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Everything posted by Kairo29

  1. ^I agree. Maybe if health regen is removed/reduced, food cooking potency can be increased so we actually WANT to cook and carry meals with us? I like codyyrichardson's idea of a weather mod (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/462449-intense-weather-request/), maybe with something like that, there can be health risks associated with being exposed to the elements for too long? i.e. blizzard rolls in, so you seek shelter in a cave to avoid the worst of it. If you want to be brave, then you need to wear a cloak or furs to handle the harsher weather...stuff like that maybe. *shrug* just an idea.
  2. haha good point. increased blood pooling would help with the dramatic effect. and yeah limb severing is definitely hollywood, no doubt, buuut...I'm Dovahkiin :( lol. maybe making sure limbs aren't flying everywhere all the time can reduce the bloody drama of it all, but if I'm a powerful walking legend screaming dragon obscenities when I'm in a foul mood, I'd think "heads will roll" applies and why not toss in a hand or 2 while we're at it. Yeah more blood will add a little more grim to Skyrim, and mods don't need to overdo it and toss buckets of red paint everywhere. Just enough in relation to the attack. Would also make an area really intense to see the aftermath of a gruesome battle and limbs are left behind. If I run my sword through someone, I at the very least want to see a visible stain (on front and back of shirt/armor) where I ruined that guy's day haha.
  3. +1, I'd love to try a hardcore mode. Anything that makes miscellaneous items like food and stuff have more meaning is always a plus. I wonder what else could make an effective "hardcore" mode... walking around without shoes gives u blisters and negatively effects stats? lol jk :P
  4. I'm for it. Nice idea :) sometimes it's little things like this that really make games more amazing. I'd love to stumble on a whale... ...and possibly kill it to harvest whale fat and meat to sell in town :D
  5. I'm definitely with you on that, windheaven! a whole mod could be dedicated to better and more varied finishers. not just for melee, but for archery, and magic too. Blood stains on enemies where you attack them (even if its only where you land critical blows or killing blows) would be great to see. If I impale an enemy, I want proof of it, and if I walk into a room and people are laying around dead, I want to be able to inspect bodies and guess the cause of death haha. "This guy got impaled...this guy got his shoulder broken probably by warhammer....uh...this guy has no head..." etc etc
  6. lol this would be interesting if Skyrim was an MMO. I know sometimes I want more uses out of my miscellaneous items, but would you really write books in Skyrim if there's no one besides yourself to read them?
  7. +1, please and thank you.
  8. I would like it...more extras = more fun imo.
  9. slow motion body shots too! with enemy reacting to the blow (clutching arrow shaft, spinning if hit in the shoulder from force of impact, jerking back a bit from the force to the chest, etc etc) oh please yes. would love to see finishers for magic too. i dont think there are any as of now, huh?
  10. I'm still reading to catch up with thread, but my only real thought is: How about just having a mod where you can transform into a dragon? Then you can still quest and be a humanoid when you need to be. I can already imagine a couple awesome animations to go along with it. Anyone say this already Edit: k exodiaj and umut already pretty much said this lol. Being a dragon with a spell that transforms it into a humanoid appearance would make for an interesting story. The dragonborn ends up being a dragon her/himself and has to choose whether to fight its own kind to save the world (good alliance) or aid its brethren with Alduin leading them (evil alliance) haha. But seriously...dragon vs dragon "dogfights" in midair? Eat your heart out Battlefield 3 jets. It would be awesome to fly around in the highest part possible in the map, the actual sky, maybe have some convincing cloud/haze/atmosphere elements up there. Seeing an amazing sunrise transition then plunging through the clouds to the world below to do whatever you want...snack on a guard...you know. Dragon sh*t.
  11. Yeah, definitely balanced. It was kind of comedic in Fallout when you could take someones arm off with a golf club. Nothing like that, a little bit of logic in that sense is okay. Blunt weapons having more crushing animations, or even a dislocation animation would be amazing. I actually thought about adding a disclaimer that I'm no gore fanatic too lol, it just adds more gravity to the choice to fight, which makes sense in a darker storyline. Yeah. With sharp edged weapons, I'm assuming it'd be difficult to mod critical hits? Meaning, I attack an enemy, land a critical, and maybe I lop off his left arm that was holding a shield, but the enemy doesn't die from it. Either I could finish him off, or even leave him alone and let him bleed out. That'd be interesting if it was doable. That along with dislocations would be a step up from Fallout's dismemberment and crippling system.
  12. The idea is exciting! +1 on the feeding on animals idea too. I plan on making a char focused on being a werewolf just for this :D Does anyone think it'd be extreme to include a "werewolf's bite" function? I was thinking it'd be cool to bite a companion (probably act in the same way buffing an NPC in Oblivion worked, maybe?) and they also turn into a werewolf at night, with a slick animation and everything. This coupled with an increased number of followers at one time mod that I saw someone talking about on the forums could mean werewolf packs. Just a thought. I'd find it interesting to have different types of werewolves like was said earlier in this thread roaming the map at night. To stumble on a battle between werewolf types and vampire NPCs a la Underworld (No...not Twilight.) would be pretty awesome...
  13. I'm definitely for this. Gives the combat more weight and makes it feel like theres power behind your attacks. Well placed arrows shouldn't go unnoticed. Also, being able to knock enemies down when doing a powerful melee wep swing would be cool too (see the enemy stumble backward, fall on their butt, roll maybe before scrambling to get back up before you kill them)
  14. Hello all. I'm brand spanking new to the forum here. Played Oblivion, and loved how big the world was and the potential, but had serious nitpicks about combat. In Skyrim, I see the combat has gotten better (and hopefully mods continue to improve it), and there is decapitation in finishers. One thing I loved about Fallout 3 and NV was being able to direct an attack to a certain body part and it reacting to the abuse. If I swing my battle axe and clip an enemy's arm, will the modding tools be able to include dismemberment in-game during a finisher sequence or even just a regular "hit-drop-dead" situation? I'd love that, makes the game more gritty in my violent encounters. Imagine hitting a weakened dragon's wing as it flew into the sky, and seeing the wing breaking and the dragon come crashing back down. I'd be happy enough to see dismemberment happen to at least the humanoid NPCs (as well as myself if im unlucky enough to die in battle). Also, I just started playing Skyrim so I'm not sure if you can cripple an enemy? Watching an enemy try to escape, hobbling away, with an arrow sticking out of his leg would be cool. :) [Didn't see any other posts about dismemberment, and also used search but found no result. Sorry if the idea has already been brought up! In that case, +1 to the original poster!]
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