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Posts posted by RubberMan01

  1. (GetArmorType)


    Returns as;


    -1 == unarmoured

    0 == Light

    1 == Medium

    2 == Heavy




    If (GetArmorType, 1 == 0)


    Do stuff here. This guy is wearing a light cuirass









    Left Pauldron


    Right Pauldron






    Left Gauntlet


    Right Gauntlet




    Left Bracer


    Right Bracer





    There is also a GetWeaponType as well

  2. To make them work on NPC's (that have them)


    They must;


    A. Be the best item of it's class that the NPC can use

    B. They will wear them continuously even they have them in their inventory depending on A


    It's just a numbers game mate.


    An NPC will wear what is best for them and that's it.


    Being "near" the player makes no difference to what they equip (without a script)

  3. ;) most of what you just wrote is going to be in my mod anyway lol. The bottle up there is a for a skooma type drug called Balmora Blue (lore friendly), I will also be adding Greenmote (lore friendly) which is another drug from the Shivering Isles.


    The possibilities now are endless with modern systems but back when MW came out everything was toned down.


    Just meshing a church for a request but then back on it lol (avoiding dialogue haha)


    How are the meshes coming?

  4. Pauldrons are a lot better mate.


    I'll stick to architecture lol it's what I know. Don't mind doing bits of things and I really like doing furniture but living stuff, clothes, armour pfft! I'll mesh it all day long but sod texturing them.


    I have writers block right now and stuck on what to do next..... I have lots of dialogue to do but Christ it bores me to tears.

  5. The Truth Seekers are a new branch of the Imperial Guard hell bent on delivering a new type of justice and law and order to Vvardenfell.


    It will be set in a new town North West of Caldera (Simonstone, yup that's a real town in England) as not to add new buildings to existing towns and hopefully avoiding any clashes with other mods.


    The main idea is to add a form of Police force to Morrowind with a bit of CSI thrown in there.



    It is in it's infant stages right now but even at this point it adds 36 new NPC's, 30 new meshes and various other additions including oodles of new dialogue for existing NPC's and of course the new ones.


    Solving crimes and arresting criminals will be the main theme and as quite a large side quest you get to build your own home. Not quite like the Stronghold where it is magically built within 3 or 4 visits but one that will build over time/ quests.


    The meshes are enabled/ disabled depending on quest status to give the illusion the builders are actually doing something each time you finish a part of the house quest.


    It also adds 4 travel NPC's at the 4 main forts (with horses) that allow you to travel to Simonstone and from there to Ebonheart/ Wolverine Hall/ Moonmoth and Buckmoth.



    Every building within the new town is a new mesh so it has taken quite a while to get it as far as it is right now.


    The quests will include a new drug (lore friendly - Balmora Blue), A serial killer, body snatching and some corruption.


    At this point I am also considering adding a female mage companion. That's a maybe.....


    If I ever get a reply I'm hoping for someone to give the Truth Seekers some new armour as well.


    Enough rambling here are some screenshots


    (Please note. These may or may not be the final textures used)












    Any quest ideas concerning crime in Morrowind are quite welcome :D - New meshes not a problem!


    Please comment with your thoughts.






  6. Much, much better. I shall continue to give you sh** as it obviously spurs you on lol!


    Now you can't see his body parts the armour doesn't look so out of place. Before when you could see his knee's and his upper arms it looked like someone had put a very skinny guy in a oversize suit of armour haha


    As for making armour/ clothing into body parts check out Metal Queen Boutique. That uses the method heavily.

  7. Um. You could make the boots a body part rather than a piece of armour mate and that would solve your clipping problems.


    I do like that UV mapping is that in blender? I don't bother spending a great deal of time on mapping (buildings don't really need it because they are all pretty much straight edges), Grabbing 5 boxes that are the same size and dropping them on top of each other to save map space is about as far as I go.


    In your pics it would be nice if you dressed an NPC in the vanilla armour and stood next to it for the selfies so you can see the difference. Trying to see what changes you have made from memory is hard work!

  8. Um. Ok I got an issue with this armour.


    The main protection points in any armour are the joints.


    Knees, elbows, shoulders, neck, hands and feet.


    The Dwemmer armour always looked dumb because it lacks the visual effectiveness of a true armour. It isn't the bulk in all the wrong places that does it for me but the missing parts.


    A standard suit of armour would for sure cover the knees and neck. The Dwemmer one doesn't. If anything needs to be fixed it is these points of attack.


    Bare skin == not good.


    You are right about the boots for sure though. They really need to hug the leg much more than they do. They look cumbersome and silly as if the guy couldn't ever lift his foot off the floor if he was wearing them.


    The greaves and groinal cover to me look like metal boxer shorts lol that are so tight it only amplifies the ridiculous size of his boots!


    I think Bethesda made a complete hash of this one mate and without a lot of work it will be very difficult to fix.

  9. Well, the faction that the mod revolves around is a branch of the Imperial Guard so that would be the base armour and, indeed, the armour I'm using right now in it's baby phase.


    I do want some sort of dragon motif on the armour/ shield somewhere (I already have one to work from that I like) and I was thinking either red and gold or blue and yellow(ish) for the armour colours.


    I could make entirely new models for all the armour but..... don't know enough about nifs to get them working in game. Which sucks. I'm also going to try my hand at a faction personalised weapon as well when I am happy with dialogue/ scenery etc.


    Quick explanation of mod;


    It's going to be a bit CSI for Morrowind.


    The Truth Seekers are an idea thought up but some high level Imperial noble type that believes that the law in Vvardenfell and the way it is executed is crap, Basically he wants to make a kind of police force that actually arrests criminals and locks them up whenever possible.


    The faction has three sections to it. Homicide, Vice and everything else (strange crimes/ thievery/ corruption etc)


    They will be helped by a "Diviner" from Winterhold college that can cast a spell on items and they see visions of whoever touched it last (Morrowind DNA/ fingerprinting) and then give an extremely brief description.


    Not to interfere with the original game too much I placed them in their own town in the middle of nowhere between Caldera and Gnar Mok.


    As a major side quest you get to build your own player home in a similar method to the Stronghold quest but with more quests and more visuals i.e. you hire builders/ bricklayers/ plasterers etc and you get to see the thing build in stages - A pain to mesh and script so far lol


    Made quite a lot of meshes so far and have someone play testing my wonderful spelling mistakes throughout the dialogue thus far. It is a shame the forums aren't as busy as they used to be as people used to make quest suggestions and I wouldn't have to think them all up myself lol (the wife helps but I just humour her haha She's a gamer by the way! Score. Yes I'm living the dream lol)


    The game/ play time for it right now is a couple of hours constant play and I have a lot more to add to it. Alone one quest can take me a couple of days, writing dialogue, forming a plot, making meshes for the crazy idea I had, texturing and then putting them all together in the editor...........


    So, there it is. I might actually get around to making a WIP post but no one ever comments any more hahaha



    As for your lady troubles.....I understand 100%. Married several times, have several kids blablabla


    This one I've been with for 18 years this year and we never married or had kids together lol


    I also understand the long distance thing as she is Portuguese and I'm English! Man, travelling back and forth in the early years was an expensive pain in the arse but we got there in the end.


    I'm also old, wise and shrewd but it never stops the blood and tears lol - there is always some dumb thing that upsets life. Single now sounds very scary to me!


    Right. Enjoy playing with cold metal in this weather lol I'm off to play with some cold beer before I do the shopping :D

  10. Damn rather you than me mate. Still haven't got that shield the right way around yet haha


    By the look of things though our 2 mods should at least be an improvement on what has been on offer so far this year... with the odd exception.


    Now all I need to do is bribe you into redoing the armour I want for my guys :D


    I spent two full days on dialogue and scripting for one bloody quest >.< I need to do some meshing!!!


    The only thing I meshed in the last two days has been a piece of cloth lol not very brain taxing at all I can say.



    Fortunately being a builder and it being winter I get to stay at home!! Apart from all the chores the wife sets me I'm pretty much free to mod. I really would have liked to remake all the meshes for the Dwemmer buildings (externals) but that is for a later date. I avoid Dwemmer stuff and it all looks tacky like they did it all in a rush. Glad you are remodelling the armour at least.


    I have remade the entire internals for the Dwemmer buildings but never released them. Also added Skyrimesque traps and actual working lifts that move while you're in them etc.


    I can't believe how many people still play Morrowind! It is the same with AoE. I go back and fourth between games and add stuff to them and cult games like these never seem to die.....a bit like old English rock bands lol

  11. Double post**


    Bethesda run a lot of continuous scripts that are no longer needed so I try not to add to their mess.

    AI package scripts are a pain because they use timers etc and the scripts are continuously checking for package done blablabla


    It's simpler to just bang the damn command in the dialogue and then it is only called once and when it is finished then it really is done with.


    With the cunning use of the continue option in the dialogue you can start and stop scripts in the same conversation and have things done in the background while you're talking.

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