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Everything posted by Turtlicious

  1. I want this mod, and yes exactly like the picture. I need help.
  2. then lets get a variating we have kitties and lizards let's make wolves and snakes.
  3. and using the ring of Hircine to turn werewolf transformations off.
  4. but if you kill a dog wouldn't the whole town go aggro? :(
  5. Wouldn't that accent only be neutral to people from the midwest of the US?
  6. Oh give it a break. I thing Bethesda knows good and well they've made TONS more money on these games because of their modding capability to provide a VERY long shelf life. And a long shelf life means many many more sells. They would never hold onto the tools because they could "make more money with DLC" and never have. Because they don't? :hurr: honestly, this talk is just silly. They've always released modding tools (at least the games I've played, I'm young though... So grain of salt) and they're not going to stop now, we buy the PC version FOR the mods! It's what makes it so great.
  7. Or, make a special type of shield (one of each type from hide ~> Daedric) that is only useable by that race.
  8. Tame/Ride a Dragon Better Map Buff Destruction Magic Weapon use on Horse
  9. Is it possible? Get on a dragon instead of a horse and ride him/attack with him
  10. and maybe also shirt or underarmor, people didn't just slap steel plated armor on bare skin >_< (something that bothered me)
  11. A timer for werewolf players that gives a numerical countdown till you're human. I saw lockpick pro, so I assume this could be possible, can anyone do this?
  12. I would like to point out I went as pure mage, and am getting my ass handed to me by everything I have to drain my mana bar to kill one enemy and my Fire perks are damn near worthless, I will be re-rolling just so that I can actually kill something. I already endorse this becaujse this is what Skyrim NEEDS. Thank you so much for trying to fix what is broken. Sorry if none of this is relevant I don't spend a lot of time on the Nexus forums. Oh hey Ontopic Edit Third idea, Get a team together who have that information (Say four or five guys who each decided to go a different route) and have them help. I don't think learning everything possible about this game is possible with just one person.
  13. I know nothing about modding, but this was an idea me and a friend came up with, I'm just throwing this idea out there for whoever wants to take it and run with it. Basically, take a bunch of GlaDos quotes from the Portal games and make them what the MKII suit says. I think this would be really interesting. Actually as I am typing this, I was wondering if the whole game could get modifications like that, maybe a pip-boy GlaDos Operating System :P. I can even get a hold of the files, and help in any ways I can. Just an Idea. Hope a modder takes notice ^_^
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