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Posts posted by GrayWolf04

  1. Is there a way to add to the list of stats in the main menu? For example, currently the game tracks how many locks you've picked. How would one go about adding the number of lock picks collected and the number that have broken?

  2. I already had it set to 16:9. As for the control panel, I have tried that already, but it says it isn't supported for the resolution I'm trying to change, and is disabled. When I try it for the next size up and then to shrink it, it works, but in skyrim it goes back to being too big.

  3. I am playing Skyrim with my computer hooked up to my TV via an HDMI cable. When viewing the desktop, the resolution (1202x690) fits perfectly. However, the only resolution that is large enough without overscanning when playing skyrim is 1176x664, and that leaves about half inch black bands on all sides. This is really starting to bug me, as I've fixed it before, but now can't remember. Can anyone please help me with this? Thanks.


    Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M




    EDIT: To note, I can set the resolution in the game's settings to 1824x1026, which works perfectly, filling the screen. The only problem is that it is so large that it causes a massive framerate drop. Hope this helps.

  4. 1 & 2. Loophole: instruction based upload only on how to do it yourself. The user must have both games, like with RFCW.


    3. Last I checked, FNV meshes didn't show up properly in the FO3 GECK. Did I do something wrong?


    Also, it can't be that simple, can it? Wouldn't someone else have already tried that and said something if it had worked?

  5. I was thinking about Rogue Hollow's Iron Sights Mod and the way it works. Currently, when using iron sights in the mod while walking, the gun sways from side to side. In Fallout New Vegas, which has iron sights built into the game, the gun does not sway from side to side.


    From what I remember having talked to RH about this, he said that there wasn't anything he could do, since the swaying was part of the actor's skeleton.nif model and its attached animation files.


    Now I was thinking why not try to convert the skeleton model from Fallout New Vegas to a Fallout 3 format. Then use in instead of the default skeleton.nif, as well as any animations that came with it. If this part works, then the next step would be to make sure that the guns are properly aligned and iron sights compatible.


    Unfortunately, Rogue Hollow has been MIA since mid February, and I am unable to contact him with my idea. Lacking the skills to do any of this outside of using the GECK, I was wondering if anyone else with mesh and animation editing experience would care to assist me in trying this out. At the very least, if you are at all interested in this project, please leave a comment of your support so I know if this is something the community would be interested in. Anyone who helps out of course will get credit. Thanks.

  6. Thanks. I used to use that but stopped to get a better FPS. Trying it again now. I started the game, backed out, and set the minimum to 60 and the maximum to 70. The maximum cap worked by the looks of it, but the game still drops below 60 (all the way down to 25-30) out in the world, and even 20 when at a loading screen. The loading screen of course isn't a problem, but the wasteland FPS is.
  7. In short, I had some graphics card issues that I resolved. Now, when playing Fallout 3, the game's framerate shoots up to about 120+. This causes the game to freeze a few seconds later. It didn't do this before and I don't know how to fix it. I'd prefer not to have a FPS limiter mod, since while outside, the FPS is around 25 to 30 FPS, which is the minimum I'd like. Any suggestions or ideas?

  8. a



    Throw a ball of ice filled with compressed nitrogen, momentarily freezing foes.

    STATUS: Completed.


    USER FEEDBACK: Totally unfair in a snowball fight during nuclear winter.


    Sorry, couldn't help it. Looks like a great mod. You've put quite a bit of work into this it seems. How long have you been working on this?

  9. I haven't installed any mods recently that would have caused this though. I stepped away from playing it a long time ago and only just recently returned. That's when I noticed the problem. It may have even been happening before and I just didn't remember. Anyways, here are the mods I am using that could possibly have an effect:


    [X] CALIBR.esm
    [X] xCALIBR.esm
    [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm
    [X] Apocalypse Armory.esm
    [X] Sniper Equipment v1.0.1.esm
    [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm

    [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp
    [X] ShellRain.esp
    [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp
    [X] FO3toFPS.esp
    [X] Apocalypse Armory.esp
    [X] Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp
    [X] GunImpactLODIncreased.esp
    [X] Sniper Equipment - Test v1.0.1.esp
    [X] Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp
    [X] Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp
    [X] Fellout-Full.esp
    [X] Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp

  10. Thanks. I tried this though and the bullet is still hitting beneath the crosshair in the scope. Could it be due to the fact that it is a weapon from a mod and not an original one from the game?

  11. From what it sounds like, all you need to do is edit the texture for the armor, not the model itself. Once the texture is the way you want it, just put it in the same file structure that it would have in a BSA file but in your Data folder instead. That should make it show on any armor/object that uses that texture. Just make sure you have Archive Invalidation activated. Let me know if you haven any more questions regarding this process.

  12. Not really a mod, but is there a way to change the speed of the Player only while aiming? That way the player can walk faster while aiming and not be a sitting duck. I searched through the GECK and the GECK's website and couldn't find anything.

  13. When I use a scoped weapon, such as the sniper rifle or any modded weapon with a scope, the bullet seems to hit the target that I'm aiming at about a few centimeters below the center of the target riticle. Isn't there a mod or something to fix this? I thought I had it buct can't find it, and I can't seem to find one on the site.

  14. It must have something to do with the game's engine as stated earlier. My computer shouldn't have any trouble with going to 11, and it has done that with FNV. It's only fallout 3 that seems to have issues. I even tried reinstalling the game to see if it was due to a mod or something that I did, but it still wouldn't work.

  15. I am trying to edit the "uGridsToLoad" and "uInterior Cell Buffer" and "uExterior Cell Buffer" values, as well as the "iPreloadSizeLimit" value in order to make improvements to the graphic display distance, but every value I've tried caused a freeze while loading an exterior cell and a CTD. This worked with Fallout New Vegas on the same computer. Anyone know any reason as to why it won't work for Fallout 3? I used http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_8.html as a guide for both games.

  16. I had point lookout activated for a save that I use but disabled it after not using it for a while. Then I stopped playing for several months and have just gone back to it. Now for some reason, the riverboat is still at the dock by the Pentagon even though the point lookout esm is disabled. However, when I go near it, the game crashes. I don't have any ESP files that depend on it. I try reactivatibg it and all is fine. I then save and quit and disable it. Reload the game and crash like before. Removing the point lookout esm and BSA files from the fallout 3 directory and the game crashes at the PLEASE WAIT loading screen. Anyone know what's going on and how to fix this?
  17. I'm rebuilding a mod I lost a while back and can't seem to remember how to equip spells as a power/voice. I did it before (ex: flames while holding down the voice/power button), but now I can't seem to get it. Converting to shouts doesn't work, as the shouts won't unlock even though I unlocked the words for them. And powers only work once per day while lesser powers have about a 5 second delay in between them, which didn't happen before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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