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Everything posted by AxeAlot

  1. Exactly who gives a f**k if it's old , if its in HD then it's going to be amazing nonetheless !! :thumbsup:
  2. Ah, so we can expect it Friday next week then. Exactly! Friday of next week it is!!! :wallbash:
  3. Somebody on the forums earlier said that this was part of their P.R. plan to keep people interested or something.....I agreed with that for the first week when it was delayed, but this is just pathetic now haha :wallbash:
  4. If the video is not released today then it will most likely be released by monday or tuesday of next week I hope :( Or maybe we'll get to wait for another week instead ! :wallbash:
  5. This was posted 3 hours ago by Pete Hines on Twitter, I just noticed it while replying to a tweet! DCDeacon Pete Hines Just managed to kill a dragon Todd didn't think I'd be able to take out. Ha! I am mighty! I am Dovahkiin! I am going home now! Wonder what kind of bad ass tough dragon it was.......or maybe they skipped him all the way to Alduin ;) haha!
  6. I completely agree with what you are saying but in terms of the video they are trying to release it will most likely be the same run through of Riverwood with some extra combat, I don't believe they will give away too much info!
  7. Ya that makes the most sense, they're probably working on so many different things while trying to release the video and yeah who knows how many languages they are doing voice overs for. They would need to contact people from all over to do different languages so who knows how long that would take. :wallbash:
  8. Cooool....so how many weeks has it been....two or three!?!? LOL :facepalm:
  9. You don't know how badly I've been wanting to say that.....lol , but yeah there totally is another thread on PC requirements and such, they probably don't care though. :wallbash:
  10. http://imageshack.us/f/199/cebox.jpg/ <-----------HATERS GONNA HATE check that out ;)
  11. Hahahah RESPECT!!! that pretty much sums up this whole topic! :thumbsup:
  12. hahahahh that's most likely how it went down LOL :geek:
  13. A map, a statue, a 200 page collectable concept art book, and the making of DVD , not to mention the fact of how bad ass the box is hahah. But yess I can understand your decision not to buy it ;)
  14. Hey guys just found this on youtube, it was posted 15 minutes ago.....says its a male Argonian voice leak.....any one think this is real or is it just B.S.? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5QVCG71dm0
  15. Hmmm cool So I guess we can expect it sometime later this week== We will probably see the video NEXT week, maybe monday or tuesday.....and if we're lucky MAYBE friday of this week!
  16. Woooo new info and no more PC requirements :) You are a savior
  17. Only thing is, that box is way too big for just a Dragon Statue, a Book, and the Game. So what are they hiding from us about that CE edition? LOADS OF BUBBLEWRAP MAYBE? D: I agree with you on that one haha that box is MASSIVE, but the statue is 1 foot high not sure how big that box is, the map would fit in there EASILY, the book would fit and the game case as well, but yeah probably some cardboard dividers inside the box AND bubble wrap hahahhaha :thumbsup: Cant wait to find out
  18. Innnnnnnntttteeeeereeeeessstttiiiiiiing
  19. Haha I was thinking the same thing, I might even walk downtown and go into every store with it before I go home ;)
  20. Haha I was thinking the same thing, I might even walk downtown and go into every store with it before I go home ;)
  21. Thats nearly a year old ... .....and still rockin' hard :)
  22. Sooooo delicious :) cant wait to pick it up
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