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Everything posted by Rizalgar

  1. They all process at roughly the same speed, definitely not discernable to the human eye anyway. As far as using them in script would be Example.Haskeyword(keyword id) / == false Example.IsQuestCompleted( quest id)/ == false Example.HasPek(perk id) / == false Or to check a quest specifially Questname.GetStage(stagenumber)
  2. Ah, yes, yes of course. I have tried closing the menu, but to no avail. I'll see if I throw in a force unequip bit in the script if that fixes the issue. Edit --- Yes! Throwing an UnequipItem before RemoveItem did the trick. Thank you, Ishara :)
  3. Okay, here's the breakdown... Cast Alchemy Spell Receive Alchemy Ability Go into inventory Choose item to Alch for gold MessageBox pops up for confirmation Yes to alch, no closes menu Here's the problem After the first alch, the MessageBox no longer pops up, until you drop the item and pick it back up. Here's the scripts. Low Alch script High Alch script OnEquipped alchemy script
  4. I thank you again. I suppose it'd be near impossible to get the container listed as selectable message box options, huh -Edit, it seems GetNthForm may be what I'm looking for. Or is that the same thing lol -Edit 2, I'm retarded and way overcomplicating and overthinking what I needed to use this for. Sorry for wasting your time. I have it working perfectly now.
  5. I thank you for the quick reply, of the two, which do you think would be more favorable. The way I'm setting it up the player should never have more than ~40 items at one time
  6. As it states, I'm wondering if it's possible to make an array that reads all of the players current inventory items(not just equipped). If so, arrays aren't my strong point, how would I go about this?
  7. Oh my god. How could I not notice that. RIP. Such is the life of scripting for hours on end with minimal sleep. Edit - Works just fine, I can be so dumb sometimes.
  8. Okay, what should be a simple script is getting to me. I basically need to add lava damage to.. lava... However, upon entering the trigger, I receive no debugs at all. Which is odd. The box is quite large, so that can't be the issue. I thought it may be the UnRegisterForUpdate but I would still get debugs, yeah? Anyway, here it is. Point me towards my ignorance. I don't use trigger boxes much outside of teleportation, which has always worked fine, so I don't know what's going on here. Something stupid I overlooked I'm sure.
  9. Creation Kit 2.0 from Bethesda.net. Then just knowing the locations of the clipped objects so you can tweak them slightly and make a patch.
  10. Yep. It's a thing. Peak hours are usually later in the day though, work and what not for everyone
  11. Okay, so you want followers skills to increase. I can only think of one way to accomplish this. It's long, it's tedious, involves more scripting than I'd like to mention, and it probably won't work with all skills. You'll need 2 main scripts: Main Leveling Script: I said you only need 2 scripts, but you need a script for each skill, but here's an example for Destruction Destruction Script: You may be thinking, "Oh, that's not too bad". However, you have to script each skill, attach the appropriate scripts to EVERY spell and EVERY weapon for the follower to actually be able to utilize it. I may be wrong about that and there could be some way around this, but nothing comes to mind at the time. Also, for the record, I don't even think followers have an incremental experience increase to their skills for this to even work. So, there is a good chance, that this may not even work. Hell, the AdvanceSkill function, as far as I know, can only be used on the player. It's the only method I could think of though, so maybe it will work, maybe not *shrug* -Edit, if followers do NOT have incremental experience gains toward levels, then this gets even more complex, but it is not, I'll repeat that, IS NOT impossible. You'll have to modify and expand upon the first script, and more or less create an entire leveling system for the follower. This is something I am quite accustomed to, so if you find yourself needing help with it, let me know.
  12. Glad you got it figured out, man. Happy modding!
  13. Please use spoiler tags next time :) However, I still am not sure what could be causing the issue. Sorry man!
  14. A shot in the dark... But try this Event OnCombatStateChanged(actor target, int cstate) Actor Player = Target.getcombattarget() If Player.GetCombatstate() = xx Followed by your script. Again just a shot in the dark. I'm at work so can't really test the theory to see if it would even compile. Another possibility is making another script with a function containing what you want, with the OnCombatStateChanged event redirecting to the function. Again, theoretical. With your script I would have a better idea of what you're trying to do and help out more
  15. Try deleting the line bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 and keeping the line bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1
  16. I believe it has been done before (as far as the companions leveling), given I can't recall the name of the mod. All hits gain the same amount of XP. One handed attacks, one handed power attacks yield the same amount of XP, barely drawn and fully drawn bow shots give the same XP, etc etc. If you're wanting to change skill rates, per se, I suggest Elys' Community Uncapper, which is highly configurable. It is done through an SKSE extension though, not through a script so much. Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're looking for :P
  17. If you're unsure how to make it a scaleable option in SkyUI, let me know and I can help ya out.
  18. Well Rome wasn't built in a day, but I understand the compatibility with survival mods needs to be taken into account. The best way to do it would be to do it with what seems most favorable or realistic to you, the creator. Then make compatibiliity mods. However, you could also make it an adjustable/toggleable option to give the player the ability to determine how long, if at all, it would take.
  19. Depending on what you're going for, you can use both registerforsingleupdate and registerforupdate in the same script. Not 100% sure how you could do it oneffectstart but with oninit you can run the initial update then in the onupdate block run the reoccuring onupdate for a new block. This is purely theoretical and not something I've actually tried. It seems plausible enough for it to work though.
  20. I like it dude. It reminds me of the house Kirito buys in SAO. (Yes, anime nerd lol). I'm going to upload a video of my mods current beta here in a bit.
  21. Ah damn. I've done that before, I just have multiple of the same actor for a kill quest. So I was hoping I could avoid doing what I had done before (fill each reference independently) and use an actor base some how to bypass that and have it link to all current actors of that base, but I guess not. Oh well, the long and tedious way it is. Edit - Is there a way to make a reference alias still viable after being killed? I have a respawn script attached to them, but once they respawn, they no longer count towards quest progression because they aren't an alias anymore. Any ideas?
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