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Everything posted by Rizalgar

  1. Mm, condition functions are new to me. Pretty much if I can't do it entirely in script, I'm at a loss. I'll see if I can't figure it out with that. Thanks, Rasikko
  2. I want to say I tried that, in many different forms, including as well as calling the event without the Spell eSpell, to no avail. Maybe I'm just not setting up the triggering for it properly? I have also tried it as
  3. Bump I'm getting beyond frustrated. I can't get this to work. I can't even get it to detect when the player equips the spell. Anyone? My latest attempt, attached to a start game enabled quest, Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) Spell WindStrike = RS_Spell_WindStrike Debug.Notification("Wind strike equipped") If akActor == PlayerRef If (PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 9) Spell eSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1) If eSpell == WindStrike GSR("WindStrike", None, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) EndIf Else Debug.MessageBox("Error determing equip") EndIf EndIf EndEvent Edit For anyone who ever has the same idea in mind, note that after hours of trial and error I couldn't find a way to unequip a spell on equip if requirements weren't met. I found it 100x times easier and less stressful to take the easy cheap route of having a dummy spell do the checks and then unequip it if it doesn't pass, then cast the actual spell if it does. If someone does find a way though, be sure to hit me up.
  4. A parent script is just any old script that is referred to by another script, hence making it a 'parent script' and the calling script a 'child script'. Also, make sure that you have the source folder placed in the correct location. The Legendary and Special Editions use two different locations for source scripts. In SSE it's : Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts. Make sure the .psc are put in that scripts folder, with the .pex placed in the folder at Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Scripts.
  5. I've gotten it to work with weapon equips using this script I just can't get it to work with spell equips
  6. Skill level requirement. A custom skill added via Global variables. So, basically if GlobalVariable doesn't equal X, unequip spell
  7. Okay, so I'm making some custom skills with custom spells based on those skills. Basically, I need a level requirement for each spell, but, I'm not quite sure how to force unequip the spell if the requirements aren't met. I've tried several different methods to no avail. Any help on the topic would be appreciated. Here's one of the methods I've tried - Event OnSpellEquip(Spell akSpell) Int cMag = RS_GV_MagicLvl.GetValue() as Int If (PlayerRef.GetEquippedItemType(1) == 9) EquippedSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1) If cMag < rMag PlayerRef.UnequipSpell(EquippedSpell, 1) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Another one I've tried Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) Int cMag = RS_GV_MagicLvl.GetValue() as Int Spell eSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1) If akActor == PlayerRef If cMag < rMag PlayerRef.UnequipSpell(eSpell, 1) EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  8. It will be covering dialogue, quest storytelling, little things here and there (such as books, notes)
  9. Script add a perk through the bow, or alternatively, write a script that bypasses armor
  10. Think you add in a ..\ at the start of the texture path. That's according to a guide a read a while back though. So ..\textures\starsayerisles\weapons\witcher 3 weapons\bloedaedd.dds
  11. Load up the mod and see if it changed the hammer values any in the Construction Set
  12. Well, if that's what you're going for, a set bonus kind of thing, you could use this instead Or something like this
  13. Ooof, gotta be a hard one if even you're stumped Ishara, you've always got a solution. I tinkered around a little bit, and changed the script into this. It doesn't do any damage when the roll is lost, but it also doesn't take any damage when the roll is passed. Any ideas? I can't seem to get the actor value right for the DamageAV. I'm not sure what to use. Edit - Got the 0/Miss formula working with this script. Now if I could actually get the attacker to deal damage.... Edit2- Got the creature damage working as well. The experience formula is working on top of that. Everything is working golden. Here's the scripts if anyone is interested in trying to achieve the same thing. The first script goes on the creature, the second goes on a ME attached to a spell added to the creatures attack list.
  14. Okay, I'm back, even after I said I wouldn't be. I'm trying to roll Skyrim back into a more RPG style roll based combat system for my mod. I've got the base fundamentals down, but I can't figure out how to actually make an attack miss, or do 0 damage based off the roll. From what I've googled, this may even be impossible. Any insight, my fellow modders? Here's the script I'm working with. Yes, I know I need to change the SetAV for the HP modifier and just do it in the NPC window as a modifier there. On a side note, I also need this same script to determine whether creatures hit the player or not. I thought '0' would be correct, thinking they use Melee attacks, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  15. I've got some scripting experience. Still ask a lot of questions, but if you've read my posts you'll see I usually figure it out on my own after a while. I can shoot you a link showing some of what I've done.
  16. TL;DR Could try this instead. Make a script, extends Actor, attach said script to what you're trying to do this with. Use this script Script ScriptName Extends Actor Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) Player.ModAV("Skill to modify", x) EndEvent Event OnUnequip(Actor akActor) Player.ModAV("Skill to modify", -x) EndEvent /// X representing the number to modify it by Skill to Modify of course representing which skill to modify
  17. Ok, I'm not sure what I've done. The trace log is a loss to me. I'll just post it here and hope someone can help me. Basically, once I do the page "Initialize" in MCM, going into inventory crashes the game. The trace log shows a bunch of errors about arrays, and I have no idea what that means. MCM menu The trace log -Edit- Some testing has yielded that this only happens with the "Fighter" selection on the Initialization. Not sure why, though. -Edit2- It was a corrupt item... I really need to stop coming to the forums.
  18. So, I'm trying to get a global to return a string value based off its value. If that's even possible. I can't figure it out. This one truly is beyond me. If one of you could take a look at the bit in question and let me know what's up, Id greatly appreciate it. Function GetClasss() String Classs2 = DNS_GV_cClass.GetValue() string Classs1 = "" If Classs2 == 0 Classs1 = "None" ElseIf Classs2 == 1 Classs1 = "Fighter" ElseIf Classs2 == 2 Classs1 = "Ranger" ElseIf Classs2 == 3 Classs1 = "Wizard" EndIf Classs = Classs1 + "" + Classs1 + "" EndFunction -Edit- Forgot to mention, this is for a SkyUI update. -Edit2- Went to the forums too quickly, again. Proper way to do it, cuz I'm an idiot Function GetSubclass() Float Subclass1 = DNS_GV_cSubclass.GetValue() String Subclass2 If Subclass1 == 0 stringSubclass = "Death Knight" EndIf EndFunction
  19. I am getting the debug, but I am not getting the message box to appear. The properties are set in the MCM quest, so I'm not quite sure why it won't appear. Here is the MCM script
  20. Ok, I've tried multiple methods, multiple esps, tried creating worlds on an empty esp, no matter what I do, when I load a created world in game, it is all chopped up by cell. So say I spawn in at 0,0 at height 1024, cell 0,1 will be at height 2048, in example. Is there some trick to keep this from happening, what am I doing wrong? This puts my mod at a dead stop if I don't get it figured out. I've also tried duplicating pre-existing cells, but the same thing happens. --Edit-- Found a "fix" - Manually height map editing after creating the world space. It sucks if you have already built your world space(thankfully I was just trying to get mine to work), but it's the only solution I've found so far.
  21. It does get updated in an MCM menu if that's what you mean. I think I know what you mean lol. I had to read it a few times though Oh, and I always test on a new game. Thank Atheismo for Alternate Start! --Edit-- I have absolutely no idea what I did, but it's working now. Thank you, Ishara!
  22. Thank you Ishara! I shall definitely give it a shot and check into the magic script. Although, I'm assuming the magic script works because I am getting the debug notifications showing the functions are being called. However, I will try your method, cause you have yet to let me down --Edit-- I admit, I'm lost. I'm not sure how to call this. --Edit2-- This is what I did But now I am getting compiler errors for the CheckLevelAttack() function --Edit3-- Nevermind, I'm just a dope and forgot an EndFunction -_Edit4-- Still won't compile. It is saying RS3FD isn't a function or doesn't exist. --Edit5-- Lots of edits, again, I'm just a dope --Edit6-- " cannot call member function GetAttackXP in global function experience without a variable to call it on ". Hitting my "Oh, come on, just work already" point. The edited script I have tried it with the skills like this as well. Still throws errors of a different sory GlobalVariable Function GetConstructionXP() Global GetData.RS3_GV_ConstructionXP.GetValue() EndFunction Maybe one of you can make sense of this. This is the debug trace from the script when I call to the experience function. I have no idea what I'm looking at
  23. Okay, as you can see, I have debugs set up for each function, and the debugs are reading when I cast the spell to update the global, but the global is not being updated. The function in question, I'm assuming, is "Experience". All of the formlists are set properly, the scripts are attached to a Start Game Enabled, Run Once quest with all the global properties set. However, it just won't update. Edit - Just realized the CheckLevelAttack function isn't updating the global either. What am I doing wrong? The script to update the global The framework, to show all globals are in place
  24. It turns out I'm just a little bit special. Can ignore
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