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Everything posted by Purr4me

  1. If you use Fomm ? it's all automatic, no need to worry about there it puts things. It was designed specifically for this game. It will "however" eat a lot of drive space. it's not game breaking. Just the nature of that beast. you follow the instruction last written on the other users thread, as he followed them until you leave vault 101. then you hard save at that point and wait untill all DLC's lof in. hard save again and exit. From that point on, you need to think hard about the load order of the different mods, where they ending up. That's why it best advised to start out small. Not Drop bombs into the games engine. The conflicting mods...so many you had listed...you need to sift through them. decide what to keep and what not to keep. Code, there are "Code bases", plain normally made mods from games assets are considered normal mods. Script extender mods are not of the same CODE base, they are 3rd party mods. ENB's are not even mods ! they are Direct-x and graphics changes to the OS For the game. so you need to sort out wat you want and what works with what. I'm here just to get the game up and running. Not make decisions for you.
  2. Negative> That is what your supposed to have in use. and that is not what you posted. ^^^^^^^^^^^ you have a choice to make. you can do as I suggest and follow it to the letter or fail miserably at getting this old Stubborn game to run. As far as that supposed "patch" is concerned, it is well known by all authors involved it is being redone from scratch do to all the problems accompanying it. for get all those videos, don't waste time with things that can't answer you back. I am here to help you, not ridicule you. the sooner you do as told, the sooner you can play the game and mod it. see the version ID in the to bar? Compare: This is your current Fomm: That's why I am still here. "The link I recommended" can not be mistaken, it is a direct download link, there can be no mistakes. You chose to use what you thought was right, not what I advised. there's no mistake you're using the wrong one. NOT what I recommended.
  3. I'm thinking about calling up some old friends and set up a thread so all of the modders here and else where can follow symbolized directions. An Article. That covers all Microsoft Visual basics and Full windows 10 compliance's, every thing the Companies use "for free ! " You better own a large hard drive because it's over 150 gig's worth of editing and creation software. you want to build programs? you want to build game engines? I'm your gal. You want access to the real deal ? I'm your gal. #1. you must have a Microsoft account. #2. Your OS must be fully up to date and logged into Your Microsoft account. #3. you must be logged in to Xlive account so you have "legal" access to the software's available for developers. #4. even admins here are welcome to the servers. #5. be prepared to sacrifice all the student garbage and outdated things your currently using for the real McCoy. It all starts with 1 installer application meant for game developers use. IT's a big choice to get involved. it's not easy. It's not for the high minded individuals. It's hard work. "Study" But I can set all this up in one document for every one. Things will drastically change here. Kitty Black
  4. You start here and read through the whole thread. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9045178-d3d9dll-not-working-on-fallout-3/&do=findComment&comment=84425268 ( " Fallout series: (https://www.nexusmod...e_id=1000018736) Direct Download "Fomm" " ) It is direct for a reason, to prevent "you" from making all these mistakes to begin with..
  5. "I put the OneTweak in Data/FOSE/Plungin. I put FOMM latest version and check the "always run as administrator" as well as I use the 4GB on it."Who told you to use the latest versions? that uses Loot. Use Loot ? I can't help you at all. Every thing your doing here, and stated is Wrong. Out of sequence and most defiantly will break the game. Why are you tweaking the hell out of this game? you own some weird PC or something? "Look" Fallout 3 is a simple game." " then Unofficial Patch" that ! right there , modifies the ini files and there's no getting around it, that program installer applies the 4gig enabler too !!!!! GOG is already 4 gig aware so that breaches the engine "Before you can even run the game" ?? Most recently I wrote on a thread here for some one else how to set up the game. all that Crap your installing is not how you set up fo3. On any machine that can run it. In any manner. you need to stop tweaking this old 11 year old game with modern Ideas, your or their Ideas won't work as you think it should. That old game software, does not give a dam. Loot only works from within a modern Mod manager and only barley for mild mods and is not 100% I linked you the only version you should be using period for fallout 3 controls. Not that latest and greatest Idea. That's not from me, not my advice . Come on man. Think about it. Any machine, any OS. Even a tablet OS take your pic. I'm gonna link in here the other thread. you read it, you talk to the user. You folow the directions I laid out and the game will operate correctly. "All or that ! " tweak this tweak that is NOT going to work. It's a raw un-mididigated mess.
  6. run Fomm, take a full page screen shot and post it here "Of Fomm" and files shown in it. I'll explain when you do that.
  7. Ok you're good to go so we can close down this thread now. you can always come back here to refer to instructions and any thing I linked in here is and will remain available to any one. I want you to have fun and Enjoy the game. And know just how Beautiful Fo3 can look. Kitty Black
  8. So, when I refer to silliness, that's what it's all about. It's a simple game. But---it's 11 year old game. Built to run on old outdated software that's mostly Obsolete now. You fight not only hardware ! but you also fight the OS too. It's not a winning combination. It's hard to get that into peoples minds. you can Google or just read this, just 1 of many results. https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/fallout-3/10793#:~:text=Here%20are%20the%20Fallout%203%20System%20Requirements%20%28Minimum%29,RAM%20%28NVIDIA%206800%20or%20better%2FATI%20X850%20or%20better%29
  9. The PC / laptop in that shot in the middle is an old acer laptop that barley allows the game to run. it's turned off. it's like 8 years old. Front right is not a PC/ laptop. It's a tablet that's no longer available anywhere. it's 10 years old, hosts an atom processor which is so small ! It runs out of the box either steam or gog versions of fo3 smooth as silk. Left from is a 2020 Spectre 360 2080 Ti Intell / Nvidea combo. it runs only if I reprogram the Intel graphics drivers so it allows it to process the data correctly without any additions to the software for the game as I gave to you. It has Both Graphics display drivers and equipment in it. UHD Intell and nvidia. "Been there done that"
  10. Just keep your cool and think. you are luck here. Most people with hardware and OS setups such as yours are not so lucky. there's a fine line out there that's very hard to get around. you're lucky. I just want you to understand that. what can I show you ? here:
  11. yes OFC you can that's a given if you install mods. it's used to tell the engine to ignore the bsa archived data and allow the mods software to override things. BTW, it's built into Fomm
  12. install righthand ironsights mod, use fomm BOSS to sort them, then run the game from the fose executable to test. you have a 10mm gun with you out side the vault 101 so it should respond immediately and allow you to know if yes or know it will work. IF it does not remove the FOSE data base and files it needs. if it does? take your time and tread lightly. Keep in mind, your running an 11 year old game on equipment not meant to run it in the first place. there's only so much wiggle room under these circumstances.
  13. you need to choose your mods very carefully Listed FOSE only mods installed last if any. but install mods in an order that coincides with the load order template so overwritten data remains untouched. yes "FOSE" if you want too. all other tools can be installed else where. no need to put tings into the game folders. there's a lot of emphases on automation going on here. Unless you have the knowledge to compensate for things as I do? you need to refrain from those things. But, you have the choice, a thing I can't take from you. every one is on their own. But I know the code and what it all does.
  14. NO. you unfortunately cannot. Your machine is incompatible. If you buy a newer machine that's more up to date then you can. So you know, I have access to thousands of desktops and PC's locally here and have tested many many varieties of them against programs. Slow down. don't be in a hurry to wreck what we went through here. Currently, your local and there is no write permissions issues to deal with at the moment. If you choose to install "Vortex" I can't help you any more. I deal with local data, data that is not controlled by user domains, not networking domains. "C:\users\"username\AppData\Local OR Roaming are attributes subjected to operating system permissions and write protected." This interferes with editing and modifying software period. Unless you're savy with networking and Elevated privladeges and internal windows commands? I would advise against it. C:\ProgramFiles And Folders (x86) is also write protected and covered under permission issues.
  15. If your wise, I suggest you use the FOMM version I linked for you to run and test all mods and use it's built in BOSS sorter. How ever, I warn you. This application used on windows 10 will load a ton of hard-drive space up pretty fast. it is the ONLY draw back Fomm has. it eats up space. it makes clean FOMOD's you will find located in the games Mod folder. it was Originally designed for this game and later for FNV game. so it has the same active actions for both games. It also contains self contained load order templates that do not require network connectivity. there is no support for this version on the network. So the template will not get destroyed. Do not try to connect it to the nexus or any other web site. Do not try to download files with it. you download files manually. Fomm, has built in tools too but those are for educated individuals that know what they do. Still, you have them at your disposal.
  16. all of the files go right next to the fallout3.exe section of fallout 3 folder. Not the data , then you tell steam to run the game, Steam in turn runs the launcher with these replaced files and set's the graphics and lies to the chipset you own. It resets the ini files. so DO NOT install the Unofficial fo3 patch, that will destroy these files and settings you need. that's the point.
  17. Outstanding ,no refusals means things are correct and on the money. Perfect, now download and extract these files next to the engine. https://mega.nz/file/JHBRTQ5L#EgxdbgtXBkLeMbtQrDg7Gjqtt_qU31-ePVYej1_8XIA then listen "run the game from steams launch button directly after install these files, follow through as far as you can go. If the game reaches " " out of vault 101 ? " your all done. Due to that machine's specs, DO NOT install the Unofficial Fo3 patch on that piece of equipment. If you do, you will be sorry and wasted a ton of time here. I'm your patched. source.
  18. Install / run this https://cdn.bethsoft.com/fallout/3/patches/1.7/Fallout3_1.7_English_US.exe
  19. No Ok then when we are finished here, you will run the game fine but can never update the garden of creation kit from this point on. Your sure about this? I am making sure you understand this. there's no going back from this point.
  20. ok the game ran but crashed, that's fine no worries. At this point before we go any further, there's a precise operation in sequences required to follow before we "update" anything.
  21. Do you intend to use the geck at all? it's very important I know this right now due to the next stages involved
  22. Steam. Files: https://imgur.com/a/dFdn87T Excellent ! that's almost perfect. Now, install this : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjS6Ju4r6fkAhWZJzQIHawLDKQQFjAAegQIBBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkID%3D201134&usg=AOvVaw2Gs7Bw0U7UARgrueQGwBwF
  23. I never established ? Steam game or GOG game? there's a difference and approaches to remedies. So that's important too. EDIT: It appears as though it's a steam game. Keep in mind, remember "NO mods of any kind what's so ever .Just the raw game..NO patches, no nothing.
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