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Everything posted by TroloWiseEared

  1. *Beggers & Market venders to yell out to you for "alms" or to "come see my Ogre Teeth and Ebony blades!" - *Crowds of Non-particapants ammass during fights and cirlcle you. *Have them scream & cheer for one of you, but dont make it random. Make it based upon their disposition towards you. (If aN Argonian who Dislikes you is in he crowd watching the fight, have him utter taunts to about you, and encouragement to the opponent) *(for npcs) When onlookers yell encouragement to THEM, Raise there morale<willingness to keep fighting> If they are encourageing theplayer, Lower the opponents Morale
  2. yaknow,,now that every creature/npc in the game has a semi-daily itinerary & code of habit... I keep wondering what on earth was that FLame atronoch doing in the middle of the woods just dancing. I DO hope its not like OB were most creatures just roam around. I want Bethesda to fade the line as much as they can between Npc & creature. I wanto to spy on cave trolls brawling eachother for a female. I wanto see Goblin armies on the move & Atronochs forming from the elements. I wanto Befriend Packs of wolves, live in their den, and lead them to skirmish with rival packs. i Want To See Mountains Again Gandalf, Mountains!...then find a nice quit place to finish my book....
  3. "Bugs, bugs. bugs. bugs. Everywhere! DELICIOUS BUGS!...did you know that if you drop a paintbrush it will hover in Mid air?....I DONT. LIKE. THAT. BUG."
  4. Well, Two handed seems to have gotten very little attention. i see very little use for it entirely. It seems to be the absolute least worked on by bethesda over the 5 years. :confused:
  5. Grammar Nazi's preparing to blitzkrieg.....
  6. I'll Kalicrak the Findoo. I will. You Terratet it!
  7. This Discussion is to see some Pre-Release Fan-Feedback on New Features, Updates, overhauls and general improvements. Please, if i missed anything important put it below for others to see :thumbsup:
  8. *Re-apply Dynamic snowfall for Volcanic ash & leaffall. - *Code npcs to buy things from Venders. or at least have items on shelves go temporarily missing. (simulating purchase) - *Randomise Pathfinding to allow for multiple routes in cities. <The video showed 6 villagers waliking in a straight line like its a highway - *An actual ingame representation of Breakable laws specific to regions. Ex: in Riften on a wall there are 5 commandments. -Dont Swim in the lake -Riften Guards have the right to search your possesions. -Stay off the Jarl' property -Do not speak to the Thalmor -No torches lit after 8 pm (as to avoid attracting dragons - - *Code Npcs to talk to Eachother as they walk, rather than having to always stop and face eachother. - - *Wedding Rings! -so i can know who i can viably 'hit on' & who's taken. - *Nonlethal creature brawls. -Nice to walk in on two trolls brawling eachother but not to the death. - dogs playfighting -Wolves battling for dominence -Code the damage to stop at 20% health <Rather than simply negating it. this way you can use it as an opportunity fot them to weaken eachother. -
  9. ~SMALL FAVORS~~ *Casting the same spell continuously in a short time will cause a learning curve & you will not gain as much xp to the skill as someone who wasnt cheating. <As to deter casting open lock on a door 400 times to level up fast. or summon a skeleton 40 times. - XP Gain for conjuration & lockpicking should be raised when- -The lock is succesfully picked(not just when you break a lockpick) -Your conjured creature defeats a foe. - *Environmentally aware finisher moves. *If an npc is crouched over a fire, or sitting down, have an animation for us picking them up to stab them (BF3) Versus how in the new gameplay vid he npc just autocorrects to a standard stance just so, he can be knifed. check 5:33 for what i mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAQeslbtN_o
  10. In nearly all Elder Scrolls installments, a skill is a statistical representation of your ability and efficiency in an action. Now i have noticed a common occurence with skills in Oblivion (& potentially Skyrim) :Skills seem to only function in specific situations. There is very little crossover, and were there was, it was poorly done. Take Lockpicking for example (skyrim) : Bethesda had to choose really hard as to which six skills will be included in the thief archetype. So why in Aether would they ever choose lockpicking? it is a Skill which is seemingly applicable ONLY in that one minigame. It cannot be used in combat in any way. So why did they not simply fold in its perks with the Sneak skill?...Unless....unless skills ARE applicable outside of ther previous zones. Are there possible unconventional ways i can apply lockpicking to other situations? - The Obstacle standing Before you is a locked door. It would be easy to simply pick the lock, But what if the door is barred or you have no picks on you? ...the skilled alchemist could concoct a corrosive potion and apply it to the lock to break it. ...The powerful warrior could use his Warhammer and break the door down, alerting everyone on the other side of an intruder. ...The assassin could use his dagger as a improvised lockpick(albeit much less efficient than a pick itself) ...or finally the Mage could Burn the frame of the wooden door, or if he wished a sneakier approach, Freeze the lock itself and then smash it. - ---- There are many, many creative applications to be used by a player out of his comfort zone. below is a list of ideas of unconventional application. Please do add onto it :thumbsup: ------ Alchemy: *Create Explosives/ bombs 2 Handed: *The size of your weapon will intimidate foes. Potenitially detering confrontation <carry a big stick> * Force open doors/ containers *Speechcraft: *Throw your voice while sneaking to distract guards Destruction: *Create defensive barriers out of ice Light Armor: *Put uniforms overtop your armor to infiltrate groups Heavy Armor: *Ramming doors is much more effective *Wearing a full suit makes you 40% harder to Pickpocket ---------------------- YOU GUYS AND YOUR AWESOME IDEAS :teehee: - ARCHERY *Arrows can be used to attract a guards attention ALCHEMY *Nonlethal sleep potion.<must be undetected to apply> DESTRUCTION *Master Frost spells aimed at the feet can freeze a foes feet in place. LOCKPICKING *High skill in this will allow you to conceal small weapons or items upon search.
  11. You sound like my Game Design instructor! lol I feel like answering this question is like doing a homework assignment... Isn't it traditionally done where there is an increase of creatures and level of creatures to encounter? Within Skyrim, I would say that when set at the higher difficulty levels when determining re spawning of creatures, the different regions you have previously visited reset the level of creatures that challenges the player. Have it set so that the AI determines that a nearby creature type would logically enter the region due to the player ridding the region of it's previous inhabitance. But these next creatures are not only stronger than the previous but also a bit stronger than the player's current level. Radiant Story could accomplish this quite nicely... :thumbsup:
  12. please, talk more of this beautiful game.... :biggrin:
  13. hahaha :biggrin: if you watch the gaming industry tides, it really is one of the funniest stories i have ever seen. - Battlefield spent 7 years trying to bring down the The Titan Call of Duty series, And now that they have...They Became the new Titan, which in turn attracted the Call of Duty crowd to disown COD and Migrate over to Battlefield. Now battlefield had to simplify many of aspects of team play and Rock, Paper, Scissor combat to appease the COD migrators. Which caused MANY battlefield fans to stop playing<self included>. So over time,,,we will see Battlefield Transform into the New Call of duty. "They became the monster they fought" - Assassins creed started out quite humbly, with a mindblowing plot and philosophy and a string of tragic characters and a mystic setting. IT FLOPPED. Everyone hated it because they expected more advanced combat, and a "better story"<by better, they meant, "I wish they would stop talking already">. ...So AC2 releases promising to be more accepting to new fans, with a simplified and altered story, overbearing conspiracy theories,<making EVERY historical figure a Templar or assassin> And who is this cocky little s*** Ezio? banging every women he meets...anything to make players forget about the lack of thoughtful story The intricate parts of story also took a a more hidden role, as players could now skip scenes of dialogue completely, and jump right back into the action. No more having to Listen to Al Mualim reveal the philosophies of life to you anymore. or have to listen to beautifully spoken philisophical confessions from the intimate scenes with you and your target connecting spritualy while they die in your arms. :( They added much, MUCH more sex.<the original had 2 female characters, and was quite subtle, focussing more on story>. The combat system became much more "fun" allowing Ezio to slaughter entire armies singlehandedly.<albeit this was somewhat in the original, but it was never ment to be exploited. it was a technical error.> The Game stopped from being boring because of the addition of sily customisation. Now you can CHANGE YOUR CAPE into pretty colors and use an AXE instead of a sword. goodie. fans ate it up. :confused: . Now A year later they release Brotherhood, which contains NO story, very little improvement, and a single, yet large map. 60$ everyone buys it. loves it for the multiplayer. . Now a year later they plan to relase ANOTHER game starring ezio.<they just plan to run the series into the ground dont they> but get this....THIS TIME YOU CAN HAVE BOMBS & a grappling hook. you dont even have to think about killing entire hordes of HUMAN beings without any strategy or complication. cause,,,well f*** that. YOUR AN ASSASSIN. your the s***. Slaughter cities if you want to...beacuse thats how assassins behave...duh. f*** stealth. - Do you see the pattern. When the target demographic<audience> changes, (usualy to casual gamers) gaming series....become immensely popular and make loads of money... - i wont even get into how Call of Duty whent downhill, but just know: The zombie storyline was once very historically influenced. now they just make s*** up as they go for the sake of churning out another map pack. - Here is a quote from the original assasins creed. This is from your sevent target, "the book burning scholar" Listen. REALLY LISTEN. Listen to the first cutscene between Jubair and his brother talking about the battle between ignoaranc e& enlightenment. Then skip to 3:55. please, listen to them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-aCmvSZ78Q Now listen to this quote from your beloved sequel and compare Peace & safety upon you all.
  14. Who are you? from the FB discussion board i mean =)
  15. i personally believe the Thief has always been the most useless of all the archetypes, I say that only in terms of applicability in its skills. TERRIBLY moreso now in skyrim. *Lockpicking? as one of the SIX skills? what a shame. *Removal of Acrobatics, i understand in terms of better gameplay, but it should have been nerfed, rather than removed. *Speechcraft<my beauty> has become unbearibly useless. I was wishing for the ability to turn people on eachother, create possies, misconstrue accusations, Throw my voice to distract guards, orchestrate murders, and just become a smooth talking untouchable shadow. BUT INSTEAD...I GET BETTER PRICES. - The theif skills are, and have always been the Athletics of TES, applicable in all situations. but terribly ignored, and unfocused on by devs. Play Skyrim as a pure thief. I DARE YOU
  16. Good Idea, you would have liked Thief : the dark project - Garett was not intended to be a one man army, he was a master thief. So you had to really use your head, and your supplies weren't unlimited you only had a few arrows, a blackjack, a sword and a few useful gadgets to get past your foes. The first two Thief games were just awesome. ..I heard Edios-Montreal are coming out with Thief 4 - which they have given the moronic title - Thi4f. ...THIS! :thumbsup:
  17. *Creaure Disposition IRL STORY< -My newly moved in neighbor has two large dogs chained to a fence. for weeks they would bark and go crazy every time i jogged by, so one day i brought some peanu buttttter sanwiches and dog food and sat in there yard, just out of reach of the dogs chain. I waited for them to get tired of barking at me. after some time, they stopped, and i gave them the food and they let me pet them. now they are excited to see me rather than being hostile. ------ - What i am asking for is *Non coversational ways to raise disposition -Fighting side by side/ being mean to somebody they dont like/ Doing work for them/ Giving them gifts/ Just spending time with them/ Cooking for them. *Disposition meters to be carried over to non npcs. - THIS IS MY MOST VALUED SMALL FAVOR- I WILL BE ELABORAING MORE ONO I WHEN MY TTTTTTTTT BUTON SOPS SICKING :P
  18. derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp i DID read it though!! right up to a few pages before you announced you won be going. DERP SKILLS AT MAXXIIMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM
  19. yes so please refrain from comments about health bars. We have that down now. I will be updating the top page with all ideas i collect from you guys in hopes Bethesda or a Mod sees this. Remember, its too late to change anything drastically, but Beth has included automatic updates with Skyrim, Meaning they can change anything, at anytime, while your playing.
  20. Me & a large group of other forum members have worked on this for roughly 6 months, We did our best to think as much like a Dev as possible, and give reason and apllicability to everything on here. This list is quite large, so if you could just say to them : Small Favors on the Nexus Forums. It really would give accredidation and closure to our long months of work. thank you, & have a reat time. - This is the page http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/442944-small-favors/
  21. MASTER ----------------- *More Enemies with Poison equiped on blades/Arrows. *Increase Trap Damage & speed. *20% higher risk of disease on ALL disease carrying creatures. *HP through potions can only heal 40% *HP through timed regen can only heal 75% *Disposition of all NPCS is lowered by 10% *Racial Negative disposition (to player) is multiplied by 2 ...(Basically treated like you were in Morrowind *Merchants buy& sell at a much higher price. *Guards do NOT level with you. *Cold exposure damage is multiplied by 1.5% & increases with inclement weather *ALL humanoids can use Race specific power in combat. *Lowered base starting stats *A.I. combat reaction time is increased. *Damage <FROM ALL PEOPLE/CREATURES> is multiplied by 2.5% (Meaning No one has the advantage of the damage multiplyer & npc health is unaltered ) This basically just makes combat faster & even more lethal than before, & noone is a meat shield.
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