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Everything posted by Ladez

  1. This is because the ground under the rails is part of the rail mesh. As a result, the surrounding land texture must match the texture used by the rail mesh for things to look proper. And even then, it can look wrong depending on the lighting.
  2. You're calling GetWeaponAttackAnimation using reference syntax, but the list returned by GetLoadedTypeArray contains base forms. This explains the difference. Since you don't have a reference to work with, you need to use base form syntax: if (GetWeaponType rWeap == 0) && (GetWeaponAttackAnimation rWeap != 3)
  3. Add a variable to the quest script. scriptname MyCompanionQuestScript int iAttitude Increment or decrement the variable in the result script of appropriate dialogue lines. "You are an idiot." set MyCompanionQuest.iAttitude to MyCompanionQuest.iAttitude - 1 "You are my best friend forever." set MyCompanionQuest.iAttitude to MyCompanionQuest.iAttitude + 1 Use the variable in conditions with the GetQuestVariable function, so that appropriate lines are spoken only when the attitude is above or below a required threshold.
  4. This started happening with version 19 of Lutana NVSE. Probably has something to do with the new OnCrosshair events it provides. If you don't have a previous version on hand, your best bet is to patiently wait for the JIP/Lutana merger.
  5. You can't edit a plugin in plain-text. And besides, this only changes the script source, you need to recompile the script in the GECK.
  6. The mod troubleshooting section, I'd say. The mod talk section is for general discussion about mods. The general discussion sections, including technical support, are not for topics related to modding. At least that is my understanding of how things are set up.
  7. You have ILO patches for New Vegas Bounties I and II and A World of Pain, but you don't have those mods installed.
  8. The end result should be that nvse_loader.exe and all of the DLL files are in your Fallout New Vegas folder. This is the same folder as the main game executable FalloutNV.exe. Do not install it to the data folder.
  9. I'm not an advocate of large mod lists and even from my perspective, that is not a lot of mods and certainly not too many. And yes, technically it's the wrong forum, but I don't hold it against the OP as I think the descriptions are a bit vague. As for being a putz, I'm inclined to agree. :happy:
  10. Use 7-Zip to extract the archive. And make sure that you follow the advice posted on the website to not use anything from the Windows App Store. Download 7-Zip here instead.
  11. Select mods does have controller support, others require the Lutana plugin, and still others, like Project Nevada, don't have explicit support but can be used with Lutana's DInput emulation which maps controller buttons to keys on your keyboard. What they all have in common is that they require NVSE, another third-party tool. There just isn't any provision for modders to add controller support to their mods, or even custom keyboard hotkeys, without these community toolsets. You may not be happy about this, and I would agree with you, but the fault lies with the game developers for not providing this basic functionality. It is a game with official mod support, after all.
  12. Let him enjoy his dinner in peace.
  13. Moving on, then. Your Weapons of the New Millenia crash is because you only have the optional plugins and are missing the master file.
  14. You made the rookie mistake of not reading Nevada Skies' install instructions. Specifically, step 3:
  15. Include the formatting switch in the text in the message form, like this: "The winning number was %g." Then pass the script variable to the ShowMessage function along with the message, like this: set iWinningNumber to GetRandomPercent ShowMessage WinnerMessage, iWinningNumber Here's an example with NVSE, which allows you to show messages without creating a new message form. NVSE also supports a number of extra switches that can't be used in ordinary message forms. MessageBoxEx "The winning number was %g.", iWinningNumber
  16. Read the "Formatting messages" section in the article on the ShowMessage function. For you, %.0f or %g are the way to go. Edit: Fixed link.
  17. You can't set the value too high or low for it not to work, though. Any non-zero value, even in the negative, will evaluate to true, so unless you have some specific logic requiring otherwise, you can write your conditional like this: if bScriptEnabled ; do stuff endif Or if you prefer: if bScriptEnabled else return endif ; do stuff Losing the comparison operator has the benefit of (slightly) improving performance.
  18. The reasoning for caravan not being playable in casinos is explained in-game, by Ringo:
  19. You can set a plugin as the active file without a master, but you appear to have done so in the wrong order. When you first load the GECK to create your plugin, go into File -> Data and press OK without selecting anything BEFORE you create any objects. Otherwise your objects will not be assigned a valid form ID. I do this all the time for scripted mods that do not need a master. I'm a little baffled by your script. Why spend time detecting an "improper" boolean?
  20. It works if you save the form list into a ref variable and pass that to the function. Edit: also works the normal way if you use compiler override.
  21. I'm sure RoyBatterian will make the mod available again, as Lutana NVSE can be downloaded with the author's permission. Give it a few days and see.
  22. begin MenuMode 1013 if (GetGameRestarted) ;returns true only once per session, so this must be the main menu ;do stuff endif end As for exiting to main menu, I'm not sure why, but I've heard that doing this is a really bad idea. Doesn't sound like something you should actively support. If you really want to though, you could check for visibility of the logo. GetUIFloat "StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/main_title/visible"No idea how reliable this is.
  23. The crap packs just give you the equipment they contain and does nothing else. You can remove them as long as you don't have any mods that use them. Which most mods shouldn't do, because the crap packs inject their records into FalloutNV.esm so that they can be overwritten without a master dependency. That's how YUP is able to patch them without requiring them. Edit: You can also merge all four of them together to save room, although that requires you to extract the contents of their BSAs and either repackage them or leave the contents as loose assets in your data folder. They will still work just fine with YUP if you do this.
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