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Everything posted by sheson

  1. Records linking to records from other plugins require that plugin as a master. In this case worldspace or cell records define music defined by the music plugin. I suggest to read the included manual and use the official support forum for qualified answers.
  2. DynDOLOD is just the advanced version of xLODGen for object and tree LOD generation. If xLODGen tree and object LOD generation works, so does DynDOLODs, just with more object LOD models etc. Have a look at docs/DynDOLOD_Mod_Authors.html. Make use of the official DynDOLOD forum for inquiries about xLODGen/DynDOLOD. Mod authors are always welcome to contact me (xEdit discord) for quick questions. If you look through many mods using the same 3rd party assets, you might be lucky and find a LOD model made for them already. Very rare, but it happens. Another solution is to use the full model for static object LOD - which will be better for performance than the IsFullLOD flag. Just making a slightly stripped down version of the full model by removing small details is often good enough. Performance wise this is acceptable for a few single buildings. For objects that are used many times in a world a true optimized LOD model is best of course.
  3. Use xLODGen to generate terrain LOD and vanilla/CK style object and tree LOD. DynDOLOD is the improved version of xLODgen for Skyrim/Enderal/SE/VR tree and object LOD. TexGen updates a select list of object LOD textures.
  4. As mentioned at every possible moment, read the DynDOLOD manual included in the Standlone archive instead of referring to third party videos like the one you linked, which only serves a negative example of how not to mod. Go to the Sheson's DynDOLOD Support forum for help or feedback with DynDOLOD or LOD generation question. DynDOLOD famoulsy generates improved object and tree LOD. Use xLODGen terrain LOD beta to generate terrain LOD meshes and textures.
  5. Just use xLODGen for terrain and its big brother DynDOLOD for object and tree LOD. If the included documentation is not sufficient, there is always the official support forum or the #xLODGen-support channel in the xEdit discord. These tools also are part of every decent modding guide. The tools are actively developed based on the feedback from users and mod authors. Don't waste your time trying to use CK or Oscape.
  6. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal/
  7. PapyrsUtil is another skse plugin that works with large lists/arrays with 10000s of entries. Enderal uses it too. Only load external data when the game loads and only save it when the game saves or otherwise manual. Meanwhile the data is in memory anyways, so using it is not hitting the disk. If a mod requires another mod like PapyrusUtil or JCointainers, one problem are other mods that bundle these plugins. A version check in your scripts with an explanatory error message in case there is an outdated version installed works wonders in regards to users being able to help themselves and keeping support questions about that to a minimum.
  8. ModPicker:7C84A9B1
  9. The true alternative is to only traffic ads yourself on your own ad server. If you had your own sales people selling campaigns on a commission basis the ad networks with their low CPMs are just a nuisance to fill left over inventory until you do not need them anymore. Obviously this is not something you do overnight. But if you are really forced to switch ad networks again and again, it might be something to consider in the long run.
  10. The farm is missing from loaded cells not from LOD. It was done by Bethesda for performance reasons. There is a fix in DynDOLODs archive options\whiterunexterior folder.
  11. The area with the missing objects is loaded cells and is not LOD. To verify, open console, type tll It is one of those annoying tricks that is done by the vanilla game for performance. Check DynDOLODs options\whiterunexterior folder which adds the missing buildings.
  12. I fail to see how anyone is strong armed creating something for free so others can get rich?
  13. In response to post #24757114. How did we ever mod the last 20 years without getting paid? There are free alternatives and versions for non commercial use, nobody has to buy anything in order to mod.
  14. In response to post #24756069. Neither Steam or Bethesda did anything at all to provide a stable modding platform or even support it. Next time you start modding Skyrim, please stay away from Nexus, mod managers, and any documentation and forums, guides and memory patches that the community did in the last years for free. Because obviously capitalism, money, Valve and Bethesda created a usefull modding platform for you to use so please keep throwing money at them, but do not exploit the free work of the community you are so quick to decry.
  15. In response to post #24731659. #24731874, #24731934 are all replies on the same post. Wild guess: They counting consoles maybe?
  16. In response to post #24731659. #24731874 is also a reply to the same post. Yes trying to force such a paradigm shift on the community without any prior public communications. Whatever were they thinking? Lets hope we as a community learned a lesson or two as well. Because apparently we tent to over communicate.
  17. What is worse? Taking your money or your firstborn? I am not even going to tell to how long it took to debug Skyrim and find that memory fix. Not a chance I would have asked money for it - even though I knew I could make a decent buck out of it. Why? IMHO modding has its root in hacking - the good old sense of that term. You do not hack for money, but for acknowledgement by your peers. If I needed money I would ask for donations. Chances are you can make more not having to give a large share to the man. Second, for my sanity.People who paid are entitled to support and they will devour your sole with their inability to read. I do not care if there may be mods for money, as long as there are mods for free by modders who think alike. There is no amount in the world that will make me deal with Steam users. You know what I mean.
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