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Everything posted by Gambit77

  1. Yeah, I already fixed the un-ticked shaders, and I've added SF_Shadow_Map. http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405460206.jpg I've been saving the textures with DXT5. Unfortunately, it's still not working ingame. Not sure if this would help at all. http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405460206.jpg
  2. I fixed changing the BSShaderPPLightingProperty Shader Flags to SF_Alpha_Texture, and instead added it to the other flags. Had to update Nifskope, the one I was using didn't have the drop down menu. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405457566.jpg But it still doesn't show up right in game. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405457567.jpg
  3. Ok, this is where I'm at. Here are the changes to the diffuse http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405455400.jpg Here are the changes to the em http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405455400.jpg And the changes I've made to the .nif are: adding the NiAlphaProperty changing the BSShaderPPLightingProperty Shader Flags to SF_Alpha_Texture changing the NiAlphaProperty Flags to 4845 Here are shots of the .nif file http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-3-1405455401.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-4-1405455401.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-5-1405455401.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405455640.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405455641.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-3-1405455641.jpg Would any more info be helpful?
  4. OK, gonna move some comments over from the image section to here. from Macintroll "The useful information are not visible in your screen (lower part of nifskope) Check the transparency flag try with flag 4845 for example" Is this where you were referring to, that I should make the change? http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/2695294-1405452169.jpg from imu333 "Make sure you've enabled alpha textures in Nifskope BSShaderPPLightingProperty > under Shader Flags, make sure "SF_Alpha_Texture" is ticked" No it's not ticked, but I don't understand how to change the entries for Shader Flags. How would I add that or tick that? http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/2695294-1405452203.jpg
  5. Damn, I added transparency to the environmental map, but that didn't fix the problem. I tried it first with partial transparency, and then again with full transparency. It looked exactly the same in game. Do I need to go full transparency with the diffuse texture, because I went partial because I wanted the lens to be tinted? Scratch that idea, still getting the exact same appearance. Do I need to alter the alpha layer of the normal map? That didn't fix it either. I also tried removing the cube map reference from the texture paths in the .nif file
  6. I've had this happen occasionally to things like backpacks that I was wearing before. Is your character naked when this happens? Does the whole character go transparent or just parts? Whenever this has happened to me I just un-equip and then re-equip whatever went transparent and that always fixes it.
  7. I'm having trouble with a little project. I decided to make Sinlood's Steamjunk Goggles have transparent lenses, because I'm a stickler for having glasses I can see through. Anyhow I believe I altered the alpha layer of the diffuse texture properly. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/2695294-1405446133.jpg I've added the nialphaproperty to both the regular and raised meshes, and the transparency works properly in nifskope. http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/2695294-1405446190.jpg But when I test it ingame the transparency just isn't working. http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/2695294-1405446231.jpg Does anybody have any idea what the issue could be? I haven't seen anything anywhere about changes I have to make to the plugin or game inis or anything like that.
  8. :thumbsup: Thank you for sharing your works with us. I've very much enjoyed your mods. The bounties were fun, and the Russel quests were a blast, literally. Russell's one of my favorite companions. And just to chime in on this, I was able to play the Legion assault quest at the end of Russel's questline without crashing. It was awesome. I haven't done the Inheritence quests yet, but I'm sure I'll enjoy them. You might have dissapointed yourself. We all do sometimes. But I don't think you disappointed anyone else here. I don't think you've done anything but make our lives a little better. Thank you for that.
  9. It's too bad these two made it to the finals. Elder Scrolls is better compared to Fallouts, which are really the best series. GTA isn't even the best in it's genre, the Saints Row games have been better than the GTA games at every release.
  10. In response to post #8475192. #8475255, #8476142 are all replies on the same post. Authoritarianism and totalitarianism are not tenets of Marxism. None of the countries you're referring to ever met the pre-requisites neccessary for success(Marx believing his theories required implementation by already developed and industrialized nations). None of the countries you're referring to stuck to Marx and Engels game plan. Nowadays implementations of Democratic Socialism are proving to be quite effective at improving living standards for the masses. And socialism is definitely successful in making this a thriving community
  11. In response to post #8475192. Yes you can tell the difference looking at logs. DDoS and DoS attacks usually use a method that leaves TCP handshakes in an open (incomplete) state, where as legitamite traffic would finish the TCP handshake. There isn't a ton you can do to defend against this attack. Most attackers doing this would be spoofing the source addresses of the ip packets, so making new entries to their firewall blocklist would likely just block random innocent people. You can just hope the attacker will get bored and quit. There isn't a whole lot of suspects that have anything to gain by attacking this site. The only group I can think of would be radical captalists that have money invested in the distribution of video games that take offense to our community based development and our communistic sharing ways. But at the same time, they also partially benefit from our community increasing the value of their commodities. Plus the capitalists are usually up to way worse things than this. As far as villianous acts go, DDoSing the Nexus would be kind of beneath them. My guess is it's someone doing a training exercise that chose the Nexus because it has a lot of traffic but doesn't have the kind of deep pockets to be able to buy police to look into the attack.
  12. Edit: nevermind I fixed this. Turns out Google repository won 't let you download the masterlist.txt from Switzerland. What the hell is up with that?
  13. I've never had that problem, I used UFO for a long time in the past. I don't know what the XFLMain.esm is from, but I don't think you should need it because I've never had it. Have you looked at Amazing Follower Tweaks? It's very similar but has a few extra features that UFO doesn't that are pretty cool. And from what I've heard it's a little less script intensive in how it works so it'd be better for stability if you're using other mods that use scripts.
  14. Since last night every time I run BOSS the only recognized plugin is Skyrim.esm. Is anybody else having this issue? it says Your masterlist has been updated to revision 7220 (2013-06-18). I wanted to start a new game because I'm having major exterior stability issues so I was gonna try without ASIS and Immersive Patrols (as those are the only two mods that I have that add anything to the exterior worldspace) in hopes that I can get some stability. And I wanted to try some Erso plugins but I don't know where to put them. Does anyone know where to sort the following plugins: BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp ActiveERSO 01 - Vanilla Races Redone.esp ActiveERSO 02 - Enhanced Fauna and Monsters for Skyrim.esp ActiveERSO 08 - RUS-00 Main plus Dawnguard Dragonborn.esp ActiveERSO 08.1 - ERSO MIRAAK.esp ActiveERSO 08.2 - ERSO HARKON.esp ActiveERSO 09 - RUS-Npcs overhaul USKP compatible.esp ActiveERSO 09.2 - Radiance.esp ActiveERSO 13 - MD - A Better Level Progression.esp ActiveERSO 13.03 - Higher Skill Cap 125 with perks.esp ActiveERSO 14 - Vendors richer and Inns more expensive.esp ActiveERSO 14.08 - Respawn Vendor Stuff 1 day.esp ActiveERSO 16 - Realistic Crime Alert Distances - MEDIUM.esp ActiveERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore.esp ActiveERSO 20 - Standing Stones Overhaul.esp ActiveERSO 29 - DPMO.esp ActiveERSO 03 - Mighty Dragons Unleveled.esp ActiveERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.esp ActiveERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.esp ActiveERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.esp ActiveERSO 03.3 - Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.esp ActiveERSO 03.4 - Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.esp ActiveERSO 03.5 - New Dragon Super Loots.esp ActiveERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.esp ActiveERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.esp Active And here's my load order if anyone has any suggestion for stability. I have a i72600K not overclocked, 12GB ram, GTX 680 with 4GB vram. Everything is TES5Edit cleaned. As far as textures I'm using Texture Pack Combiner Light with all optionals except Lush Trees using performance options when available. My drive is defragged. I'm using attk and cleanmem.
  15. It looks like maybe my ini was the issue, although I never did much ini tweaking in the past. So I'm not sure what It could have been. Hopefully it's not bDisableGearedUp=0, as that is the only ini tweak I can specifically recall making, and I've put it back in and still am not crashing in that one spot. I also went back to road east out of falkreath which was giving me the same problems the other day and it worked there to. Thanks for the help Star. "knocks on wood" It looks like your advice may have fixed my stability issues. Time to test to see if I can actually sit down and play for a while crash free.
  16. Yeah, I already switched to a lower res version of Deadly Spell impacts, although the crashes were rarely coinciding with actual combat. As far as textures I've got HD all over the place. Bethesda HD, Skyrim HD, Serious HD retexture landscapes, Vurt's Flora overhaul, Project Parallax, Lush grass and trees, Better Males, Navatsea Body textures, Women of Skyrim, Etheral Elven Overhaul, Cabal's armor textures. I figured with a GTX 680 4GB I'd be fine running lots of 2K textures. I ran most of these same textures with a GTX 560ti 1GB. Back then I assumed crashes and freezes were me running out of vram. Now, I just don't know. I'm looking at a log from just a little bit ago where I CTD after a few minutes of playing running down the path towards riverwood from the helgen cave and I can see that there is nothing in it immediately prior to the crash because the last entries are from Kuertee's autosave mod and I crashed about 30-45 seconds after the last time it saved. It can be so frustrating. I've done some serious mod culling trying to make my build stable and I just can't seem to get it there. I got rid of most mods that had scripting involved just because I would equate a Crash with them because they were the last thing in the log, but now the CTDs seem to have no rhyme or reason, so it makes me question whether mods I removed where even ever an issue. Here's my ini, let me know if you see anything in there that shouldn't be, or if there's any tweaks you'd recommend. and my Skyrimprefs.ini
  17. Yeah after searching the forum for many hours yesterday I did find the trick to load an indoor save, go outside, and then load the outdoor save. That did work for me in the one instance I tested. So thanks for replying with the tip Star. If anyone sees anything in my load order that could be the reason for the outdoor instability let me know. Does anybody think it might just be ASIS. Some of the advice I came across was that additions to the worldspace and increased spawns are major culprits in outdoor areas CTDs. I'm only using Leveler's tower atm as far as worldspace additions, and I only added that this time to rebuild a character I lost in a corrupt savegame, although it is an awesome mod. So I'm wondering if the crashes are mainly related to the increased spawns from ASIS. If anyone has some opinions chime in.
  18. It's recommended to disable most mods until after the helgen tutorial. That whole scripted sequence is very buggy and doesn't play well with scripted mods. I myself had trouble with SkyBirds during the helgen sequence.
  19. the hearthfire.esm and bsa are in your Skyrim/data folder. Although I doubt what you're thinking the problem is the problem. I've also had this problem recently. I eventually got there, but I didn't find any fix for this. For me that area just seemed especially crashy. Try approaching it from different vectors.
  20. I don't think you need horses for followers if you're using convenient horses. They probably conflict, which could be causing your followers riding horses issues.
  21. I had this problem before. Besides cutting down on your hair packs, my solution was I had to uninstall Auto-Equip Arrows, Shooting Stars and SkyBirds. After that I was able to create a female during the Helgen sequence. Or you could try Live Another Life.
  22. I started a new game today, and have been having lots of CTDs. I don't really see anything obvious in the logs. And whenever I try to load a save game from an outside worldspace I crash, usually a soft freeze, occasionally a CTD. Since I didn't really see anything suspicious in the logs I've tried toning back on texture mods some by going with lower resolution options when available. I don't mess with UGrids, got it set to vanilla 5. here's an example of a log when trying to load a save. Here is my mod list. I use BOSS to order it and everything has been cleaned with TES5Edit. I'm using the plug-in version of ASIS. I'm running a i7 2600K (No OC), GTX 680 4GB, and have 16GB ram, so I don't think it's a hardware shortcoming. If anyone sees what could be the issue some advice would be great.
  23. One of my mods has disappeared My Black Sacrament Prime retexture mod has disappeared without any explantion. Is there an explanation? Because I had permission to alter the texture files that I used as a starting point.
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