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Everything posted by Gambit77

  1. Basically I keep getting startup CTDs after installing armor outfits. My base build is pretty much all the mods that Gopher guides the installation of through his modding tutorials and mod clinic videos, with a small amount added to those. After finishing his series I made a merge patch in FNVEdit. Everything was fine. I installed Breeze and Type 3 bodies, everything was fine. I started installing various type 3 armors and clothings, neck seem cover necklaces, blackwolf backpacks. Just about every outfit mod I install with an .esp is causing a CTD at startup. The only mod that didn't, out of like 15 tested was Free Tribal Outfits.esp I'm hoping someone has an idea about what is causing the CTDs. Everything loads fine in FNVEdit. In that I can load all these .esp files just fine. any ideas?
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