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Everything posted by Project579

  1. LOOT + Perma: Absolutely not, you need to decide LOOT or Perma together they don't work. After having understood that watch this video to install Perma the right way: Then install the patches from this mod if you are missing some: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257 Use this Load order: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D59257%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2213034&pUp=1 Then for the rest of the .esp: #01: Your ESM Files;PERMA RELATED STUFF HERE#02: Bug-Fix type Mods;#03: Game Structure and/or UI Mods:#04: Character Appearance Mods (For NPCs and Self);#05: Mods that Add and/or Change Locations; *#06: Mods that Add and/or Change Items;#07: Mods that Add NPCs;#08: Texture Mods;#09: Environmental Mods (things like Climates of Tamriel, Sounds of Skyrim, etc.);#10: Mods with Gameplay Changes; Then,#11: Reproccers, AV, and Bashed Patches. From: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ read it is useful! You can even watch my load order if you want is under here \/ \/ \/
  2. No but there are house mods that add a small satchel over the alchemy table and they have a script that auto takes alchemy ingredients from your inventory and puts them into the satchel.
  3. I cannot read that disaster at all and even the spoilers are not to easy to read that is why i always ask for Modwatch.
  4. Its meant to strip people but if you don't have a body mod that makes the characters nude its normal that they have the normal texture.
  5. You sorted the load order with LOOT right?
  6. There is just a small difference really :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .
  7. With bDeferredShadows=1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DZlVrbFVlZFF5OFU/view?usp=sharing (Had to put it in drive it weights too much)
  8. Just a comparison (i am using your enb and having the same bug) with bDeferredShadows=0:
  9. Are you installing all of your mods from steam or are you using both steam mods and a mod manager? And there is no script limit......... There is a plugin limit and its 255 counting from skyrim .esm to last mod.
  10. Maybe if you install something like RDO they will not say it as often and their dialogues will be far better and more "intelligent".
  11. I tried your patch on Skyrim with only the require mods and it didn't make may game crash i watched some of the edits and i didn't see anything strage it will take me an hour to check everything but i don't have the time now.
  12. I'm right now watching your .esp as soon as i have some info for you i will reply.
  13. You might want to try ckecking with TES5Edit or the CK if the author forgot to place the different textures edits on the .esp
  14. try using XP32 Maximum Sheleton Extended instead of Xp32 maximum skeleton
  15. Open race menu and move the axe position back.
  16. If the follower is missing parts of the outfit you can try downloading the outfit mod cheating it in and giving it to her.
  17. I tried UFO but it was causing problems with some of my follower mods so i never got to play too much with it anyway a lot of people say that it is really good for now i am using Immersive amazing follower tweaks that seems to work pretty good i even used EFF for a long time but it didn't have the features i was used to when using the original amazing follower tweaks; i switched to the immersive one because is obviously more immersive and even more updated.
  18. Try making a TES5Merge patch and a Bashed Patch these 2 will probably fix all of your archery problems anyway the load order is a little bit of a problem.
  19. Well i'm surprised your game doesn't crash with that load order :ohmy: .
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