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Everything posted by Aegrus

  1. Aegrus


    This is why I will never have a meaningful relationship with a woman (or man, heh). I couldn't handle it. I'm just too insane. XD Edit-- Jorie, I know you're reading this. :3 You made me eat my words. Thank you for that, so much. :blush:
  2. This doesn't appear to be a full-blown handheld (such as a PSP or DS) so much as it's a controller that you hook a smart-phone up to.
  3. "Revengeance" isn't a word. I don't think. If it is, mind=blown.
  4. Not to be a dick, but if this happens, it could mean a renaissance in pc gaming. So, while still awful, there is at least a potential silver lining.
  5. We dont. I know, the only accent that they knew was Croc Dundee B. . .but. . . Aussies all sound like Croc Dundee! Right? :ohdear: You've shattered my entire reality, brokenenergy!
  6. Aegrus

    Kid Heroes

    Kid heroes? LIke ankle-biter Anakin in the "Phantom Menace?" He can go burn in a rusty shed. Some people have stated that Merrill, from DA 2, is a kid hero. I strongly disagree there. Lore-wise, she's well past childhood, and can be considered an adult throughout the game, even though she looks a bit young. Second, and perhaps most importantly, I wouldn't even go so far as to call her a hero, what with the blood magic and her various mistakes and all. I bring up Merrill because her character raises three interesting questions. 1. What's the cut-off age for kid hero? 2. Does a kid hero actually have to be a hero, or is it simply doing something precocious while being an important character that puts someone into the kid-hero category? 3. Does it matter what the numerical age of a character is, or is it their appearance that decides their age in a mostly-visual art form like a video game?
  7. I have a random question. I've been modding textures in a couple of games lately. I'm not a great with painting things from scratch, so I usually use free images gathered from texture distribution sites or random google images as bases which I then modify. One of the sites I get free textures from says that the textures may not be distributed by anyone but the site itself. Does including those textures in a mod, then putting the mod up for free download on the Nexus count as distribution? I'm guessing it does, but maybe not. IDK. Where do most texture modders get their images from? I highly doubt many of the photo-real things I've seen for download on the nexus have been painted from scratch. (Just a note to the admins, I have not actually released any mods with potentially illegal assets in them.)
  8. If you kill Smough first though, Ornstein can be a right pain in the ass unless you have good lightning resists and flasks remaining. The armor and spear are useful though, especially if you end up getting invaded at later points since few people anticipate the spear's power attack projectile unless you use it flagrantly. Smough's stuff is just too heavy to use on a first playthrough. Meh, I steamrolled Ornstein and Smough. Took me about five minutes with heavy sorcery and "power within" pyromancy. . . .on my thirteenth attempt. :wallbash:
  9. Make sure your motherboard is compatible with your cpu. I didn't see you list one, so idk what you have.
  10. Drakan: The Ancient's Gates. It's an old open-world ps2 game. Basically, you play as a warrior chick who sort of resembles Lara Croft. (Except, Rynn is waaaaay hotter than Lara Croft.) You explore and do things in various zones, switching from traveling on-foot to flying a dragon whenever you feel like it. The dragon combat is a little like Lair's, but way better and without nearly so many invisible walls. The hand-to-hand, action-based combat is kind of like Dark Soul's, with timed blocks, rolling, jumping, parries, etc, in third person. I loved the sense of discovery. The game gives you directions on where to go, but if you go off the beaten path and search the wide-open zones, you can discover all kinds of hidden areas, mystical relics, ancient swords, weird bosses. . .etc. Drakan really captured the feeling of being on an epic quest. There were awesome glowing swords and unearthly mini-bosses around every corner. Half the time, I couldn't tell what was a side quest and what was a main quest, because the side quests were very well made and really felt important. Rynn may have seemed to be a typical, scantily clad warrior girl, but she wasn't air-headed or weak in the least. She was actually a strong character, and had quite a few memorable lines. A male character never had to sweep in and save her, and there wasn't a sappy romance sub-plot. I almost got the sense that, rather than conforming to the trend of sexism in gaming, the creators of Drakan were mocking it. Near the endgame, I randomly found a giant killer chicken in a cave. This odd discovery was made even odder by the fact that it was in the starting zone--in a carefully hidden area that I'd just never been able to find, even after many hours of searching within feet of the entrance. After I killed it, an alchemist unlocked the best weapon in the game for me-- a chicken that you can hold by the feet and swing at people. It clucks and flaps maniacally until you hit something with it a few times. Then it just falls limp for a while. The only bad thing about that game (other than the graphics, but it's a ps2 game, what can you expect?) was the fact that it had an ending. I would have liked it to have a free-roam mode after the completion of the story, or at least a new game+. And sadly, the best armor in the game is only unlocked after you're already in the end-game tube. That game works with a ps2 emulator, actually. I've since started playing it again at 1600x900p, at 60 fps and with AA. It is still awesome, which is the only emulated ps2 game from my childhood which I can say that about.
  11. Keep in mind that, whatever cpu you get, Skyrim runs best with two cores. I'm not saying that you should get only a dual core. In fact, I recommend a quad-core. However, you may want to limit your cpu cores specifically for Skyrim, either through your task manager by setting cpu affinity for Skyrim, or there may even be a way to do it through Skyrim's INI.
  12. My build used to be quite similar to yours. I had 8 gb of RAM, but Skyrim only uses 4, so we were basically the same there. My cpu was 3.2 ghz, so a little worse than yours. I had a six-core but, then, nothing modern is going to use more than 4, and Skyrim runs best with 2, so you'd be ahead there. My video card was a 6770, which is basically just a re-named 6670. I could run Skyrim on high with a couple of texture mods installed, so I think you'll be able to manage that. Just keep in mind that the shadows in Skyrim are very demanding. I recommend keeping your shadows absolutely no higher than high, most likely on medium. Skyrim's shadows not only tax video cards, but they also affect cpu performance and devour VRAM. They are all around badly optimized.
  13. I've been working on a complete HD texture overhaul for Dragon Age; Origins. I've been replacing vanilla textures with completely remade, 2048 textures with simulated baked lighting on them. I've also been re-making every normal map at 2048. I know how to make normal maps, and I've been using grain-merging in GIMP 2.6 to increase their depth. The issue is, I'm not sure if grain-merging is an acceptable way to improve a normal map for a game. Are grain-merged normals optimized enough to run well?
  14. Some of you may have noticed that I've been having trouble getting ambient occlusion to run in a couple of my games. Well, I finally figured some stuff out. Here's what I learned: Anyone trying to enforce ambient occlusion in Mass Effect 2, ME 1 compatibility should work just fine. This might be kind of obvious, but it didn't work for me at first. Anyone trying to enforce ambient occlusion in Hunted; the Demon's Forge can use the X-Men Origins: Wolverine compatibility. Skyrim and Fo3 compatibility both work for Dark SOuls: Prepare to Die Edition. However, the dsfix mod now comes with two types of AO, so enforcing it really isn't needed. If anyone else wants to chime in on AO compatibility settings that they've found, feel free. :thumbsup:
  15. Aegrus

    SW:TOR F2P

    Nice. Might give this a try now. Did that hd texture dlc ever get released?
  16. Hello, my fellow citizens of the Nexus. I make this post to call your attention to a famous troll of epic idiocy. IntelligentCodFanboy is a hatemonger who frequents youtube, creates multi-accounts, and spams videos of every game from Dragon Age to Killzone to Halo to Minecraft to Cod with intentionally derogatory and insulting rants. He rages against anyone and every game other the Call of Duty series. He usually ignores replies to his rants, and clearly isn't interested in rational discourse. His only goal is to anger and sadden people who enjoy games other than Cod. He doesn't offer constructive criticism, he doesn't discuss. He simply spews bigotry towards ordinary people, with no provocation at all. He is truly a fine example of the stereotypical internet troll that we've all come to hate. Luckily, I've linked here a petition to get him an IP ban. It only needs 84 more signatures. By signing this petition, you can take a stand against trolls and help make the nexus a better place. Thank you. *snip* Your personal vendetta's don't belong here. Locked. -DrGrimm
  17. They're considered a hero of the gaming industry because, when selling to a retail outlet, the developer only keeps 15% of the profit. (Obviously, none at all on used games, but that's not relevant to pc devs.)
  18. Mods can bug quests, but the ones you have really shouldn't. I use them all with no problems. . . excepts for the Unofficial Skyrim patch. I've never used that one. I heard that that can actually be pretty buggy, and interfere with a lot. Some people in the comments section are saying it causes ctd during DB quests. Kind of weird, because it's a bug fix, but I'd try getting rid of that, if I were you.
  19. I googled it and couldn't find anything, so here's my problem. After some of the recent Killing Floor updates (adding news guns, adding new dlc, starting the Halloween event) my frame rate died. I used to get 60+ fps on ultra with my 6770, and when I upgraded to my 560 super-clocked, my frame rate obviously got much better (as in, 100+, though I still cap it at 60.) However, after the updates, I'm lucky if I keep a stable 40, and it sometimes dips lower. I can play at 30-it's not game-breaking or anything, but it bugs me that I should be getting far better performance, and I'm not. I validated the games files and two of them were repaired. I also turned off Skyrim ambient occlusion, (which I was for some reason enforcing, lol). That actually brought my performance up to about the stable 40 I'm getting now, because I used to be at sub-20 frame rates immediately after the updates. My ping times are as low as ever. (20-50) I'm considering just re-installing it.
  20. Hmm. . . maybe he forgot to change the resolution from whatever it defaulted to? I once started playing a game (I think it was Kotor 2: TSL) at about 480p because that's what my awful laptop could run it at, and the pixels shifting everywhere gave me a headache. . . .He doesn't seem to be replying to his own post, though.
  21. I'd like to add my name to the pile that has utterly no idea what this guy is talking about. Is he complaining about pc gaming in general because of small monitors? The more I re-read it, the more that's what it sounds like.
  22. I wasn't sure where to put this, but I think it's kind of a tech-support issue. Here's the deal: I've been trying to enforce ambient occlusion in Dragon Age 2, because the in-game AO is far too subtle for my taste. I have an nvidia card, so I downloaded Nvidia inspector, and was pleased to find that there is a DA 2 compatibility mode for ambient occlusion. Sadly, after comparing many screenshots and looking through fog (AO should be very obvious when viewed from in-game fog- that's the only way I can even see the vanilla AO, for example), enforced ambient occlusion does not seem to be working for DA 2. I've tried all the settings (high quality, quality, performance, etc.), and it is of course enabled. I've googled this several times, but nothing comes up relating to it. I've tried several compatibility modes since then, including the DA:O compatibility mode. Thus far, none have worked. This is the only game in which I have this issue. Does anyone know what I can do to enforce ambient occlusion in DA 2? Btw, I have an EVGA 560 sc, and my drivers are version 306.23. Not really sure if that matters.
  23. Hey, I'm back. I solved my issue. Thanks for the help, Rennn. Turns out all I needed to do was restart my pc.
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