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Everything posted by Raycheetah

  1. Fine - I am joining the Brotherhood of Steel for my second playthrough. Are you happy yet? Incidentally, what are the chances we will be made Elder of a Commonwealth Chapter when Arthur Maxson eventually goes back home? Just asking... It was originally planned for you to be able to assume the Eldership. Here's the cut content: I can understand why they might have changed their minds. Thinking about it, it really just makes little sense. Still, the possibilities.. =^[.]^=
  2. Another consideration is that the world was at war, and people, even civilians, were gearing up for the worst. After all, the Commie Menace was always just around the corner. And with so many soldiers under arms (as well as so many in the workforce in the arms industry), it isn't so difficult to imagine Johnny Yank "requisitioning" some military-grade firepower for the folks at home. Just in case. =^[.]^=
  3. And, directly on topic: Go ape! =^[.]^=
  4. Which peasants does the BoS threaten in FO4? I know that the Institute has kept the Commonwealth gripped with fear and paranoia for ages, has wiped out entire settlements for tech (Institute Point), and is responsible for kidnapping and replacing those same "peasants," often experimenting on them with FEV. And the BoS has done what, again? =0[.]o=
  5. Another analysis of the DLC vid, including some stills of what is involved: Apparently, cat-catching requires softshell mirelurk meat. I would've suggested tuna, myself. =^[.]^= ETA: Norepawns' vid:
  6. Looks like there is a Fusion Core powered generator at 33 seconds in, powering the decontamination arch. New item dump? =^[.]^= ETA: Here's the trailer, for convenient reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjASHR7F79Q
  7. Here's a video listing what the poster could discover about Illness in Survival Mode: There are some interesting comments below the video, as well. =^[.]^=
  8. I think you are remembering wrong. Though I can't be sure, as I have not memorized the script of Fallout 4, and I rarely use Strong. Every single time I have solved something peacefully he hated it and told me I should have smashed them. Specifically, Strong approves of the SS helping other humans. It accords with what Strong perceives as the right order of things: "Humans should help humans." You can level Strong's affinity pretty fast by taking him along on Preston Garvey missions, and when you work on settlements. =^[.]^=
  9. The Institute pretty much requires you to wipe out the Railroad and the BoS. The Minutemen, on the other hand, should be fine. I dun think I could stomach a pro-Institute run, though. =>[.]<=
  10. Hancock is a "take no s**t" kinda guy, but he doesn't like to see innocent people victimized. That's why he knifes that guy in Goodneighbor, because blackmail under threat of violence is just one-on-one oppression by the powerful of the weak. =^[.]^=
  11. Some thoughts on Survival Mode's "Save on Sleep" feature from Gopher: I think he speaks for many players when he explains the issue from one perspective. ='[.]'=
  12. More on fast travel in Survival Mode: TL:DW You can use the Molecular relay to return to the Institute from anywhere in the Commonwealth, but you can only exit the Institute to the CIT Ruins. ='[.]'=
  13. Given Survival Mode now disables fast travel, for people using that difficulty setting, a central location will probably be an important factor. Sanctuary Hills and the Castle are literally on opposite sides of the map, and a long walk from much of the Commonwealth. ='[.]'=
  14. That did occur to me (as I have had a bad habit of sleeping more than I ought to, and paying the price for it when I finally did get up), but I suspect it may have to do with balancing the Well Rested bonus, keeping you from extending it in tiny increments. Either way, it just came across as counter-intuitive. =^[.]^= ETA: Here's another reasonably in-depth analysis of Survival Mode Lots of little implications that may not have occurred to some folks. I do wish you'd get your bottles back after you drink water you've collected. ='[.]'=
  15. So apparently, if you start out well-rested, and sleep an additional hour, you become fatigued: =0[.]o= ETA: It turns out that after you choose to use survival mode on a given character, characters on other saves will revert to Very Hard, allowing you to make that choice individually, by character
  16. Console commands disabled, no fast travel, no easy saves? Better hope you dun get stuck in terrain! =^[.]^=
  17. A mod like that is already made, and you can change them on the fly http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9057/? why did you think you can't mod in something like it? I don't know why everyone is fussing about FNV ammo, monster hunter guns and ammo were better. From armor pricing, explode delay that causes KO, to multi hit, to different elemental and to Status Shots. Nice! =^[.]^=
  18. Did you look under the Special tab? =0[.]o= The process is shown in this video at about 2:30 in:
  19. Having seen the whole DLC, my biggest concern is that it changes the "economy" of followers. Of course, if you've already done the whole main questline before starting Automatron, it will be less impactful, since you've probably already maxed affinity with the followers you really care about. However, when starting a new playthrough the dynamic changes once you are able to craft these killer bots out of scrap. Robots seem generally to be more effective in combat, come with optional carry weight mods, and are unencumbered by any of the moral judgments vanilla followers have. Robots have access to a range of mods which make followers like Cait and Nick redundant (lockpicking and hacking mods), and those mods can be changed in and out at will. In fact, the only bonus vanilla followers have, aside from their perks, is their personalities. Otherwise, why use any of them, when you can whip up a killer bot, name it anything you like, and expect it to kick more butt than you do? I suppose it's just something to get used to, but it's troubling. ='[.]'=
  20. Since there is no real scarcity (ammo OR chems) after early game, that sounds like a good idea. However, since FO4 is a crafting-oriented game, adding a FO:NV-style ammo crafting system would balance such a change well, and provide an alternative to simply maxing Scrounger. =^[.]^=
  21. Just to confirm rumors, yes, you CAN mod Codsworth and Curie: =^[.]^=
  22. By the way, if you finish the boss encounter playing as The Silver Shroud, special dialog options are available. =^[.]^=
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