nerdy)
  7. Kudo'd both of yah! ;D Thanks
  8. Hi there ;D I'm busy wih some sort of research on popular mods (what category they're in most often, what they're tagged with, ect ect ect) and I would like to compare the bigger mods to the smaller ones. So, I got a couple of questions to all mod users here. Anyone who films out the form gets kudo'd :) What is your top 3 for mods? Any mod allowed, even if it has been said a thousand times before. Do you endorse mods you use? Honest answers please (I discovered only about 1% of the downloaders endorses - bad or good - which is... a kinda low number) What do you like most in mods? Choose from new items/quests/gameplay enhanced/visuals enhanced, more anwsers possible, own categories allowed. Please list all mods you use so I can find them back on nexus? I know this is a kinda big one, so... you'll get a cookie if you do it? Getting a pic from obmm showing all your mods might be an easier way to do this Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll fill out the form
  9. Hi there :) I'm busy wih some sort of research on popular mods (what category they're in most often, what they're tagged with, ect ect ect) and I would like to compare the bigger mods to the smaller ones. So, I got a couple of questions to all mod users here. Anyone who films out the form gets kudo'd :) What is you top 3 for mods? Any mod allowed, even if it has been said a thousand times before. Do you endorse mods you use? Honest answers please (I discovered only about 1% of the downloaders endorses - bad or good - which is... a kinda low number) What do you like most in mods? Choose from new items/quests/gameplay enhanced/visuals enhanced, more anwsers possible, own categories allowed. Please list all mods you use so I can find them back on nexus? (A) I know this is a kinda big one, so... you'll get a cookie if you do it? Getting a pic from fomm package manager showing all your mods might be an easier way to do this Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll fill out the form :)
  10. FWE and FOOK2 both make combat a lot harder as well as adding a lot to the game and making other tweas. You might want to check them out, but make sure to read the documentation if you do decide to instal them.
  11. There is a folder in your data called music :)
  12. Kinda offtopic, but I figured you'd know, does PFFY (i dunno what its called work on fo3 meshes? Also, i use operation optimazation and it never caused any probs for me, and made it able to play better cities without lag :)
  13. Yeah, selecht somethin called like bsshaders in the branch menu, then edit the shaders in the info menu
  14. Are you getting this mostly in exterior areas with lots of items / npcs and mostly when switching to cells in exterior? Cause fo3 seems to dislike loading new exterior cells without a liading screen ;/ Im having the same prob, removed most my mods and am trying every crash/lag fix i can find, ill letyah know if i find something that works.
  15. Computer programming 101. IF < --- is the statement is true (or == 1) this will execute everything in the IF block. DO THIS 1. ELSEIF <-- if Conditions are failed for the IF block (And only if failed), do this IF another condition is met DO THIS instead ELSE <-- given that IF and ELSEIF failed, do this DO THIS instead instead. endif (end of conditional statement) end (end of block) proper format is a IF, ENDIF block for EACH. I know this, because I've written the script your talking about. elseif statements will work, if you use them in a condition block like i did. that way the IF checks if you have MORE then the max ammo if you DON"T then it checks if you have the applicable weapons if not, it doesnt nothing if you DO, it gives ammo = Maxammo - current ammount then check with a differant if statement the next ammo also could: Check if has a weapon of given type short tempnum IF (player.getitemcount weapname >= 1) || (player.getitemcount weapname >= 1) || (player.getitemcount weapname >= 1) if player.getitemcount AmmoName >= maxammo ;donothing elseif player.getitemcount ammoName < maxammo set tempnum to (Maxammo - player.getitemcount ammoname) endif endif ;IF NEXT WEAPON STATEMENT because mutiple weapons use the same ammo. (assualt rifle, chinese assualt rifle, infiltrator, perferator...), you should check for possession of any of them using || (or) conditions in the IF statement. you should check if the ammo is greater then or equal to max, and only execute if not (done using the IF/ELSEIF in second part). then end the statement and staart a new IF statement. you start a NEW if statement because you actually want the script to check for every ammo type and do them all, not just the first one it succeeded with. also note that math statements MUST BE MADE within delcarations... you can't say player.additem caps001 (maxcaps - player.getitemcount caps001) it will give you Maxcaps, and ignore the itemcount. you have to use a temp variable, like tempcount. like i did in both my example scripts... set tempcount to (maxcaps - player.getitemcount caps001) player.additem tempcount I agree with fakepersonality that this would be a easier script to re-write then just alter. Yeah, I meant that, thanks for correcting me - I suck at scripting when im not actually doing it :)
  16. Hi there... I kinda need help with something,, Im trying to change the AI package set of a creature, but whenever i (right) click one in it's package list the Geck crashes Which kinda sucks cause I really NEED custom AI Anything I can do to fix this? Thanks for any help.
  17. It would be easier to make a completely new script for this IMO Here's of what I think would be a good idea for what you're trying to do: You can then apply that script to any activator you want, including the one from Anchorage, just make sure to re-name it. You can also add in more blocks (eg. include more weapons) by repeating the part in italics and renaming the if to elseif. Hope this was of any help.
  18. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Kudos for all!
  19. Uuhm.. Hi, I gotta kind of strange prob The official tutorials say there's a quest button in the character tab of the geck toolbar (Link to the page that says so) But, well, there isn't. There is something called Quest Voice Asset Totals there, but I don't think that's the one. I've been looking for my button for 3 weeks now... so... please help :ninja: Screenie of prob:
  20. I also recommend DK's High Imperials mod if you want a pretty char ;)
  21. Remove the skin shader from the shader menu
  22. As the title said, Im trying to make some sort of tower defense game in Fo3, but I need some help with the AI I need the "towers" (NPCs with guns) to not run to their target, And I need the target to ignore being shot at and continue walking his way... So, help?
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