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Everything posted by Kairo29
I'd love to hear an owl "hoo-ing" as I roam the forests at night!!! I love the idea of birds. It's things like this that you subconsciously know the game is missing but sometimes you dont even notice it yourself...until someone else mentions it. Seeing quails or families of them running around for you to watch or hunt would be awesome. It'd add more food ingredients to the game too and give us more recipes. This plus a mod that makes food more important is something I know I'll definitely be looking forward to once CK drops.
@Aheeia Yes! And even if a modder decided to only tackle one or 2 of the suggestions listed at a time, allowing for others to take a stab at it too, the community can pick and choose what they want to download to make their horses better! :) I, too, am crossing my fingers for a horse lover
I feel you on that one. I'm a civil engineer who writes on the side for pleasure :D I too like helping with scripts and dialogue especially when of the fantasy genre. This mod could definitely be a good one, I hope a few people team up to get this thing going! My alt is going to be of wolfblood :) and I'm okay with werewolves not shouting, personally. Would be an amazing twist to see the mixture of wolfblood and dragonblood create a variety of attacks called Howls, though. They'd function similarly, but with a varied effect of some kind...that's where imagination comes in!
I like all the ideas :) Honestly I feel like Skyrim lacks in the snake-department. A giant sea anaconda-like monster would be cool to run into. And probably scary too because it can come out of the water and chase you in land. The same way dragons can escape to the sky, it would be cool if the snake could escape into the trees or into holes or something like that. Hearing that hissing sound would definitely get me running immediately lol
I think it can be better! I'm seriously wondering how the CK will work with flagging NPCs and tying dialogue options to certain events. I'd want to try to add better "mourning" in the form of changed dialogue options once specific NPCs are killed or disappear.
yes yes and yes. In my "Dismemberment" thread I mentioned VATS, but I didn't think how cool it would be if at least archery had a VATS-like system. I'd be satisfied with this for sure! seeing an enemy tumble off a wall or something in the classic VATS slow-mo, not to mention the times like in Fallout 3 and NV where they show your character aiming and gritting their teeth before firing, would be TOO great. I wants it. I needs it.
lol @ JM. +1 to OP
drinking mead and no visual effect actually really bothers me too lol. whats the point of going into a tavern and sitting down with the locals if I can't visually enjoy a drink around them, or engage in drinking contests (besides the one that triggers a quest), or see NPCs reacting to my drink, or maybe chatting happily with me/starting arguments about politics and the war and stuff? What about drinking so much that another drunken patron tries to hit on your character and maybe spend the night with them? lmao Ugh. Missed opportunities!
Definitely. There's just too much untapped potential in these areas!
LE Story Specialist seeks Modder for Human Interraction Overhaul
Kairo29 replied to unclejanos's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
This NEEDS to happen. I'm with OP on this. Honestly, I would love if there was an option for map markers to denote general areas to search for the next objective (maybe like a circle on the map as if the player circled it themself). It would be even better if some quest starter NPCs didn't exactly know where you needed to go but they knew the thing that needed to be done and some advice as to where to go so it would be left to the player to explore and ask NPCs questions. This would make the NPC existence play a bigger role in the game besides space fillers or one-line-deliverers. Taking it a step further, it'd be pretty cool if some NPCs were wrong in their advice lol. But not that they just point you in the wrong direction, but maybe they say something like "Oh I think you'd have to go to Riften for something like that" but upon entering Riften and speaking with the locals you learn that your objective is actually a ways out of town in the surrounding wilderness type of thing. But yes. Not being noticed by the appropriate parties for things I've done, or having everyone know everything I've recently done RIGHT after doing it like they're stalking my facebook or something kind of sucks. Guards need to notice that I'm a damn thane around these parts sometimes ya know! haha. +1 to OP. -
Yeah it was really interesting. The only time I've seen anything like it though...I need to go back and see if her body disappeared yet or something. But yes, seriously, waiting for the skeevers to get to corpses of the innocent or the good is pretty sad lol. I'm excited the CK is coming in January, I just hope it has TONS of options and is fairly user-friendly. I want to learn how to mod these types of things. @Arcata, Having dialogue options change when an NPCs lover, companion, family member, or friend dies and a tombstone is generated after you or another NPC dig a grave and bury the dead would be amazing. Would bump up the immersion factor so much, and give the effect of AI recognition of you killing someone with attachments or failing to save them.
I like the ideas. Turning it back to a disease that can't be controlled and splitting the variations of werewolf "power" into 2 diff strains is really interesting. Turning into a werewolf semi-randomly would be cool. If I'm understanding correctly, if you become one of the "wild werewolves", the Companions quest is the answer to curing it and being able to learn how to control it? Moon phases would be really cool. Wearing the ring of hircine to counteract it is a neat idea, so the player has to actively pay attention to the night sky to not find himself transforming at a bad moment (like inside a town around guards or something). Werewolf companions is also a must...seriously. Your idea of creating "packs" with the more beastly werewolves out in the wild who are losing their humanity is a good one. It'd be interesting to see the difference between recruiting a wild werewolf vs a trained werewolf (who can control their transformation). It would be even more awesome to attack maybe a guard or citizen of Skyrim and infect them with the disease and follow them in humanoid form and see their daily routines change, and eventually see them lose control during a transformation. I'd follow them out into the wild where they changed back and acted lost and confused in dialogue options and would recruit them to follow me :) I'd be like "Welcome to the club." lol PS: werewolf sneak would help too. and love the ideas for customizing your wolf-self...taking a step further would be adding different skins/wolf manes to give your look a bit of variety. :)
dont worry, I have faith a lot of amazing things are waiting once that ck is available :)
Lol if Bethsoft really thinks that way ("Aw dont worry about wasting ur time on that, some modder with time on their hands will take care of it") then modders, at least the good ones who can troubleshoot, update, and are dedicated to their mods, should get paid or get some sort of benefit. Some of these modders really deserve something for giving me what Beth should have but didnt. -__-
^the snowstorm breath would be cool if when they freeze, they stay visually frosted and frozen, but can thaw after a while and continue attacking. The duration of the freeze depending on how many words you have. I would say they should thaw out so the attack isn't too overpowered. Would be cool for stopping a crowd so you can move past them quickly toward your goal/target. Assassins might find it pretty useful for escapes. +1 to the OP tho. A lightning breath of some kind would be pretty boss. Edit: btw meteorstorm would be ridiculously cool. u mean to tell me thats not in vanilla? (thought maybe id find it eventually!)
Just a random thread mostly for fun and creativity's sake. I hope there will be the possibility of designing new finishers when the ck comes out. That being said, describe what type of finisher would you love to see your character do? (Feel free to include finishers that are done with any type of weapon and magic as well. Or even weapons that aren't in-game yet but you hope someone might take a crack at and the kind of finisher to go with it!) A couple that come to mind: 1) using a bow, you fire it into the enemy's chest, enemy stops in their tracks shocked at the arrow sticking out of them, and then you fire one more in the exact same spot, splitting that arrow down the middle Robin Hood style. 2) stabbing the enemy (who maybe falls to their knees), planting a foot on their chest and kicking them off your blade. "Get off my sword!" haha.
Yeahhhh this needs to be made :D
yeah it always bugs me when theres stuff there just to watch an animation but could easily serve a real purpose...but doesnt. +1
ah nice! yeah that sounds really cool. I wonder how modders implement ideas like that. Thanks for the adds, Zen! I'll add to OP :)
I know what you mean, Aheeia. Even though the horse isn't functionally sound right now, I still cant help but use it/chase it down/protect it haha. If a mod could address even a few of the proposed ideas in my OP, I'd be extremely happy.
I like the setting companion home to wherever you want idea. Would be cool to have a follower party at one of the houses lol. Companions should be able to wear regular town clothes when they aren't actively following you. Just for immersion purposes, no biggee. Also...can Lydia stay in her OWN effing room? She owns that damn bed but shes always in my room...sitting in the chair...munching on cheese....watching me sleep...
+1 would love this. Things to do in Companion guild just kinda started and ended so quickly.
+1 How do I do this? Started an alt, and would like to try this.