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Everything posted by gasti89

  1. Depending on what you want the script to do, there are different ways to run the cell loading event. So, what do you want the script to do when you enter a cell?
  2. Hey there, i used to do quest/storyline modding, but due to team problems, some lazy people and RL stuff, i got a bit tired of spending hours and hours for nothing. But now, when i've read "professional vocalist and songwriter" an idea came up to my mind. I'm a guitarist and my idea is to make new songs for the Skyrim's Bards. PM me if you're interested (be aware that i'm totally unable to write songs ;))
  3. I'm one of the Version Control enthusiasts and i say it's worth a try. Never had any kind of problems with that and guess what? I mainly do questlines.
  4. If they are aliases you can use ReferenceAlias property.
  5. Properties.... Come on man, don't reset your scripting knowledges everytime you ask for a script. You know how to set properties from the topics you created before. This if in a normal script Actor property Linette auto ObjectReference property ArmorPiece auto Linette.EquipItem(ArmorPiece) This if in a quest fragment Alias_Linette.GetActorRef().EquipItem(ArmorPiece) Of course ArmorPiece has to be defined in the properties tab as ObjectReference
  6. Factions also make him display as a red dot. Remove player-enemy factions, set his behavior to normal (aggressive). Update the door script with this: ScriptName SetStageOnOpen extends ObjectReference Quest Property MyQuest Auto {In the CK, set this to the Quest whose stage you want to set} Int Property StageIndex Auto {In the CK, set this to the stage index you want to use in SetStage} Actor property HiddenThief auto {Fill this property with your thief} Event OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef) MyQuest.SetStage(StageIndex) HiddenThief.StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) GoToState("Done") EndEvent State Done Event OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef) ; Do nothing EndEvent EndState I added a property to be filled with the thief and a scripted StartCombat.
  7. @Cipscis: what i'm guessing is that when you call a GoToState, the script suddenly jumps in the new state, without even finishing running itself in the old state. So calling the SetStage before it ensures that the 1st thing done is calling the stage, then it can safely run the empty state. Also, maybe, putting the 1st event in a Auto State wouls do the trick, dunno. @antstunbell: try putting a radius of 0 in your sleep package. The bed you select isn't the "target of the package". It is just the starting point of it. So if you select that bed with a big enough radius, what the NPC will do is this: - travel to the bed - gather all the beds in the radius - select a random bed among the list - go to that bed and sleep So to fix your issue you can either set the radius to 0, or maybe removing the furniture marker from the bedroll behind the wardrobe, so the bedroll won't be treaten as a sleeping furniture
  8. You don't need to re-enter a Event in the "Done" state. I'm guessing that the script doesn't work because you go to the empty state before calling the SetStage? Try swapping SetStage and GoToState
  9. O.o I used VC a lot of times and never had any sort of merging/network problems. Maybe your problems in merging are related to the fact that you want to move a record that belongs to skyrim.esm or update.esm (for example, a NPC placed in a vanilla cell, wich means the cell record gets edited). In that case, you just have to change the 9th bit of skyrim.esm or update.esm with a hex editor (for both local and network versions), check out the everything, merge and then restore the original bit.
  10. Put this on Stage 10 fragment: RegisterForSingleLOSGain(Game.GetPlayer(), Alias_Corpse.GetReference()) or whatever the corpse alias is called Then put a new quest script (scripts tab) and write this Event OnGainLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Self.SetStage(20) EndEvent
  11. The thing you quoted simply means "right click on the folder, click share. And if you don't have a fake network already, create it." As for the errors showing up thr 1st time you copied skyrim, update and your esm in the shared folder, they're normal as stated. The CK/Pc is complaining that there aren't the files necessary for merging. After the esms are loaded follow the next step in the tutorial (create empty lists) and the errors will disappear. The PerForce error means nothing and will continue to appear.
  12. http://www.creationkit.com/Version_control Create an emtpy esm. Merge all your content in that esm Espify the esm.
  13. Yeah i was like O.o when saw the potions option for food :P
  14. select the NPCs you modified/created and press CTRL+F4. You'll get a "facegen" popup. In Data/Meshes/Actor/youresp.esp/etc etc etc and the same for textures you'll now see some facegen files. This will work with your PC, but may not for others if you release the mod. If releasing the mod, you'll have to make you mod a esm and re-export the facegen.
  15. As stated, before writing something in the fragment you have to declare the properties, which aren't declaring by scripting like in other scripts. Click on "properties", "add", name your property whatever and define the correct type. Then fill it with the object you want and then you can use the property name in the script.
  16. That event is a story manager event that can start a quest, it isn't useable in a script. The OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) event works for every Object Reference that can be activates, so also actors.
  17. What if the main gaming languages were Russian and Czech, so every mod was released in those languages? Wouldn't you want a translation in English because you don't understand other languages? What if Russians and Czechs said "English? Pfffff, is it necessary?"
  18. Make the "thanks" dialogue set one more stage. Then in the fragment for that stage add a new property. Could be MiscObject or Armor or whatever depending on what you want as the reward. Then in the fragment write: Game.GetPlayer().Additem(x, y) Where x is your added property name, and y is the amount to add.
  19. I'm guessing that the fish you "activate" isn't the same object that you get in your inventory, but i can't see in the CK atm. Where did you put the script? on a actor?
  20. Anyway this script is for a single crime faction. For all the 9 holds you'll have to make 9 globals, 18 properties and call the same functions 9 times. I'm sure there's a way to make the script thinner, but it's out of my knowledge :|
  21. NOTE: Btw i noticed you have { and } at end and start of your script. This treats the whole script as a comment so it won't work. I think it's because you putted the script right after the "script name" tab. That is the comment tab, the real script comes when you right click it and click "edit source". I'm afraid you'll need a global variable to restore back the original crimegold. Using a local variable like you did will make it set everytime the script runs. So after the 1st equip, wich sets the crime to 1000, the variable will return 1000 and not the original value. Now, this script is for 1 single crime faction (Whiterun). If you want this for every hold you'll need to add the other 8. - Create a global variable (Object window ---> miscellaneus ---> global), type short, name "WhiterunCrimeGlobal". Value 0. - Here's the script Faction property WhiterunCrime auto GlobalVariable property WhiterunCrimeGlobal auto Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == Game.GetPlayer() WhiterunCrimeGlobal.SetValue(WhiterunCrime.GetCrimeGold() as Float) WhiterunCrime.SetCrimeGold(1000) endif EndEvent Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == Game.GetPlayer() WhiterunCrime.SetCrimeGold(WhiterunCrimeGlobal.GetValue() as Int) endif EndEvent Fill the properties with CrimeFactionWhiterun and your newly created global.
  22. Wait before being happy, because FUZ may work for you but not for users ;) As i said, it's the most stable format but it isn't 100% working, fingers crossed!
  23. Ok, 1st of all Game.Player doesn't exist. You call Game.GetPlayer(), or just GetPlayer() if you put "import game" at the beginning of the script. 2nd, Set and Get CrimeGold isn't an actor function, but instead a Faction function. So you have to call this on a crime faction. Since this will restrict the field on a single hold police faction, you might want to put a series of checks to know the location in wich you put on the mask. EDIT: i'll provide a test script in a few mins EDIT2: Script turning a bit long and i don't have much time. Sorry i'll write it asap
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