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  1. We get request emails quite frequently, but we haven't had anyone with the motivation AND the skill set requirements. Programming isn't what we need for SKSE64, we need reverse engineers who understand x86/x64 assembly and C++ structure alignment. I don't believe switching to git would bring anymore people in. It would likely just bring in more need for management (i.e. Peer Reviews). If you're interested in contributing your reverse engineering skills, all you have to do is submit a few alignment fixed classes to show us that you're capable. You don't even need to know x64/x86 for this, you just need to understand structure alignments and C++, this is essentially where I started 6 years ago. Here's some classes I'm confident are broken strictly from alignment shifts: EffectSetting TESRace TESNPC TESObjectWEAP TESObjectARMA ActiveEffect You don't need to fix any utility classes e.g. tArray, these are already fixed, you should correct the offsets in the comments on the right as is our convention.
  2. Regarding the image uploading system I have another request: Allowing accepting multiple author-approved images. My mod has 33 pending user uploaded images that I haven't bothered to update because I have to reload the images page for every single image I accept.
  3. Making an SKSE plugin and actually fixing an engine bug are very different things, making an SKSE plugin is actually very easy, making it modify the engine you need to actually know how to reverse engineer. The problem with broken code is often times if you comment just one one function and recompile under an optimization scheme an entire call-tree may go missing, tons of code will just no longer exist in the executable. It's theoretically possible to rip it out of an old version and put it back in but it's quite a mess. I compared the call graphs between 1.8 and 1.9 regarding facial animations and the resulting tree is significantly different. Fixing it is probably beyond me, and the people I know who would be capable of such feats would not have the time to fix it. Fixing it low level is magnitudes more difficult than fixing it at high level (Which only Bethesda can do since we don't have the sourcecode).
  4. In response to post #9101291. #9102688, #9103734, #9103839, #9103924, #9104214, #9104346, #9104816 are all replies on the same post. Tl ; DR of manoqueen's post: When you make mods yourself, or install loose file mods without NMM, files are going to be left behind when switching profiles because NMM won't account for files not installed with the mod manager. Result: Stuff doesn't work, or seriously breaks because now you have files being loaded that shouldn't be as they will be now technically be common to all profiles when they should not be. This wouldn't really be a problem if nobody edited vanilla scripts as the game would ignore scripts not actually linked by any loaded plugin, though it's not exclusively a problem for scripts. I believe manoqueen's suggestion when changing profiles to actually relocate all physical (non-symbolic linked) files to an archive.
  5. Doing so is rather easy but it won't work the way you expect, the problem is that even if you bypass the dialogue the follower system only uses ONE alias reference so once you acquire a follower, then acquire another it will overwrite the previous, the alias reference holds things such as the follower package (What makes the follower a follower) and that nasty bow. When an alias is filled it can gain things like scripts, packages, inventory, factions etc, except the problem with using an alias for this type of system is you cannot dynamically create more of them, you can only dynamically "set" them. So to have more followers legit you need to change the system so it doesn't use alias references, making a workaround isn't all that difficult, you just need to understand scripting and packages. A better system would be done using a FormList that is dynamically altered to update the Forms of all the followers you have acquired, and use that to determine whether they are a follower or not as a condition using "IsInList" and instead of filling that alias, you would have the follower package already attached but triggered based on that condition and using the script function EvaluatePackage to update their package stack when that condition changes. I may just end up doing this myself, I've taken a look at other mods who made an attempt at achieving this goal but didn't do it the way I just suggested, they did it a rather sloppy way so if you want something done right you do it yourself.
  6. You could make a quick C program to randomly generate faces if you were that determined. When you use SPF (SavePCFace) ingame it will export your players face to an NPC file that can be imported in the CK. The file layout is basically just text, you could easily randomize a file like this. Example:
  7. LOL Chat banned. Totally worth it.
  8. So, I've always wanted to have a character with glowing tattoos, the standard black or colors don't cut it, I want them to actually emit color into my worldspace so I thought about how I would do it... I thought, well since bodies are meshes, couldn't I just apply a shader to a body? So I looked at some other pieces of gear that used effect shader properties. I found that the game didn't like it when I added multiple shaders to the same NiTriShape IE an effect shader and texture shader at the same time, would just completely freeze my game. To get around that I thought I'd just copy the main shape node and alter the shaders I was using since the texture was going to be alpha based black and white and have an emissive color, seemed to be okay, added a float controller, an interpolator, float data, and an alpha property (Not sure why I added the controller, BSEffectShaderProperty should work without it I think?) So now I basically have a duplicate shape that is now alpha overlaying my tattoo and dropping a color emitting shader on it, looks good in NifSkope, the tattoo shows up overtop of the ugly astrid body texture, except when I go in game nothing happens... And I'm not really sure why, seems like the game doesn't like my body mesh having two shape nodes, as the other one seems to be completely skipped nomatter what properties I give it. I did it this way instead of creating a mesh that IS the tattoo because I only planned for one NPC to have this body, and I'm also terrible at meshing and art.
  9. The OnEquipped does not trigger when drawing your weapon. The "CastSpell" function however, will cast a spell instantly, the only way to not cast a spell instantly and animate an actor is to use a procedure aka package "UseMagic". I strongly suggest NOT using an OnUpdate to poll whether your weapon is drawn either, as someone is bound to suggest. The best way would be to use a Quest ReferenceAlias to add a script to the player's Actor and use "OnAnimationEvent" as your event trigger, look in the animations list for the associated animation event for drawing your weapon. Use your created quest to hold your variables and set them as "Conditional" so the VM can associate your variables elsewhere and NOT USE GLOBALS.
  10. Can't be fixed, known bug. The Creation Kit is supposed to generate a face tint mask for the NPC using Ctrl+F4, but it currently does not work with plugins, only base game NPCs. As for why it is grey I have no idea, it should be dark brown? If you are using a race with a greyscale texture it will be grey because it isn't being tinted.
  11. Did you manually make your navmesh or did you auto generate it? I've manually made all of my navmeshes, optimized and finalized and I don't have this issue.
  12. Creating Custom Playable races that do not conflict and offer vampire/werewolf support http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10165
  13. Does nobody read the script references? http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus http://www.creationkit.com/PathToReference_-_Actor The best option is to attach a package to that NPC at the appropriate time, the package will be more reliable than the script function, and it also wont block script execution. Edit: Nevermind, thought there was a way to push a package onto an NPC's package stack with scripts, couldn't find it (I swear there was, but its limitation was that it would override the current package, and it could fail)
  14. I imagine these archetypes are hardcoded, if you wanted to emulate the telekinesis you're going to need to do quite a bit of scripting and math so you can translate the object infront of your cursor. I'd check out the "SovngardeStatueScript.psc" script for reference, its a script for making some statues look at you while your not looking.
  15. It's going to be the current cell, wouldn't make any sense if traps were activated in cells that are irrelevant to where they are located. I think OnCellAttach would be the better option, as I think most of the worldspace is considered a "cell" (I may be wrong and they could just be the same thing) as opposed to a "location" so this event will trigger less as it should, unless you want it to trigger on locations rather than cells.
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