Could you please be more specific? Like what are the issues you mentioned?Did (and do) you have those issues with my modules alone already, or only after adding more mods?My Modules are designed to be used with each other, in an attempt to provide and grant a wide range of playablity - meanwhile, I can and will not support any and every available mod that is available on nexus and/or other pages, its just too much. On ESL'ing and Merging... Dont mix with collections, your pain will increase.Because the moment you use 1 mod of collection for your merge, you wont be able to just toggle that collection (because it will actiave the mod you've also merged and thus are using in another "mod"),Mainwhile, ESL'ing can destroy loadorders that are stored and configued in collections, therefor also raising the cause of issues, as ESLs are loaded differently than ESP.Not 1 person I know who is doing merges and manual ESL'ing uses collections (or anything smiliar), guess why. Thanks so much for responding. I apologize for asking when other collections and mods are involved. No major issues with load order associated with your collections. To me it looks more like normal LOOT jacked up order. Was really just hoping to get your thoughts on overriding Vortex's LOOT load order prior to making changes via FO4Edit. I'm guessing I may need to just use the collections as a guide as to which mods to install. I have been able to get a fairly robust mod list (loadorder.txt shown below), merged a few mods (different hair packs and some tweaks and fixes into my own personal ESP). Have also ESLified a bunch of small ESPs using Ruddy88's script and FO4Edit. Build is pretty stable, very few crashes and almost no other glitches to speak of. However, it does seem as though I've reached a limit regarding Vortex which I'll ask about in the Vortex support forum. As is, Vortex is showing 228 Active plugins and 222 Light, but anytime I add any other mod with an ESP I get a crash to desktop at startup. Anyway, thanks so much for all the work you've on collections and modding in general. Super appreciated.