In response to post #49977347. #49977612, #49977627, #49977747, #49977772, #49978322, #49978412, #49978502, #49978607, #49978752, #49978832, #49978967, #49979042, #49980232, #49980267, #50066187 are all replies on the same post. What is being forced? Either use it or don't. That's your choice. If you like NMM and don't like Vortex once it's released, then there is nothing saying you can't still use NMM. Tannin even mentioned above they could be used together. If you don't like virtualization, I would say that WB is better than NMM. No offense to the Nexus staff, but NMM has never been a great manager for managing a heavily modded setup. There's several reasons why STEP was never able to use it to easily manage the Guide. WB worked, though. MO worked even better. I'm personally excited to get my hands on Vortex to test its' abilities. I refrain from passing judgement until I've actually used the software, because I have nothing to pass judgement on except words...which, when you get down to it, don't really tell us much toward usability. It's just assumption/hype/PR until the software is in hand and users get a chance to break it...*err*...I mean use it. ^_^