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Everything posted by Xylozi

  1. This is a quick reference list for the soul head, body and hair combinations used by the base game. Bandit Soul ID: 01ba0e0c-b80f-48ce-8ce5-ba4c19c7bfc3 Head ID: 42aa48b1-afdd-eebf-88bd-1765efcb8c95 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_bandit Guard Soul ID: 01e546ad-6b23-4976-85d2-4d1aa84d3be5 Head ID: 4ed16810-8c5f-3ad5-0a61-e63a3e9bfe99 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_guard Soldier Soul ID: 01ecf00a-c8b6-4a0b-99e7-df9ad38a1824 Head ID: 4826c718-b777-4df2-02ad-b3cd40c4bb97 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_soldier Gamekeeper Soul ID: 0249aa52-f5ac-48ea-b707-0f50c0c76c56 Head ID: 4278ca1d-6a0e-4dca-0f72-e423458832bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 498bc146-f7d1-1c55-7a6b-b549cbdfb98f Scriptname: char_460_uiName Cuman Soul ID: 030b8313-506d-476d-953f-ff1023db984d Head ID: 4b6896ea-b754-edcc-f241-4f004b8ce9a1 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 481bb23a-06af-86b7-934c-e87acf7f3a91 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_cuman Trader Soul ID: 035b23c3-304d-4f52-9a26-c992961d97a7 Head ID: 4e1a8fe6-b6ae-7130-c3f6-c113717e3b8f Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 47d9216e-7949-59a0-0272-fbc85829d1a0 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_merchant_man Poacher Soul ID: 0647977c-cd52-4861-b495-65fa0bf6ec5b Head ID: 49891946-9a06-f6f5-6285-03a1281ccb8f Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_459_uiName Shop guard Soul ID: 06658d4d-3a4b-4abf-a545-c75a0c4fcc1d Head ID: 4a0f9f8c-765d-8fd7-d659-5a3ee0450698 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_shopGuard Villager Soul ID: 096011ec-0d59-46d9-bbb2-51b5e6815bfd Head ID: 42d388b9-d1cb-b570-496c-68b5e3aee3af Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_villager_man Townsman Soul ID: 09cedf6b-c840-4a48-930d-36df707a30f6 Head ID: 46cf890d-5c7b-aa39-defc-c35a794ed2a4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_townsman Beggar Soul ID: 13d36615-3bd5-4a97-88b7-d054dd5f0487 Head ID: 41c8c3c5-01a5-fc38-c828-99a36ab36999 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_457_uiName Mercenary Soul ID: 1ff85f8a-5c06-4328-b67c-261d659084eb Head ID: 4badf439-71f2-a511-6405-e9f2724cdf84 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 483ee159-9888-4955-ee19-e41d97637592 Scriptname: char_464_uiName Horse Soul ID: 22033b93-44d8-4abb-9c13-4aad0855701c Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_horse Beggar Soul ID: 3123906f-c9eb-4acf-bc90-6bc2b84a829b Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_beggar_man Wayfarer Soul ID: 4000e060-493a-794d-dc7d-84130d52a9a4 Head ID: 4b74e2b6-4c51-3f5e-fad7-1b6c87d4a5ad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 47d9216e-7949-59a0-0272-fbc85829d1a0 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_wanderer Body Soul ID: 4005d427-30c5-5a7b-5bb5-ecc9777060bb Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 49048677-79d3-a37c-0de9-13bec637df81 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_corpse Mill maid Soul ID: 400785f8-bc62-f1e8-c9cf-65110d27abad Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_miller_woman Ruffian Soul ID: 400dafb5-3f89-c8d4-bcda-73783161f991 Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_ruffian Alex Soul ID: 400fb536-8320-f7ca-9ca2-4bc792b25f8a Head ID: 43854a72-1c15-4f1d-036d-0962d4e4259c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_51_uiName Quarryman Soul ID: 4017e0b0-0a84-55f7-78eb-70e67946858d Head ID: 4f3a8a8b-bc0d-03ef-2206-f396372b27ab Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4ea94f8c-2b55-da74-5858-bbc94ea0619e Scriptname: soul_ui_name_quarryman Rattay Parish Priest Soul ID: 401913cc-1e46-3284-c745-5639970abab3 Head ID: 4badf439-71f2-a511-6405-e9f2724cdf84 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: char_63_uiName Townswoman Soul ID: 401ce947-305e-7823-e556-f4085598919d Head ID: 4d0df868-5ab5-e3a2-695c-83d8be5d3c85 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_townswoman Villager Soul ID: 4026a943-6479-48ac-d72e-fdb52c184094 Head ID: 4fd6b538-690c-3831-f7cf-3759a2afbfbf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4f63e017-1d9c-01b6-922f-10ba24ff1e82 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_villager_woman Hans Soul ID: 4028fec4-6d73-3629-e242-fde53e76a4ad Head ID: 4b74e2b6-4c51-3f5e-fad7-1b6c87d4a5ad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_76_uiName Millmaid Jane Soul ID: 402aafb6-a7aa-fb3d-50b2-da19c93b0096 Head ID: 4182f771-c465-75af-611d-8ae2205d8594 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_484_uiName Butcher Soul ID: 402fb4e0-32b5-dffa-5682-05680672fe8f Head ID: 47d39a94-59d0-9579-47c5-92dea795d5a4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_butcher Fisherman Soul ID: 40310313-93e8-72cf-4cb5-a69f8389c58b Head ID: 48890db3-3ae6-ab23-ef84-3c11cb0a2082 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_472_uiName Archery master Soul ID: 4037b6af-b392-2d84-9db6-57d971d664aa Head ID: 43854a72-1c15-4f1d-036d-0962d4e4259c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_shootmaster Zbyshek Soul ID: 40468d12-ae0a-5248-8523-d2dd24b5dd92 Head ID: 4137e9fc-ab98-ce56-9ed3-66c090319796 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_54_uiName Margaret Soul ID: 407cf853-0fd5-3097-f87b-e21c9d287db0 Head ID: 4182f771-c465-75af-611d-8ae2205d8594 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4ca4f314-85f4-c2ef-e10f-eef1b3f708ad Scriptname: char_62_uiName Mason Soul ID: 4099e327-5358-03bd-3777-737bb874c4ad Head ID: 4ca1d4ae-aeac-d01f-60a0-c7e56ea68d86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_153_uiName Votava Soul ID: 409eb07e-b3ca-e0a8-a227-4e9424cec98f Head ID: 4a0f9f8c-765d-8fd7-d659-5a3ee0450698 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 47d9216e-7949-59a0-0272-fbc85829d1a0 Scriptname: char_535_uiName Artisan Soul ID: 40a0975e-0167-152a-294c-03c63bae40b9 Head ID: 494d03ac-73d5-7237-343f-66cb22177389 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_craftsman Trader Soul ID: 40a32be2-aca9-19c8-b8fc-17a13f035caa Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4a9d64f2-363f-8421-9192-3e5cca84dc89 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_merchant_woman Baker Soul ID: 40a77b01-cae8-5896-e687-ecad5eaa468a Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_baker Miller Peshek Soul ID: 40a95fd2-2055-9bd7-b5b9-06ef87aba2aa Head ID: 4cf5f5c3-66be-88d9-bc68-0d433a986e8d Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_178_uiName Miner Soul ID: 40aae808-15c3-0b29-5c74-0ad7ee059d98 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_miner Mirka Soul ID: 40af190a-d73d-0859-29f0-47aa68a4388e Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_7_uiName Nightingale Soul ID: 40afe3fe-4499-9a87-827e-62b1aa514eb1 Head ID: 443ecd20-c33c-30cb-a15b-6730b020b6be Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_224_uiName Insomniac Soul ID: 40b3998e-c7c8-b21d-8423-18985e6318b7 Head ID: 47eecc79-db4d-a81d-9017-f0b0bb1c66bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_355_uiName Monk Soul ID: 40b64892-be82-9366-c837-b9b847a756bd Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: soul_ui_name_monk Vagabond Soul ID: 40b77f1e-32a6-8fd4-09e1-92dab3acd698 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_470_uiName Scribe Soul ID: 40d44e4c-0ad4-756a-51fa-925c53248ba7 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_scribe Pickman Soul ID: 40d7f31c-72fb-4bfb-375d-79f83408379c Head ID: 4badf439-71f2-a511-6405-e9f2724cdf84 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_141_uiName Maruna Soul ID: 40dfd60e-2ad8-a138-cdf2-d67f5bec57a0 Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_135_uiName Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 40efa50d-d110-2c71-cc34-c8a587c1d7a9 Head ID: 494d03ac-73d5-7237-343f-66cb22177389 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_437_uiName Pebbles Soul ID: 40f7b115-7b9e-f1bb-d9b9-2d4a7bacd4bc Head ID: Body ID: 4f14fe8f-5380-84b2-aeb3-6e51163f2a84 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_488_uiName Brother Librarian Soul ID: 4100c428-d72e-e677-b482-8de2c3c8448d Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4008b869-81c8-a8f1-e30e-a6a48b7ce6a3 Scriptname: char_147_uiName Podagros Soul ID: 410b1075-9dd6-bfbd-d2a1-2f9ab3e8afb1 Head ID: Body ID: 445d16d9-5798-b136-1d02-9859932ce5a4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_497_uiName Scribe Soul ID: 410b58a6-b3e7-5080-7dd5-b770ae15ba88 Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_193_uiName Refugee Soul ID: 411140ee-a8f7-e116-c7f1-fceeec045d90 Head ID: 4e321b66-b17d-eba0-2640-d424c8e8bc90 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_refugee_man Ginger Soul ID: 4113a563-b809-2439-9bcc-0b0affedc492 Head ID: 4b74e2b6-4c51-3f5e-fad7-1b6c87d4a5ad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_72_uiName Brother Nevlas Soul ID: 4127b801-6faf-ed8d-4178-cb8c14dc1882 Head ID: 4ca1d4ae-aeac-d01f-60a0-c7e56ea68d86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_347_uiName Father Soul ID: 41315647-d7e3-98de-b434-338e04c51bb6 Head ID: 4b1065e5-42e8-ac7e-38e6-f4b5f694cdb4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_19_uiName Jaroslav Soul ID: 4134801d-946f-6d4a-70d2-5bd88d26cdb7 Head ID: 4efa7215-22c2-4ac6-6b60-11e1ad3a7cb3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_57_uiName Bailiff Soul ID: 413b78e1-9650-a4f7-979e-ff7afbb576a8 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_bailiff Erik Soul ID: 414127c8-83a8-e303-abf9-3fb3108dd2ba Head ID: 451d689a-6aa9-4bdb-9079-29188939fdbc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 481bb23a-06af-86b7-934c-e87acf7f3a91 Scriptname: char_295_uiName Swordsmith Soul ID: 4147074f-adf4-c1e5-3a55-31fd86bfffbd Head ID: 4c190e0d-78df-556b-dddd-4e77007d71ae Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba Scriptname: soul_ui_name_weaponsmith Miller Soul ID: 414902f1-13db-975a-c66e-5ed6bdcf338e Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_miller_man Hired hand Soul ID: 414df7f0-2d1f-db45-3bb0-e47e7305e190 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_groom Borya Soul ID: 414ea15f-a952-55b7-c688-57dd9c0799b0 Head ID: 4b6896ea-b754-edcc-f241-4f004b8ce9a1 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_28_uiName Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 4154c30f-0280-06f9-9eaf-0273a194538a Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_collier Crimp Soul ID: 415b8e41-55e2-dafa-67eb-5796c16f9796 Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_98_uiName Punch Soul ID: 415bb04a-bdba-29c3-8922-e8044f746f84 Head ID: 47dddc03-7b5c-e8b6-e576-7f474c714fbe Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_100_uiName Sir Robard Soul ID: 41745168-6f1f-3fd8-0b4e-d1f3ba3e64ab Head ID: 4bc74402-9a5b-8f64-c3a6-42615169efad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_10_uiName Watchman Soul ID: 4174932d-2c08-220e-fc0b-3384f16c9e83 Head ID: 4f808a1d-7d8b-867b-644e-1a2ae0b804a9 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 432f8b7b-bdb8-24e6-9df3-623d504d439b Scriptname: soul_ui_name_watchman Charcoal-burner twin Soul ID: 41807d80-95e4-d29a-fd77-81b115746da5 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_83_uiName Kunesh Soul ID: 4186aa52-e9ba-5b6a-5f79-9d20264f4eb8 Head ID: 47dddc03-7b5c-e8b6-e576-7f474c714fbe Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_48_uiName Olena Soul ID: 4197b980-96c0-8c02-e2a2-75bd6e41ba8e Head ID: Body ID: 42855b88-f189-7ee4-5d39-9bd0feea8d86 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_234_uiName Innkeeper Soul ID: 419998eb-0418-c2da-add6-8207ee96c29f Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_innkeeper Marianna Soul ID: 41a8227c-74b7-eafb-07eb-5d53079abea4 Head ID: 454f5263-baf2-cf94-80da-7b359adfa0b4 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_466_uiName Procopius Soul ID: 41b97e41-0f33-d0a2-efa6-d5cfe1a3c9ae Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_101_uiName Matthew Soul ID: 41bb20df-0860-9371-6df0-55fc2cab2eb4 Head ID: 4d1ba624-73f6-1d7b-8be9-46c2501e1db4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_205_uiName Fresco Master Soul ID: 41c0c0b5-3f98-0d89-1668-3d46ae680aa7 Head ID: 4da0fa45-c37e-a7b3-fd4b-9eef082b2880 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_510_uiName Roan Soul ID: 41c6152a-9532-52c7-af10-d3d0c25aca97 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_543_uiName Elishka Soul ID: 41d31a99-43dc-662f-36bc-d06e38fbe3a9 Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4f63e017-1d9c-01b6-922f-10ba24ff1e82 Scriptname: char_175_uiName Tobias Feyfar Soul ID: 41e9f38a-d5b8-7bf6-673d-1f5cfe72379c Head ID: 42369a16-e3c5-f0a4-09d4-5ddcf8f4daae Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4008b869-81c8-a8f1-e30e-a6a48b7ce6a3 Scriptname: char_47_uiName Bathmaid Soul ID: 41ecfd7f-9817-9e26-ed7d-5f7fe2cd2184 Head ID: 4a1a02fd-6920-f056-8c9a-ef8b2eb22ea0 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_bathhouseMaid Master Jerome Soul ID: 41ef9012-ad8c-b6ab-7648-761a81aedab5 Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_297_uiName Trojan Soul ID: 41fde928-c162-ccac-043f-e397c2855398 Head ID: Body ID: 425451b6-ba9b-91d2-f3b5-9dc977ed0fb4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_492_uiName Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 42031ce4-03ea-d6f4-d0de-17a161b71db0 Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_447_uiName Armoursmith Soul ID: 4203d715-43a1-0049-e26b-8579c81ce0b0 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_armorer Betwixt Soul ID: 42196daf-7563-1cad-b9d0-7082968ba6be Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_366_uiName Rocinante Soul ID: 42384001-7124-966d-c2af-616e526de09a Head ID: Body ID: 4b58d97c-a4b0-f52f-7506-4b74504db390 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_489_uiName Farmhand Soul ID: 424bf850-3fcd-32cc-2803-cd46f11ce381 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_468_uiName Alehouse maid Soul ID: 42522ef9-7af1-64f7-90f2-626737cc2ea9 Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: soul_ui_name_bartender Gravedigger Soul ID: 425b5c9f-e218-2f3a-1444-3c3929adea8c Head ID: 48b67a62-5959-6bc6-3c26-df8a1ba6c2a9 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_148_uiName Sir Hanush of Leipa Soul ID: 4277ed6c-e639-346f-20a4-37418f34ab84 Head ID: 44d9e991-9986-ed09-87ea-64b7c1568fb8 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_225_uiName Woodcutter Soul ID: 428e100b-4667-df0c-40fa-2877585bc68c Head ID: 49891946-9a06-f6f5-6285-03a1281ccb8f Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_lumberjack Stonemason Soul ID: 4294dbf3-3198-0305-ff0b-e29166f4b380 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_mason Elderly woman Soul ID: 42a590fb-8d9f-d287-2270-b81f54bfd9a5 Head ID: 4de8a0d6-c482-9c37-3428-35e405693c92 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_195_uiName Tanner Soul ID: 42ba98c2-6dbc-7aaf-fe7a-d81b6d6a13a4 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_tanner Stump Soul ID: 42c6a079-4a5b-6098-414d-5e246fef3ba7 Head ID: 4a97d5fe-4ebc-2de3-ff05-c7cab44735a2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_365_uiName Tramp Soul ID: 42c7720f-6536-881a-c1be-fe849001b285 Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_252_uiName Elderly man Soul ID: 42d9bf61-57ec-3683-6c0f-8471e0b33fa9 Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_194_uiName Zdena Soul ID: 42e13e04-e2cc-3af8-180d-91af4b07d5bd Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_251_uiName Soothsayer Soul ID: 42ec0364-d108-0aa1-b88a-92533a3c9c83 Head ID: 4a3e825a-d037-4093-256b-0d9ac72f41a7 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_fortuneTeller Rupert Soul ID: 42ec2208-c3e0-da2d-249b-8aa60f684e99 Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_14_uiName Miller's debt collector Soul ID: 42fea7e7-04c0-a4b1-aad5-63bba52877b9 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_millerEnforcer Milan Soul ID: 4301f528-9a22-5b1c-548b-a2e9412eeb88 Head ID: 47def915-0b91-cc32-33d7-265e7eab1f9f Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_476_uiName Beggar Jane Soul ID: 4309fdd2-1831-82c6-897a-9ba2197eb69e Head ID: 4dc5f1f2-d447-817d-f381-a3e29ca3e9a5 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_228_uiName Catchpole Soul ID: 43108d03-cf88-c620-3670-bc52d2a7168f Head ID: 4ca84caf-980a-665f-7d40-2c02a00c72bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_50_uiName Wounded man Soul ID: 4313c362-fb20-d994-3add-7452685c62b3 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_wounded Henry Soul ID: 43144483-f3bb-fab8-9ceb-f77e3020598a Head ID: 4b8b7289-41e9-2785-a0b9-1651465445a5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba Scriptname: char_26_uiName Wayfaring Knight Soul ID: 431dd698-37c0-a087-0839-a6736f8495a8 Head ID: 4433e907-4a1f-a309-d91a-f859e45a0888 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_463_uiName Tournament Master Soul ID: 433ccc42-0ee5-9404-4ae2-7ffa15ba8895 Head ID: 41c8c3c5-01a5-fc38-c828-99a36ab36999 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_550_uiName Brawler Soul ID: 433e080e-732c-1e7b-3bbd-374ca762edb2 Head ID: 462bffa5-bf93-f592-62c9-c73df0b1f493 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_q_fightClub_fighter Miller Simon Soul ID: 4364a0f6-d7cc-918a-004c-d03a4a0bfe95 Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_180_uiName Odd Bird Soul ID: 4380b8b2-fa8f-1ceb-7dbd-a9dde606d4b6 Head ID: 451d689a-6aa9-4bdb-9079-29188939fdbc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_479_uiName Blacksmith Soul ID: 438405a4-0a20-2e2a-4d6d-7f3ae71d3192 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_blacksmith Roach Soul ID: 439e7e15-9c3a-fdad-74ec-2c1ca3b272a2 Head ID: Body ID: 425451b6-ba9b-91d2-f3b5-9dc977ed0fb4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_493_uiName Květoslav the combat setter Soul ID: 43a4d560-1fbb-0c52-fa5f-60a9636ff4b5 Head ID: 404f142d-dc33-769c-f121-ac7a579c7fbc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_483_uiName Thomas Soul ID: 43b09b31-eae4-d500-a24e-472219f36c96 Head ID: 4da0fa45-c37e-a7b3-fd4b-9eef082b2880 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_353_uiName Father Simon Soul ID: 43bb685a-52d3-7fb3-970e-8985d1dd1881 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_154_uiName Sir Radzig Kobyla Soul ID: 43c33404-7d69-ceb8-713b-807835b0f999 Head ID: 49e96b41-a5e3-a794-03f8-636eff390eab Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba Scriptname: char_22_uiName Cook Soul ID: 43c96b9a-a5b5-da38-0287-475cd21267b4 Head ID: 4a86e942-fbe4-679d-eeaf-b921e69782a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 49048677-79d3-a37c-0de9-13bec637df81 Scriptname: char_332_uiName Brother Porter Soul ID: 43e6aac8-6dbd-1845-1c8e-f4f89cd106ab Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4008b869-81c8-a8f1-e30e-a6a48b7ce6a3 Scriptname: char_132_uiName Margrave Jobst Soul ID: 43eb7093-a9c3-7493-67f6-6be701f46f9b Head ID: 4e653afe-1b23-db1e-74c8-350b21b958a8 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_299_uiName Hans from Skalitz Soul ID: 43ee4816-119e-216a-4f7a-a3959bee708d Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_352_uiName Lady Stephanie Soul ID: 4405c810-00e8-73f1-2908-86fc7a81c0a7 Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4a8db7fc-061e-bf25-0788-544016eb5eaf Scriptname: char_24_uiName Ruda Soul ID: 4409fc91-8348-ef5c-163c-c5499b867cae Head ID: 42d388b9-d1cb-b570-496c-68b5e3aee3af Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_172_uiName Guardian Manfred Soul ID: 4414b14d-a0cf-1e87-f5d0-49985d2430a5 Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_346_uiName Blacksmith's apprentice Soul ID: 4422f5dc-5c65-2598-eaf3-227339b6c581 Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_blacksmithApprentice Stablemaster Soul ID: 4427d0ab-3111-a1c7-4d81-173e8246d5aa Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_240_uiName Herbalist Soul ID: 4431e312-fac2-98bd-6d2f-c0c1c98df6b6 Head ID: 4de8a0d6-c482-9c37-3428-35e405693c92 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: soul_ui_name_herbalist Cuman Soul ID: 443c52bc-1e7a-e753-e2c8-0bc59c2a8dad Head ID: 427e5d03-49f8-a509-f14b-64f09707bea8 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba Scriptname: char_263_uiName Herbalist Kunhuta Soul ID: 445e2a0d-9d3e-d882-fec9-9e3020735d94 Head ID: 49d9f44c-b704-f8d9-86ae-1a4b7fc72f96 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_212_uiName Janek Soul ID: 446a4927-f749-99d5-b265-7b7ffae4eb9d Head ID: 4e8b50c5-63f0-e85b-9a43-f244c56c16aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_56_uiName Bayard Soul ID: 446f7ca4-fc50-5771-aa83-2998ced24bb6 Head ID: Body ID: 445d16d9-5798-b136-1d02-9859932ce5a4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_501_uiName Brother Cellarius Soul ID: 4476e0e2-394c-5c26-e4c5-992bd4e600a8 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_350_uiName Herald Soul ID: 4477f9a0-7b75-a2c2-aab3-dadaf213cfa1 Head ID: 48830d36-b145-1e4b-869d-9e3cbd636a8c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 481bb23a-06af-86b7-934c-e87acf7f3a91 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_herold Sir Jezhek Soul ID: 448d449b-fb67-c4f2-e1a0-5a0ff0f15d95 Head ID: 48890db3-3ae6-ab23-ef84-3c11cb0a2082 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_289_uiName Sir Divish Soul ID: 4496d65f-10e1-1234-798a-2f51989ee9a8 Head ID: 4b1aa014-7206-d1fc-7455-bf3ae238e3a5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_20_uiName Hatatitla Soul ID: 44a2ff92-b53a-f772-6679-81e481fcc6b9 Head ID: Body ID: 425451b6-ba9b-91d2-f3b5-9dc977ed0fb4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_495_uiName Wolflin of Kamberg Soul ID: 44a4b6ef-f5f2-9622-1ff8-816aba14749e Head ID: 462bffa5-bf93-f592-62c9-c73df0b1f493 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7455d3-7604-d9bf-c940-1706a147bca0 Scriptname: char_344_uiName Schemig Soul ID: 44bc94ec-6ec1-8cca-52aa-cec4ae196aa1 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_500_uiName Beggar Soul ID: 44d37e84-3828-535c-79f3-4e7b638f7c80 Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_beggar_woman Khuta Soul ID: 44dee649-c387-1eb7-981a-6d3b637181a9 Head ID: 4fd6b538-690c-3831-f7cf-3759a2afbfbf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: char_215_uiName Raspberry Soul ID: 45050625-a8d5-0b2b-6bd1-b8ea545df5b8 Head ID: 4d6e6234-2896-93e6-ff63-83a32703fb97 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_292_uiName Weed Soul ID: 4507adaa-ebb2-3b5d-0e77-2d13aad731b8 Head ID: 4e321b66-b17d-eba0-2640-d424c8e8bc90 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_364_uiName Agnes Soul ID: 45175878-6d59-75dc-700f-26c720de7b85 Head ID: 43e7dce3-03e3-f75d-5978-f28b3efd7783 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_131_uiName Urban Soul ID: 4549a167-4c96-d0bb-d8f0-9965692ac097 Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_435_uiName Markvart von Aulitz Soul ID: 455273c2-0a96-6f16-cf98-ecbe48f35ebd Head ID: 44b587f0-1c6e-d894-33e2-b16269bf88b5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_67_uiName Master Ota Soul ID: 455416ab-45da-7b96-50d7-55feeabfa587 Head ID: 498cd967-cd4d-e26c-b25c-58d55fc27898 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_301_uiName Racer Soul ID: 456613e5-3390-6a76-1496-1068ecb25d87 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_q_racingAndBetting_racer Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 456d1047-7be2-f244-3ef9-07f0808672bb Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_82_uiName Executioner's henchman Soul ID: 45778af4-f290-5383-3bf1-5ab076c6e68e Head ID: 41369351-5a3d-19b2-39ea-2ea3219aa685 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_q_execExec_executionersCrewMember Zora's dappled grey Soul ID: 457dfdbd-d64a-59f8-2cbc-5353718635af Head ID: Body ID: 4f14fe8f-5380-84b2-aeb3-6e51163f2a84 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_542_uiName Lanky Soul ID: 4580dd43-9298-1e96-92ed-dab09eb78f90 Head ID: 4da0fa45-c37e-a7b3-fd4b-9eef082b2880 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_367_uiName Brother Elias Soul ID: 45956577-0f7d-3368-5c23-ace02e04bdbd Head ID: 4b74e2b6-4c51-3f5e-fad7-1b6c87d4a5ad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_360_uiName Father Godwin Soul ID: 45ced3ad-8925-1e5a-8ddf-0007693d3d99 Head ID: 43afd824-c6e9-551e-32b6-870622cbd4b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_2_uiName Uchchaihshravas Soul ID: 45d8b12a-9066-486d-6878-0f6940a8c5b0 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_498_uiName Faint-hearted Knight Soul ID: 45da943b-837b-eddc-4ec8-50af81ea29a3 Head ID: 4aeadc6d-b547-a5fe-d6bf-03ec0f8c3194 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_462_uiName Suspicious man-at-arms Soul ID: 45df32e6-d1d5-5350-aa3d-fc547317e5b1 Head ID: 4e24f71b-927b-a555-c932-feffdc9e4eb6 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_91_uiName Apothecary Soul ID: 45e56646-b7bf-6633-4a59-d1511bc340a6 Head ID: 4138f2b4-d849-6a3d-748a-a6190339e1a6 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_apothecary Hanekin Hare Soul ID: 45efb1f4-bc99-00be-5102-1d57edf17aa7 Head ID: 420e25ad-ff60-4402-2113-5bd2cb4b2c9d Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_15_uiName Gambler Soul ID: 460a1a42-5a7d-5155-a32b-4d3244d445aa Head ID: 427e5d03-49f8-a509-f14b-64f09707bea8 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_119_uiName Farmer Bauer Soul ID: 4615aaaf-aedd-69c9-0d92-99c09dd712b0 Head ID: 42aa48b1-afdd-eebf-88bd-1765efcb8c95 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_242_uiName Circator Soul ID: 461b58da-77a1-50f8-f3cf-d8580efcd58b Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_circator Quartermaster Soul ID: 4624fcce-aa76-182d-0fb8-387238854294 Head ID: 463710ce-4850-84a1-ead9-4206c08a0088 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_362_uiName Morcock Soul ID: 462addb4-ce67-c651-2358-6f03a7db68aa Head ID: 4aeadc6d-b547-a5fe-d6bf-03ec0f8c3194 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 481bb23a-06af-86b7-934c-e87acf7f3a91 Scriptname: char_8_uiName Combat Master Vanyek Soul ID: 464c0078-2566-4391-4143-2659b8406689 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_294_uiName Black Lukesh Soul ID: 4658ef07-c099-386d-e455-82494f3905aa Head ID: 4e8b50c5-63f0-e85b-9a43-f244c56c16aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_30_uiName Vicar's guard Soul ID: 4659fd00-b4a5-9a5e-86cc-4f67ea561dac Head ID: 430e90b7-fa44-f913-12f2-aa6835ce9f86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: char_540_uiName Tanner Soul ID: 465fd5aa-4d73-1f0a-737b-2bab2f774bb3 Head ID: 404f142d-dc33-769c-f121-ac7a579c7fbc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_97_uiName Soldier Soul ID: 4667389f-36ec-b886-3c84-ea88db974393 Head ID: 48830d36-b145-1e4b-869d-9e3cbd636a8c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_512_uiName Overseer's Hand Soul ID: 467388c8-b4e8-ca13-9be1-00f7417d49aa Head ID: 4433e907-4a1f-a309-d91a-f859e45a0888 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_480_uiName Charlatan Soul ID: 468044a8-052d-88dc-65e0-42589f3cd39b Head ID: 4bf88699-f02c-dc91-308f-a48cc13134b7 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_93_uiName Peychar Soul ID: 469a24fa-c4a8-549d-7026-95d0ce1e9b8e Head ID: 443ecd20-c33c-30cb-a15b-6730b020b6be Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_487_uiName Andrew Soul ID: 469a778e-29f9-96ae-2132-5156c40d4281 Head ID: 4d033237-bfba-f43a-beb2-172f2d8287bf Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_226_uiName Rapota Soul ID: 46a32003-1f38-5d66-f244-8888b96be0af Head ID: 4278ca1d-6a0e-4dca-0f72-e423458832bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_290_uiName Prior Soul ID: 46b70837-880c-5898-b9db-397e7bb0feaa Head ID: 4eb0a91d-a813-9109-eac5-e2a8004008a7 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_146_uiName Mistress Bauer Soul ID: 46c0bc8f-6718-75c3-e1d0-b8ae26085aa8 Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: char_239_uiName Novice Antonius Soul ID: 46d2c29b-91fb-773c-2b8c-4f84cdbcceb6 Head ID: 4aeadc6d-b547-a5fe-d6bf-03ec0f8c3194 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_162_uiName Zach Soul ID: 46d8278c-1d65-99d4-b30f-4c63e8f2b38c Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_465_uiName Tailor Soul ID: 46e127ba-a478-45c1-b163-9fc943ea4f98 Head ID: 430e90b7-fa44-f913-12f2-aa6835ce9f86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_tailor Johann Soul ID: 46f871e8-75a6-5fb0-9951-47f1cd8b3cbe Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_282_uiName Tanner Brada Soul ID: 4703bb5d-ea7e-f28e-76d9-5fa02da2ee93 Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_449_uiName Ringlet Soul ID: 47073b7a-95bc-6a6f-07c3-2b6404fccfa7 Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 498bc146-f7d1-1c55-7a6b-b549cbdfb98f Scriptname: char_477_uiName Vatzek Soul ID: 4731351f-c37f-666d-9cf5-5d1d0582d0bc Head ID: 498cd967-cd4d-e26c-b25c-58d55fc27898 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_265_uiName Hans Capon Soul ID: 4737000b-d6f5-b118-ce6e-7f01704dafb3 Head ID: 40f48202-e852-65f9-4591-ad5f73a8c787 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 483ee159-9888-4955-ee19-e41d97637592 Scriptname: char_25_uiName Ulrich Soul ID: 4744920f-ca4c-8fd1-32a7-83dcc3b018ab Head ID: 4e42f4e5-0747-b7da-5d8d-b190feb11d9c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_288_uiName Tom o' the Baths Soul ID: 477455f2-5b09-51d5-6991-3e62d93dabb9 Head ID: 4da0fa45-c37e-a7b3-fd4b-9eef082b2880 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_31_uiName Leshek Soul ID: 477b47b7-bb2c-ed98-22b7-ac873c3debbc Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_151_uiName Old wh*%# Soul ID: 477f7048-e9b6-c9fc-2e55-8cc29e33fa89 Head ID: 4fd6b538-690c-3831-f7cf-3759a2afbfbf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4ca4f314-85f4-c2ef-e10f-eef1b3f708ad Scriptname: char_467_uiName Huntsman Berthold Soul ID: 4787e934-773b-c1ea-77ac-2df736e80299 Head ID: 4ca84caf-980a-665f-7d40-2c02a00c72bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_271_uiName Godwin's concubine Soul ID: 4791b7d8-c4ef-2448-1ed2-8481f45c8388 Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4f63e017-1d9c-01b6-922f-10ba24ff1e82 Scriptname: char_44_uiName Refugee Soul ID: 47966e18-abf6-3eb7-3a39-b83ad20912ab Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_refugee_woman Adam Soul ID: 47a75cc1-17bb-d5c4-30ef-9beb6a11fcaa Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_134_uiName Vitus Soul ID: 47acfb52-b8b3-6c7a-64d2-c9e0f9e1d99b Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_537_uiName Mother Soul ID: 47d47b14-73b3-da7f-d9e5-387cdbf87494 Head ID: 4ee65c00-ac5d-f579-7c5a-32099793a7a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: char_21_uiName Karl Soul ID: 47d574ec-7f82-394d-68c9-2992088ecc90 Head ID: 4b74e2b6-4c51-3f5e-fad7-1b6c87d4a5ad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_298_uiName Binky Soul ID: 47e706a8-0d1d-c79f-7fe4-1257f873089d Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_499_uiName Bianca Soul ID: 4800f053-2b25-3f57-4b8a-e7d07d0e5dac Head ID: 424d1e19-059d-f8df-75ae-02343a7ce483 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4f63e017-1d9c-01b6-922f-10ba24ff1e82 Scriptname: char_58_uiName Bathhouse proprietor Soul ID: 48031378-63a1-973e-c8a3-a44c9f6a63a1 Head ID: 438ffba3-a253-ce22-7a98-039c554ee0bf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: soul_ui_name_bathhouseAbbess Rock Soul ID: 48389626-eeb6-f503-3cf3-e476afb35d89 Head ID: 494d03ac-73d5-7237-343f-66cb22177389 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_137_uiName Zlata Soul ID: 4842ca6b-04e6-cf87-4cf8-7e7bc5a7b5be Head ID: 454f5263-baf2-cf94-80da-7b359adfa0b4 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_216_uiName Timmy Soul ID: 4857a4e6-96a2-a0fe-38ba-8afdb80f098a Head ID: 499cf1c1-1b37-4f24-74d5-6a013229d7a5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_6_uiName Radan Soul ID: 485dc6e3-e63f-b896-4bf3-62b752171cae Head ID: 4aeadc6d-b547-a5fe-d6bf-03ec0f8c3194 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_336_uiName Drahomira Soul ID: 48930738-7d92-5239-c614-a9472792e292 Head ID: 49d9f44c-b704-f8d9-86ae-1a4b7fc72f96 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_213_uiName Apothecary Soul ID: 48a15b71-befb-7e59-940b-43bfeaa937a5 Head ID: 413ab6b0-705f-43ee-dfe7-f20df5af44a3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_186_uiName Tonda Soul ID: 48a3771c-664f-4fd2-bd4d-a593a5e7e5ab Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_136_uiName Vincent Soul ID: 48a9c98c-e514-c769-7ebd-7a32c07b97b5 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_140_uiName Pie Soul ID: 48aa754d-8089-a87a-533f-d1ca7d499693 Head ID: Body ID: 4f14fe8f-5380-84b2-aeb3-6e51163f2a84 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_539_uiName Kelpie Soul ID: 48b53a16-e479-872e-4057-66d6bc6801ae Head ID: Body ID: 445d16d9-5798-b136-1d02-9859932ce5a4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_491_uiName Charcoal-burner spokesman Soul ID: 48d19a69-4f9c-0678-1632-b2e0bd336c9d Head ID: 48b67a62-5959-6bc6-3c26-df8a1ba6c2a9 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_80_uiName Bailiff Soul ID: 48dff681-bed4-0811-cd97-5234e51bd2a2 Head ID: 4304cd81-2a31-be08-2464-59e97f308191 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 47d9216e-7949-59a0-0272-fbc85829d1a0 Scriptname: char_53_uiName Cobbler Soul ID: 48e95aa0-623d-5dea-5e13-c22ca6918b82 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_shoemaker Soldier Soul ID: 48e9bff5-156c-7f6e-af2d-79f56a81f78a Head ID: 4a97d5fe-4ebc-2de3-ff05-c7cab44735a2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: char_513_uiName Circator John Soul ID: 48ee285f-8d53-7d40-5bb2-fe97a9668daf Head ID: 498cd967-cd4d-e26c-b25c-58d55fc27898 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_145_uiName Al-Burāq Soul ID: 48f4dc7f-b84a-b86f-1a91-6e494db51d83 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_507_uiName Charcoal-Burner's Helper Soul ID: 4909a335-ec27-3213-29b0-9e87cbb93f85 Head ID: 4826c718-b777-4df2-02ad-b3cd40c4bb97 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_358_uiName Millmaid Anna Soul ID: 4917810c-c9e0-a3ea-6b8d-2b9af13c1e9c Head ID: 4e10f78e-d9d8-6b4c-e62d-39c7435feba5 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_192_uiName Captain Bernard Soul ID: 491d704a-2542-8314-6238-370dfe920398 Head ID: 4c59cc69-21cd-f236-b8a4-36cefd897ea1 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_127_uiName Martin Viezek Soul ID: 491f4a40-3a66-601b-d96c-750a9964ff8e Head ID: 4ca3b859-ada5-6ab1-a0c2-86cc6cef8381 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_551_uiName Kornelius Soul ID: 493b2fb0-f79f-e5ed-73b0-30762253559e Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_138_uiName Adela Soul ID: 495e1277-3bb4-e1db-c3b8-841582eae796 Head ID: 4489ffdb-1230-803a-8504-ac985dd01295 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4ca4f314-85f4-c2ef-e10f-eef1b3f708ad Scriptname: char_11_uiName Guard Radim Soul ID: 497f6760-a6ef-51e8-8264-3b12cd0877be Head ID: 427e5d03-49f8-a509-f14b-64f09707bea8 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_450_uiName Novice Lucas Soul ID: 497ff41b-0170-84c5-2b64-753021775898 Head ID: 41a45eef-0043-11d2-39c6-999674b28a9a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_165_uiName Charcoal-burner spokesman Soul ID: 4997b87e-e06e-fdec-90f1-d6556a9dc9a7 Head ID: 4433e907-4a1f-a309-d91a-f859e45a0888 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_78_uiName Ruch Soul ID: 499cfdd3-111c-f574-91e0-e719300501b9 Head ID: 4323dbde-50d4-7036-ccdf-825a7dd58c95 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_68_uiName Straw Soul ID: 49a5f815-4be0-c6d7-565b-495f3437559e Head ID: 40841976-5e55-5318-f06a-ca57bc2271aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_236_uiName Kuttenberg Executioner Soul ID: 49a7194a-7708-957b-9007-b51e1950438c Head ID: 4772ebf3-94a8-90c7-fe06-008fae0a8990 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_199_uiName Innkeeper Soul ID: 49ade253-d390-adf8-99bc-dc04b65afc9f Head ID: 41a13df0-ccb1-4bf8-3240-663c388955b5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_12_uiName Beran's wife Soul ID: 49bf8894-84bf-8f41-c0b2-bcddb35763a8 Head ID: 438ffba3-a253-ce22-7a98-039c554ee0bf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_203_uiName Maple Soul ID: 49c40b69-ff37-5dc1-df3f-369091229e96 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_474_uiName Zmola Soul ID: 49c6168b-03e6-2190-a029-656eda43bcaf Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_152_uiName Konrad Kyeser Soul ID: 49e53f28-f063-782f-6ac5-2268a520f682 Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_284_uiName Pegasus Soul ID: 49e83b32-f968-e0bb-dcee-2997eb9cca99 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_502_uiName Charcoal-burner Havel Soul ID: 49f42b72-58ac-1e97-8e97-b7d10e0d5f8d Head ID: 448b6cc9-0be0-1989-2a4f-7d76443ca5a6 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_46_uiName Pavel Soul ID: 4a000820-590a-a4c3-f533-f93083ed7f9b Head ID: 4ca1d4ae-aeac-d01f-60a0-c7e56ea68d86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_70_uiName Stephen Soul ID: 4a0a8f4a-34a4-b5fe-6576-73d959f39999 Head ID: 4ed16810-8c5f-3ad5-0a61-e63a3e9bfe99 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_478_uiName Vagrant Soul ID: 4a14e4d8-cdd8-8f6d-2647-6cc1eb30aca5 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_266_uiName Blacksmith's Betty Soul ID: 4a2d6bce-254c-f656-0beb-ae7ea13a4292 Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_77_uiName Josef Soul ID: 4a353d34-83ed-f774-9002-d2c58762e9b1 Head ID: 430e90b7-fa44-f913-12f2-aa6835ce9f86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_475_uiName Vincent Soul ID: 4a357b2f-0b8f-e347-020d-e47cb488c6a0 Head ID: 41369351-5a3d-19b2-39ea-2ea3219aa685 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_515_uiName Quarryman Semek Soul ID: 4a41ff14-f10e-805a-5bce-72dd91fd8a99 Head ID: 40841976-5e55-5318-f06a-ca57bc2271aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_351_uiName Melichar Soul ID: 4a4ad147-9a62-d623-7d57-a6fdadccdfa3 Head ID: 41369351-5a3d-19b2-39ea-2ea3219aa685 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_230_uiName Wayfarer Soul ID: 4a626937-1174-d25a-b76c-7cdaac374e9d Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_445_uiName Roe deer Soul ID: 4a76984e-edb0-97dd-cc6c-605e380ed8b4 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_549_uiName Tanner Soul ID: 4a7ff41b-cd54-63f9-2df3-12016dc2fca1 Head ID: 47eecc79-db4d-a81d-9017-f0b0bb1c66bd Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_3_uiName Philip from Skalitz Soul ID: 4a8615b6-7c1b-9d1c-29f6-6024f6269cac Head ID: 40841976-5e55-5318-f06a-ca57bc2271aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_354_uiName Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 4a997a10-013a-870c-ed96-a7141ad1a8a0 Head ID: 499cf1c1-1b37-4f24-74d5-6a013229d7a5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_439_uiName Fisherman Tomkin Soul ID: 4aace8a5-4ac2-7ae1-19d2-91bf85b188b7 Head ID: 48b67a62-5959-6bc6-3c26-df8a1ba6c2a9 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_443_uiName Zora Soul ID: 4ab79da2-dd95-a2e2-2672-554b62118681 Head ID: 495589a6-c20a-ed74-32d3-941533b81faa Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4a8db7fc-061e-bf25-0788-544016eb5eaf Scriptname: char_169_uiName Lumir Soul ID: 4abe8f7a-e594-9264-8184-1bdfc501fd86 Head ID: 443ecd20-c33c-30cb-a15b-6730b020b6be Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_69_uiName Executioner Hermann Soul ID: 4ac4d320-20c9-f6b2-c42a-6985417e239f Head ID: 445a1db0-010e-0b13-f5dc-3c63ea143db5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba Scriptname: char_176_uiName Mark Soul ID: 4ad8fb29-0b1c-33ef-1724-ff6ecbe9c8a5 Head ID: 4e8b50c5-63f0-e85b-9a43-f244c56c16aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: char_171_uiName Leshek Soul ID: 4adacac3-98c1-af35-5df3-0c2d3aefccbd Head ID: 42d388b9-d1cb-b570-496c-68b5e3aee3af Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_269_uiName Karl's father Soul ID: 4adee31c-3794-76a5-1961-1472a6f49abf Head ID: 4433e907-4a1f-a309-d91a-f859e45a0888 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_300_uiName Reeky Soul ID: 4aec0002-c42e-1a59-6587-5aef12096eb0 Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_4_uiName Marta Soul ID: 4aef15de-dccd-7cef-a263-f871e001759b Head ID: 4a898ebc-7ec6-a59b-494a-e80f2a05a5a9 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_442_uiName Deutsch Soul ID: 4aefce43-adce-0b5a-00f0-9bdbe19a7d8d Head ID: 4badf439-71f2-a511-6405-e9f2724cdf84 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_52_uiName Johanka Soul ID: 4af9f16e-e4cf-1944-2304-37d437600ab4 Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4e598240-322b-fe6a-3d27-456f4a7e8396 Scriptname: char_55_uiName Sasau scribe Soul ID: 4b0ce772-e9e0-75da-af27-0b8a7b6fe7bd Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_481_uiName Antonia Soul ID: 4b22b50c-6aa0-5c83-00ab-f5813e6e40b9 Head ID: 46949204-65e2-8cdf-1e52-5ed116f5bdaa Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4ca4f314-85f4-c2ef-e10f-eef1b3f708ad Scriptname: char_142_uiName Bucephalus Soul ID: 4b30f668-bfa1-e49d-599d-8ff86eb333a4 Head ID: Body ID: 445d16d9-5798-b136-1d02-9859932ce5a4 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_504_uiName Beran Soul ID: 4b36ee6d-3f40-0fa0-1b2c-9e8050bf88ab Head ID: 4db3e97a-e739-9fa9-0be0-431a31a3f0b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_202_uiName Innkeeper Soul ID: 4b57ecc4-881d-54bc-3b2d-36aab54a0d86 Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_436_uiName Mash Soul ID: 4b6e7d92-d71a-37fd-e5d9-a1c23febf990 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_473_uiName Vera Soul ID: 4b7a55ac-9553-58a7-fffc-1c26b43f0294 Head ID: 4fd6641d-ed0b-8124-0ad5-550c5ad3ee9f Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4a9d64f2-363f-8421-9192-3e5cca84dc89 Scriptname: char_214_uiName Head Groom Soul ID: 4b8153cf-99bd-641d-6459-f82f8a589fa3 Head ID: 499cf1c1-1b37-4f24-74d5-6a013229d7a5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_446_uiName Bedrishka Soul ID: 4b8ef5e2-ea27-13be-1f6a-75c965584ba2 Head ID: 4e10f78e-d9d8-6b4c-e62d-39c7435feba5 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_517_uiName Fritz Soul ID: 4bae19f7-e5f9-2284-823b-0c7e630489a9 Head ID: 4ebdd146-20a9-d1b3-9f93-a49a7de90b99 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_204_uiName Mercenary Soul ID: 4bc41b10-7af1-f440-e696-d4eef6e20095 Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: soul_ui_name_mercenary Marush Soul ID: 4bd3a97a-339c-c279-5656-4fe44b2adb8c Head ID: 4fd6b538-690c-3831-f7cf-3759a2afbfbf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: char_66_uiName Skalitz Priest Soul ID: 4bf9b9a3-3c33-0b06-4042-ed6ec4118ba4 Head ID: 4cb4a77d-1556-ec5f-4764-4e17faa8408a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 432f8b7b-bdb8-24e6-9df3-623d504d439b Scriptname: char_247_uiName Father Fabian Soul ID: 4c0b7d2c-728a-7da1-5981-0e5bdddfe8b5 Head ID: 4ecee699-d3a1-ce1c-e641-a54aa4b271b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 498bc146-f7d1-1c55-7a6b-b549cbdfb98f Scriptname: char_536_uiName Blacksmith's wife Soul ID: 4c1b11c9-5b0b-e7ea-74d4-fbbbc7b363a1 Head ID: 4a1a02fd-6920-f056-8c9a-ef8b2eb22ea0 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_444_uiName John II of Liechtenstein Soul ID: 4c1f9070-0f34-f482-cc98-008de6b45ba3 Head ID: 45c7ec88-ad74-9f61-6bdc-e1a75be91a8c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_302_uiName Tavern brawler Soul ID: 4c2b0aca-6d1b-0e32-333d-d7adc4b54da7 Head ID: 4ca1d4ae-aeac-d01f-60a0-c7e56ea68d86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_448_uiName Theresa Soul ID: 4c3b9ad2-7463-9ac5-3387-a52e25e3888b Head ID: 4dd7098d-236a-b19d-d503-4c5e945a01b7 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 49048677-79d3-a37c-0de9-13bec637df81 Scriptname: char_23_uiName Poacher Soul ID: 4c6ecb02-ca0f-ea78-8649-35af1a3dac96 Head ID: 4d4fa1ff-1aec-33e8-4153-4761a8fcccad Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: soul_ui_name_poacher Matthias Soul ID: 4ca3df32-ca9d-5e1d-7db8-1b9609fe3db3 Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_49_uiName Herb Woman Soul ID: 4caa841a-0350-63e8-24fd-389fcf581cb1 Head ID: 438ffba3-a253-ce22-7a98-039c554ee0bf Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 450deb9d-adc4-13cf-8e64-3bf5302387b1 Scriptname: char_190_uiName Radan Soul ID: 4ce20ab7-b976-24e0-2c72-99fb9ca75fa0 Head ID: 4f440a65-e438-04bf-ecfc-43dfd475d097 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_337_uiName Mine worker Soul ID: 4ce7623c-7a79-65e7-edd8-7fa4abe86e9d Head ID: 4182f771-c465-75af-611d-8ae2205d8594 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 48ed37d7-947c-a46b-6bd3-940db95a58bc Scriptname: char_99_uiName Tramp Soul ID: 4ceb1163-0cc1-067d-0be5-5326bbbc2fae Head ID: 4108b00a-e205-4c0e-bc58-b7a9a49c469a Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_253_uiName Innkeeper Soul ID: 4cee0a74-80cd-a680-02e3-3f7193eada98 Head ID: 4badf439-71f2-a511-6405-e9f2724cdf84 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_96_uiName Deutsch's Wife Soul ID: 4cf2e79e-bdbb-6ffd-6d5c-aba2b6a9e4ae Head ID: 47a50742-eb46-fc80-a728-89336bbcb9a1 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 4a9d64f2-363f-8421-9192-3e5cca84dc89 Scriptname: char_13_uiName Old Thomas Soul ID: 4cf71dc1-01b1-c75b-bd1c-eb5e281905ae Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_370_uiName Daniel Soul ID: 4cf7a68d-572f-0fd0-283e-1596675f8593 Head ID: 40841976-5e55-5318-f06a-ca57bc2271aa Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_516_uiName Blacksmith Mikesh Soul ID: 4d11fd34-e5e9-0d47-1594-c4b4bd5610be Head ID: 463710ce-4850-84a1-ead9-4206c08a0088 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_102_uiName Suspicious man-at-arms Soul ID: 4d626d4d-e2e8-d1f6-fe0e-43ae2d82f991 Head ID: 4138f2b4-d849-6a3d-748a-a6190339e1a6 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4ea94f8c-2b55-da74-5858-bbc94ea0619e Scriptname: char_92_uiName Vashek Soul ID: 4d69f4f4-6b78-7b1f-5a61-8fa8045b7aac Head ID: 4aeadc6d-b547-a5fe-d6bf-03ec0f8c3194 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_452_uiName Warhorse Jenda Soul ID: 4d6e66f7-a18a-7c94-a040-24e3faea2492 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_508_uiName Brother Nicodemus Soul ID: 4d81a057-762d-051e-0223-e909de12698f Head ID: 41c8c3c5-01a5-fc38-c828-99a36ab36999 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_133_uiName Master Karel Soul ID: 4d906ac1-5334-acef-a881-cce1f0332a80 Head ID: 4a63cfe5-7273-213e-89c3-1b1d0b8eb9b3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_149_uiName Charcoal-burner spokesman Soul ID: 4d983d23-eab1-4627-9a58-11168c294a8b Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_81_uiName Vicar Soul ID: 4d9da2c3-a358-5742-0a3b-59bd3f809fb3 Head ID: 459573bf-af4d-cb26-5076-35fad54ea5b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4008b869-81c8-a8f1-e30e-a6a48b7ce6a3 Scriptname: char_143_uiName Miller Oliver Soul ID: 4da3b5e8-1356-6eab-7177-0d408fca4686 Head ID: 4d7a2d4a-919c-4096-7af9-977c91bf26b4 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_548_uiName Gambler Soul ID: 4db0a7a6-05ab-7739-9801-32c8d5878183 Head ID: 455088ce-a60f-cf5b-09ae-e99a6321d3b9 Body ID: Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_482_uiName Kanthaka Soul ID: 4db80314-3213-99d7-6c73-3f504ec71c98 Head ID: Body ID: 4f341228-4cbe-cec5-f994-addd4ccaa3a7 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_506_uiName Overseer Soul ID: 4dbfe6e7-3d29-682e-101d-456d3dbe518e Head ID: 43854a72-1c15-4f1d-036d-0962d4e4259c Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 43111af3-2bb6-232c-4c91-da7221d06cbe Scriptname: char_371_uiName Tulpar Soul ID: 4dc25d24-6458-6277-0e52-6c3a8a299ea6 Head ID: Body ID: 48ec07ac-17de-add9-49d8-975da7209bba Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_496_uiName Riddler Soul ID: 4ddf8e26-7a62-9baf-cfe8-a5d0899c18aa Head ID: 41a13df0-ccb1-4bf8-3240-663c388955b5 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_458_uiName Farmer Josef's wife Soul ID: 4e016265-132a-3539-00db-e19c80e23da8 Head ID: 4a3e825a-d037-4093-256b-0d9ac72f41a7 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 47b253e9-0cf2-7d09-beb2-9e2ee62e6080 Scriptname: char_451_uiName Citcator Stibor Soul ID: 4e5a1f21-28a1-3030-7cca-54738c6f8480 Head ID: 413ab6b0-705f-43ee-dfe7-f20df5af44a3 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_160_uiName Charcoal-burner twin Soul ID: 4e8ac3e5-d442-df47-af20-874cc7be16a1 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_84_uiName Novice Siskin Soul ID: 4eb07e1b-27fb-e6a8-7362-5257e218fea5 Head ID: 41d9f3cd-f3c0-ada9-461b-c24635f2deb2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4ea94f8c-2b55-da74-5858-bbc94ea0619e Scriptname: char_164_uiName Jakub Soul ID: 4ebd7005-9247-4888-716f-d532784a1caa Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 40244696-b3d5-4683-d4d9-774d533da88d Scriptname: char_170_uiName Vicar's guard Soul ID: 4ed734dd-c3ed-f0f5-e41e-5456241bf0a7 Head ID: 4826c718-b777-4df2-02ad-b3cd40c4bb97 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_541_uiName Boxer Soul ID: 4ef029d2-5a32-f218-954b-bb92f9f9c08a Head ID: Body ID: 42855b88-f189-7ee4-5d39-9bd0feea8d86 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_490_uiName Miller Soul ID: 4efb06f7-d3a6-12b9-1484-a5fc708fa2a0 Head ID: 41c8c3c5-01a5-fc38-c828-99a36ab36999 Body ID: Hair ID: Scriptname: char_177_uiName Florian Soul ID: 4f09dcf8-fe7a-dcb3-4989-f6a233285aa2 Head ID: 41369351-5a3d-19b2-39ea-2ea3219aa685 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_296_uiName Sleipnir Soul ID: 4f1cc4cd-1780-38d6-5909-ce71e9146abf Head ID: Body ID: 48ec07ac-17de-add9-49d8-975da7209bba Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_505_uiName Epona Soul ID: 4f21ec6b-b417-687b-ed1f-2f58457f2893 Head ID: Body ID: 4b58d97c-a4b0-f52f-7506-4b74504db390 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_494_uiName Konrad Hagen Soul ID: 4f3696e0-963e-5150-270c-ccf3168b43ab Head ID: 4da0fa45-c37e-a7b3-fd4b-9eef082b2880 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_130_uiName Jack Piper Soul ID: 4f59d0e4-cc55-2c88-73d1-d89c562c50bc Head ID: 4e24f71b-927b-a555-c932-feffdc9e4eb6 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_65_uiName Charcoal-burner Soul ID: 4f8b5990-c37f-2805-9379-576aafb61890 Head ID: 430a5b7a-0cff-49e7-3084-90a5bb41fd8b Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_438_uiName Milomir Soul ID: 4fa3a428-222b-362f-0ab1-e130f2327bbb Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_229_uiName Chollima Soul ID: 4fb7f1ff-31df-be54-876b-a950d2d333b6 Head ID: Body ID: 4f14fe8f-5380-84b2-aeb3-6e51163f2a84 Hair ID: 43fc087e-121a-7646-da06-4a124ff29284 Scriptname: char_503_uiName Nicholas Soul ID: 4fbab7bf-fdde-b3ac-b21c-c60c321afcb4 Head ID: 4d50d1b6-1f14-7341-c2b7-c18d8a68ff86 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: Scriptname: char_16_uiName Novice Jodok Soul ID: 4fbd857a-8cab-9f90-92a4-b7dcb20950bc Head ID: 41369351-5a3d-19b2-39ea-2ea3219aa685 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b7bc943-143e-8d8c-c854-4ce1bb2f5ba2 Scriptname: char_163_uiName Bran Soul ID: 4fcd36f6-f465-bc28-ef77-c5da556509b4 Head ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_231_uiName Istvan Toth Soul ID: 4fd66f2f-1492-5136-4f74-de723df20cbd Head ID: 48b0f7a0-4fd7-e587-e9c7-96440a0874be Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_59_uiName Sebastian vom Berg Soul ID: 4ff5794e-34c2-1cd7-4d2f-c358c870219d Head ID: 4970ab5a-6f76-c4fa-9dd0-873fb0f892bc Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_150_uiName Miller Woyzeck Soul ID: 6ebd1d24-e479-47f0-b9ac-5bd1abb4ffc1 Head ID: 485a1f79-15b9-1561-7571-d50db191c0b0 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 464ec279-f69d-89da-8769-a67ac52e498d Scriptname: char_179_uiName Wolfram Pruda Soul ID: 8ffad749-6f78-42f5-84c4-48d8803c8ed7 Head ID: 4b16e024-81de-fda0-0e31-a96a431ac6b2 Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 452fdf90-e2c8-e4ff-3bcf-42cfae335f86 Scriptname: char_182_uiName Farmer Josef Soul ID: bccd8526-0fe2-42c5-ae9c-cd994871d43d Head ID: 47dddc03-7b5c-e8b6-e576-7f474c714fbe Body ID: 9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407 Hair ID: 4b61cecf-a191-72ce-01bf-36ce711ea6a0 Scriptname: char_441_uiName Magda Soul ID: f4a52096-d2e6-4260-98f5-d2ec8b1c7621 Head ID: 424d1e19-059d-f8df-75ae-02343a7ce483 Body ID: 0c728551-5863-4109-a339-b0f42fb0cf85 Hair ID: 47b253e9-0cf2-7d09-beb2-9e2ee62e6080 Scriptname: char_191_uiName
  2. This tutorial covers how to edit characters in many aspects, as the majority of a character's stats and look is defined in the soul.xml. Editing a Character's Model For example, let's say you wanted to change Henry to use Sir Radzig's head. To do this, you need to find the character_head_id assigned to Sir Radzig (43c33404-7d69-ceb8-713b-807835b0f999) in the soul.xml. Sir Radzig's head_id is 49e96b41-a5e3-a794-03f8-636eff390eab. Then you want to edit Henry, whose soul id is 43144483-f3bb-fab8-9ceb-f77e3020598a. Change the character_head_id in Henry's entry to use Sir Radzig's character_head_id. This process applies to the hair and model body too. Example entry: <row activity_0="dummyWait" activity_1="" activity_2="" activity_3="" activity_4="" activity_5="" activity_6="" activity_7="" activity_8="" agi="1" ai_body_id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000035000" barter="0" brain_id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000045003" character_beard_brightness="1" character_beard_color="8421504" character_beard_hue="0" character_beard_id="" character_beard_saturation="1" character_body_id="9fe6dae0-e195-42e0-a3fb-66cfc6382407" character_eyes_color="8421504" character_eyes_occlusion_strength="0" character_hair_brightness="1" character_hair_color="8421504" character_hair_hue="0" character_hair_id="4bc51034-3ad5-0050-f5c1-ba11046ed4ba" character_hair_saturation="1" character_head_brightness="1" character_head_color="8421504" character_head_hue="0" character_head_id="49e96b41-a5e3-a794-03f8-636eff390eab" character_head_saturation="1" character_proportion="1" character_scale="1" character_skin_brightness="1" character_skin_color="8421504" character_skin_hue="0" character_skin_saturation="1" charisma="0" computer_name="OBITTNER-D" courage="0" digestion_multiplier="1" faction="11" hearing="0" initial_clothing_dirt="0" initial_clothing_preset_id="40f91af6-8aa6-fa06-c171-785c048b0893" initial_weapon_preset_id="10101010-c8cb-81dd-40f1-2f0554804f83" inventory_id="" level_name="test_martin_06" reputation="1" shadiness="0" social_class_id="13" soul_archetype_id="13" soul_class_id="5" soul_id="43144483-f3bb-fab8-9ceb-f77e3020598a" soul_name="dude" soul_vip_class_id="0" spc="1" str="1" time_0="0:00" time_1="" time_2="" time_3="" time_4="" time_5="" time_6="" time_7="" time_8="" timestamp="02/01/2018 16:29" vision="10" vit="1" xp_multiplier="1" /> Editing Character Stats There are several attributes that control a character's stats found within their entry in the soul.xml. These are the relevant attributes: agi (Agility)bartercharismacouragedigestion_multiplierhearingspc (Speech)str (Strength)visionvit (Vitality)Editing Character Clothing There are two attributes in the soul.xml that control a character's initial loadout in terms of clothing, armor and weapons. For clothing, this attribute is initial_clothing_preset_id. This is defined in clothing_preset.xml in the item folder. To actually assign armor to a preset, you need to add entries in armor2clothing.xml in the item folder. For weapons, this attribute is initial_weapon_preset_id. This is defined in This is defined in weapon_preset.xml in the item folder. To actually assign weapons to a preset, you need to add entries in weapon2weapon_preset.xml in the item folder. Editing Character Name A character's name is controlled by an entry in v_soul_character_data.xml. This links their soul_id with a name string that is found in text_ui_soul.xml. Changing the name string in text_ui_soul.xml will allow you to change the name. However, for better compatibility, I recommend creating a custom localization file and editing localization.xml, as this allows for easier merging of localization. To do this, copy the Localization folder from under Libs into your mod structure. It should look like this: <mod>\Libs\Localization\localization.xml. Within localization.xml, add a new entry for your custom localization file. For example: <entry>text_ui_example.xml</entry> Then, create your custom localization.xml, calling it the same name as the entry in localization.xml. <Table> <Row> <Cell>ui_nm_mynewname</Cell> <Cell>Boo</Cell> <Cell>Boo</Cell> </Row> </Table> This file needs to be placed in the english_xml.pak.
  3. They are within the WHGame.dll, as compiled C++ code. We're not able to edit them.
  4. Looked into some of the perk effects, seems they are controlled via some internal function. This is defined in perk_soul_ability.xml, which links the ability to a perk. Here is a list of the abilities with their ids for reference: 0 - Lets you jump aside during combat. 1 - You've learned to fend off the opponent's blow with a well-timed block. 2 - Riposte 3 - Unlocks the ability to conduct feints in combat. 4 - Lets you cripple people from a crouching position. 5 - Allows you to kill from stealth. You have to have a dagger. 6 - You're able to dehorse opponents. 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - Increases your chance of pickpocketing someone with the same Charisma level as you have. Such people are usually dressed similarly to you. 11 - 12 - The movement of the cursor in a pickpocketing victim's inventory will be twice as fast. 13 - 14 - The first time you first look at fresco, cross or wayside shrine, your Charisma will increase temporarily by +2. 15 - Your level of study of the book you've read most of will advance automatically while sleeping or skipping time. 16 - 17 - You can eat raw meat. 18 - When brewing you can make one extra mistake without affecting the result. 19 - The benefits of alcohol last twice as long, and unless you drink yourself to oblivion, you suffer no negative effects. But once sober, your hangover will also last twice as long. 20 - 21 - You get drunk on 50% less alcohol, saving your hard-earned Groschen, and your hangover the next day lasts only half as long. 22 - You'll never drink yourself to oblivion, but the negative effects of your hangover will be 30% stronger. 23 - You can now auto-brew potions you have brewed once before, but you can only brew one. 24 - Autobrewing will produce three potions for the price of one. 25 - The wine you get is 50% weaker, so you can drink more, but beer is twice as strong and will make you more drunk. 26 - The beer you get is 50% weaker, so you can drink more, but wine is twice as strong and will make you drunk faster. 27 - Spirits are 50% weaker for you, so you can drink more. 28 - When drunk, you get a 50% bonus on Speech and Charisma, when hungover these stats drop by 50%. 29 - When you successfully brew a potion, you get one extra. 30 - You can dispel hunger with anything. You won't suffer from eating poisoned or spoiled food, but neither will you have any positive effect from it. Does not apply to alcohol. 31 - Cured or cooked food in your inventory will spoil 20% more slowly. 32 - 33 - Potions will fill you up 30% less, which means you can drink more of them and more often. 34 - 35 - Your attacks from behind will be one third stronger. 36 - You grew up in impoverished conditions, so comfort of beds is inverted for you. The worse the bed, the better you sleep, and vice versa. 37 - You'll be able to get offal from hunted game. 38 - Enables you to get antlers from hunted animals. 39 - You're able to remove tusks from some animals. 40 - You're able to skin dead animals. 41 - Raw foods in your inventory won't spoil so fast. 42 - Healing potions will heal you 50% more, but will also intoxicate you 50% more. 43 - A successful evasion during combat will lower your opponent's morale. 44 - Hunt attack 45 - Mercy kill 46 - Firt Aid I 47 - In dialogues you'll see your counterpart's stats in skillchecks. 48 - A sword you've sharpened yourself has a 15% greater chance of causing bleeding. 49 - A weapon you've sharpened yourself will cause 15% greater damage to your opponent's armour and equipment. 50 - Each blow in an uninterrupted chain will hurt your opponent more than the previous one. Any interruption will cancel the bonus. 51 - If you're wearing boots you repaired yourself, sprinting will cost you 20% less Stamina, so you can run for longer. 52 - Every item of clothing you're wearing that you've repaired yourself adds 0.5 to Charisma, up to a maximum bonus of +2. Doesn't apply to armour. 53 - When you repair your own armour you're able to pad it so it doesn't jangle as much and lower your stealth ability. 54 - Weapons you repair with a repair kit have a 10% stronger attack, until they get too damaged.
  5. Did you start a new game after making your edits? The viability of inplace modifications isn't really known, it may be the buffs are loaded once when you start a new game, therefore your changes won't be in effect unless you start a new game.
  6. Just a mistake, it is meant to be rpg_param.xml. I'd edit the post but the forums seem to struggle to load the post editor properly.
  7. There are a few rpg params that affect the distribution: MaxPerkPoints # total number of perk points player will gain per stat/skill MinPerkPoints # no leftovers if the number of perk points would be <= than this MinLeftoverPerks # preferred number of leftovers
  8. The perk effects are found in buff.xml. If you open that, search for perk_cuman_killer and perk_heavy_swing to find the entries that control their effects. The params field is what sets the modifiers the buff grants, the modifiers themselves are a bit cryptic, since they're mostly three letter abbreviations (i.e. wat is Weapon Damage)
  9. Not from what I've seen. The distribution is generated from the maximum number of perks and the skill cap (20).
  10. I'm pretty sure its possible to create a perk that is hidden (visibility="0"). This lets you create a buff without a visible perk related to it. You can assign the perk automatically to Henry by adding the perk to the soul2perk.xml. Henry's soul_id is 43144483-f3bb-fab8-9ceb-f77e3020598a
  11. From browsing mod pages, I've seen a lot of requests from users towards modders for merging various tweaks made in the rpg_param.xml file. Since this file controls quite a lot of different things and therefore will be a very common conflict, t's probably better if users learn to make these edits themselves. This short guide will cover the process so anybody can make edits and create their own mod. Setup 1. To get the vanilla rpg_param.xml file, you need to extract it from the Tables.pak file. This is found in the Kingdom Come Deliverance/Data/ folder. 2. Within the Tables.pak file itself, navigate to Libs/Tables/rpg/ and extract the file. 3. In any directory, create a folder called Libs, and then within another called Tables, and within that rpg. You should end up with this folder structure: <directory>\Libs\Tables\rpg\ 4. Place your extracted rpg_param.xml file here. You can now start editing the file. Edits Open the file in a text editor, I recommend Notepad++ to ensure the encoding remains correct. Each parameter within this file is defined in a row, with the rpg_param_key attribute defining which game setting to edit, and the rpg_param_value attribute setting the actual value. So, for example, if you wanted to change the Skill Cap from 20 to 30, you'd need to add a new row. To do this, add a line similar to the example below, ensuring it is within the <rows> tags. <row rpg_param_key="SkillCap" rpg_param_value="30" /> You can add as many new rows as you like, although you shouldn't repeat settings. Packaging Now you've made your changes to the rpg_param.xml file, you need to create your own .pak file so the game can load your edits First, you need to create an empty .tbl file so the game will load your custom .xml, otherwise it will default to reading the vanilla .tbl file and ignoring your changes. To do this, just make a new text file with nothing in and save it as rpg_param.tbl. This will create a 0 kb file. This file should be in the same directory as the rpg_parama.xml file. Now return to the directory you created the Libs folder in. With a program such as 7zip or WinRar, create a new .zip file with the Libs folder at the top. (i.e. right-click on the Libs folder -> 7zip -> Add to archive). Once the zip file has been created, manually rename it to .pak, which is functionally identical, but allows the file to be read by the game. You should now have a .pak file called <modname>.pak, with Libs/Tables/rpg/ folders within and both the rpg_param.xml and rpg_param.tbl files within the rpg folder. Place your pak file into the games Data folder and launch the game, your edits will now appear ingame. Reference There are numerous parameters that are not listed in the vanilla rpg_param.xml file. The following is a list of all the parameters found within the .dll and the comments left with them. They have been loosely sorted so it's easier to find what parameters you want. SkillCap # max skill level, also effects of a general skill are maximal at this level StatCap # max stat level SkillXPLevelBase # base value (additive) to calculate XPs needed for the next level SkillXPLevelDiff # multiplicative value to calculate XPs needed AgilityXPLevelBase AgilityXPLevelDiff StrengthXPLevelBase StrengthXPLevelDiff VitalityXPLevelBase VitalityXPLevelDiff SpeechXPLevelBase SpeechXPLevelDiff StoryProgressXPLevelBase StoryProgressXPLevelDiff StatToMainLevelBase StatXPHit StatXPComboHit StatXPKill StatXPAgilityPerDodge # xp gain after a dodge StatXPSpeechPerSequence # speech xp gain after selecting an unused sequence (multiplied by speech_coef of that sequence) StatXPSpeechPersuadeSuccessMax # maximal xp gain for persuade StatXPVitalityPerDistance # vitality xp gain after sprinting AthleticXPAwardDistance StatXPVitalityPerJump # vitality xp gain for each jump StatXPVitalityPerVault # vitality xp gain for each vault over a ledge StatXPVitalityPerKill # vitality xp gain after a kill SkillXPPerfectBlock SkillXPRiposte SkillXPDrinkAlcohol SkillXPUseRepairKit PickpocketingXP # XP for each successful pickpocketing PickpocketingStealthXP # XP to stealth for each successful pickpocketing PickpocketingTreasurePriceXP # [xp/value] additional XP gain calculated by stolen items total value PickpocketingFailXPMod # XP modified on fail HorseRidingAwardDistance # award xp for travelling some distance on horse AthleticXPAwardDistance # award xp for travelling some distance HorseRidingXPPerDistance # horse riding xp gain after riding HorseRidingAwardDistance SecondaryStatXPRatio # secondary weapon stat ratio SpeechDiffToSkillCheckResult # > 0; speech diff for result = -1/1 BadassnessDiffToSkillCheckResult CharismaDiffToSkillCheckResult # > 0; scaled charisma diff for result = -1/1 SkillToDmgConstA SkillToDefense SkillToFencingBase # a1 of the geometric progression SkillToPerfectBlockPowTo # slot = relativeSkill ^ this, see GDD: #defense MinPerfectBlockSlot01 # the smallest PB slot for the lowest level StatsToDodgePowTo # slot = relativeStats ^ this, see GDD: #defense BigZoneDistanceSlotMod # temporary solution, slot mod for distance > 1 MaxPerfectBlockSlotModifier # % - modifier of PB slot window - determined as (t_hit - t_pbslot) from attack * this value MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier # modifier of SPB slot window - determined as (t_hit - t_pbslot) from attack x this value MinStatToAttackMult # minimal relative attack multiplier (for a low stat) MaxStatToAttackMult # maximal relative attack multiplier (for a high stat) MaxStatToAttackStatDiff # stat difference for max/min relative attack multiplier BaseInventoryCapacity # base inventory capacity StrengthToInventoryCapacity # [lb/str] derives the inventory capacity from the strength stat HealthFull # maximum health ImmortalHealthMin # min health for immortal souls LowHealthThreshold # threshold for low health effects (for npcs) InjuryLowThreshold # limb is considered healthy if below this treshold InjuryHighThreshold # limb is bleeding if above this threshold InjuryRegenInterval # injuries fade-out, the time required to regen 1% of injury InjuryBleedingInterval # bleeding interval, the time required to lose 1HP AlchemyToleranceBase # base brewing tolerance on level 1 AlchemyTolerancePerLevel # Brewing tolerance gain per level AlchemyRecipeStepsTolerance # how many recipe steps might fail in order to successfully brew the recipe AlchemyTrialEndErrorPerkTolerance # Additional tolerance gained by having Train And Error perk HourglassTimeout # Alchemy - the time until all the sand goes down BundleAlchemistPerkAdd # Addition of potions created with Bundle Alchemist perk AlchemyXPPerSuccessfullBrewing # how many XP you get when successfully brew a potion HerbsInInventoryForFlowerPowerPerk # number of herbs in inventory needed for FlowerPower perk to be active (#herb) HerbsInHorseInventoryForHorsenipPerk # number of herbs in horse inventory needed for Horsenip perk to be active (#herb) HerbGatherSkillToCount # multiplied by sqrt(skill level) to modify the number of collected herbs (#herb) HerbGatherSkillToRadius # [m/xp] multiplied by skill level to calculate radius (#herb) HerbGatherXP # final XP reward for one herb gathering(#herb) HunterLootAmountAddCoef # add coef, the fixed portion (#hunter) HunterXPKill # hunter skill XP gain after a kill, multiplied by the game db coef and level HunterXPLoot # hunter skill XP gain after a loot, multiplied by the game db coef and level ReadingXpPerHour # Reading ReadingRestEffectiveness # If this value is 30, reading will regen player as sleeping on bed with comfort 30% ReadingRestUpperLimit # When sleeping, the rest can not exceed bed quality - When reading, the threshold is given by this value AvidReaderReadingSpeed # AvidReader soul ability advances reading progress on one book in inventory during sleep or skiptime - This constant determines speed of reading (reading spot is always None) ImprovedSleepMultiplier # How much better better (Rest regeneration speed) is SleepImproved than Sleep buff - This buff is used for reading when player has perk InTheFlow DefaultReadingQuality # Reading quality when doing nothing special (standing) NonSkillBookXP # XP rewarded for reading non-skill books OverreadnessFillTime # how long (in game hours) does it take to fill the oversleepness stat (max time player can read) OverreadnessEmptyTime # how long (in game hours) does it take to empty the oversleepness stat (time player have to be not reading to be able to read max time again) PicklockDmgSpeed # dmg/s - how fast is picklock durability decreasing (will be multiplied by the relative distance) PicklockFatalRelativeDist # maximal relative distance, if futher the pick lock is destroyer PickpocketingMinChargeTime # min charge time needed PickpocketingNPCDrunkTimeChanceMod # Modifies TimeChancePenalty when drunk PickpocketingNPCHurtTimeChanceMod # Modifies TimeChancePenalty when hurt PickpocketingTimeChancePenaltyBest # penalty in pickpocketing chance in best case (s) PickpocketingTimeChancePenaltyWorst # penalty in pickpocketing chance in worst case (s) PickpocketingAngleChancePenalty # penalty in (0-1) to chance pickpocketing for each angle from optimal possition exactly from behind victim (180 max) PickpocketingRobbedAngrinessChancePenalty # penalty in (0-1) to pickpocketing chance for each time victim was robbed before PickpocketingComradePerkBonus # max bonus in (0-1) to pickpocketing for comrade perk PickpocketingIndicatorSharpness # 0 - precise slow change, 1 - sharp change PickpocketingMaxSkillChargeTime PickpocketingMaxSkillChargeSpeedRatio # charge speed ratio boost with best skill PickpocketingItemUncoverTimePerWeight # time to uncover item per weight unit PickpocketingNPCSleepingTimeChanceMod # Modifies TimeChancePenalty when sleeping LockPickingToleranceMCoef # the kockpicking tolerance formula #lockpicking LockPickingToleranceNCoef # the lockpicking tolerance formula #lockpicking LockPickingToleranceACoef LockPickingToleranceKCoef LockPickingTurnBackMulCoef # multiplicative constant to derive the turnback speed of a lock #lockpicking LockPickingTurnBackDivCoef # constant used in the denominator to derive the turnback speed of a lock #lockpicking LockpickingSoundIntensityMin # minimal multiplier the lockpicking minigame will generate LockpickingRelDistanceToSoundIntensity # [inten/dist] how relative distance influences sound LockpickingFailSoundIntensity # [inten] one-shot intensity relative to the database LockpickingLockpickBreakChance # base lockpick break chance LockPickingAppropriateTolerance # the lock is considered too hard to pick, if the tolerance is smaller than this #lockpicking LockPickingCursorShakeSpeed # how fast does cursor shake during lock picking LockPickingCursorShakeRange # how much does cursor shake during lock picking (maximum/base value) LockPickingSkillToShakeRel # [xp^-1] how much does the skill decrease the cursor shake (skill * this is relative to maximum/base) LockPickingFailRelativeXPMulCoef # multiplicative constant to derive XP reward relative to the success #lockpicking LockPickingSuccessXPMulCoef # multiplicative constant to derive XP reward for a successfully opened lock #lockpicking LockPickingSuccessXPDivCoef # constant used in the denominator to derive XP reward for a successfully opened lock #lockpicking LockPickingStealthXP # xp to stealth for each successful lock-pick SharpeningMinEfficiencyHealth # health you can achieve with the worst efficiency SharpeningSuccessfulHealthDelta # change in weapon health at which the sharpening is considered successful SharpeningMinIdealAngle # [stam], [0,1] SharpeningMaxIdealAngle SharpeningMinDestructionAngle SharpeningMaxDestructionAngle SharpeningFullPositiveHealthXP SharpeningFullNegativeHealthXP RepairKitItemHealthBestLimit # With high skill/quality repairkit can repauir items until this health limit RepairKitMaxSkillCapacityCoef # Max skill coef for repair kit total capacity RepairKitCapacity # Repair kit capacity to repair RepairKitItemPerkBuffHealthThreshold # Buffs added by repair kit perks wont be functional under this item health RepairKitItemHealthDefaultLimit # Default repairkit item helth limit # when player has Well Worn perk, weight of items is lowered when they are equipped; equippedWeight=standardWeight*(10 - EquippedWeightSubWithWellWornPerk) EquippedWeightSubWithWellWornPerk Modifies TimeChancePenalty when sleeping # --- Barter --- BasketSuspiciencyThreashold # Haggle reaction 1 threshold (haggle more difficult) BasketSuspiciencyNoDealThreashold # Haggle reaction 2 threshold (transaction refused) BarterCoefWeightA # shopkeeper shop barter calculation 'a' coef BarterCoefWeightB # shopkeeper shop barter calculation 'b' coef BarterAngrynessCoefWeightA BarterAngrynessCoefWeightB BarterPriceSellRepCoef # sell reputation coef BarterPriceSellRepMultip # sell reputation multiplier BarterPriceSellRepBuying # price sell vs buy mod RepairPriceModif # Default reparing shop price modif # --- Perks ---- MaxPerkPoints # total number of perk points player will gain per stat/skill MinPerkPoints # no leftovers if the number of perk points would be <= than this MinLeftoverPerks # preferred number of leftovers MaxCloudAverageForShiningArmor # used by perk Knight in a shining armor; this is maximal current cloud average that still allows this perk to be active PerkBrutusCombatDmgRBonusFromBehind # brutus perk multiplicative base Dmg (CombatDmgRBonusFromBehind) StillBuffDuration # duration of standing still after which Still buff bonuses are activated (in worldtime seconds) PerkWaterOfLifeHealthMultiplier # potion health effect multiplier for Water of life perk PerkWaterOfLifeAlcoholMultiplier # potion alcohol effect multiplier for Water of life perk PerkTauntAttackerMoraleMultiplier # multiplier for 'combat_dodge_attacker' morale change when victim has Taunt perk PerkProperDietActivationTime # hours until ProperDiet perk bonuses are activated ThunderstormBuffRainIntensity # rain intensity threshold when Thunderstorm buff bonuses are activated PerkBloodRushDistance # distance from dying enemy when BloodRush perk bonuses are activated PerkBloodRushDuration # duration of BloodRush perk bonuses after an enemy dies nearby PerkCarriedBodyGravediggerWeightMul # carried body weight multiplier for gravedigger perk LocalHeroInfamousReputationThreshold # above this rep local hero, under infamous PerkManlyOdourDirtinessThreshold # above this dirtiness manly odour perk bonuses are activated PerkDaringDebonairWantedLevel # daring debonair wanted level threshold AdditionalAttackerCountForMaxFadingBuff # for AdditionalAttackerCountFading buff PerkLastGaspCooldown # how fast can the perk be activated again PerkBerserkDuration # how long are buffs active after the perk is triggered PerkBerserkHealthThreshold PerkChainStrikeMaxChain # maximal successive strikes StillAndHiddenHysteresis # switch the state after this timeout DuringFaderHysteresis # the in-fader state is kept for how longer # --- Movement and Stamina --- ArmorLoadToSprint # how armor load coefficient affects sprint ArmorLoadToRun # how armor load coefficient affects running speed ArmorLoadToJumpCost # how armor load coefficient affects the stamina jump cost (times base) JumpCostBase # stamina cost of one jump MaxAgilityToMovementSpeedAddition # max positive addition (for maximal vit), the same amount is subtracted on level 0 SprintCost # stamina/s - stam cost of sprint StamRegenCooldown # cooldown timer expiry StamRegenBase # base regeneration speed StamRegenRelativeDiff # maximal relative difference to the base speed on low/high stamina StamRegenBlockMod # relative stam regen speed during active block or raised weapon StamRegenMoveMod # relative stam regen speed during movement StamRegenFromVit # how our VIT stat affects stamina regeneration MinRelativeStaminaMax # short-term stamina maximum relative to long-term maximum HarmlessFallHeight # falling height below which no health or stamina damage is taken at agility 0 InjuringFallHeight # falling height above which health damage is taken at agility 0 FatalFallHeight # [%/s] falling height above which fatal health damage is taken at agility 0 FallDamageMultiplierAtMaxAgility # fall damage multiplier when agility is maxed out VigourFull # VigourTickInterval # vigour timer expiry ExhaustionSpeed # amount of energy/vigour 'lost' per world-time second (global base value) ExhaustedThreshold # player will have the 'exhausted' debuff when 'exhaust' stat is lower or equal to this value (in percents) ExhaustedPlayerEffectMinMin # the shortest interval between effects for low exhaust stat ExhaustedPlayerEffectMaxMin # the longest interval between effects for low exhaust stat ExhaustedPlayerEffectMinMax # the shortest interval between effects for high exhaust stat ExhaustedPlayerEffectMaxMax # the longest interval between effects for high exhaust stat ExtremeExhaustionFaintAveragePeriod SpeechMulOnExtremeExhaustion # Player will have this speech multiplied by this value when he has exhaust equal to 0 - Speech will not be changed when exhaust is 50 # Linear interpolation on multiplier is applied when exhaust is between 0 and 50 CharismaMulOnExtremeExhaustion # Player will have this charisma multiplied by this value when he has exhaust equal to 0 - Charisma will not be changed when exhaust is 50 # Linear interpolation on multiplier is applied when exhaust is between 0 and 50; SleepToSaveThreshold # sleeping at least this time triggers autosave SleepHealthRegenBaseSpeed # full regen after 8 world-time hours MinHealthToBeAbleToSleepOrSkiptime # player will not be able to go sleep or skiptime if his health would go under this threshold during the sleep or skiptime MinPossibleSleepTime # player will reject to lie into bed when he will not be able to sleep at least this long (due to bleeding/hunger/etc, in hours) OversleepnessFillTime # how long (in game hours) does it take to fill the oversleepness stat (max time player can sleep) OversleepnessEmptyTime # how long (in game hours) does it take to empty the oversleepness stat (time player have to be awake to be able to sleep max time again) InactiveTimeToDestroyOversleep # how long to let inactive oversleep buff survive (in game seconds) (we have this threshold so that the buff will not be destroyed right after being created in SkipTime class) MinPedalCost # maximum vigour - pedaling STA cost (pressure 0) MaxPedalCost # pedaling STA cost (pressure 1) # --- Digestion --- DigestionSpeed # amount of food 'lost' per world-time second (global base value) ShortTermNutritionDigestionSpeedMultiplier # digestion multiplier for part of the food with low nutrition value FoodTickInterval # food timer expiry MetabolismDigestSpeed # food/alcohol digested(added) in world time MetabolismDigestSpeedMultiplier # accelerate digest speed multiplier to_digest = max_poisoning MetabolismAbsorbSpeed # food/alcohol metabolised(removed) in world time FoodPoisoningMaxValue # Max amount of food poisoning FoodFull # you are full FoodOverEat # you cannot eat more CaffeineFullThreshold # [caf] you cannot use more refreshing items if above this value CaffeineFromFoodCoef # [caf/exh] how much caffeine is added from a unit refresh FoodSaltOrSmokePerkDecayModif # food decay perk modif FoodSaltOrSmokePerkDecayModif FoodWitcherPerkNutritionModif FoodHealthThreshold # Health threshold for possitive/negative food effect FoodHealSpeed # hp regen speed FoodPreserverHealthIncreaseAmount # this amount is added to food's health when food preserver is applied AlcoholismRemoveSpeed AlcoholismTickInterval # alcoholism timer expiry AlcoholismDuration # alcoholism duration in world time AlcoholPerkDrunkMoodRangeMod # mood range is expanded by this mod AlcoholPerkDrunkHangoverDurationMod # hangover duration mod AlcoholPerkBacchusHangoverEffectMod # hangover effects mod AlcoholPerkTrueSlavMaxAlcoholMod # max amount of alcohol is divided by this mod AlcoholPerkTrueSlavHangoverDurationMod AlcoholPerkCorrectResistanceModif # alcohol content modif for correct resistance AlcoholHangoverOffsetModif AlcoholMaxDrinkingSkillHangoverDurationModifier # hangover duration modifier for max=best drinking skill AlcoholDigestSpeedModfifOnEmptyStomache # digest speed on empty stomache AlcoholDigestSpeedModfifOnFullStomache # digest speed on full stomache AlcoholContentFPAntidoteThreshold # food with alcohol content above this threashold have anti food poisoning effect AlcoholismThreshold # amount of alcohol that will cause temporary alcoholism AlcoholismMaxSkillLevelThreshold # temporary alcoholism threashold with max drinikng skill AlcoholMaxSTREffect # [alcoholism/s] alcoholism removed per world-time second (default 100 / 4days) AlcoholMaxAGIEffect AlcoholMaxVITEffect AlcoholMaxSPCEffect AlcoholMaxCHAEffect AlcoholMaxCONEffect AlcoholMoodMaxExhaustPossitiveEffect # max positive exhaust effect while in mood AlcoholDrunkMaxExhaustNegativeEffect # max negative exhaust effect while drunk AlcoholBlackoutDuration # blackout unconscious duration AlcoholBaseHangoverDuration # base max duration for hangover (after blackout) in world time AlcoholMoodThreshold # [coef] threshold for alcohol mood from max alcohol poisoning AlcoholDrunkThreshold # [coef] threshold for drunkenness mood from max alcohol poisoning AlcoholPerkWrongResistanceModif # alcohol content modif for wrong resistance AlcoholPerkLooseTongueSpcChaModif # speech and charisma modif bonus/malus for loose tongue perk FoodPoisoningThreshold # starting hangover negative effects are modified by this offset FoodPoisoningMinHealthEffectSpeed # minimum loose of health per sec for food poisoning FoodPoisoningMaxHealthEffectSpeed # Maximum loose of health per sec for food poisoning FoodPoisoningMaxStatPenalty # maximum temporary penalty for affected stats while food poisoning StarvationPlayerEffectMaxMin # max negative/positive stat effect StarvationPlayerEffectMinMax # the shortest interval between effects for high hunger stat StarvationPlayerEffectMaxMax # the longest interval between effects for high hunger stat StarvationPlayerEffectMinMin # the shortest interval between effects for low hunger stat StarvationHealthLossSpeed # by design the same speed as the digestion StarvationThreshold StarvationHugeThreshold StarvationExtremeThreshold # --- Horse --- HorseRidingToHorseCourage RiderThreatToHorseMorale # [morale] morale decrease per one rider threat HorseMoraleToThrowOffRider # if the horse mor is below this, it throws off the rider RiderHorseStaminaCoef # the ratio between stamina consumption of a horse and its rider AttSkillToHorsePullDown # relative attacker skill to horse pull down AttStrengthToHorsePullDown # relative attacker stat to horse pull down RiderSkillToHorsePullDown # relative riding skill skill to horse pull down RiderAgilityToHorsePullDown # relative rider agility to horse pull down HorseMaxAttackCoef # maximal multiplicative coef a rider will gain when attacking on HorseMaxAttackSpeed HorseAttackMaxSpeed # m/s speed of the attacking rider to gain maximal attack bonus HorseRidingToHorseStamina # how the rider's horse riding skill lowers sta consumption of his horse # --- Ranged Weapon ---- RangedWpnSpeedToAttack RangedWpnCosThetaToAttackMin # cos(theta) lieary lowers the attack in the range [this,1] RangedWpnSelfHarmCoef # Special constant used in self harm equation RangedWpnOptimalDistanceToMinamal # ratio between the database attack distance and the minimal range for the AI RangedWpnMinPowerCoef # the power coef for a really weak soul (the stats are far below requirements) RangedWpnMinStrCoef # if the curr/req strength ratio goes below this, the power is minimal, GDD: 25/222 RangedWpnPowerConstA # used to convert strength requirements to the resulting power, GDD: 25/222 RangedWpnPwrToSpeed # total power to launch speed SkillToRangedWpnAIRange # how the relative skill influences the weapon range for the AI ProjectileMaxBreakProb # probability of breaking an arrow if a rock-solid material is hit MatPierceableMaxArmor # armor of a rock-solid material BowChargeDurationMin # the minimal field of view a deaf NPC will have minimum duration of bow charge animation BowChargeDurationMax # maximum duration of bow charge animation BowPowerToChargeDuration # nominal charge duration for bow with power = 1 AimSpreadMax # [s/m] attack mod deduced from impact speed AimSpreadSkillDecrease # relative decrease of MAX aim spread for each skill level ForcedFireAimSpreadMalus # spread added when the rpg forces the firing on low stamina AimZoomBase # aim zoom (=fov decrease) after reaching some skill level AimZoomBaseSkill # minimal skill level required to benefit from the zoom effect AimZoomMax # maximal aim zoom (=fov decrease) AimSkillToZoom # [deg/skill] zoom increase by each skill level above the base AimCiriticalLimitTime # time limit after when AI is notified about low stamina when aiming AimPainlessDelay # aiming without stam loss AimStamCost # after painless delay, stam loss AimSpreadMinRatio # aiming spread min relative to max - this value is used right after entering the painless zone # --- Stealth --- StealthAttackMinXp # xp gain for successful stealth kill or take-down, weakest enemy StealthAttackMaxXp # xp gain for successful stealth kill or take-down, strongest enemy StealthAttackFailXp # xp gain for failed stealth kill or take-down StealthSneakBaseXp # base xp gain when sneaking, #perception StealthSneakBaseDistance # sneaked distance that triggers stealth leveling, #perception StealthSneakXpSumCoefA # combine xps from more npcs, #perception StealthSneakXpSumCoefB StealthKillProbCoefB StealthKillProbCoefC StealthKillDamage # damage given to the victim StealthKillProbCoefA # stealth kill/knock-out probability formula StealthCooldown # after last detector npc stops seeing player StealthSneakCheckRadius # npc query radius when sneaking, #perception StealthSkillToFootstepSoundMult # how much how much are footsteps attenuated for the max skill #perception StealthSkillToRecogTime StealthSkillToViewRadiusDecr # how much is the view radius decreased by the skill level (relative) #perception RecognitionTimeKNegativeCoef # how much is the required time extended by the skill level (relative) #perception RecognitionTimeDistanceGain # perlin gain for the distance influencing the recognition time RecognitionSpeedNotVisible # must be negative, how the recognition is decreased RecognitionTimePCoef # recognition time for a character with conspicuousness = 0 RecognitionTimeKPositiveCoef # [s/vib] multiplicative coef for positive values of conspicuousness #perception StealthKnockOutUnconsciousDepthBase # the base unconsciousness depth for stealth knockout StealthToUnconsciousDepth # modifies the time victim is unconscious UnconsciousDepthFadeoutSpeedBase # [depth/s] how fast is the depth consumed VitalityToUnconsciousDepthFadeoutSpeed # relative vitality UnconsciousTimeWhenTimeIsNotRunning # if world time is not running, skiptime can not be started when player is unconscious; screen will only fade for this long instead; this is slightly modified by some rpg stats CombatHitUnconsciousDepth # depth after a combat hit CombatHitImmortalUnconsciousDepth # depth for immortal knock-out TrueRelationDistThresholdRel # distance, relative to observers maximum distance, required to see the true faction #perception MinTrueRelationDistThreshold # minimal distance required to see the true faction #perception PerceivedSuperfactionImportanceThresholdRel # superfaction items must occupy more than this for the soul to look like the superfaction #perception DefaultVisVolume # [dm3] default item size-volume that have no visibility recognition penalty BestVisVolume # [h/decigrosh] NightCoefToVis # nightCoef = 1 - daytimeCoef; #perception MinModConspicuousness # final modified conspicuousness stat minimum (the least conspicuous actor) MaxModConspicuousness # final modified conspicuousness stat maximum (the most conspicuous actor) MinLightProbeVisibility # min value for the minimal probe result MaxLightProbeValue # value for the max visibility PerceptionMinFov PerceptionMaxFov # the maximal field of view a superman NPC will have HearingToFov # [deg/hea] an increase of FOV caused by the hea stat MinViewRadius # the minimal view radius an almost blind NPC will have, also threshold for instant detection MaxViewRadius # the maximal view radius a superman NPC will have VisionToViewRadius # [m/vis] MinModVisibility # final modified visibility stat minimum (the most invisible actor) MaxModVisibility # final modified visibility stat maximum (the most visible actor) PerceptionPriorGender PerceptionPriorNotHumanRace PerceptionPriorWeapon PerceptionPriorDead # dead or unconscious, #perception PerceptionPriorThreatened PerceptionPriorTarget PerceptionPriorBoostRangedWeapon # boost for ranged weapons (multiplied by PriorWeapon!), #perception PerceptionPriorCrimeLoot # priority boost for crime #perception PerceptionPriorCrimeLockpick PerceptionPriorBoostPlayer # boost for player #perception PerceptionPriorVisPeople PerceptionPriorVisItems PerceptionPriorVisCrimes PerceptionPriorDist PerceptionMeanDist PerceptionPriorConsp PerceptionPriorFriendRelationship PerceptionPriorEnemyRelationship PerceptionPriorCha PerceptionBaseCha NightCoefToNoise MaxHearingSoundAttenuationCoef # minimal attenuation for non-zero hearing stat MaxWeatherSoundAttenuationCoef # 0 - allow weather conditions to mute the sounds, 1 - no influence MinStealthHitSoundMultiplier # intensity multiplier for max stealth level MaxStealthHitSoundMultiplier # intensity multiplier for min stealth level ItemOwnerFactionDistanceCoef1 ItemOwnerFactionDistanceCoef2 ItemOwnerFactionDistanceToSuspiciencyMin ItemOwnerFactionDistanceToSuspiciencyMax ItemOwnerRelationshipToSuspiciencyMin ItemOwnerIsShopkeeperToSuspiciency ItemOwnerFadePriceToHours # world time hours per decigrosh ItemOwnerFadeConspicuousnessToHours # [h/con] world time hours ItemOwnerNeverFadesToSuspiciency ItemOwnerFadeCoefToSuspiciencyMul ItemOwnerFadeCoefToSuspiciencyExp ItemOwnerDescFadeToSuspiciencyExp BarterDominanceSpcWeightA # barter dominance calculation 'a' coef BarterDominanceRelationshipWeightB BarterDominanceChaWeightC BarterDominanceSpcWeightD BarterDominanceChaBaseE # --- Combat --- ArmorStatusToDefenseCoef ArmorStatusToCharismaCoef ArmorDirtToCharismaCoef WeaponStatusToAttackCoef # weapon health to status multiplicative coef MaxFencingWeaponUsageMod # relative weapon status damage for max fencing StrAgiToEqwArmorLoad ArmorLoadDiffToMax MaxArmorLoad AttackStamModMin # attack strength/power stamina modifier minimum (0stam->Xattack) AttackRequiredStamRatio # actual/cost stamina ratio must be > than this value for attack to be allowed AttackSpeedNormal # normal attack speed, 0-min, 1-max AttackSpeedNormalAgi # agility required for the normal attack speed MaxAttackSpeedMod # maximal relative change in the attack speed AgiDiffToAttackSpeed # relative attak speed gain for one agi level difference SkillDiffToAttackSpeed # relative attak speed gain for one skill level difference AttackSpeedPlayerRelative # 1 - attack speed is always calculated using the player, 0 - using opponents skill MaxStatToAttackStaminaCostMult # health to armor defense multiplicative coef MinStatToAttackStaminaCostMult # min stamina cost mult for a high stat MaxStatToAttackStaminaCostStatDiff # stat difference for max/min cost multiplier StaminaDamageToInjury # [%] - note: stamina is [0-100] but injury is [0-1] HealthDamageToInjury # note: health is [0-100] but injury is [0-1] HealthDeltaAbsLimit # [hp/s] - abs max of health delta UnarmedAttackBase # attack value for attack with relative stam cost = 1 UnarmedBlockDefense # defense value for unarmed block UnarmedAttackReqStrBase # for attack with relative stam cost = 1 DmgRToHealthCoefA DmgRToHealthCoefB StaminaToHealthDamageMin # [hp/sta] stamina-health damage transfer for dmgr=0 StaminaToHealthDamageMax # [hp/sta] stamina-health damage transfer for dmgr=1 AverageArmorDefenseWeight # 0 = only body part defense, 1 = only average defense ArmorDefenseToAttackingWeaponStatus # [status/defense] how opponet's defense value damages my weapon - hit to armor WeaponDefenseToAttackingWeaponStatus # how opponet's defense value damages my weapon - hit to weapon/block GoodArmorDefense # mainly for AI, used to judge armor PoorWeaponDefense # mainly for AI, used to judge weapon GoodWeaponDefense # mainly for AI, used to judge weapon SuperWeaponDefense # like the best shield mainly for AI, used to judge weapon GoodWeaponAttack AttackEnergyModifier HeavyWeaponWeight # used to deduce 'attack weight' (lbs) MaxDamage # all stam and health damages are clamped MaxDmgR # ceil of DmgR ('damage raw') LethalDmgR # DmgR that is known to cause death StamDamage CombatDmgRBonusFromBehind # multiplicative DmgR bohus for attacks from behind FromBehindAngle # [rad] minimal angle to classify the attack as 'from behind' - 0 face, PI back HeadHitKnockOutBaseProbability # for hits dealing a hp damage WeakBlockStamCoef HealthToKnockOut # [hp] threshold for unarmed combat, health cannot reach this level EncumberedToSpeedSurfaceCoef # Coef that controls terrain/surface influence in encumbered speed mod #encumbered EncumberanceForSecondaryModifiers # when the buff will activate the secondary group SurfaceToArmorLoadTWCoef # Coef tw from terrain/surface to armor load influence calculation SurfaceToArmorLoadALWCoef # Coef alw from terrain/surface to armor load influence calculation MaxStabBuffApplyChance # chance to apply buff on stab when giving max hp damage MaxSlashBuffApplyChance # chance to apply buff on slash when giving max hp damage MaxSmashBuffApplyChance # chance to apply buff on smash when giving max hp damage MinWeaponBuffCharge MaxWeaponBuffCharge CombatAutoMaxAttackDelay CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker # how many times is the period increased for each attacker CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttackerHorse # CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker if the victim is on horse CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttackerMissile # CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker if the victim has a missile wpn CombatAutoScaleDefensivenessDelayRel # relative to attack delay, time to override defensiveness and go near CombatAutoAttackDelaySigma # attack delay variation CombatAutoTrickNoAttackProb # [0-1] no attack prob for the first step CombatAutoTrickAttackProb # [0-1] max trick prob for the first step CombatAutoReactivePreblockMinDelay CombatAutoReactivePreblockMaxDelay CombatAutoStaticPreblockMaxTime CombatAutoStaticPreblockRandBias # [0-1] higher nunber -> changes state less often CombatAutoRiposteAggressionWeight # [0-1] 0 - use just stamina; 1 - use just 1 - aggression CombatAutoAggressionDiffScale # the bigger number the bigger difference in aggresion for skill differnce CombatAutoMasterComboSteps # combo steps a skilled npc will typically perform CombatAutoComboStepsSigma # standard deviation of performed combo steps CombatAutoNaturalComboRatio # [0-1] ratio of natural combos CombatAutoNormalBWeight CombatAutoPBWeight CombatAutoSPBWeight CombatAutoDodgeWeight CombatAutoNoDefenseWeight CombatAutoUnarmedBlockProb CombatAutoWpnHealthBlockMax CombatAutoWpnHealthMinBlockProb CombatAutoReactionDelayRangeSpread CombatAutoTrickReactionStaWeight CombatAutoTrickReactionSkillWeight CombatAutoTrickReactionMinDelay CombatAutoTrickReactionMaxDelay CombatAutoMoveActivityDecreasePerAttacker # how much must an NPC have to not flee from combat CombatAutoMinHuntAttackDuration # minimal time the NPC is hunting/chasing CombatAutoMaxHuntAttackDuration # maximal time the NPC is hunting/chasing CombatAutoMinAtkDistOffset # offset from min attack distance defined in percentage from attack range CombatAutoMaxAtkDistOffset # offset from max attack distance defined in percentage from attack range CombatMoveApproachSprintMinStamina # do not allow sprint during the approach CombatMoveApproachHysteresis CombatAutoClinchReactionDelayMaxMin CombatAutoClinchReactionDelayMaxMax CombatAutoClinchReactionDelayMinMin CombatAutoClinchReactionDelayMinMax CombatAutoMasterGuardOffset CombatAutoLameGuardOffset CombatAutoGuardHysteresis CombatAutoForcedPeriodicalAttackStaminaLimit # stamina threshold CombatAutoForcedComboStaminaLimit CombatAutoMaxAimDuration # the longest aim time for the lowest skill CombatAutoMaxAimDurationRandomAdd # max random time added to the aim duration CombatAutoOppZoneAdaptDelayMaxMin # my activity decrease per opponents aditinal attackers CombatAutoOppZoneAdaptDelayMaxMax CombatAutoZoneChangeDelayMinMin CombatAutoZoneChangeDelayMinMax CombatAutoZoneChangeDelayMaxMin CombatAutoZoneChangeDelayMaxMax CombatAutoTrickMaxProb CombatAutoTrickInvalidBlockAttackMaxProb # [0-1] max trick prob for a skilled AI if the block is invalid CombatAutoTrickMinMaxDelay # lower bound of the max delay CombatAutoTrickDelayVariability # added to the lower bound CombatAutoEasyZoneWeight # [0-1] how much are easy zones favored by the lame AI (1 = favored) CombatAutoMinDefenseModeWeight # [0-1] the lowest weight for the defense mode CombatAutoOppZoneAdaptDelayMinMin CombatAutoOppZoneAdaptDelayMinMax MinMorale # min deriv stat value MaxMorale # max deriv stat value MoraleForCombat # mean delay between attacks for a defensive AI SoulCourageMoraleWeight ClassCourageMoraleWeight # Weight of soul class courage affecting morale HealthToMoraleMinCoef # multiplicative coef for health = 0 OverallArmorDefenseMoraleWeight # Weight of normalized oad affecting morale OverallWeaponAttackMoraleWeight # Weight of normalized attack affecting morale MoraleContextFadingSpeed # Speed of Morale context increasing/decreasing to 0 MoraleDecisionReliability # Reliability of morale checks MaxCourageMoraleContextFadingMod # how much can courage affect morale context fading # --- General --- DefaultRelationship # default value for the alied forces ResetPublicFriendsRelationshipMin # minimal relationship for the alied forces after reset ResetNearbyRelationshipRange # range for relationship reset RelationshipToImpressCharisma # [0,inf]: how much is the repuation used to raise charisma RelationshipToPersuadeSpeech # [0,inf]: how much is the repuation used to raise speech RelationshipToThreatenBadassness # [0,inf]: how much is the repuation used to raise badassness ThreatenStrenghtWeight # [0,1]: 0 - full weight to morale; 1- full weight to strength HighbornWealthThreshold # social class wealth threshold for perks FactionAngrinessPropagationScale # Faction angriness propagation distance scale ReputationPropagationTime # propagation time from npc to faction/superfaction (world time) ReputationPropagationBiasTime # random bias to propagation time (world time) LocationReputationLovedThreshold # reputation threshold above which a location will love the player LocationReputationHatedThreshold # reputation threshold below which a location will hate the player ReputationPropagationCoef # Propagation coef up (soul->faction->superfaction) NPCRepWeight # Weight of player - npc reputation (reputation median) FactionRepWeight # Weight of player - faction reputation (reputation median) SuperFactionRepWeight # Weight of superfaction reputation (reputation median) FactionAngrinessDecayShift # Faction angriness decay speed shift FactionAngrinessDecayExp # Faction angriness decay speed exponent FactionAngrinessDecayMod # Faction angriness decay speed mod, whatever it is FactionAngrinessDecayBase # Faction angriness decay speed base, whatever it is FactionAngrinessPropagationCoef # Faction angriness is propagated through space between factions CollisionVelocityDeltaToDmgR # [attack/ms-1] DefaultWorldTimeRatio # default world time ratio useed to calculate game time ration in superspeed skiptime CombatDangerCooldown # how long is the combat danger active after last enemy stops to be a threat DefaultStateDeltaSpeed # any soul state regen / loosing speed DistanceCheckInterval # check distance travelled for statistics ShoeHealthDecrease # [status/m] status delta per traveled m ShoeHealthUpdateDistance # shoe health is update after traveling N m QuestMoneyRewardScaleConstant # scale constnat for quest reward item amount ItemHealthPriceStatusWeight # item health status weight price coef TreasureItemPricee # starting price of treasure items BaseItemDisappearingTime # base game time for dropped items to auto disappear ItemDisappearingMulti # multiplier 1/x - x limit(up/down) for item disappearing speed in extremes (cheap vs expensive, small vs large) MaxItemDisappearingTime # max game time for dropped items to disapper FatCollisionWeightMul # multiplies the archetype body weight if the character is fat SlimCollisionWeightMul # multiplies the archetype body weight if the character is slim CarriedBodyWeightCoef # how much of the carried body weight is added to the carried weight of the carrier CarriedCarriedWeightCoef # how much of the carried weight of the carried NPC is added to the carried weight of the carrier CarriedBodyMaxStamConsumption # uses encumberence to interpolate from 0 to this JailRecoveryDebuffMaxHours # hours spent in jail after JailRecovery debuff reaches its maximal values JailRecoveryDebuffDurationMultiplier # duration of JailRecovery debuff is calculated as jail duration * this multiplier HealthFadingFromLimitValue # health percentage to activate health fading buff FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed # how far do we walk with full speed (10 walk speed) to get 100% dirty FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed # how far do we walk with half speed to get 100% dirty (other speeds than FullSpeed and HalfSpeed are linearly interpolated) ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod # how often (in meters walked) do we add dirt to clothing (both for player and NPCs) RespawnTimeBase # [minutes GameTime] time before a hidden corpse respawns (base time) RespawnTimeVariation # time before a hidden corpse respawns (random extra time) CorpseDisappearanceTimeUndiscovered # time before a NPC corpse is hidden when undiscovered CorpseDisappearanceTimeDiscovered # time before a NPC corpse is hidden when discovered CorpseDisapperanceMinDistanceFromPlayer # distance from player below which a corpse will never disappear
  12. Just create an empty text file then change the extension to .tbl.
  13. You need to add an empty .tbl file for any edited .xml files you include. To do this, save an empty file as food.tbl and include it in the same location as the food.xml in your .pak file.
  14. I've been looking into the game files and it seems that it is possible to add perks fairly easily, and to add new effects for the perks. All the perk effects are controlled in buff.xml. Each perk has a buff that is linked to said perk via perk_buff.xml. 1. To start you want to create a new perk in perk.xml. To do this add a new row. <row icon_id="mule" level="1" metaperk_id="" parent_id="" perk_id="83a8b86b-9ff1-4e2f-a4ba-fc6530dce122" perk_name="test_mod_perk" perk_ui_desc="test_mod_perk_desc" perk_ui_name="test_mod_perk_name" skill_selector="" stat_selector="2" ui_priority="0" visibility="2" /> perk_id must be unique. level controls when the perk can be taken. skill_selector controls which skill the perk belongs to. stat_selector controls which stat the perk belongs to. stat_selector values: stat_selector ids: "" - None 0 - Strength 1 - Agility 2 - Vitality 3 - Speech skill_selector values: "" - None 0 - Stealth 1 - Horsemanship 2 - Fencing 3 - Bard 4 - Lockpicking 5 - Pickpocketing 6 - Alchemy 7 - Cooking 8 - Repairing 9 - Smithing 10 - Fishing 11 - Mining 12 - First Aid 13 - Drinking 14 - Hunting 15 - Defence 16 - Sword 17 - Axe 18 - Bow 19 - Crossbow 20 - Shield 21 - Mace 22 - Dagger 23 - Polearm 24 - Unarmed 25 - Herbalism 26 - Reading 27 - Tailoring 28 - Armourer 29 - Weaponsmithing 30 - Shoemaking 2. You then need to create your new buff in buff.xml. To do this add a new row. <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="perk_test_mod_buff_desc" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="ffabf5f5-0ce4-4c25-aeb6-7c10466221dd" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_test_mod_buff" buff_ui_name="perk_test_mod_buff_name" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+100" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect="" /> buff_id must be unique. buff_class_id controls which class of buff the buff belongs to. Found in buff_class.xml implementation determines when the buff is applied. params determines what the buff applies as an effect. Implementation points to an internal C++ function that is checked before the params are applied. For example: using Cpp:Bleeding in the implementation field will restrict the buff to only when Henry is bleeding. Params applies modifiers to various pre-defined values. For example, if you wanted the perk to grant +2 Vitality, you'd add vit+2 in the params field. Multiple effects can be added by adding a comma between them. You can use +, -, *, / and = in the params field. For example, wat*1.2 increases Weapon Damage by 20% Implementation values: Script:<script>.lua (in params: {{<var>=<value>}}) # May not work Cpp:Constant # Applies buff constantly. Cpp:BasicTimed # Used for timed buffs (duration contols time) Cpp:AdditionalAttackerCountFading # Applied when out numbered Cpp:AgilityWeaponBuff # Applied if agility weapon is wielded Cpp:Alerted # AI use Cpp:Bleeding # Applies if Henry is Bleeding Cpp:BloodRush # Applied upon killing first enemy in a combat situation Cpp:Caffeine Cpp:CarryingBody # Applied if carrying body Cpp:ChainStrike # Applied if multiple hits are chained Cpp:CombatContextBuff # Applied when in combat Cpp:CountrysideLocation # Applied in countryside Cpp:Curious Cpp:DeathProtection # Applies Death Protection Cpp:DialogSkillCheck # Applies effect in dialog Cpp:DocumentItemBuff # Limits modifier to books Cpp:Drunk # Applies when drunk Cpp:DrunkChecking # Applies if Henry is drunk, and not drunk (<a>,<b>) Cpp:Educated Cpp:EquippableItemWeighted # Used for scaling buffs added to item, based on quality of item Cpp:Exhausted # Applied if exhausted Cpp:Encumbered # Applied if encumbered Cpp:FoodHealth # Used for buffs added via food Cpp:FoodPoisoning # Applied if sick with food poisoning Cpp:ForestLocation # Applied if in Forest Cpp:Haggle # Applies if Henry is haggling Cpp:Hangover # Applied if hungover Cpp:HealthFadingFromLimit # Used for Horse, applies effect when horse health is low Cpp:HealthinessFading # Applied when on low health Cpp:HerbItemBuff # Limits modifier to herbs Cpp:Highborn # Applies when talking to high social class souls Cpp:Horseman Cpp:Infamous # Applies if Infamous is met Cpp:Injured # Applies if Henry is injured Cpp:InjuredTag Cpp:Instant Cpp:ItemHealthChecking # Applies if item was repaired by Henry (used on items) Cpp:JailRecovery # Applied during/after jail term Cpp:KnightInAShiningArmor # Applies when wearing plate armour in the day Cpp:LastGasp # Applies effect for duration upon taking fatal blow Cpp:LocalHero # Applies Local Hero Cpp:LowHealth # Applies when at low health Cpp:ManlyOdourStealth # Applied on stealth use Cpp:ManlyOdourWoman # Applied when in dialog with women Cpp:Monk Cpp:MoraleContext Cpp:Night # Applied at night, and then day (<a>,<b>) Cpp:Overeat # Applied if overeat occurs Cpp:Overread # Applied if overread occurs Cpp:Oversleep # Applied if oversleep occurs Cpp:PerkFlowerPower # Applied if Flower Power is met Cpp:PerkHorsenip # Applied if Horsenip is met Cpp:PotionHealth # Used for potions Cpp:ProperDiet # Applied if Proper Diet is followed Cpp:ReadingCartographer Cpp:ReadingQuality # Applied when Henry is in a good study location Cpp:RiddenHorse Cpp:Sadist # Applied upon seeing opponent bleed Cpp:SettlementLocation # Applied when in town or village Cpp:SharpeningPressure # Applied during sharpening process Cpp:ShieldAndArmorBuff # Applies effect only to Shield and Armour (edm) Cpp:ShortTermFood Cpp:Sick # Applied whilst sick from plague Cpp:Sleep # Applied during sleep Cpp:SleepImproved Cpp:Starvation # Applied whilst starving Cpp:Still # Applies if Henry is stood still Cpp:StillAndHidden # Applied when crouched and not moving Cpp:StomachPain Cpp:StrengthWeaponBuff # Applied only with strength weapons Cpp:TestRealSpeed Cpp:Thunderstorm( true, false ) # Applies first arg when thundering, second arg when not thundering Cpp:TipplerPotion # Applied when taking Hair o' the Dog Cpp:Unconscious Cpp:VersusAnimal # Applies when in combat against animals Cpp:VersusCuman # Applies when in combat against cumans Cpp:VersusDog # Applies when in combat against dogs Cpp:VersusEnemy # Applies when in combat against enemies Cpp:VersusSoldier # Applies when in combat against soldiers Cpp:VersusWoman # Applies when in combat against women Cpp:VersusWomanDialogSkillCheck # Applies when in dialog against women Cpp:Void Cpp:Wanted # Applies if Henry is wanted for crimes Cpp:WeaponHealthIntensity # Increases chance of effect occuring depending on weapon condition Cpp:WellWorn # Applies 0.33 factor to armour weight inworld (not inventory) Cpp:WithPlatingArmor # Applied when wearing Plate armour Cpp:WithoutPlatingArmor # Applied when not wearing Plate armour Cpp:WorldTimeTimed # Used for timed buffs (duration contols time) Params values: # ------ Stats ------ agi : Agility spc : Speech str : Strength vit : Vitality cha : Charisma cap : Carrying Capacity con : Conspicuousness evi : Visibility hea : Hearing noi : Noise vis : Vision ble : Bleeding mst : Total Stamina dig : Total Hunger exh : Total Energy hunger : Current Hunger exhaust : Current Energy health : Current Health rst : Maximum Stamina sra : Stamina Regeneration src : Stamina ??? srg : Stamina Regeneration arr : Armour Effectiveness in Speech cbi : Charisma Bonus from Equipment nbi : Noise Reduction for Armour # ------ Skills ------ fencing : Warfare horse_riding : Horsemanship lockpicking : Lockpicking pickpocketing : Pickpocketing reading : Reading stealth : Stealth weapon_axe : Axe weapon_bow : Bow weapon_crossbow : Crossbow weapon_dagger : Dagger weapon_large : Polearm weapon_mace : Mace weapon_shield : Shield weapon_sword : Sword weapon_unarmed : Unarmed pds : Lockpick Durability lpd : Lockpick Difficulty prc : Lockpick Return Chance lpn : Lockpick Noise rdq : Reading Quality erq : Reading Bonus hgs : Strength XP on Herb Pickup lfu : Chance to instantly open lock # ------ Equipment ------ ade : Total Defence alo : Armour Load defense : Defence # ------ Movement ------ rms : Running Speed asp : All Movement Speed fdm : Fall Damage Modifier Walk : Walk speed Run : Run speed Sprint : Sprint Speed StaminaSprint : Sprint Stamina Cost LimitRun : Limits Running LimitSprint : Limits Sprinting fsm : Footstep Sound Modifier # ------ Combat ------ hlh : Heavy Damage Taken slh : Light Damage Damage Taken aco : Charge Stamina Damage ahm : Mounted Weapon Damage ain : Bleeding Chance bad : Enemy Morale Damage cdw : Clinch Weapon Damage cli : Clinch Strength cow : Charge Health Damage dee : Enemy Equipment Damage dsl : Dodge Effectiveness edm : Equipment Damage eep : Evasion hko : Head OHK chance ibi : Bleedout Rate pac : Poison Chance (from hit) poi : Poisoned : Boolean sls : Block Stamina Cost wac : Weapon Stamina Cost was : Weapon Aim Swing (bow) wat : Weapon Damage wbc : Weapon Poison Application lengh # ------ Horse ------ cou : Horse Shy Reduction hcm : Horse Skittishness hml : Horse May Throw : Boolean pdp : Horse Throw Resistance rtm : Horse Shy modiifer # ------ Food ------ apa : Alcholism Removal # ------ Interactions ------ bma : Merchant Buy Price brm : Bad Reputation Modifier bso : Stolen Goods Agreeability grm : Good Reputation Modifier hac : Haggle Chances : [0,1,+inf] jrm : Jail Recovery Modiifer : Boolean pbm : Self-brewed Potion Sell Price sma : Merchant Sell Price # ------ Perks ------ fae : First Aid Expert : [1,3] iex : Item Expert : [0,3] mkp : Reveal Map : Boolean pos : Pocket Sight : [0,8] rml : Extra Money Loot skp : Stealth Kills : Boolean # ------ Soul ------ apr : Attack Protection : Boolean btw : Animal Perception (against player) ppr : Steal Proection : Boolean cag : Combat Aggression : Boolean coc : Unconsciousness imm : Immortality : Boolean mor : Morale : + means enemies are more afraid of you mut : Mute : Boolean ors : AI Avoidance ran : Robbed Aggression sur : Surrender : Boolean ufo : Unconsciousness : Boolean upr : Force Consciousness : Boolean sle : Sleep : Boolean # ------ Undocumented ------ bar : Barter act : UNKNOWN dbf : Dice dtf : Dice lcs : Steady Hand ?? lpb : Lockpicking ??? lsa : Lockpicking ??? osb : Firm Hand ??? pbs : Shield ??? prb : Perk ??? pt5 : Dice ptl : Dice vib : ??? 3. In the perk_buff.xml, add a new row linking your new perk and new buff. <row buff_id="ffabf5f5-0ce4-4c25-aeb6-7c10466221dd" perk_id="83a8b86b-9ff1-4e2f-a4ba-fc6530dce122" />
  15. This is what I use to equip an item with modifications attached in my mod: ObjectReference newItem = PlayerREF.PlaceAtMe(givenWeapon) int j = 0 while j < givenMods.getSize() newItem.attachMod( givenMods.GetAt( j ) as ObjectMod ) j += 1 EndWhile PlayerREF.addItem( newItem, 1, true ) Weapon newBaseItem = newItem.GetBaseObject() as Weapon PlayerREF.equipItem( newBaseItem, false, true ) givenWeapon here is one of the base Weapon records, and givenMods is a FormList containing the mods I want applied to the weapon.
  16. Rather than mess around with linked refs, I've achieved what you wanted through Papyrus. I created alternative script for the Fusion Generator (FusionGeneratorMultiSCRIPT) that takes a formlist of object references (so your two lights), and after the generator turns off, it disables the references within the formlist. Here are the mod files: link
  17. From what I've seen, all you need to do is save the Flash Game as a .SWF and then create a Holotape entry with the type Program to play the SWF ingame. Regarding Flash, the SWF needs to be using ActionScript 3. You can decompile (with JPEXS Flash Decompiler) the games Bethesda made as well to get a better look at how they work on that end too.
  18. Changing the load order through NMM or just in the plugins.txt should be reflected by FO4Edit. If that's not happening, it's probably an issue with the plugins.txt file not being set correctly.
  19. 1. I'm not totally sure, but I think the two fields with 0.250000 are scale, or at least changing them scales the object to a percentage of it's standard size. 2. I think this is just a side-effect of the way the game handles weapons now. The base weapon is no longer a complete weapon, modifications are added after to form the full weapon. For some weapons this works fine since the modifications only add a model on top, whereas others might require a modification for the barrel to show. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easy way to add modifications onto a weapon as a output of a recipe, or at least not until we get the GECK.
  20. Have you managed to expand the x/y space of the settlements? I tested this out in Sanctuary by setting the x/y/z values to 10000 and the height limit was increased, but the settlement border did not change.
  21. The items used by the recipes in your new categories need to have their Transform field set. For example, in one of my mods I added the BOS Barricade under the category "Brotherhood of Steel". The workshop recipe sets the Created Object (CNAM) to BOSBarricadeBase01 "Barricade" [sTAT:000E0F8C]. Go to the entry in the Static group and you'll see the PTRN (Transform) sub-record is not filled. This controls the images used by menus for the created items. For the workbenches, not setting this will cause the menus to not allow you to exit, and with the workshop menu you will see nothing. Any new static objects you add as options under the workshop menu will most likely not have their Transform sub-record set to anything. What I did was create a new Transforms for different sizes, and then applied them to the static object records. Adding the transform to the static object: Creating the transform:
  22. Unfortunately I ran into the same issue when trying to make a new object scrappable. It seems like you have to make new recipes for each one, you can't just add the reference to the form lists. If you look in the Constructible Object group again, you'll see the Scrap recipes, for example workshop_co_ScrapFloraWildCarrot. You'll need to create a recipe similar to that for each object you want to make scrappable.
  23. Grab FO4EDIT from here. Open up the Fallout4.esm with it, and go down to the Ingestible group. Within this group, you will find the entry for Jet. If you look at the effects under the record for Jet, you will see the slow time effect is controlled by the a Magic Effect; SlowTimeJet "Jet: Slow Time" [MGEF:00248900]. Immediately under the effect sub-record is the EFIT, or Magnitude, Area and Duration sub-record. Here you will see the magnitude of the effect is 0.3, and the duration is 10. So, if you wanted to extend the duration of the slow time effect to 30, you'd copy the Jet record as a override record into a new plugin. To do this, right-click on the record, and "Copy as override into...". This will prompt you to create your new plugin. Name it and add Fallout4.esm as the master. Within your plugin, go to the EFIT sub-record of the Jet record, right-click on the Duration value entry, click Edit and change the value to 30. Save the plugin and enable the game to load it and the slow time effect should now last 30 seconds.
  24. You can the console command "scrapall" to remove all default scrappable objects. As for the regular static models, I'm sure somebody is working on adding them as scrappables.
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