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Everything posted by Turtlicious

  1. So none of these have anything to do with Deathclaws, Radscorpions and the like (unless I'm mistaken.) I've changed the derivative values, and have managed to balance both PC and NPCs quite well, it's the fact that the template for Deathclaws, Radscorpions and the like have to be plugged in by hand. I'm asking if there is an alternative, or something different, or a script or something ...etc
  2. Is there a way to make creatures generate their health, damage, etc. With a formula instead of just whatever is in there? I'm doing a re-balance mod that drastically changes the games, but the daunting task of having to re-do every creature base by hand is making my head spin. Is there a better way to do that?
  3. Oh! Ok, I just did it myself. Sorry for wasting your time Sam, still downloaded, endorsed and gave kudos just because you actually spent time on my request.
  4. Actually, I just saw something and I'd like to change my request... Simply, in this mod you would create your character, pick your race, pretty (or ugly) up its looks, then type in his name. After you type in his name a second menu would appear, it allows you to take your base stats (The base 15, and the subsequent +5, +10 bonuses,) and re-arrange them for your play style. Like, taking One-Handed down to Zero, and moving Conjuration up to 30, allowing you to min max your character. I'd also like the ability to choose (maybe based on a point buy,) your starting racial power, or using your points to buy more health / mana. I liked the +50 MP boost to the high elves, and if I'd so choose, I'd like to trade in his current ability for that 50 point boost. Sorry, this idea just seemed... Better. >_< I hope you guys don't feel like I'm taking you for granted or anything. Still an amazing thing you're doing. <3
  5. Oh I see, I was hoping there was a way to make it universal, I don't understand a lot about modding, but I was hoping there was a way to just over-write armor in general (like a slot, or a category or something, again no clue what I'm talking about >_<) If there's not, I'll just pull my favorites, either way, wow thanks for the quick reply.
  6. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out, I love using custom armors, but sometimes their over powered, or under powered. I was hoping for some amazing modder to set up a way to... Transfer the stats of one armor to the other. For example, let's say I download some super cool armor, but the modder just tricks it out a bit too much. When I start a new game, I can't use that armor because it's so friggin' powerful it's game breaking, so I take it to an NPC, or I cast a spell, or I use a special table to basically imprint it with the stats of a vanilla piece of armor. (Enchantments and armor and everything get's wiped.) Same thing for a weapon. I'm really hoping I'm being clear about what I want and it's not too hard. Also, I think it's awesome what you're doing here, I love the nexus community and people like you who take the time and effort to help people out who don't have the skill or abilities you have. It's just cool to me that there are people out their giving up their time for no other reason then to make the game more fun for the mass public. So here's my little thanks (and Kudos, and Endorsement to come,) to you sambeevors and Blade-Ravinger, for your efforts in making the community an even better place then it already is. Blech, that sounded so sappy. I mean it's true, but this is the third draft and the other two were even worse. Thanks guys.
  7. Simply, in this mod you would create your character, pick your race, pretty (or ugly) up its looks, then type in his name. After you type in his name a second menu would appear, it allows you to take your base stats (The base 15, and the subsequent +5, +10 bonuses,) and re-arrange them for your play style. Like, taking One-Handed down to Zero, and moving Conjuration up to 30, allowing you to min max your character. I'd also like the ability to choose (maybe based on a point buy,) your starting racial power, or using your points to buy more health / mana. I liked the +50 MP boost to the high elves, and if I'd so choose, I'd like to trade in his current ability for that 50 point boost. (Not that I'm saying that mod doesn't exist, just an example of what this would make available to players,) I'd give you a list of reasons, like immersion, and role-play, but honestly I just think this would be a cool idea, and I'm sure a very talented individual would be able to whip this up in a jiffy. Hell I would if I knew Papyrus, but I don't, so I turn my humble request to the much more talented people of the Nexus, hopefully someone runs with it and makes something great. EDIT: I just noticed the mistake with my title. I hope this doesn't get overlooked because of it.
  8. Wow this looks rad, exactly what i wanted, I just wish it was bit harder then "level your conjuration for perks" bur still very cool You guys rock, I'd can't wait to see what Cynster's working on :3 I'm so glad I could give you an idea!
  9. I was playing Phenedrix's mod, and playing a summoner, when I thought about how awesome it would be for a summoning mod that required a body to make a permanent follower (You even pick what you turn it into, whether it be a Draugr, A skeletal mage, an undead archer or really anything humanoid.) You dismiss them to the Ethereal when you don't need them, and when you do need them, you cast a massive summoning spell, which pulls all your creatures from where you dismiss them and places them in front of you to fight. Much like a necromancer, the more bodies you loot the better a Necromancer you could be. (Of course, it would require levels and a progressive system so you don't have like 20 skeletons at level 1, or some other OP thing.) I also had an idea for becoming a Lich, where instead of dying you would TP (three days later) at a lair or home or wherever you choose to hide your phylactery, (also, special transformation, disguise spell all that jazz) I don't know how hard this is to make, or even if anyone is interested, but I'm hoping to inspire some awesome modder into doing the greatness they normally do.
  10. I'm looking for a mod that spawns dragons as early as level 1 before you get to Whiterun.
  11. I have a theory (maybe) I'm not a modder, not in the slightest, so I might be completely retarded, but I had this Vertibird mod for Fallout, and I got the same kind of errors, so I lowered my Graphics and it started working. (again, possibly I'm a retard) but maybe give it a shot.
  12. Alternate Start (But a real one like the FO3 one...) OR Ride-able. F******. Dragons.
  13. Is it possible to do 2 things in the CK? 1st.) is it possible to change the swimming animation with a custom made one? 2nd.) is there a way to toggle TCM to a hotkey? (Like say, pressing jump twice?) If so, wouldn't it be possible to create a flying mod, (albeit one without collisions :\) by tying these two things together?
  14. I liked that much better, which is why he straight up collapses that tunnel not 3 inches from your face. It's just him playing with you.
  15. War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~ Bertrand Russell Maybe this is it right here, this one sentence. Maybe Pathurnax was protected by the way of the voice, he no longer cared about who is or isn't right or wrong, only survival. And to be honest, I can't think of a better way to survive then just talking to grey beards and helping humans.
  16. Well, I'm glad ^_^, I probably Effed with the settings and messed something up. (Hence why the re-install fixed it) though I'm glad you were able to fix it on it's own.
  17. This ^ I like the idea as well, too bad I can't mod worth s***.
  18. Hey, I had the same problem, and then I did an uninstall of NMM then I just reinstalled it, and everything fixed
  19. This sounds awesome my only suggestion is to make everything adjustable.
  20. not to mention j3x vertibird for Fallout 3 You're flying in a Vertibird Bra. If you started there you might get a hint where to start. I mean the dragons are already there... so there has to be SOMETHING for moving in a 3D space.
  21. I've noticed that it won't start or do pretty much ANYTHING unless I'm connected to the internet, is it possible to make an offline mode? Or an offline installer? Or just a mod manager for Skyrim that's offline.
  22. Can I download mods that add extra armor and weapons? Or are they incompatible with PNV?
  23. Someone's been playing too much New Vegas but I 2nd this idea.
  24. This is a mod where you level up just like an elder scrolls game, if I use Small guns, eventually it will level up on it's own, if I use melee weapons they will level up, basically an overhaul mod that makes Fallout more like Skyrim. Is this possible? Has it been done? Have I over looked it?
  25. I'd like some perks in the peark tree that add Sneak Attack Modifiers to Magic. If a dagger in the back casted in silence does x15 damage, why can't a stealthy fireball do x2? or even x1.5? I guess I'm asking for something custom to me, I just think stealth mages should be a thing. (it should ruin your chances to continue sneaking though, maybe with more perks deciding how.) If anyone knows how to make this I'd be extremely grateful, if anyone can't I'd love to be taught how. (which might not be an uphill battle, but then again I knoiw absolutely nothing about programming.)
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