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Everything posted by Evilllamas

  1. And we then discover black marsh is just a big glass tank with so,e twigs in it!
  2. Unlike 99% of `renditions` on youtube... this was damn good!
  3. THAT (the twilight esque man boy) in the picture is not a vampire.
  4. duel wielding light armour no sneak or restoration? on master difficulty...
  5. It will be on next gen devices, with all new tech....and looking at the way things are going, creating the world itself wouldn't take as long, so perhaps Elswyr AND Valenwood, both are really cool settings. But if it's gimped even more for consoles, I will not be a happy panda.
  6. Yes the rivers look pretty.... but other than that the water in skyrim is awfull. Worse than morrowind in some aspects, for instance the fact that a large area of the lake near riften has no water in it, when swimming underwater there's no lighting changes at certain depths, there's little to no ripples when walking in it (only very specific bodies of water react), the water edge is made up of jagged lines, and it doesn't look even slightly realistic in large bodies (these points aside... the little streams look great) These observations were made on ultra settings on PC aswell.
  7. with stealth archery is very overpowered.... against single mobs. Invest in the right hand branch of stealth, and get all the damage+ speed increase perks for archery and you should be fine
  8. So this is Bethesda `I'm sorry......` (South park reference)
  9. I havn't played it much... it's on my to do list... spent several hours though.... It's atmoshpere is unlike anything I've ever played... totally unique! One thing: The combat is weird for new commers... persevere, it gets better! But in terms of depth and sheer number of things to do, it's still the best elder scrolls there is!
  10. None... They're fluffy... I dont kill foxes either.... elk however..... they must die. At 500m with an arrow!
  11. I love skrim's color scheme... some of it's vegitation a bit `flat` looking... but that's the case with every game outside of my modded Crysis 1... I love the tunrda area outside whiterun, and on a misty evening, the pine forests look amazing!
  12. Because devs favour them, and we were here first. And everythings dumbed down/ shortened/ gimped for consoles. I look forward to the next gen consoles, at least we wont have graphics and content gimping on PC then- just a lack depth.
  13. [Hipster Glasss On] I was saying this Before it was mainstream! Hell I was saying it a year ago... And I was right! They are starting to annoy me.... being a duel wielding light armor wearer wont help though.... their frost breath hurts:(
  14. I'm a bit anoyed with the armour in general in Skyrim... Should be several more sets for each type... Bonemeal, Mithril, Plate Glass, Ebony mail (I know there's that one cuiras), Amber, and all sorts of other stuff.... And dragon weapons. Where are they?!
  15. All the nightingale gear is leveled (once you get it, it's not going to get any better) However dark brotherhood stuff, and main quest stuff, isn't. So I'm just doing everything I can before finishing thieves guild (done it once already).... this is my `proper` assassin character, I'm going to have a `proper` warrior type after this one...
  16. It would be awfull if that was the case! Think how long it takes to design a world full of quests and intresting things for just Skyrim.... I'd be VERY happy with (on `next gen` hardware (current hardware not gimped by consoles) to have 2 provinces (Valenwood+ Elswer) with 2x the amount of content in each as we have in skyrim... And no levelled loot/ items. I want like 3x as many factions!
  17. Although, with the `mysterious gate` to morrowind, I'm really hoping we can return in the DLC!
  18. Shadow Warrior+ Shrouded Gauntlets+ Duel Daggers You are invisible, and hit hard. One shotting giants is fun
  19. I would love morrowind to be combined with skyrim, skyrim combat... in morrowind... with skyrim graphics, with all the guilds added together, and more! It's the atmosphere that makes it so special too me.... no other game feels quite like it!
  20. Do both- the nightingale Armour and weapons you get from thieves guild are really good, but the blade of woe and shrouded gauntlets from dark brother hood are good as well, dark brotherhood also gives you shadow mere, a really good horse! Join and complete both (but don't turn in skeleton key right away in thieves guild....) Combine all the equipment, and you become nigh on unstopable as an assassin, as you are almost undetectable, and do an incredible amount of sneak damage.
  21. One handed (damage boosters, duel wieding, and some power atacks) and sneak (everything) - with 6 points in archery (all the damage boosters and the zoom in one) Also filling up smithing, and light armour- when these are all filled, I'm going to start filling block and heavy armour.... I want to play with some of the fancy heavy armour from deadra quests etc! Wish I could have 2 handed aswell.... but alas no:( unless I start leveling some random magic to get the levels up... I will be all powerfull in the end!
  22. thanks allot! Looks like I wont be throwing her off a mountain... I'd been plotting her death for some time now....
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