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  1. Pickysaurus's post in Authentication failed,login failed was marked as the answer   
    You are being limited by Cloudflare, there are several other threads on this. 
    This one includes some things to try: 
  2. Pickysaurus's post in Quick Scan feature gone? was marked as the answer   
    You just have to click on them in the games list. The UI has changed slightly, but Vortex runs the detection for the game when you click on it. Due to a growing number of game extensions being external to the main app, the "scan" feature no longer detected all your games as the logic to find certain games required you to install the extension first. 
    The new method is consistent regardless of having the correct extension. 
  3. Pickysaurus's post in Mod in Collection Deleted, 403, Failed to download was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's rare for a mod included in collections to be removed by a moderator, but it does happen sometimes. 
    At present there isn't a way to know this easily, but you can look at the list of mods and see if any of them have the "- DELETED" suffix added. 
  4. Pickysaurus's post in Issue with Game Extension I am trying to create.... was marked as the answer   
    If you're trying to copy only the PAK files and disregard any other files or folder structures you could try using "Stop Patterns". This means you'd remove the following parts:
    function installContent(files) { // The .pak file is expected to always be positioned in the mods directory we're going to disregard anything placed outside the root. const modFile = files.find(file => path.extname(file).toLowerCase() === MOD_FILE_EXT); const idx = modFile.indexOf(path.basename(modFile)); const rootPath = path.dirname(modFile); // Remove directories and anything that isn't in the rootPath. const filtered = files.filter(file => ((file.indexOf(rootPath) !== -1) && (!file.endsWith(path.sep)))); const instructions = filtered.map(file => { return { type: 'copy', source: file, destination: path.join(file.substr(idx)), }; }); return Promise.resolve({ instructions }); } function testSupportedContent(files, gameId) { // Make sure we're able to support this mod. let supported = (gameId === GAME_ID) && (files.find(file => path.extname(file).toLowerCase() === MOD_FILE_EXT)!== undefined); return Promise.resolve({ supported, requiredFiles: [], }); } context.registerInstaller('readyornotkewp', 25, testSupportedContent, installContent);  
    The inside the "details" part of your game registration you'd add. 
    stopPatterns: ['[^|/|\\]*.pak$'],
  5. Pickysaurus's post in Baldur's gate 3 missing from vortex was marked as the answer   
    No, you've done something in your setup to hide it.
    Go to Games and click "Show hidden games" - it may show up if you've hidden it.
    Go to Extensions, click "Show bundled" and search for Baldur's Gate 3 - if you've somehow disabled it, re-enable it and restart Vortex. 
  6. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex rules / load order suggestions have some flaws was marked as the answer   
    The suggestions are very basic and use the install time or the newest file to guess which way they should be loaded. It's up to you to ensure the rules are correct beyond that. 
  7. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex launch failure (corrupted compressed block contents) was marked as the answer   
    Honestly, I've never seen this error before so I'm not entirely sure what it means. 
    I suspect either Vortex is corrupt or your state file is corrupted. 
    If you've tried reinstalling Vortex I suggest attempting to rename the folder at %appdata%\Vortex to something else and see if the app starts up. If it does your state (where Vortex stores its data) has been corrupted. This is usually by something outside the app messing with the file, or your PC being forcefully powered down while Vortex was writing to the database. 
  8. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex not re-generating staging folder file (1.9.12) was marked as the answer   
    Just make a new text file and replace the name with __vortex_staging_folder (make sure you also remove the .txt extension). 
    You also need to make ABSOLUTELY SURE there's no folder with that name. 
  9. Pickysaurus's post in Please Implement "Don't Ask Again" For Collection Download and Install Prompts was marked as the answer   
    As far as I can tell, none of these prompts are from the default Vortex implementation. 
    You can raise your suggestion with the team working on the extension here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/196
  10. Pickysaurus's post in cant change game exe location manually for Jedi Fallen Order. was marked as the answer   
    Your game is installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Fallen Order - Vortex targets the game install folder, not the location the EXE file happens to be in. 
    If you do not see any problems with installing mods or starting the game, you can ignore this. 
  11. Pickysaurus's post in Extension failed to load was marked as the answer   
    Please see 
  12. Pickysaurus's post in Find conflict winner for a particular file was marked as the answer   
    It's not super easy but if you open the Vortex_deployment.json and search for that file path it'll tell you where it came from. 
  13. Pickysaurus's post in Cant access collection page gives me some weird error was marked as the answer   
    Not Vortex related. Please see this topic for a workaround: 
  14. Pickysaurus's post in Collection Missing? was marked as the answer   
    I'd imagine it's related to https://forums.nexusmods.com/announcement/4-⚠-website-issues-1-jan-2024/ 
    The search is still a bit wobbly. 
  15. Pickysaurus's post in Download Issues was marked as the answer   
    Please see this help page for how to report issues: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  16. Pickysaurus's post in SKSE with Vortex is launching SSE instead of AE, No Mods was marked as the answer   
    You might have two copies of Skyrim installed. Or it may be an issue with SKSE. This certainly isn't something Vortex can cause.
    If you set up all your mods, you can launch from Steam instead if you can't figure out the problem. Just keep in mind SKSE mods require you to start the game via SKSE_loader.exe 
  17. Pickysaurus's post in Starfield Plugins requires relaunch was marked as the answer   
    You should manage your Plugins from Vortex's UI only. Using any other tools will interfere with this. 
  18. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex won't load past startup logo was marked as the answer   
    This issue is usually caused by something corrupting your Vortex state file. 
    Try renaming the %appdata%/Vortex folder to something else and see if the app starts up then. 
  19. Pickysaurus's post in vortex install mod error i need help was marked as the answer   
    Please check the solutions in the pins. Your issue and solution are recorded there 
  20. Pickysaurus's post in cant access collections was marked as the answer   
    Look under "Extensions", click "Show bundled" and see if you've somehow disabled the Extension for Collections. 
  21. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex not downloading mods through nexus links was marked as the answer   
    We solved this on Discord, it was Firefox being quirky. 
  22. Pickysaurus's post in Limited unmanaged games was marked as the answer   
    This means your PC is blocking Vortex from pulling the full game list. 
    You can still add an extension from https://nexusmods.com/site if one exists for your chosen game. 
  23. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Login/TCP connection not working was marked as the answer   
    All of these things are typically symptoms of your PC blocking Vortex from talking to the internet. Check your firewall settings. 
  24. Pickysaurus's post in nnach dem Update von Vortex auf was marked as the answer   
    This has been covered multiple times, in multiple threads that are almost identical to this one: 
    It is not a Vortex issue. 
  25. Pickysaurus's post in Getting GameRoot error after updating to the latest version of Vortex was marked as the answer   
    This is fixed in the current beta build (1.9.11) - you can either opt into the beta or wait for the full release. 
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