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About Ihmislehma

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  1. In response to post #55602049. What I meant, I couldn't find how to go past it without doing so on the new site. It's entirely possible I just didn't figure out how.
  2. I admit that I haven't been following the news for Nexus doing this, and it came as a surprise after coming back for mods after a long time. A very unpleasant surprise. While I appreciate the hard work going into web design, I still think the new layout is horrible. (And I actually have to access the old site for some mods that say "hey, would you like to donate?" because I can't find a way to download it without donating. Donating is good, forcing to donate is not). For one, I have a wider screen than I used to, and the site stretches way too much to be comfortable for me. The images are too large. I suppose this would look very good on a phone, but I don't browse Nexus on a phone, and I never will, simply because I don't use internet on a phone unless I absolutely must. I would personally prefer if it was optional to switch to the new style, but as some people have pointed out, that would mean keeping two copies of the same thing running. I'm sure in time I will get used to this change, but it doesn't mean I like it. At all. It will likely mean I use Nexus less, because it's nearly headache-inducing. Anyway, that's how I see the whole thing. Edit: forgot to mention that for me the new site is much slower to load.
  3. So I ran into this problem a while ago. For reasons unknown to me, at least three different vanilla NPCs started stalking me. Stalking behavior includes: -Following on close proximity -Not commenting/greeting -Following through fast traveling -When talked to, they don't seem to be angry at my character. -Follows me to anywhere an npc can go. NPCs that have followed me: -Legate Skulvar - started following before Dark Bortherhood took me to Abandoned Shack. -Olfrid Battle-Born - After talking to Jarl of Whiterun for the first time. -Jervar, the son of Whiterun stablemaster - after talking to Jarl of Whiterun as well. Fixes I've tried: -Kill, then resurrect -Resetai -Disable, then enable -tdetect (should disable ai detecting me, no reaction from following pc) -Getting arrested I have a quite large amount of mods. I've done a lot of troubleshooting, and changed some mods I use after I installed the latest NMM and it screwed my mods up. My character is now lvl 10. Only "special circumstance" I can think of for Olfrid and Skulvar, is that Holidays' Jester's Day was in progress. I have several mods that can affect NPC ai. My Loadorder and plugins can be found http://www.modwat.ch/u/Ihmislehma
  4. Still having this problem. I'm trying to uninstall and reinstall and see if that helps.
  5. I don't know how to modify Leveled Lists myself, but you might find some information about that in the Nexus Wiki's Skyrim section. Also, the modding tool I know is Creation Kit. It's a free program you can download from Steam. You'll have to navigate to your game library, and from the drop-down menu (next to the "search" option) there choose "tools". Just look for Creation kit. And to learn more about Creation Kit and how to use it, you'll want to go here: http://www.creationkit.com/ And glad I coule be of help to you ^^
  6. Launch Skyrim normally, that'd what I do. And if crashed freezes and other annoyances happen, it's probably because of mod load order mistakes, conflicting mods or such things.
  7. I've had similar problems sometimes. I have no idea how to "fix" this completely, but I know how to fix it at least for some time. My solution is rather odd: I hit one of the attackers, steal or do something else the guards would arrest me for (just try not to kill anyone, the bounty for that is rather high). When the guards arrest you, just pay the bounty off. After that, everyone seems to calm down. Dunno if this will help but it worked for me.
  8. The guards may be wearing these fur/helmet hybrid thingies because they are worked on their leveled lists. Now, I have really no idea how to address this problem, but you could always go and ask the creators of Immersive Armors mod if they have indeed done this. Hope this helps at all ^^
  9. I'm having a rather annoying trouble with spell casting, wands and scrolls with my Skyrim. For some reason, I can't use scrolls, cast spells or use wands when equipped in my right hand. Scrolls seem to always be equipped into right hand, so I cannot use them at all. And I cannot use both hands when casting magic. Also, I have encountered one situation where a quest couldn't proceed for not being able to cast magic with my right hand. This is starting to be a real problem now. I want to ask, does anyone have any suggestions how I could address this problem? For example, do I need to modify any files? Or anything else? Now, I understand that this could be a mod-related problem, but I really don't want to go through all those mods I have, especially since it could well end up breaking my saves. Most of the mods I use a graphic and performance related, some are game-play related and some add new homes and such. Also, I don't have Dawnguard yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated ^___^ So thanks in advance.
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