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Posts posted by Pickysaurus

  1. You can report issues with the extension here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/110?tab=files

    From what I can see this could only happen if "Fallout76.exe" doesn't exist in your game folder. This is the function. 

    function findExecutable(discoveryPath) {
      const steamExe = 'Fallout76.exe';
      const xboxExe = 'Project76_GamePass.exe';
      if (!discoveryPath) return steamExe;
      try {
        // Steam version
        fs.statSync(path.join(discoveryPath, steamExe));
        return steamExe;
      catch(err) {
        // Could not stat to Steam path
      try {
        //Xbox version
        fs.statSync(path.join(discoveryPath, xboxExe));
        return xboxExe;
      catch(err) {
        // Could not stat the Xbox path
      log('error', 'Neither the Steam or Xbox EXE paths exist for Fallout 76');
      return steamExe;
      // throw new Error('Neither the Steam or Xbox EXE paths exist for Fallout 76');


    Based on that code it should only ever look for the Xbox Game Pass EXE if the Steam one doesn't exist and the Xbox one does. 

  2. You shouldn't be poking about in this folder. C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app#

    The file I suggested you remove was the vortex_deployment.json in the game data folder.

    Updating Vortex won't fix this as it's not caused by a bug in Vortex itself. 

  3. I'm not sure what you're asking specifically, but mod authors do tend to sometimes give their plugins names that don't make any sense. If the mod isn't already on your system we can't reliably know where you can get it from. 

  4. Hi @ITR13,

    Thanks for raising this, we've passed it to our advertising provider - PubisherCollective - and they've confirmed that their cookies settings comply with all local laws. 

    Which country are you based in? In the UK (where we are based) it is not a legal requirement to have a "Reject All" button, but this does vary by region. 

    From what they've said, not all EU countries require this option. 

  5. This usually happens when something is completely borked in your setup.

    I can see that you've somehow moved your AppData folder to G:\ which tends to break a lot of Windows libraries. 

    TL:DR It's something you've done to mess with default application and Windows paths that is causing this. 

  6. That's the way it has always worked. Perhaps you didn't notice before? Any collection associated with your account is visible in that view. As you say there isn't currently a way to archive/discard them. It is a requested feature on the feedback board though AFAIK

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