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Everything posted by M48A5

  1. Go to http://www.fallout3nexus.com. At the top of the page is a search window. Type into the search window, BOSS and left click the magnifying glass icon on the right. This will take you to another screen where you can left click on the entry "BOSS". This will take you to the screen that has the downloadable files. Also, please read the system requirements that came with your game discs. Your CPU does not meet the minimum requirements to properly run the game. And, read the description page before you download the application. And read the read me that comes with the download. It is there for a reason. Good Luck.
  2. You need to download and install B.O.S.S. and get your load order in proper shape. Also, Fallout 3.esm must load first with the DLC's following. After that, the other esm's than esp's. I suprised the game even starts with that load order. Also, you CPU does not meet the minimum requirements to properly run Fallout. I'm not familiar with the AMD GPU but I don't think the one you have is adequate either.
  3. Does your system hardware meet the minimum requirements to run this game? The usual problem with running Fallout 3 on a laptop is that the video chip is not up to the task placed upon it by the graphics in Fallout 3.
  4. Go to Google and search "BSA files fallout 3".
  5. From your desk top, left click your start button. In the search window, type *.bsa. Left click the magnifying glass. Read the results. If nothing comes up, go to advance search to search your hard drive for *.bsa.
  6. Your problem is not the update, it is something else. Fallout 3 has problem running with a CPU of more than 2 cores. There is a work around for this. Fallout 3 has a problem running from within the Program Files directory. Uninstall the game and re-install it outside the program files.
  7. You can go into sneak mode by pressing the left control key. Just re-press to come out of sneak. I have been doing this for so long that I don't remember if it is part of the vanilla game or a mod.
  8. Since the file is under moderation, no one here can provide a link to another site nor can anyone tell you where you can download the file. Please read the message provided by the moderators at the original page.
  9. You brought the problem an end and all you have to do is go back to Uncle Roe and collect your reward to complete the Quest. Why kill her? She will just go off into the sunset, never to be seen again unless you have the RRCompanions Mod.
  10. Take a look at the system requirements to run the game. It appears you do not meet the minimum CPU or graphics in order for the game to run properly on your system.
  11. DO NOT try to run FOOK and FWE together. It will not happen. It is a good possibility that you could damage the main game files. FOOK and FWE to not work together. Choose one or the other. Than try to get your game running as smooth as possible. I'm sorry, but I do not have any knowledge, at this time, to give you advice on building a mod. If you want a second opinion on the ability to use FOOK and FWE together, check through the troubleshooting posts here and at the Bethsoft Fallout3 forums.
  12. Since you have changed your load order, it would be a good idea do post your new one so that we can see what you are trying to do and we might be able to help you. As far as I have been able to work a load order, I have never been able to completely stop the freezes and CTD.
  13. It would appear that you have at least two mods trying to do the same things. VATS halftime and VATS realtime would appear to conflict with each other. I think you should choose one or the other. Also, Restore tracers and restore tracers-automatics only. You should choose which you want to do. Again, reread JEO post of 11Dec., item #1. I have read in numerous posts and different forums that you cannot run FOOK and FWE together. I tried to run FOOK by it's self and suffered some many crashes that I uninstalled it and loaded FWE. I would suggest you download FO3 Edit and check you load order for conflicts. This is a good program for conflict detection.
  14. It appears you have four mods that will be fighting each other. FO3 Wanderers restore tracers and restore tracers automatics only. You should be using only one of these. Also, VATS realtime and VATS halftime, you should only be using one of these.
  15. After you arrive at Rivet City you have to talk to her and I think she says something like "yeah, yeah, your my hero." She will than continue into Rivet City.
  16. There are links to body replacers on the description page of AP. You have to read down the page to find them.
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