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Everything posted by Aegrus

  1. I'm not sure if this is the correct section, but here it is: why do so many people want to use the NMM? I've heard people say that installing mods manually (without the NMM) becomes almost impossible (quote: "deadly") with large numbers of installed mods- but why? I'm confused. I have over eighty mods, and I've had no issues installing them all manually. I just check all of their files for compatibility before hand. I'm just trying to figure out if using the NMM is worth it. I don't want to suddenly start losing mods and getting corrupted files or something crazy if I don't use it.
  2. You must have a god pc to run that battle. :woot:
  3. It's kind of hard to find. You have to download it from Steam (don't trust it from anyone else- they probably want you to install viruses) :) Start Steam. At the top of the Steam pop-up there is a button that says "View". Go into it, and you will see a button saying "Tools". Scroll on the list until you find the "Creation Kit."
  4. I played Skyrim a bit when it first released, but the low-quality textures and the lack of the creation kit combined with the insane hype (which no game, not even Skyrim, could live up to) stopped me from really getting in to it. I dabbled a bit. I had one good profile, and about six others which I used to explore different classes and races and guilds. It was pretty fun, but it wasn't the amazing game I expected. I never really role-played, and the world felt limited by the vanilla content. Every stunningly low-res shirt and horrid, blocky shadow pulled me back to reality. I was dissapointed by the bad AI and shallow characters. Since Skyrim has released, though, I've downloaded the best mods from the nexus. With the help of Xenius's wonderful mods and a few others, npcs now look very good. Landscape, buildings, shadows, clothing- all have been fixed. New weapons have been added. Now that the construction set is out and the game looks great, modders can begin adding more to game play and world itself. It won't be long before every great feature you ever wanted in Skyrim will indeed be added. It's funny, it almost feels like Skyrim didn't release on 11/11/11. It feels like the real Skyrim, the Skyrim we all envisioned, is at last on the cusp of creation. I haven't actually played the game in a while- mostly I've been searching for and testing mods. But I have such faith in the nexus mod community, soon I don't think I'll have any trouble journeying back into the war-wracked realm of Skyrim and all the promise it contains.
  5. Ha ha, there have been a surprising amount of requests for her. I admit, I was smitten when I first saw her in the screen shots leading up to Skyrim's release. . . I'm not really sure who she is, though. I heard somewhere that she's Olfina Greymane. If that's the case, she lives in Whiterun.
  6. I too love Dragon Age- but I specifically love Morrigan. She is perhaps my favorite character in a game ever. (It's a toss-up between her and Tali'Zorah, which is odd, because their personalitiies are almost polar opposites. But then, Colonel Radec is pretty awesome. . .) Anyway, back on topic- I think you'll find that all of the characters have their own motivations and they all have deep(ish) personalities. But, just like real people, if you anger them, you will only ever see their not-so-nice side. So what I'm saying is that you should give them all a chance at first. I see way too many people commenting on how some characters are just "that religious nut" or "that idiot whiner" or "that heartless shrew" without ever considering that the characters might be different than they at first appear, if you give them a chance.
  7. This may seem odd, but my pc runs Skyrim better than Oblivion. (vanilla versions of both. Skyrim is now modded to improve graphics.)
  8. Hopefully, if Steam goes offline, they'll release patches for all of their games to allow them to be played without Steam. Probably will never happen, though. . .
  9. Where does David say that his PC is old, and not a relatively recent one? We can speculate, because I have a relatively new one, and it runs Skyrim smoothly with texture and lighting mods.
  10. Perhaps they don't know what side you're on? i haven't tested it, but maybe they'd react differently if you wore Stormcloak armor into solitude.
  11. Ah, I wish that Khajiit had a bigger role in the game. When the construction set releases, I'm going to add a lot more wandering groups of them to the landscape.
  12. Yes to the above, I have various mods, and I know to enter the base ID and 1. It's solved now, though. I just used the G.E.C.K to modify the npcs I wanted as followers.
  13. I've lately been trying to set companions to be essential. They are vanilla companions, so I didn't think there'd be an issue. I've used the setessential console command, and multiple variations of it. But no matter what I do, it doesn't work. It's ridiculous. I hear people on forums talking about it in passing like it's the easiest thing in the world, but I can't use it. I have no idea why. (Yes, I have a pc, and other console commands such as resurrect work, just not setessential.) Can anyone help?
  14. I want this as well. Somwething like Dragon Age's character interaction, please. I already have a mod for Morrigan's armor, so now I just need Morrigan. :thumbsup:
  15. Ha ha, that's interesting. It's never happened to me, but I kind of wish that Leliana or Morrigan had this glitch. . .
  16. I think the real question is: Why wouldn't you want to have sex with Morrigan? I find her to actually be quite reasonable. Btw, I'm about ten hours into the game and I have her disposition almost maxed. Leliana, meanwhile, is not even in my party. I never even let her join. I hate Leliana.
  17. I'm not sure about most of the questions, but I know that you can expand the quickbar. Put your cursor on the far right edge of the quickbar. If you click and hold, you can drag to expand it.
  18. I'm not sure if this belongs here, but. . . I recently bought Dragon Age. It's downloading from steam at this moment, in fact. I've been browsing mods, however, and it seems that there are none that add photorealistic textures to the game. There also don't seem to be any lighting mods. I'm used to a modded version of Skyrim, so this came as somewhat of a shock. I'll play the game no problem with lower-res textures and vanilla lighting- I played it on the ps3 (worse than the pc version), and loved it. But given that my pc can blow away the system requirements for max settings in DA, I was wondering if there are any very high requirement mods that simply aren't popular due to the grade of pc required to run them smoothly. If anyone knows of any, (especially related to improving character textures), would they please post names or links? Edit- maps that add or pronounce bumpmapping are also appreciated.
  19. He had a right to be as offensive as he wants, assuming he doesn't use profanity or insult specific people. (Which I think the terms of service prevents.) I agree with him. The Skyrim hate on a Skyrim forum needs to stop. There've been plenty of posts about the issues already. Suffice to say that the complaints are now posted on review sites, and negative nancies now have no reason to post on the forums. Let the people who do like the game discuss it without having to see anti-skyrim hate rants every time they log on.
  20. I'm not sure if this should be here or in the mod discussion forum. . . I've seen a lot of good bump map mods recently. Some are a little too extreme, but they overall make the game look a ton better, in my opinion. Also, there's barely any framerate drop associated with them. Why don't game developers use more bumpmapping? Is there some hidden weakness that I don't know about? I can't think of any games where at least a little more bumpmapping wouldn't be a huge improvement.
  21. It's you. Skyrim is all in the depth. There are many unique npcs, places, and weapons, but sadly it actually takes time to find them..
  22. Try selecting them from the console command menu and using tai (toggle AI.) It might work. If it doesn't, try tai 1. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to wait for the contruction set. I would think that the problem is a result of new npcs not having routines to fit the area they're in, but apparently npcs in Skyrim are self-contained units who respond to any area, so I'm not sure. . . I personally plan on adding buildings, and named npcs with the construction kit.
  23. I foresee issues with making things like mountains larger, mostly due to texture scaling. However, I do really want a mod to expand the land area. I love Skyrim, but I hate that I never feel lost. Whenever I delve into the wilderness, just as I start getting away from society, I'll suddenly pop out of the forest at a town or village. Whenever I enter a biome (such as a heavily forested area), I feel like I've barely gone ten feet into it before I see the plains on the other side. So I definitely agree that random land (or non-random) should be placed to split up all of the existing areas and expand the landscape greatly. It doesn't seem like it would be very hard to mod, considering there wouldn't need to be any new meshes or textures, and no one would need to even add new ruins to it if they didn't feel like it.
  24. Tedious? That depends on how you look at the additions. If you see them as another portion of the cave to be cleared, then it probably will get tedious. To get this straight early, what we're aiming for is not simply a longer dungeon, but a system of dungeons so massive that to find a nexus chamber (with multiple bosses) feels like a real accomplishment. We want the player so far underground that they feel as if they are delving into the heart of the most vile, most powerful forgotten societies in Skyrim. Indeed, they will be. Plan for lots of darkness and large, named versions of monsters. Plan for buried dwarven cities populated by armies of Falmer, ancient Draugr shrines to mighty spider queens, and other things like that. The places where tunnels meet will be very rare and very hard to get to, but we want to make them stunning to behold. If everyone could get to them, it wouldn't mean anything. We'll consider suggestions, but ultimately, we're making this mod because we want it, so I don't much care if it's a hit or not. This is strictly extra content, so there's really no downside to it. Even if you don't like the length, simply don't enter it or don't download it, and you haven't lost anything. Anyway, to restate, this isn't going to be finished any time soon. We need the construction set first, anyway. I modded dungeons in Oblivion and Morrowind, though I never posted any for download online. Rennn has similar experience. However, neither of us have done anything this big before, so we'll have to learn as we go. I'm not going to set a release date on it.
  25. This is my first post of the sort. I'm wondering whether or not to create the following mod. I will if it seems that people want it, but otherwise I won't spend the time. It's nothing revolutionary. This mod would basically add cave expansions on to all existing mines and caves. A trap door would be placed in the final room of every cave or mine, and that trap door would lead to a very long system of caves. These expanded caves would be intended to add a kind of soft cap at the end of a dungeon. Enemy toughness would increase more and more the further you went down, as would loot drops. Lighting would decrease more and more as well, so torches would be essential in these expanded areas. Eventually, it would be nearly impossible to progress further due to large numbers of boss-grade enemies. If, however, a person did make it to the end of the vastly expanded cave, they would be greeted to a larger end chamber featuring either a swarm of large spiders, a village of Falmer, an army of draugr lords, a swarm of Chaurus, or something similarly impossible. (This end chamber would also contain a large number of locked chests.) It wouldn't be a high quality dungeon add-on, but it would instead be focused on giving the dungeons a much needed boost in length for dedicated players. Most people wouldn't be able to finish the expanded portion of the dungeon, and the goal would instead be seeing how far you could get. I would not link any quests to these expanded portions of cave. At the end, you could find a key to unlock another trapdoor which would lead to the beginning of the dungeon.
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