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Everything posted by Darksun45230

  1. @tooldealer If I were you, I'd pick a book that hasn't already been covered here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/484856-skyrim-audiobooks/page__p__3965591#entry3965591 Pick your favorite, a dungeoneer's treasure, anything. Right now, the project is in Alpha and all we're trying to do is recruit more readers. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
  2. Suggestion: Why not expand your recruiting to the Reddit forums? http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/ Your message could read something like this:
  3. @Emmarae I'm wondering why my recording of Beggar Prince isn't up on the book list? Is something wrong with it? Don't worry about hurting my feelings.
  4. Maybe I shouldn't say this as people are entitled to their opinion and I know I shouldn't sling mud but... You have bad taste. Legend of the Seeker is generic, as were the laughably written books they were based off of, Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. There's no more unique design in those screenshots than there was in Ridley Scott's Gladiator or Kingdom of Heaven, medieval in other words. Please, I urge you to forget about this series.
  5. Why would you want such a terrible, terrible thing?
  6. I sent my recordings. Will probably record more if you like my work. Also, hoping the project isn't dead. >_<
  7. After several years of neglect, I've finally decided that Oblivion is worth a second play-through. I started my first just as I graduated High School and left it high and dry after. I never messed with mods because I figured installing them was going to be hassle. Well, now I want the mods everyone is talking about and I'm willing to endure a little discomfort to get it. So let me ask off the bat: is there an easy mod-list I can install on my computer without spending hours sorting through files and readme's? Am I lazy? Yes, if dodging hours of tedium is considered lazy.
  8. Dear, Argonian, Bosmer, Dark Elf, Khajiit, High Elves, and Orcs. Where are your children? Yours truly, Darksun.
  9. - Nightstalker Vampires and older can use the Bloodfreeze power a certain amount of times per day. The potency of this ability and total uses per day will increase as you hit Ancient and Master. Freezing Shout + This = OP Hows about no Shouting (or significantly increased charging times)? Problem solved.
  10. Would be too tedious on top of recharging weaponry. Instead, I would tweak the idea. When a Smith upgrades their armor to the next rank (Superior --> Legendary, ect.) they will eventually lose that upgrade after prolonged use (but are able to reapply that upgrade.)
  11. Are you Still Alive eyk? If you're still breathing there's some cake here when you finish the mod. http://thmg.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Athenaia/Icons/th_portal_cake.png Yummy!
  12. Are we still alive? Should I keep recording audiobooks? Answers: do want.
  13. Sure, why not? They should also make a Yellow Fever race because Lycanthropy is a disease too. Now a beast race I can get behind.
  14. Let's face it, with the creation kit coming out soon, we should recirculate some old ideas for new inspiration. If you were to create an additional questline for a guild, which would it be? In the Companions questline we: * Killed bandits. * Learned of a secret order within guild. * Became a Werewolf. * Put an honored hero to rest. If the Companions questline expanded we could: * Have more Werewolf quests. * Kill more bandits. * Learn of a double-secret order within the guild. * Learn the true meaning of honor (Ex: to betray an ally to save a friend or condemn him to death to save face.) In Winterhold College we: * Learned in a small classroom. * Desecrated ancient Nordic tombs. * Desecrated ancient Dwemer tombs. * Fought a silly, unsatisfying final boss. If the College questline expanded we could: * Desecrate even more ancient tombs! * Piss on the traditions of the Nords, Imperials, Dunmer, and even Bosmer! * Rebuild the effin' school, yo. * Recruit, train, and teach. In Thieves Guild we: * Burned their beehives! * Collected debts. * We're betrayed! * Settled an old score. If the Guild questline expanded we could: * Steal from the rich, and give to the poor. * Steal from the rich, and give to ourselves. * Pull off fantastic heists that the bards will sing of for all millennium. * Steal from the rich, and woo their daughters (or sons!) In the Dark Brotherhood we: * Hailed Sithis! * ..... * Murdered an Emperor. * Befriended a madman. If the Dark Brotherhood expanded we could: * Murder a god. * Befriend even more madmen. * ..... * Find a dozen different ways to kill a man. In factions we: * Followed the same route with identical forces and questlines only to discover our choice didn't have any effect other than some dialog options. If factions were expanded we could: * Get a decent Werewolf questline. * Get a decent Vampire questline. * Follow the Psijic order. * Follow the Sydnod order. Gentlemen, your choices are many. Be stalwart, and may the Divines guide your path.
  15. I'm game. But I don't know how to code, modify textures or graphics, create scripts, type, eat without the help of a nurse, use the lavatory, and turn left. If your bar is low, than I'm your man!
  16. Anything can be written into TES lore, you just need a radical variable that makes the tech possible. Yeah, modern crossbows appear impossible, but perhaps there can be a halfway point with a "Da Vinci" type character -- a genius inventor -- who grasps the concepts of the Dwemer far better than any other in Tamriel. Sounds plausible.
  17. You mean a quest where you're trapped in an arena where the only way to escape is by killing your competitors or challenging your captors? Why, the modder in question would have to create two paths branching from your decision to either to fight for freedom or entertainment. I'm sure no one cares about that... :wink:
  18. It can't be dead. It's the ultimate mod!
  19. Your input is welcomed, I would recommend doing as I do: pick your favorite in-game books and read aloud into them. Here are my projects so far, ranging from decent to good. Any feedback is welcomed.
  20. I'll probably create the greatest mod ever that revolutionizes melee, stealth, and spell casting in Skyrim to have insightful, challenging, invigorating depth. After that, I'll get drunk on my own success, spiral out of control one day, start a flame war on the Nexus, get banned then fade into obscurity as the star who rose just fast as he fell.
  21. I don't know if I can support a mod that stole their source code from another project. What's stopping person in charge from taking advantage of their volunteers, their word?
  22. I was always of the theory that Vampires and Werewolves were competitors for the same meal. Both are distinct contrasts of the natural order: one being undead and as far removed from humanity as possible, the other being nature harvested into a singular powerhouse. One works against the nature order, while the other works against the nature of man. Perhaps this mod has the potential to free itself from the muck and mire of the derivative by exploring these two distinctions.
  23. If you need a point of reference: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Books Mine so far is the Beggar Prince.
  24. Twilight Assassins are obviously assassins tasked to hunt down Vampires infected with Stephenious Meyerious that make it's infected monogamous and seventeen forever. I assume the speaker was betrayed by his fellow assassins after they beat him with a two-by-four causing him to spout dialogue at a fourth grade level. It makes sense.
  25. The creation kit comes out just in time for my new semester to begin. . . Yay?
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