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About Itsguy

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  1. That happened to me after Gran Turismo released. Made driving the highways quite hazardous!
  2. Ok I went for a drive today to finally get out of the house and I saw a patch of flowers. My first thought was to harvest the flowers. Good times :)
  3. Had it preordered through walmart and they delivered it tonight!! Gonna play right now on my ps3!!!! Woohoo!!!
  4. I'll probably clean house from top to bottom because once Skyrim arrives I won't do a thing for weeks! :)
  5. Hey all, write a quick haiku to usher in Skyrim and say goodbye to Oblivion. I'll start: Oblivion rocked! Wonderful Game of the Year. Can't wait for Skyrim!
  6. I'll be getting my Skyrim on with a ps3, 50" plasma and my lazy boy!! Can't wait!:)
  7. I loved the soundtrack!! Everytime i hear the opening song my heart skips a beat
  8. Has there been any info about skyrim trophies for the ps3? I know Ovlivion didn't have any. Was just wondering.
  9. That was great! No one should criticize until they've taught middle or high school kids for at least a week!! Good job.
  10. Hey it's new to me! I've been looking for some new footage. I've watched the other vids a hundred times. Thanks
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