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Posts posted by RubberMan01

  1. Never give them anything useful anyway. I always pray on their sense of megalomania and self worth. Give them reputation rather than something that glows in the dark and hits for 10 more points.

  2. I did this a few years ago mainly for the wife who wanted to play Skyrim but had a terrible laptop that couldn't handle it. I decided to at least give her a taste of something that felt better than Morrowind ruins.


    Lots of pics. Brightness has been adjusted due to MGSO saving dark pics >.<

    Also 1 or 2 textures missing but nothing massive.


    A lot of the screen shots were too dark to see unfortunately and without video it is hard to appreciate the things like the elevator (lift) or the traps and the sphere door.


    IF I ever figure out how to make a video I will post it.....




    Oh well for some reason everything I put on Photobucket has been included lol

  3. Um. I read that and already put it in my head a way of doing it lol


    Also the good thing about time of year rituals is the build up. You could dress that up in dialogue for a month before it happens.

  4. When I make a mod I usually start with a mesh. I'll make a new sword or a building or something then have my son write up a story around whatever it is I meshed lol (he's an English teacher so his grammmmer and speilling is botter than min) (OH and my imagination is bobbins :D)


    From his rough and basic dialogue I can usually throw out side quests and add a little humour which seems to work.


    The current mod I'm doing consists of murders and drug crimes which are discussed daily over dinner (kind of a meeting if you like) and new ideas (away from the keyboard) can be thrown together (over beer of course).


    In this type of game dialogue is key. That is where Skyrim and Oblivion fail. Too many sound bites by the actors and not enough variation. If I change my script in dialogue at any time I can change it without running off to a microphone and getting people to act out the scene. Money no object!


    I also think learning when something is good enough is the smart way. I've worked with people that will change a greeting 700 times and the damn thing never moves on.

  5. I do like the idea of the rituals. I don't think it's really punishment (unlike Christmas. After 5 kids and 4 wives Christmas IS a punishment lol) as there are so many other quests to do and time in Morrowind flies by.


    Rather than a punishment I would rather think of it like something to look forward to (unlike Christmas).

  6. Lol, well, Good morning. Wasn't expecting a reply (European?)


    Actually....English is the pirates tongue :D The Spanish is just used in movies because it sounds mysterious to us (unless you speak Spanish of course lol)


    If you're attempting to do practical instead of learning just theory then I'm behind you 100%. Had some terrible experiences with idiots from uni when I've employed them and I no longer trust them at all.

    (liberal, wishy washy tree huggers as well lmao)


    Good to hear that you have no plan for the regions (they need to go with the flow and not be set in stone)




    If you had quoted Star Trek I may have got it but Star Wars is way over my head >.< Always hated it!

  7. Lol Mondays for me mean nothing mate. When I do work it's 7 days a week, every week and on call 24 hours a day haha


    Checking wife's computer.... she was play testing my Dwemer stuff - perhaps still has it. BBS


    Managed to find it! Anyway. Check the post "My dwemer ruins" to see what I mean. Unfortunately the pics are bad/ too dark. Needs video to appreciate it to.

  8. Island of Ash uh? Think I would avoid the cliche Spanish title lol it's almost as bad as Isle de Muerta in Pirates rofl.


    Also avoid that crappy square business. One of the beauties of Morrowind was the fact the regions seem randomly shaped like in real life (see map of England for example)


    Knowing your team is one thing but trusting them is another. I've known some mates for 40 years but I wouldn't trust them to wire a feckin plug lol


    The only way to get peoples trust in game development is to provide something they also believe in with the same passion. If not then they will just do their own thing (see supermarket staff for more details)


    Never been a fan of universities as most that leave them believe that what their teacher has told them works in real life. It doesn't.


    I also worked "for the man" when my company was doing ok, Ocean, Psygnosis and a couple of others you will never of heard have haha they didn't pay so well back then but still better than the job I had trained for for years......sad isn't it?


    Offer still stands. Story board good, willing to help. Story board crap, good luck with that!

  9. Ok I read all that this time lol


    Yes. The adjustments you have made appear to be better than the originals.


    As for changing things in the CS I don't see that as a problem to be honest. An esp is usually preferred for the simple reason 1 click can disable it if you decide to go vanilla.


    Re-modelling them all to be similar to Skyrim would be fun! I wouldn't like to texture them haha but sure I wouldn't mind meshing them and placing them in the CS.


    I would also love some of the cave's and other ruins to be more like barrows as well.


    This is soooo bad;




    Much more what I would like to achieve;




    I don't like the bloody round doors either and think the big golden doors Syrimesque would be much nicer.

  10. Be careful. You must know what bad directors actors make rofl


    Oh to be young! Software Development degree uh? They called it "Can't be bothered getting a real job" degree when I was younger lol


    I had my own software company late 80's early 90's when things were very different. Two people could write and direct an entire game in a matter of months. Now of course it's like a movie.


    Directing and managing a game now is as tough as actually having boots on the ground and doing the real work. Story board development is a tough old job but once you have the main idea the rest flows as it is written.

  11. There is already a mod that does that. If he reads this I hope he forgives me for forgetting it's name and his lol


    Just moving guys from one place to another doesn't involve any scripting at all if you do it during dialogue. Saves processor time and you can control better where the player is when the NPC is moved and indeed what part of a quest he is up to without running a constant script.


    As a quick example.....


    Send player to Gnaar mok to order foundation stones -> When he speaks to the salesman move the builder to site.


    That's rather simplified but it makes the point.

  12. https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsaextractor/ <-- unpacks BSA files


    You will find that most modders have their own little niche.


    Scenery builders, meshers, internal clutter monster, book writers etc etc.


    I do them all but meshing is my thing to be honest although I do like doing scenery.


    The tutorial that comes with the editor is a good place to start. If I remember well it has you just make a house and place it in the world. The rest you can glean off others here. If you get real stuck then don't hesitate to PM me but not about super simple stuff that google would tell you!


    Scripting is the one part that people fall down on because in Morrowind it is VERY sensitive. You can blue screen your computer by forgetting a , lol be warned.

  13. Agreed. Companion idea has already been ditched. The option of a house steward is in effect instead.


    The house above has now changed to it's final meshes and completed (thank God)


    As a side note; I have the builders/ plasterer/ bricklayer/ carpenter etc move around different pubs (can you tell I'm a builder in real life haha)

    I never liked the idea that when you speak to someone 10 days later they are still in the same spot!


    Just scripting the steward now (there is a choice of 6 different ones with different personalities) which is making me cry....

  14. Listing to the Stranglers here.


    Didn't have time to read all that lol but I did speed read most of it.


    I personally would change every external model to a completely different design. What I don't know lol


    I like the ones in Skyrim much more and I would be inclined to go down that route instead of the stone and tin excuses they made for an advanced civ.


    As for the lift (sorry I'm English :D it pains me to write elevator haha) I made well, you actually stand in it and press the buttons and it goes up and down with you on it to the next level.


    The idea for that was from Half Life (1). I didn't like the way it had to load in the next level rather than actually being in a lift.


    I also added many traps to and a new style door you opened with something called an atonement sphere (acts like a key) that you place on a pedestal (with hands) and it opened the door (then popped itself back in your bag, like a key)


    Unfortunately I stupidly put all my screen shots on Imageshack lol so I no longer have them. I may just try and grab the work from my old hard drive some time so you can see how much effort went into it all. (we are talking MONTHS)


    Catch up later mate. Doing wife things.

  15. I was recently toying with this idea myself. My son and I discussed it at great length and decided against it. I am, I guess and experienced modder than can mesh and is quite proficient with the editor and how the dialogue builds for quests.


    A project like the one you are describing would take humongous amounts of effort and time and without the proper resources it would fall flat on it's face.


    The best thing to do is to start small.


    I am currently working on a mod that has so far taken 3 weeks and I only have 7 quests completed...... (I must admit I have made over 30 meshes for it as well lol)


    If you have a story board/ idea for a mod then it may be a good idea for you to supply that to a modder with more experience. I'm always looking for ideas! (See my WIP below this post)



    As for your problem with the CD copy....You simply copy the DATA FILES from the CD onto your computer and tell preferences to search there instead of the CD.


    As for assets you are always welcome to use any of my meshes (there are over 3,000 of them floating around the internet lol - NOT all for Morrowind)


    If you were serious enough and had a decent story board then I would be prepared to help you out a little. If that be advice/ meshes/ dialogue etc so be it.

  16. Um.... Furniture :D


    Maybe I can mesh and you can texture them. Wouldn't mind remaking them all. I would need idea's though which is always the hard part lol


    P.S. Try plaster board for lying on, it's great.

  17. Lol. Well yesterday much the same as today. SNOW!


    The only building I'm doing this week is in Wings/ Maya/ Milkshape and 3Ds


    Going to tick you off now..... I think the mouth looks better open *hides*


    There is a Roman museum near me and there is a helm there not so unlike the Dwemmer one..... mouth open so easier to breath.


    I actually thought the helm looked more Greek than Roman but who knows uh?


    Going to try and mesh up the Bannered mare for something to do haha *avoiding dialogue again*

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