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Everything posted by Lakan
Mods that give the most brutal and exciting combat experience?
Lakan replied to Innocenceislost's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Kyu, you should consider giving Ultimate Combat a try in addition to these four, and Asis if you want the enemy ai to be able to learn new modded spells. -
Nope, it definitely does not speed things up, I would know, I was looking up ini tweaks thinking those allocations were for the game itself, not realizing it was just for papyrus scripts :smile: Well, mods like skse versions of dual wield parrying and tk dodge were still a little slow, and in addition to that, my game kept crashing. The problem here is, what I could do in mods like dwp I can do in vanilla, parrying, and well, vanilla is of course responsive. HOWEVER, the entire reason a lot of us needs mods like dwp, is written all over it's name, "dual wield parrying", and tk dodge is also very useful.
Was Morrowind's theme really based on this??? I recall hearing that from somewhere, but I'm not sure where that guy got his information from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ97I2p4_YY
Hi, I'm trying to replicate the Bashing mechanic within Skyrim, where it is based on how long you hold down the left mouse button, but I also realize that while you are bashing, you are in "AttackState" 6, so as such, I can see that this current code I've edited is going to cause a bit of problems, such as making my sword swing since the game will read me as still being in "attack state 1" ElseIf(keyCode == attackKeyCode) If(Input.HoldKey(256) && blocking) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(playerRef, "bashStart") If(Input.ReleaseKey(256)) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(playerRef, "ReleaseBash") How do I get the game to read me as "AttackState 6" which is bashing from here? http://www.creationkit.com/Talk:GetAttackState
Mods that give the most brutal and exciting combat experience?
Lakan replied to Innocenceislost's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I have skyrim redone(I don't use the ai or combat modules), ASIS(I don't use the enemy ai), Duel Combat Realism, ERSO enhanced enemy ai, and Ultimate combat will really, really punish you. Basically if you're not paying attention, you will get sliced, and die. Oh, and for those duel wielders, mods like duel wield parrying are a must. -
What would be good habits to get them to respond faster? I mean, is it possible to get the skse versions of mods such as Dual Wield Parrying to have better reaction times?
With that being said, is there any way to have functions like "GetWantBlocking" and set the "GetAttackState" with scriptdragon? As well, is there any way to make the reaction times with SKSE faster? I may just work wtih SKSE if making the reaction times faster is possible.
SKSE is written in C++ as well? Hm, interesting. Sorry, I'm still a bit ignorant about it as I'm fairly new to modding. Still, I can't deny that I find the speed on scriptdragon more favorable, it's even a little faster than vanilla response times. Though I think I'm starting to see what you mean by it being less extensive than SKSE :\
Examples? Well Sokrman, if I recall correctly, when you land in a warzone, the papyrus scripts it generates were meant for an earlier version of skyrim, and that's why it causes people problems. I can confirm that it's not just so many npcs at once, I have immersive patrols running just fine, in fact just got out of a battle that was from immersive patrols, an at least 50-75 man battle of legions and stormcloaks, no Idea if that mod runs scripts, I'm sure it does though. And I was crashing so many times I even tried entering a warzone. This doesn't mean that I'm pessimistic against Warzones, I just think it needs some simple updating if that's true.
Yeah, papyrus definitely seems easier, but eh, I enjoyed learning it, plus I kind of like the look of visual studio 2012 :biggrin: (not implying I like the look of windows 7 ) As for that unreliable update time, if I recall, there is only one guy maintaining it, perhaps the guy should gather a team or something.
By "maintained", do you mean updated? Because he has the latest available on his site, and I think people especially on the comments section of his page here were missing that. Though, I think you're referring to something else.
Well, in that case, then scriptdragon becomes a necessity once more!
I was just wondering, what could be the reason for slow reaction times with SKSE scripts compared to scriptdragon? I have downloaded both the skse version of tk dodge and dual wield parrying, and for some reason, both's skse version is too slow to bear, and yet, the scriptdragon version of such is pretty fast, in fact dual wield parrying's scriptdragon version is even faster than vanilla blocking. I want to know what could be the reason for this sluggish performance of the scripts, and what would be the reason that they can't perform as fast as scriptdragon.
Is there really no way to add new combat animations ?
Lakan replied to Deleted2838758User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
tk combat adds new ways of fighting, but not necessarily adding animations to the basic fighting method(hack and slash, and whatnot). -
Where can I find how the blocking and bashing works in the creation kit? Because I'm trying something out with 1h right hand and spell left hand, I want to block, and I want it to bash, I am using scriptdragon, which shouldn't be too alien here. Is the blocking just having the actor perform the "BlockStart" animation (00013217)? Or is there more to it, like having the actor be in a specific state of blocking? Because when I tried to bash with this custom block for 1h and one spell using the console "player.playidle bashStart" (0001B417) it would say "(doesn't want to block) is blocking)", in contrast to when I use that command on the console when I'm just using regular 1h right hand and free left hand blocking, it would then say "(wants to block)is blocking)". However, when the regular block began the "bashStart" animation, it was the full, slow power bash when you're holding it, so that's why I wanted to know all the meat and bones of the regular bashing and blocking script in the creation kit.
Hi, Is the spell equipping and unequipping animation a TesIdleForm? If not, what are they? Also, say you have equipped a spell on your left hand, can you make the unequip animation play without actually unequipping the spell itself, and then play the equip spell animation after?
Where can I go about editing combat mechanics in the CK?
Lakan replied to Lakan's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Also, is there a guide out there for editing mods that use scriptdragon, or can someone point me in the right direction? -
Specifically, blocking, and everything related to it. Also, what are the fundamentals of the spell animation in regards to it's equip animation? Can your for example, trigger the unequip animation for the spell at any time without actually unequipping the spell itself?
Nevermind, thanks Georgiegril for reminding me about load orders fixing tons of problems, as that's what it did for me. Sadly, I found what was really crashing my game. I don't really have ctd's anywhere else except within the battlefields from the "Warzones - civil unrest" mod, then through some research, have found that it is this mod that is making ctd's for everyone, even people with really top notch pc's, and the author has apparently not updated the mod for a long time... So I had to let it go, thankfully removing it did not break my saves.
I've been trying to make sense of it myself, but I am in a bit of dire need of help here :) [06/04/2013 - 03:43:13PM] Papyrus log opened (PC) [06/04/2013 - 03:43:13PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms) [06/04/2013 - 03:43:13PM] Memory page: 1 (min) 5 (max) 76800 (max total) [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01018802", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to (0C018802) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01022031", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to (0C022031) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "SneakToolsMeasureDistanceScript", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "SneakToolsRope2Script", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "SneakToolsRopeNonDynamicScript", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "SneakToolsRopeScript", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooRenaultScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenaultAkaviriKatana (1B038C22) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooNorthwindScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind (1B030A01) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooSanSoonScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono (1B038C44) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:31PM] Cannot open store for class "MidasLuggageScript", missing file? [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (0C015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (0C0286F3) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _de_getcampinglegal attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (0C015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (0C0286F3) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _DE_WaterDetect attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (0C015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (0C0286F3) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooRenaultScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenault on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenaultAkaviriKatana (1B038C22) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to alias ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn on quest ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to alias ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawnJournal on quest ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooNorthwindScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind (1B030A01) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooSanSoonScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono (1B038C44) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] warning: Property magward on script mcuepressureplatescript attached to alias mcuetrappressureplate on quest 3DMCue (341D40F8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (3C01ED3C) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script MuMainQuestDamojoanScript to alias damojoan on quest MUMainQuest (3D014CB7) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B45C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DMCue3_021E8C3C attached to 3DMCue3 (341E8C3C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0700BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property WARD on script aaatkcinitquestscript attached to aaaTKCInitQuest (54013B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000E2B98) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B047E63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (2400F9B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B0483E2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_RaynesGriffithQuest_02164D86 attached to RaynesGriffithQuest (34164D86) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (36009A7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property SneakToolsArmorDarkCowl on script xxxsneakquestscript attached to xxxSneakQuest (16000D63) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (16000D62) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B45F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B459E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000C9FD1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DNPCMQ3_021A0BD4 attached to 3DNPCMQ4 (341A0BD4) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341C1C57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to (341A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3416711F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (341736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3417366D) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (341736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3417366E) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DNPCMainQuest_02196D2D attached to 3DNPCMQ1 (34196D2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000CD2D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000BBAF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000BBAF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to (341B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (34166FF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property aaaTKCKeySetMenu on script aaaTKCKeySetQuest attached to aaaTKCKeySetQuest (54022313) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (54022312) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000C9061) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000DD36D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property pItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind on script ItsMeTooHomeSweetHomeScript attached to ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property doOnce on script MuMainQuestArcScript attached to (3D0012CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B0484BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_GorrQuest_02171FD5 attached to GorrQuest (34171FD5) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000CB588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (360099FC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] VM is freezing... [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] VM is frozen [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Reverting game... [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to (0C022031) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to (0C018802) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooNorthwindScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind (1B030A01) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooRenaultScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenaultAkaviriKatana (1B038C22) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooSanSoonScript to ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono (1B038C44) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to alias ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn on quest ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script MuMainQuestDamojoanScript to alias damojoan on quest MUMainQuest (3D014CB7) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooNorthwindScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind (1B030A01) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooFindQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn to alias ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawnJournal on quest ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooSanSoonScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicSanSoonKimono (1B038C44) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (3C01ED3C) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script ItsMeTooRenaultScript to alias ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenault on quest ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicRenaultAkaviriKatana (1B038C22) because their base types do not match [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DMCue3_021E8C3C attached to 3DMCue3 (341E8C3C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_GorrQuest_02171FD5 attached to GorrQuest (34171FD5) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0700BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000CB588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000E2B98) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property doOnce on script MuMainQuestArcScript attached to (3D0012CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property SneakToolsArmorDarkCowl on script xxxsneakquestscript attached to xxxSneakQuest (16000D63) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (16000D62) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B45F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DNPCMQ3_021A0BD4 attached to 3DNPCMQ4 (341A0BD4) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B459E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to (341A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000C9061) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_3DNPCMainQuest_02196D2D attached to 3DNPCMQ1 (34196D2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property pItsMeTooLostBladeRelicNorthwind on script ItsMeTooHomeSweetHomeScript attached to ItsMeTooQuartermasterAlvarOrlawn001 (1B026D18) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3416711F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341B45C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000BBAF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property magward on script mcuepressureplatescript attached to alias mcuetrappressureplate on quest 3DMCue (341D40F8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property pDialogueFollower on script QF_RaynesGriffithQuest_02164D86 attached to RaynesGriffithQuest (34164D86) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3413184C) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (341C1C57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (34166FF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property WARD on script aaatkcinitquestscript attached to aaaTKCInitQuest (54013B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property aaaTKCKeySetMenu on script aaaTKCKeySetQuest attached to aaaTKCKeySetQuest (54022313) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (54022312) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (341736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3417366D) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (341736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3417366E) is not the right type [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B0484BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B0483E2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (3B047E63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (2400F9B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000CD2D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to (341B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000DD36D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (360099FC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (36009A7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000C9FD1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:43:46PM] warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to (000BBAF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Loading game... [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] VM is thawing... [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Error: File "dawnguard.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [ARTHLALVersionTracking (36049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41 [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (36049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Error: File "Dragonborn.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [ARTHLALVersionTracking (36049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 87 [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (36049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Mujuro: Ceri mod initialization [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Mujuro: User save corresponds with Ceri mod version [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Mujuro: Checking for interaction mods ===================== IGNORE errors below relating to mods not found ==================== [06/04/2013 - 03:44:03PM] Mujuro: Finished check for interaction mods ================ IGNORE errors above relating to mods not found ==================== [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] InitWidgetLoader() [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (07017593)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] Error: (000DC556): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent. stack: [ (000DC556)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000DC556)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (07006DC2)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (07017B24)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:04PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. Any errors below are harmless.===== [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 217 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 219 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 221 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "Cloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 228 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "Cloaks - No Imperial.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 230 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "Cloaks - Player Only.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 232 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "dawnguard.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 249 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "Dragonborn.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 265 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 291 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "getSnowy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 351 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:05PM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel-WinterEdition.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded. stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [_WetQuest (10000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 357 [alias Player on quest _WetQuest (10000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 29 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:06PM] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:06PM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!===== [06/04/2013 - 03:44:06PM] [06/04/2013 - 03:44:31PM] Error: (000DC550): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent. stack: [ (000DC550)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000DC550)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 [06/04/2013 - 03:44:32PM] Error: (000DC551): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent. stack: [ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:21PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:21PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (070186E0)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (070168E7)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:32PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:34PM] Error: (000847DD): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent. stack: [ (000847DD)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000847DD)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:34PM] Error: (000DC8E1): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent. stack: [ (000DC8E1)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000DC8E1)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM ENCOUNTER Area... roll 'dem bones [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : RandomDICEroll = 28 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 10 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : noSpawn bad dice [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM ENCOUNTER Area... roll 'dem bones [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : RandomDICEroll = 14 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 10 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:41PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : noSpawn bad dice [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (070168F5)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (07016913)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM ENCOUNTER Area... roll 'dem bones [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : RandomDICEroll = 51 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 10 [06/04/2013 - 03:45:59PM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : noSpawn bad dice [06/04/2013 - 03:46:06PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:06PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (07016909)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (070168FF)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:07PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM AMBUSH Area... roll 'dem bones [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZMSG : RandomDICEroll = 52 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZMSG : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 30 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:13PM] WZ : Low Dice... noSpawn RaiseOdds script [06/04/2013 - 03:46:14PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:14PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:14PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER HAS ENTERED WARZONE and OTHER CONDITIONS did not apply so I SPAWNED : [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectDOOMSTONE (070129CA)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER HAS ENTERED WARZONE and OTHER CONDITIONS did not apply so I SPAWNED : [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectDOOMSTONE (070129CA)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM AMBUSH Area... roll 'dem bones [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : RandomDICEroll = 95 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZMSG : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 30 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:20PM] WZ : Low Dice... noSpawn RaiseOdds script [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:26PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreathFast.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreathFast.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFast.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:27PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreath.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreath.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:32PM] Error: Cannot call IsBow() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:32PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18" stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:32PM] Error: Cannot call IsBow() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:32PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18" stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:36PM] Error: Cannot call IsBow() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:36PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18" stack: [alias UCPlayerAlias on quest aaaUCInitQuest (56000D67)].aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.OnObjectEquipped() - "aaaUCPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 179 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:42PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:42PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:42PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:42PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (07010420)>] [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] warning: Negative time delta during VM update - clamping to 0. (Current: 218175, Previous 218290, Delta: -115) [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:43PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 1 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:44PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreathFast.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreathFast.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFast.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:44PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreathFast.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreathFast.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFast.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:44PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreath.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreath.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:46PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreath.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreath.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:49PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreath.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreath.onBeginState() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line 144 [None]._WetColdBreath.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreath.Breathe() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line 77 [None]._WetColdBreath.OnEffectStart() - "_WetColdBreath.psc" Line 90 [06/04/2013 - 03:46:49PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetColdBreathFast.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetColdBreathFast.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFast.psc" Line ? [06/04/2013 - 03:46:49PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None]._WetHeatDetect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None]._WetHeatDetect.OnUpdate() - "_WetHeatDetect.psc" Line ?
I know it's a really ridiculous request, but it just bothers me personally of having to add attkui in as a steam shortcut, my extreme case of ocd desires it such. Or can I just write up a bat file to achieve this? I just want to launch attkui using the default skyrim launcher on steam.
Yes, I would also like to hear from the team the status of this amazing mod.
Saw this screenshot in the top list on steam, and I want to know what mod that hair comes from. Lol, getting tired of vanilla, but not too sure about other mods. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=135933336
Oh my god, yes, thank you very much, exactly what I was looking for!!! This brings back so much memories... This part of the game in particular I remembered well, I mean besides the beginner area. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDykZhNkhJc