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Everything posted by Kairo29
Hmmm...absorbing dragon souls and gaining their memories? Lol reminds me of Prototype. Sounds cool though. It'd be interesting to see how the dragonborn would go about learning how to re-institute a dragon's soul into the body. (Seeing the reverse animation of a dragon death to simulate dragon rebirth would be preeeetty cool I think). From my understanding, it would make sense that The Blades' find priority in recovering artifacts and supporting the worship of Talos. That sounds like the first steps in getting the Nords to join the cause, right? Do you think you'd focus on only those 3 options? Is it important to have options that vary completely from one another so that there is no overlap? Because to me, it looks like I'd want to do 2 in order to hopefully bolster support and forces to do 1. Option 3 sounds like the rash action that could be looked at as protecting the people of Skyrim, or destroying a possibility of strong allies. Imagine the look on the Thalmor's faces when an opposing force shows up at their doorstep with allied dragons in tow. Would be an interesting change from being the harbingers of I'm of course for the idea of incorporating other nations in the questline in any way shape or form. Seeing quest objectives where the Blades are fed information by sympathizers and allies in towns that lead them to enemy hideouts or "enemy leaders". Personally, I'd like to see a classic interrogation where you have to beat the target up to squeeze more info out of them. Or have what we think is a trusted info source lead us into a trap (once we survive we have an option of how to deal with the traitor type thing). But yeah I like the ideas presented so far.
Ideas I had about more NPCs moving from town to town to do their business, or caravans guarded by mercenaries seem like they'd fit well in this thread :) I'm all for more "life" in Skyrim. Also def need to see more realistic attachments. If theres a man and a wife, and the man gets killed somehow, the wife should have a dialogue option that addresses this. She should react differently once the NPC she's paired with gets killed. Another idea that's a stretch is to see NPCs get sick or diseased every once in a while. The way it would work would seem almost like in real life when we have cold viruses or the flu going around. You see the NPCs in bed talking about they arent feeling too well but hope to get over it soon. Maybe if a store owner happens to be afflicted in some way, you can offer a potion to help them out. Would allow players who like to roleplay the "wandering (warrior or not) priest" type character to do some good and help ppl out. When an NPC dies in town, if ppl gather around, it would be cool to see more NPCs display fear or get nauseated by the sight of a fresh (or not so fresh) corpse haha. Just a few ideas to throw in there :D
Yeah Draco, the recruiting dragons to your servitude sounds awesome. The possibility of being able to interact with dragons and observe their personalities and speak with them about their viewpts and stuff is exciting to say the least.
Awesome idea. Doubt its possible, but what do I know? I'd be all over a mod like that. +1 Bethesda needs to introduce this in an expansion!!!
what difficulty do u play on? i think a good number of dragons are appearing for me. They seem to like attacking Riften so far though. Probably want to rid Skyrim of the scum that lingers there first lol.
I was thinking about trying the arrowsmith mod. I want to be able to upgrade arrows too. Just in case I wanted to use iron arrows or something but need more damage. Or maybe even be able to change how fast or slow my arrows fly i.e. slower are heavier and do more damage. Has anyone addressed being able to melt down items that you don't need to use for smithing, enchanting, and fletching? If I find a bunch of silver rings, it'd be cool to melt it down to create a silver tip for vs. undead arrows. Stuff like that. Increased usability of items is always needed.
lessthan3's name was hence forth changed to lessthanpolite lol I didn't think it looked too bad. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I like the idea of a bow attack where you jump back or maybe to the side as a dodging projectile type of thing. I don't know how it would be coded and executed though, so not too sure about the feasibility of the idea. Maybe as a finisher or something...dunno.
Haha I totally understand, it def sounds like an entirely new game. I don't mean for any of those ideas to be fully fleshed out in a mod of course. I just think it feels more right when a questline has some sort of climax and resolution, but doesn't feel like "Okay, well. Thanks. That's all. Bye." If it's a little open ended almost like "There may be more to this someday" it feels more natural because there will be more work to do in the story, just not playable at the moment. I guess imagination plays a role at that point. I definitely like the idea of recruiting non combat Blades members. And it's good that you're narrowing your focus because obviously you can't create another 50 hrs of content lol (although if you could, you'd obviously prove your dragon blood courses through your veins). The main idea behind my suggestions are story elements and questions that seem natural for someone in the world of Skyrim to ask, experience, or consider. Not that a whole questline would fully flesh out any of these, but to see it raised in any kind of dialogue, document, or small parts of the quest sounds plausible. Is it possible to create an NPC using mod tools? If so, for example, it would be cool to see an elf that maybe is skilled in fletching and bow construction that wants to join the cause because he or she isn't down for the Thalmor agenda. Maybe the other Blades members would be hesitant. Things like that. The interactions and believable reactions and opinions of characters makes it sweeter. Love where you're going with your idea so far though. Sky Haven as a strong base makes too much sense.
I would think u'd start as an apprentice, and the story elements come into play when your master falls ill and dies or gets killed somehow. Then you take over his shop and work :D Maybe different stories for different simple life professions.
yep. Tankhedghehog, I've said the exact same thing in other threads. We see eye to eye. +1 on the idea though. I wish houses could be set on fire in towns and guards/ civilians would work together to put them out before stuff was damaged. Would be awesome to show up to a town and it was in flames. Fus Ro Dah the flames out.
Just now a dragon attacked outside of Riften. We killed it. Soon after I was passing by the farm nearby where the Dunmer couple lived. Two guards were bent over, so I was curious and dismounted to check it out. I found them kneeling over the dunmer wife's body. She was dead, and I was like "Oh man I can't just leave her here." so I dragged her into the deep part of the lake and leave her. When I come back up, I see the dunmer husband running into the water and swims down to her. I was thinking oh man this fool is going to drown! The current eventually brings the female dunmer back to shore and the male dunmer just stands there next to her, the NPC's head pointed down looking at her. IT WAS SO SAD. This is another example of a time a good ol shovel and grave dig would have come in handy for me. Ugh. I wanted to resurrect her so bad...but I try not to do that. Even to NPCs I don't want to see die lol. And its interesting because right before I dragged her out to the water I was thinking to myself how I wish the NPC had dialogue options that showed he knew his wife was dead. No dialogue...but strange enough there was behavior that could be interpreted as sadness and loss.
I think most ppl can agree that there needs to be increased interactions in Skyrim. There's just too much potential to pass up. Caravans, traveling merchants, farmers making their rounds to town to sell their produce, etc etc. There needs to be more "outside stuff" moving into towns and out. Bandit/Draugr raids and stuff so we can protect our hometowns too from time to time. The simple life of a blacksmith. Who is forced to use that sword to help protect his wife and home. When the threat is neutralized, it's to the taverns for a drink, and back to the daily grind. Business as usual in Skyrim.
Has anyone ever encountered two dragons at once? I too wish dragon's had more ground combat, crawling around or scaling walls to get at archers in a tower, etc etc.
Fighting mean ass elves is pretty fun in any case lol. Also, I'm assuming if the Blades were to become relevant again maybe they'd want to expand? A portion of the story could include recruiting. Maybe originally the Blades act as a small group (like the Fellowship of the Ring in LOTR) with different representatives. I dont know how multicultural they are in Skyrim as of now (since Im not there yet) but maybe the swaying of different peoples to a cause could be touched on. Recruiting willing ppl from towns and introducing a larger number of NPCs to the game world would be cool if possible. I'm also assuming with the greatest dragon threat defeated, the death rate might decrease in Skyrim. *shrug* even if none of these ideas sound appealing, I'd love to help in any way possible :) PM me anytime.
Okay, I think I'll need to finish the main quest first lol, so I have the main plot pts of Skyrim down. I think there is potential in a storyline of The Blades returning to glory and redefining their purpose and place in the world. They want to give orders (which I need to see happen for myself before I go too deeply into story elements) but the Dovahkiin is now a hero. Ulfric seems to have ulterior motives so I don't think he should be king, and the Thalmor is the next most important threat along with the remaining dragons I think. What if part of the Blades story involved progress away from a monarchy as is the standard for the empire, and touched on some key figures trying to establish the best direction for the empire, and how to reconcile with followers who believe in the stormcloak ideals. Bringing the children of Skyrim back to the drawing table with the empire maybe the instability of the white-gold concordat could be put to the test. Maybe a reintroduction to the Aldmeri Dominion and war with them...or the story could involve fleshed out NPCs and the new movement to removing the Thalmor's grip from mankinds genitals. Representatives of Hammerfell could play a role in such a story being that they just recently signed a treaty with the Thalmor. But theres most likely still bad blood there. Some concepts that could be visited are: 1) Elves who want no part in the division btwn man and elf that the Thalmor's actions could incite 2) Hammerfell and what they're going to do now 3) Skyrim and its relationship with the Empire. What will happen with stormcloak supporters...will the bad blood between them and the empire be settled any time soon? 4) There are still dragons, what happens with that? 5) The Thalmor. Their governing of the Aldmeri Dominion and what that entails after the events of Elder Scrolls IV. 6) The Khajiit are apparently not on bad terms with the Aldmeri Dominion, right? According to the wiki they formed friendly relationships in Elsweyr. Will the Khajiit aid the Thalmor in their agenda if promised more land? They aren't trusted and aren't treated the best as it stands anyway, I think. They might be hungry for expansion. 7) The dragonborn and his place in the world. Some people might think (s)he should be the new king. Does Dovahkiin want this? Or would he rather encourage a new way to govern the lands of Tamriel along with the support of the Blades as a council. How do you think you will construct a story that won't really interfere with possible canon we'll see in future expansions/DLCs? I think exploring the Blades thought process and plan of action regarding these things is an interesting setup. Will they return to honor and be of use to Tamriel and rooting out the forces that drive the Aldmeri Dominion's invasions and land conquest? These are just ideas I'm throwing out there. I never played Morrowind, only Oblivion (no expansions tho), and that was a while ago so my grip on lore isn't the best. I'd have to read up and see where plot questions arise. Also apologize if I have any lore facts incorrect, this was a quick braindump of everything in my head. I'm sure beating main quest in Skyrim will help the development of more well-thought out ideas too...
def would be cool to see archer finishers. firing off 2 arrows at once and hitting a target twice in the chest would be cool. Get some Legolas action going on haha. I too wish arrows could pin enemies to appropriate surfaces. I agree with British89's ideas. A mage finisher I think would be cool would be to see an enemy swing at a mage, the mage dodges it, but gets in close, grabbing the baddie by the face and utilizing whatever destruction magic spell is currently equipped. Flame erupts from the caster's hand, engulfing the enemy's head and corpse slumps with a light smoke effect coming off of body, ice freezes enemy from head to toe and he/she/it falls over and shatters into shards, lightning electrocutes enemy as they spaz and they drop to the ground, singed and sizzling.
Sounds interesting :) I would love to play a criminal and decide what bandit faction im going to join. I could see quests that have you sneak into Whiterun like a commoner to set a house on fire or cause chaos.
Yeah pretty true. I've seen a dragon bite a guard, take it in its mouth, and toss the guard a distance. Guard didn't survive. I wonder how common that attack move is though.
LE Mod Request: The Ability to Hotkey a Dual Wield Combination
Kairo29 replied to filthster's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
yep. +1 I was surprised the game couldnt remember what i was holding in left hand upon hotkey binding -
Oh ok. We should be expecting that next patch by the end of this week, huh? Any of you guys use your companions/followers and wish that the two of you could execute combo finishers? Like both of you stabbing an almost downed foe at the same time haha. That would probably be a nightmare to mod, but the idea just sounds cool in my head.
Yeah we know about default walk, run, and gallop lol. But great ideas, I like the one about horse skills, thanks for the detail! :D ill update OP so ppl can see your ideas easier too.
^ Very good idea too.
Coming across a funeral procession would be REALLY cool and immersive. It's a dark time, death is common, we need to see that more. Crying NPCs could be added to processions or burial sites. Making comments about how cruel the world is or how angry they are. It also adds to the whole seeing NPCs living and reacting to changes in the world caused by you or otherwise. For no-named no affiliation having NPCs like bandits that die close to towns, seeing guards digging mass graves and tossing bodies in (and them disappearing) would be really immersive. Rotting corpses everywhere spreads disease, they gotta be proactive! Or seeing guards piling vampire or creature corpses and setting them aflame with torches would be interesting. The bodies then undergo the charring effect i talked about and disappear after a day or 2. So much depth could be added with ideas like this, I think.