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  1. So Much wasted space. Old style I get to see the first 5 actual mods (16x10 screen), new style I just get to the collections header. I suppose those on a 4K screen see more but not everyone wants everything so tiny. Also hate the tiny thumbnail images now on mods - most authors have tailored that first image to show their mods to their best. It won't go down well. Unless we can tailor that home screen to our own individual layout preference (content,size,order) - then everyone will love the change, as that is all we actually want.
  2. One thing that has been mentioned by others recently is that an SCOL can only be culled for occlusion as a single object, whereas parts of precombines can be culled. This would mean that Precombining objects are better for occlusion culling than SCOLing them - so give a performance advantage in very congested areas like Boston. I have not verified this, but it is worth testing...
  3. If the whole screen flickers it could be a video driver issue (game incompatibility). I have certainly had video games that did not work properly with certain versions of video drivers (as crazy as that sounds). It tends to get more common with older games as the driver writers aim optimisations at current games - sometimes to the detriment of older games. Can you give more details on your machine, and what actually flickers?
  4. So that is how portable Workshops work? I am surprised about the default 5K radius - unexpectedly useful decision by Bethesda (I expected you had to place a workshop boundary object).
  5. Objects with any sort of recipe in within a settlement boundary are not precombined. Otherwise add the NoObjectCombinationReftype location ref type to their reference. Or add a linked ref to/from them. All listed in my guide.
  6. There is a mod with a companion alien as part of it (and a Mars colony!) - probably more than you want? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64499 Also there are a couple of alien companion mods on Nexus. Adding is always less conflict prone than modifying existing in-game quests so it's why they are more popular. Search "Zetan".
  7. Could be, or the projectile is hitting some sort of collision mesh. I have not isolated the conditions yet...
  8. It appears standard Plasma bolts (projectile) cannot be seen through the front windows of a Vertibird (all other projectiles can) and also have no effect. Only the muzzle flash is visible. Basically the player has a plasma weapon who's 'projectile' point is outside the VB while the player is inside. It works fine for Laser, 5mm bullets and missiles. I am very surprised even the impact effect does not happen (so it causes no damage). Anyone have a clue why/what is going on here?
  9. What an incredibly useful tutorial! Why did I not know about it until now (would have saved me time working this out for myself) - though it goes into animating and rigs (there be dragons). Thank you again South8028, I would never have thought to look for a mod for this info...
  10. Trying to get some basic idea of how the names of hkx files are related to actions. I known the Race Subgraph has the relationships between the Race Behavior Graph hkx, the NPC, the Furniture, and the locations to find the correct animation files - but I don't know how a particular Action/Idle picks an animation file name to use. Example... To force an NPC to sit you use the Action "ActionInteractionEnter [AACT:0002248F]", which generally resolves to the Action Idle "FurnitureEnterFromStand [IDLE:00024577]" (for generic furniture and human NPCs) with Behavior Graph "FurnitureBehavior.hkx" and Animation Event "sitStartFromStand". For most Furniture this seems to resolve to looking for "EnterFromStand.hkx" animation file. My question is - how does the game go from the behavior Graph (and Event name) to the name of the hkx it wants to use? Is it somehow in the Behaviour graph file?
  11. You have given yourself a lot of work there, but the community will appreciate the result. Good luck!
  12. XPRI references can be anything that won't move (either position, animated, or by being scraped via workshop) as it has pre-calculated occlusion information in the uvd file. Removing these from XPRI means there is no occlusion culling of them (so they are always rendered). I am surprised doing this increases FPS - but I can imagine there is very little occlusion in the confined space of an internal cell so I would have been less surprised if you said "no change". XCRI must be static objects as they are duplicated into the precombined nif (which is like an SCOL) and then only that nif is displayed (or the part/node that is not occluded). Removing a ref from the XCRI has the same effect as with XPRI - now that reference is always rendered directly, so probably not a serious optimisation as limited occlusion in a confined space of an interior. Still surprised FPS is improved though - you would expect 'some' performance improvement even if only a few objects are culled via occlusion. Perhaps running the test on a large interior may give a different result. Very interesting tests you have done though!
  13. Combined objects are ONLY those in the XCRI - not necessarily just those bracketed. Only refs in the same mod will be bracketed, but XCRI can contain combined refs from other mods. Does your image only show XCRI or is it XPRI? Both are involved in the optimisation, so it is important to be clear. Also in your tests you should always do TPC to verify you have not accidentally disabled previs, which would invalidate your results. Very interested in your results. What makes you think roombounds and portals operate even if previs is working? Dogma is that it's one or the other...
  14. Probably, but the issue with precombines is the CK cannot precombine a high precision mesh - and for some reason the nif from an SCOL is high precision.
  15. Be aware that turning an SCOL back into a static will crash the CK if at some point you attempt to build precombines with it. The nif in an SCOL tends to be set to high precision which is a CK crasher. Very decorated shelves will cause FPS drops so people will usually precombine the area to restore performance - so this is not a theoretical issue... It happens constantly with such mods....
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