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Pickysaurus's post in Vortex notifications out of sync was marked as the answer
This is just a bug with Windows sadly. The same thing happens to me for Slack and Discord too.
Pickysaurus's post in Diagnostic Files was marked as the answer
The diagnostic files are generally for the Vortex application itself. If there was something in there to worry about you'd usually get a notification in the UI too.
Pickysaurus's post in Why are the raimi Animation and raimi Combat files created by RevanNate deleted? was marked as the answer
RevanNate decided to use their mod pages to spread anti-vaccine misinformation so I'm afraid we had to remove them. There is a formal warning thread with more information, but I am unable to find it right now due to an issue with the forum search.
Edit: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12267078-revannate-formal-warning-issued/?hl=%2Brevannate
Pickysaurus's post in Just a quick question and positive comment was marked as the answer
You can remove the old versions if you have no need to downgrade.
Pickysaurus's post in Please help! nexus mods not loading was marked as the answer
This isn't related to Vortex and is caused by your browser addons.
A common cause of this lately is Nord VPN Threat Protection.
Pickysaurus's post in skyrim se not appearing managed games or unmanaged games was marked as the answer
Check the extensions tab, you may have disabled it there by accident.
Pickysaurus's post in 2 version of the game was marked as the answer
You can use profiles (enabled in the settings) to have two different sets of mods that you can switch between.
Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Error msg 21 was marked as the answer
Found it and added a bug report: https://next.nexusmods.com/morrowind/collections/urwtmv?bugReportId=903&tab=Bugs
Pickysaurus's post in Premium not working was marked as the answer
It looks like your account is Premium. Please be aware it can take up to 10 minutes for it to update everywhere and you may have to restart Vortex.
Pickysaurus's post in FO4 Ghosting plugins? was marked as the answer
Ghosting plugins just tells the game to ignore them completely. I'm not sure it makes much difference for Fallout 4 but for older games the engine would still count disabled plugins as part of the load order which could cause some weirdness.
Pickysaurus's post in how many times was marked as the answer
Pickysaurus's post in Saving my modlist, when moving computers. Possible/how? was marked as the answer
Hi there,
What you're describing sounds like a Collection.
You can read more about this feature here: https://modding.wiki/en/nexusmods/collections
Pickysaurus's post in Sorting plugins with Vortex vs LOOT was marked as the answer
As Showler says, if you're using both Vortex and LOOT you'll encounter problems. Rules and groups can be managed with the "Manage Rules" and "Manage Groups" buttons on the toolbar.
If you'd like to import all the rules you added with the LOOT app to Vortex you can do the following:
1. Close Vortex and LOOT.
2. Head to %localappdata%\LOOT
3. Under "Games" locate the game folder for the one you're playing.
4. Grab the userlist.yaml file.
5. Copy (or move) that file into %appdata%\Vortex\{YOUR GAME}\ - you can overwrite the existing one or rename it to back it up.
6. Open Vortex and check the "Manage Rules" section to ensure the rules have all been imported.
Pickysaurus's post in I want to run Vortex as admin (Please fix this.) was marked as the answer
This topic has run it's course.
In summary, we appreciate your point of view that you want to run Vortex as admin, however, this is not something that we agree is necessary or even recommended.
If you're technically minded, you're welcome to fork Vortex and remove the admin prompt for your own means, but we won't provide any support with a "homebrew" version of the app.
Edit: The user has now been banned. References below.
Pickysaurus's post in New games missing in the Games tab was marked as the answer
Hi there,
Not all games on the site are supported with Vortex.
If you can't find it using the search on the games page, it's not supported (yet).
The scan feature activates automatically when you select the game you want to manage.
Pickysaurus's post in Vortex plugins tab missing was marked as the answer
There's a pinned thread about this issue: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12319363-plugin-section-has-disapeared/
Pickysaurus's post in Collections not showing up in Vortex was marked as the answer
You're probably using a browser like Firefox that doesn't do protocol handling in a simple way.
Here's a relevant help page: https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/download-from-nexusmods#i-have-the-option-enabled-in-vortex-but-downloads-still-go-to-the-wrong-appdont-start
Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Not Opening was marked as the answer
If your Vortex state has somehow been corrupted (usually due to anti-virus apps) then you can reset Vortex by deleting or renaming the %appdata%\Vortex folder
Pickysaurus's post in EXTREMELY slow download... was marked as the answer
Please see the following help page: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
Pickysaurus's post in Adding MCM ini files/changes to Collection was marked as the answer
See this part of the docs for help :) https://modding.wiki/en/nexusmods/collections/create/mod-options#bundle-with-collection
Pickysaurus's post in Collections gone was marked as the answer
You probably deleted the collection from the "Mods" table by accident. Just re-add the collection from the website and it should use the mods that are already installed.
Pickysaurus's post in it wont set its game mode was marked as the answer
Vortex will show an error if the game mode cannot be set which explicitly says why.
Quite often it's because there's a core file or folder missing.
Pickysaurus's post in I sent a message of dissatisfaction on the forum while remaining polite, respectful. was marked as the answer
Your thread hasn't been deleted, you probably just lost track of it somehow? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12462528-very-disgruntled/
Pickysaurus's post in .Net Vortex issues was marked as the answer
There is both a pinned thread and a wiki article about how to fix your broken .NET setup.
Pickysaurus's post in BepInEx Subnautica Pack was marked as the answer
The 2.0 update for Subnautica threw a massive spanner in the works. You can report issues with the Vortex extension here https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/202