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Everything posted by Gambit77

  1. How do you ban a user from your mods if they haven't posted a comment on your mod?
  2. In response to post #31569000. #31569880, #31571725, #31573255, #31573815, #31573980, #31577030 are all replies on the same post. If you really want to surf safely use no-script. Most malvertising injects malware code through javascript. Sure, No-script will usually break vanilla website functionality, but you can restore the functionality that you need and continue blocking everything else by whitelisting javascript from only the sources you trust.
  3. When I try launching the game I'm getting an error at the Compiling Scripts file parsing 1347/1388 mark. This is the error message I'm getting, and I'm not sure why because the file doesn't end at line 8. Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(7901): Unexpected end of file found after '{' at line 8v Here's the text from that file
  4. @Dark0ne There seems to be a huge amount of doomsayers from this, but maybe it's not the worst idea in the world. Maybe you should make a paywall option available to modders here. You could very easily offer them a better cut than Steam is. If a mod was priced the same as Steam people would be more likely to download it from here for a multitude of reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm a leftist all the way, and I love the sharing going on in this community. However it is possible that remuneration for modders could lead to us getting some awesome mods that we otherwise wouldn't have. Mods from people with a professional skill set that don't necessarily have free time to work on mods, but maybe could expend some of their working hours towards modding if they'd end up making some money doing so.
  5. make your changes to a renamed copy of the mesh. Then make an .esp that changes the mesh referenced for the armors that you want to change it for.
  6. In response to post #22563664. #22615594 is also a reply to the same post. I wish Bethesda had the Shadowrun IP. Just have to keep high hopes for Cyberpunk, although the Shadowrun universe is cooler.
  7. In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819 are all replies on the same post. @Arthmoor So does that mean that we're going to end up seeing A Tale Of Three Wastelands mod?
  8. My work around for crashes at game startup that are non-plugin related, is to click the shortcut to start the game, then click on the Windows Task Manager window to make that the active window. Then once the sound kicks in you can click over to FNV.
  9. Yes, deactivate the originals and take them out of the data folder. Also if any of those mods you use have their assets in a .bsa, which would have the same name as the .esp s, you need to unpack the .bsa file with BSAOpt and manually install the asset files(meshes, textures, etc.).
  10. Yay! I had another breakthrough. I fixed all of the above problems by changing the NiTriStrips>Name>string>(Values) on all the blocks that I copied into the mesh to whatever the values were in the original nif and that fixed everything.
  11. Yeah, I noticed that this problem was causing more than half the problems people were coming here about. Thought I'd scream the solution from the rooftops.
  12. Running 140 or more plugins will always FUBAR your game! Usually it's even less. Play it safe, try to max out in the low 120s. Now you say, "I don't want to give up this mod or that mod." What if I were to tell you, "You don't have to give up any mod?" http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405714886.jpg http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/?
  13. Running 140 or more plugins will always FUBAR your game! Usually it's even less. Play it safe, try to max out in the low 120s. Now you say, "I don't want to give up this mod or that mod." What if I were to tell you, "You don't have to give up any mod?" http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405714886.jpg http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/?
  14. Use this FNVEdit script for merging plugins Merge Plugins TES5Edit Script by matortheeternal
  15. Ok, I just had a breakthrough. I decided, why don't I copy the changed branches from the post-Blender nif and paste them into the pre-Blender nif, erasing the same branches from the pre-Blender nif of course. And that worked, it shows up in game. http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405707581.jpg However I have a bevy of bugs to squash. Several items: the bowie knife, http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405707582.jpg the vest, http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405708134.jpg and the pipboy pocket, http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-4-1405707583.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-5-1405707584.jpg are all disappearing, at different distances, as the camera gets closer. Also there is a couple bugs with the rigging I believe. There is a weird bending of the left leg, and the left arm no longer holds the gun properly. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405707646.jpg Both of which are odviously caused by the vest. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405707646.jpg Hopefully these issues, while I don't understand them, are less of a mystery to all of you.
  16. That should be stickied! It seems like over half of the issues people bring to the forums are from too many plugins.
  17. Ok, well it looks like 7-15 of you are trying to figure out what's wrong with this. I took a comparison shot between the problem mesh and the mesh before I put it in Blender, and the most glaring difference is that after Blender export it has 2 NiNodes, one inside the other. Is that a problem? http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405696023.jpg
  18. FNV Edit Plugin merge Works great. The scripts for it are on the nexus. A lot of those can be merged. You should also be only using 1 FCO willow plugin. And what is CCO, never heard of it? It sure has a shitload of plugins.
  19. You sure you have DirectX or anything like that installed?
  20. I decided to try my hand at making an armor mashup tactical vest today. I started off using nifskope, but I ran into a problem. I had to reposition the pipboy and the gun. So I tested it and the new locations didn't stick. Found out I had to do transform apply to the meshes I moved so I did that. But when I tested it those meshes were flying away from my body. Looked good in nifskope, but when I looked in blender the meshes were flying away. So I fixed that and repostioned the meshes with blender. Problem is is that my blender exported nifs won't show up in game even though it shows up in nifskope just fine. http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405560051.jpg I've tried several export settings, but this is the one I think is right. http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-2-1405560051.jpg I've uploaded the nif file to one of my mod pages, here, if anybody can take a look to see what's wrong with it. Or maybe someone just knows off hand, seemed from google that it's a common problem, but I didn't find anything that solved it for me.
  21. Ok using the correct mesh now, Macintroll noticed I was editing the female mesh lol, using the previous settings resulted in invisible in game. But I did get it working. I started from scratch. All I did was Use the edited diffuse texture. Added NiAlphaProperty, using the default settings, I didn't change the flag to 4845. And then I added the SF_Alpha_Texture shader flag. http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405516762.jpg That's it. I am wondering if it's possible to apply the texture to the back side of the mesh, because currently when looking throught the lens of the goggles the inside of the mesh is invisible. I found some directions for Skyrim that said to add the SF_Double_Sided flag, but that apparently isn't an option for Fallout, so if anyone knows some way to do it that would make the mesh perfect. Macintroll and imu333, thank you both a bunch, you both were very helpful and I appreciate it.
  22. I didn't have this SF_skinned, so I'll try that in a little bit after dinner. Edit: Nope still didn't work for me.
  23. this is the compression settings that I've been using. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/49257-1-1405463486.jpg
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