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Posts posted by GrayWolf04

  1. I gave it a shot and it worked. Turns out thought that if the value is too low, such as 0, then nothing can be repaired for some reason, even though the repair cost is 0. Instead, everything is grayed out. However, after experimenting with the values, I found that 0.08 worked for the items that I had that only had about 1% to 2% to repair at the very least. Anything lower and things would start to gray out.


    Hopefully this will help others if they decide to make the mod for themselves. The values would most likely vary with each person, but it's simple enough given the code you helped me with. So again, thank you!

  2. Awesome! Thanks Devin. I was planning on doing just that (using it in a "start game enabled" quest). Another question though: does the barter skill affect fItemRepairCostMult? Or is it always set to 2 and just factored into an equation? Couldn't find anything on it.

  3. I'm trying to create a simple mod where the Sink's CIU provides free repairs. However I'm having some trouble. Can anyone provide some help with this? Thanks.

    scn FreeSinkRepairsScript
    int repairmult;
    Begin GameMode
    set repairmult to fItemRepairCostMult
    if player.GetInCell NVDLC03TheSink = 1
    	;Not Free
  4. I'd like to revive this as I can't find a more recent thread, and I've run into the same problem now with my own mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



    EDIT: Even though this may be considered a bump of sorts, I did it due to the fact that the original poster had stated my exact issue, and to create a new thread would be redundant.

  5. I'm reviving this since I've run into an issue with Dogmeat andwant to redo the whole event of finding him in the scrapyard. However this resets his hire-ability, but he just stands in the same area until I talk to him, and he won't initiate conversation.


    Bottom line: Is there a way to completely reset him, the three raiders attacking him, and the dead scavenger in the scrapyard so that it would be like starting a new game, without having to actually start a new game?

  6. Ok, so I've been working for a while on this on my own since first posting and since I haven't had any other suggestions, and I've run out of ideas. First, I tried setting the default capital wasteland climate to the Fallout New Vegas climate to see if that would work. It didn't. Within several minutes, the weather clears back to the plain original Fallout 3 weather.

    Next, I tried making an exact copy of the FNV climate by editing the default FO3 climate. Same results as the previous attempt. I don't know what else to do now and this is really starting to bug me, so if anyone has any experience with weather and climate mods I would REALLY like to hear any ideas or suggestions you might have. Thanks in advance.



    UPDATE: I tried setting the NV Wasteland world as the parent world and copying the climate that way, but no luck either.

  7. I had a feeling that TTW would be brought up. The only problem is that I don't want to have to redo my entire installation just for one mod. Everything else works just fine right now, and I don't want to have to worry about new compatibility patches and whatnot. Thank you for your advice though.


    Is there any other way?

  8. I am reviving this topic as I'm currently having this issue and can't find anything else on it anywhere. The only other thread I could find was this:




    Based on the screenshots provided there, I think it looks like it was perfectly fine. However, that modder has not been around for a long time, and the mod he was working on was never uploaded. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  9. I have a mod for adding Dogmeat to Fallout New Vegas. However even though everything works fine, there is no animation when talking. For example, I'll hear him bark, but he doesn't use the bark animation. This is only when in a dialogue with him. I made sure all the audio and .lip files were in the right place, but only the sound works. How do you import the .lip files so that he will move while barking/talking?

  10. I can't help with models or textures, however there is a rangefinder mod already available (as I'm sure you already knew). Granted that you can get what you're looking for, you can then just add your rangefinder to the appropriate lists in the mod.


    For the night vision, you can use the Gopher's mod for that. Some tweaking would need to be done, but it's relatively easy to do.


    Curiously, would the night vision be permanent or would it be something that can be toggled?

  11. Alright, I've been having trouble with this forever. I've tried to create this weapon using the Frankenstein method, but to no avail. If someone who is better at modeling and who can create this for me, I'd be very greatful. Here is the information on the weapon (http://www.colt.com/Catalog/Military/Products/AdvancedColtCarbineMonolithic%28ACCM%29.aspx#100237-overview). Also, this mod was intended for personal use only, however I'll leave it up to the creator if they want to publish it to the site or not.


    My ideas include mods to allow an EOTech Holographic sight, suppressor, and laser (for increased accuracy/decreased spread).

  12. I see. How would I go about doing that? Like I said, I don't know how to use the CK that well. I've read the articles, but I'm still confused.



    EDIT: Never mind. I did some digging and found the Auto Unequip Arrows mod. It has a feature that suits what I need. Thanks for your help.


    However, if you're interested, I have another question. Is there a way to create a crossbow that is semiautomatic but only needs to reload after ten shots? I'm not talking about burst fire or full auto, like in the dwarven assault rifles mod or the other auto crossbow mods.

  13. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to scripting in the CK. However, I was able to piece together a short, basic script for a crossbow that will automatically equip a custom bolt, and then unequip it when the crossbow is unequipped. However it doesn't seem to be working, even though it compiled and saved successfully. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The script is as follows:

    Scriptname CustomCrossbowAutoEquipCustomAmmo extends ObjectReference
    Ammo Property CustomAmmo auto
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
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